We Were ! by Razor 1911 [web]
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popularity : 75% |
alltime top: #666 |
added on the 2002-12-02 00:20:24 by Slumgud ![]() |
popularity helper
wowowowow!!!! intro of the year! i love it!!
rulez added on the 2002-12-02 00:38:23 by spengler 

Kickin' oldskool with many nice realized effects and a good chiptune. Especially the end screen with vectorballs, colorful scroller etc. - for sure a worthy winner!
true enough.. :)
futile and simple... true... but who cares except lame people... this prod rules!!!!
I'd think my massively powerful computer and 3d card got deteriorated to an amiga or something with all those so called "old skool" prods.. when you guys buy a car in your life later on, are you gonna not use it and walk to work as well? =)
cool, i like it, i don't like usually the badtrip in the oldschool time. but this one is cool, it look like a demo maded with demomaker or demomaniac on amiga.
this must be the most un-original, innovation-free intro ever =)
med, and thats a good thing???
jazzman said it, it is un-original and without innovation, but for those exact reasons my vote goes the other way.
jazzman said it, it is un-original and without innovation, but for those exact reasons my vote goes the other way.
great! this really brings me back! the selection of effects to include were -spot on- from the time i was a young scener. aah.. just fire up cronologia on my oldskool-box and i'm set for this christmas. :)
okayish nostalgia, nothing really special about the code (which probably wasn't the point either :)
the music was really great though, deserves the thumb up :)
the music was really great though, deserves the thumb up :)
razor has always appreciated old school, I like that. Great job guys. Vector balls forever!!!!!
Oldskool for sure. And unlike the originals, each part does not have hours of pointless text scrollers. A definite bonus.
Still, it would've been nice to have seen this at 640x480 or higher. Ya know, oldskool style with new school technology.
And I like vector balls too!
Still, it would've been nice to have seen this at 640x480 or higher. Ya know, oldskool style with new school technology.
And I like vector balls too!
I wouldnt call talentless programming 'appreciating oldskool'
oh no! talentless programming. good work, comrades
no need to thumb this one down (or up for that matter). But i'd appreciate 1) wait for vertical retrace 2) a bit more anti-aliasing here and there and 3) that the end scroller wouldn't be so chunky.
no need?
yes it is, this is a damn joke
oh well, atleast razor is progressing the last 10 years >P
yes it is, this is a damn joke
oh well, atleast razor is progressing the last 10 years >P
WTF? You guys need DirectX8 to do an oldschool prod????? OK then, maybe i should try it at home not here at work ;)
it needs a 3d card to, but looks like a 90's "look we wanna be oldschool on pc" shit prod..
if you take a name like razor1911 and release a crappy intro at DH with so much gamers , just to win (infront of a good intro aswell:) then well, no, i wont be kind against such style..
razor: you suck.. *better go get that anti rzr1911 avatar again* ;)
razor: you suck.. *better go get that anti rzr1911 avatar again* ;)
Yay! good feeling :)
its ok, though i feel noice should have won...
I like chiptunes and oldskool demo effects as much as the next guy. What I don't like is seeing things which ran 70fps on a 486dx2 run at 15fps.
monkeys ripping quick basic sources from the hornet archive could make a better intro.
monkeys ripping quick basic sources from the hornet archive could make a better intro.
"Hello, we can't code, so we code what people did >10 years ago." The thing is that you can't do that either obviously. This sucks.
PII-300 Mhz or better
DirectX 8.1 or later
3D Accelerator Card
You know, 99% of that demo has been done before, on A500...
Which means:
68000, 7 MHz
No 3D acceleration
512 kb memory
Learn to code, or give up.
PII-300 Mhz or better
DirectX 8.1 or later
3D Accelerator Card
You know, 99% of that demo has been done before, on A500...
Which means:
68000, 7 MHz
No 3D acceleration
512 kb memory
Learn to code, or give up.
I enjoyed this one, exept for the glenz which was just.. ugly. And please please PLEASE stop using moronic bullshit terms like "oldskool". *shudder*
no no no, how come amiga500 sux compared to AtariST, hihi.
stefan, w/e ,
stefan, w/e ,
Something like "1991 called -they want their fucking effects back." would be in order here, if it didn't run so FUCKING slow. No self-respecting coder would release this back in the old days.
I'm not saying that releasing crap to an unsuspecting public (mostly gamers), who have a marginal recollection of your acquired name ("those nice people who give us free games") is a bad thing -oh wait...I am.
I'm not saying that releasing crap to an unsuspecting public (mostly gamers), who have a marginal recollection of your acquired name ("those nice people who give us free games") is a bad thing -oh wait...I am.
Something like "1991 called -they want their fucking effects back." would be in order here, if it didn't run so FUCKING slow. No self-respecting coder would release this back in the old days.
I'm not saying that releasing crap to an unsuspecting public (mostly gamers), who have a marginal recollection of your acquired name ("those nice people who give us free games") is a bad thing -oh wait...I am.
I'm not saying that releasing crap to an unsuspecting public (mostly gamers), who have a marginal recollection of your acquired name ("those nice people who give us free games") is a bad thing -oh wait...I am.
the razor-releases-a-new-intro-and-cause-a-new-flamewar rule seems still to be valid. ;)
One of the better so-called 'oldschool' productions, but on the other hand, if I want to see 10 years old effects, I watch 10 years old demos. :)
One of the better so-called 'oldschool' productions, but on the other hand, if I want to see 10 years old effects, I watch 10 years old demos. :)
Say what u want... Kiddys... Its oldskool and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
it sucks cock that a so called oldschool demo needs a pII 300. there.
i'd go with tomaes here, and watch older crap if i wanted old effects.
i'd go with tomaes here, and watch older crap if i wanted old effects.
AWESOME absolutely AWESOME! :)
Keep 'em coming m8's.
Keep 'em coming m8's.
This is the kind of a prod that might clear out the bad air around razor, although I can't sincerely thumb this up, 'cause I have lots of these on Amiga here.. nothing new. Good thing is that this is a 64k intro. It's an enjoyable nostalgia trip, with some minor flaws like badlooking interference and a bit badly working sinescroller. It's a good start for a new wave of better rzr prods, don't let us down now.
PII-300 Mhz or better
DirectX 8.1 or later
3D Accelerator Card
nuff said.
PII-300 Mhz or better
DirectX 8.1 or later
3D Accelerator Card
nuff said.
Keep the oldschool attitude alive.
Rasterballs powa.
Rasterballs powa.
Woot ! Woot! I saw that winnig @ dh.
I liked the ship alot.. and the gfx were nice too...
umm.. not ship.. music.. my head is messed up...
your head certainly is a mess, voting up a crappy terrible horrible disgusting lame razor intro.. you will not have a fun life after this for sure.
very, very poor.
Well, I did enjoy this :)
haha, some of the comments here are funny.
I don't know where all the thumb downs are coming from, but how don't you like that? Oh well..
I don't know where all the thumb downs are coming from, but how don't you like that? Oh well..
hmmmm.... first i wondered why it was voted for first place... noice intro was much better... second i thought that i have seen manymany better "oldschool" intros... sorry, low quality... watch old melon intros instead for example... much more pleasure :) ... anyway rzr keep it up !
omg :))))))))))))
I don't care how it's coded
Razor rulz !
(plz more, i mad of it)
I don't care how it's coded
Razor rulz !
(plz more, i mad of it)
Realy nice! :)))
real oldskool pheeling. i don't care what hw it wants.
this is good oldskool stuff.
this is good oldskool stuff.
that's ownz!
that's ownz!
Hmmn. I love oldskool, but there was nothing special here. Even 10 years ago this would have been pretty plain. Perhaps it needed more "New World Record : 32,000 Sin dots every frame" style showing off ;)
Was OK as a joke prod I guess, I almost grabbed a pen when I saw 'Contact for fast friendly swapping, no disks = no answer'
And to those bitching about hardware requirements, pfft. Its <64KB. I'm sure given more time and effort it could have been pure software, but when the end result is this, would it be worth it? Nopes.
Was OK as a joke prod I guess, I almost grabbed a pen when I saw 'Contact for fast friendly swapping, no disks = no answer'
And to those bitching about hardware requirements, pfft. Its <64KB. I'm sure given more time and effort it could have been pure software, but when the end result is this, would it be worth it? Nopes.
MegaRooooooollllz!!! ;) I Love this group!
sorry, this prod really annoyed me
the system requirements are insane
I love this one!!! it reminds so many feelings in my heart!!! intro of the year!!!
omg, some of you lot take your self way too seriuosly ;) lighten up tossers, your heads might explode!
love or hate, its all the same!
love or hate, its all the same!
Yeah, nice oldskool intro!
Love musix, love effects, love these guys!
Alot of days without enjoying as I did. Yeah, I love fresh-oldschool!
Well done, Razor 1911
Love musix, love effects, love these guys!
Alot of days without enjoying as I did. Yeah, I love fresh-oldschool!
Well done, Razor 1911
Yeahhhhhhhhh... Remembering old good times!!!
Excellent oldskool intro by razor1911. Congrats... you make me feel good!!!
Chippie music Dubmood :)
Excellent oldskool intro by razor1911. Congrats... you make me feel good!!!
Chippie music Dubmood :)
hmm, well, i do like the nostalgia thing and all, it just could be done with better coding and without this kind of system requirements, and with at least some new ideas introduced. which can't be found in this one. i didn't like the music either.
med: i assume it's rsi demomaker you're referring to? i don't seem to recall any good looking "demos" made with it :)
byos: what exactly is "fresh-oldschool"?
med: i assume it's rsi demomaker you're referring to? i don't seem to recall any good looking "demos" made with it :)
byos: what exactly is "fresh-oldschool"?
All this thumb downs are imo not understandable. From todays view oldskool means looking back to the good old past and that's what this intro precisely makes. You can expect innovation and stunning effects from a 'normal' 2002 demo/intro, but not from an intro which wants to be oldskool. When watching oldskool stuff then I *want* to be kicked back in time.
Some stuff can probably look more perfect, but the intro is very nice anyway. The requirements are maybe bit high for oldskool stuff, but on the other hand it's Windows and usually we use quite powerful and fast machines when running Windows with it. You could blame Razor more when they made it in DOS coz the typical DOS machine is probably much slower. But so every non DOS owner can easily watch what oldskool means.
Some stuff can probably look more perfect, but the intro is very nice anyway. The requirements are maybe bit high for oldskool stuff, but on the other hand it's Windows and usually we use quite powerful and fast machines when running Windows with it. You could blame Razor more when they made it in DOS coz the typical DOS machine is probably much slower. But so every non DOS owner can easily watch what oldskool means.
love or hate, its all the same!
give plek a blowjob then, since it's all the same to you.
crest: erm, it should be possible to have an oldschool amiga (or whatever) touch in a demo but still present some modern effects (or whatever) as well, i mean, i don't want to see the 100% exact stuff over and over again.
a blowjob? ill leave that one up to you seeing as you mentioned it, you must want him pretty bad?
Is he sexy atleast, cos then I can undestand why you want his baloney.
but what i would do to plek if i met him would be something quite different ;)
maybe i can come to holland and meet you as well !
Is he sexy atleast, cos then I can undestand why you want his baloney.
but what i would do to plek if i met him would be something quite different ;)
maybe i can come to holland and meet you as well !
yeah, let's all meet plek in holland and give him a collective blowjob
the 5000+ gamers at DH needed to know what oldschool looks like without needin old computers, I dont think they wanna ruin their supermodded flasingligt crystal fan computers they spent so much time painting to impress their friends with.
i think i like it, havent watched the intro yet tho.. but oldschool is oldschool... it probably deserved to win the worst intro competition in 10 years... hmm.. the noice intro is also quite nice....
i have one word for dubmood:

amazing work, i enjoyed watching it !
It was nice to go back thru memory lane...
i remembered the glenz from Kefrens D.A.N.E ... the other effects i remembered too but cant remember from where :)

i remembered the glenz from Kefrens D.A.N.E ... the other effects i remembered too but cant remember from where :)

crest: hear hear. it seems that you're the only one who feel the same way as me. so what if the requirements are high - what's the point of making an "oldskool feeling" prod for dos or whatever? almost noone will be able to see it then, and the whole point is wasted. this intro is a good way to bring back many of my best scene-memories without having to re-cable and re-configure my old dos-box every time. instant satisfaction; just add razor.
Nobody said it had to be DOS.
Point is... these oldskool demos were cool because they had the tightest code you could imagine. They did things on the old machines that totally amazed everyone.
Doing the same stuff 10 years later, with 3d accelerators, CPUs that are 1000x as fast, and STILL getting worse framerates than the originals, does not strike me as 'oldskool'.
I think the word 'lame' is better.
To me, oldskool spirit is pushing the machine to the limits.
This just... sucks.
Not because it's Windows... But because you can do this stuff, in Windows, on a 486, in software. Piece of cake.
With these system requirements, they should have done more, a LOT more.
The flag-scroller part doesn't even run in 1 frame on my XP1800+. SHAME ON YOU!
Again, that is NOT oldskool. That is lame.
Point is... these oldskool demos were cool because they had the tightest code you could imagine. They did things on the old machines that totally amazed everyone.
Doing the same stuff 10 years later, with 3d accelerators, CPUs that are 1000x as fast, and STILL getting worse framerates than the originals, does not strike me as 'oldskool'.
I think the word 'lame' is better.
To me, oldskool spirit is pushing the machine to the limits.
This just... sucks.
Not because it's Windows... But because you can do this stuff, in Windows, on a 486, in software. Piece of cake.
With these system requirements, they should have done more, a LOT more.
The flag-scroller part doesn't even run in 1 frame on my XP1800+. SHAME ON YOU!
Again, that is NOT oldskool. That is lame.
there is nothing inherently wrong with oldskool, the fact that there is ZERO innovation shown here is what bothers me.
Scali, On my P4 2.8 this runs smooth, and on my p3 700 it still runs smooth as silk.It sounds to me more like a failure 40, than a programming error causing your 1fps problem
scali: we probably shouldn't discuss general things like this in the comments-field of a production, but my point is; there ARE no limitations when it comes to hardware any more, so these prods are oldskool in SPIRIT, not in technology.. and that suits me just fine. :)
Mtl is right, more world records to the people. World records for president!
I want a glenz with a million (+) faces.
I want a cube with rotating cubes on the sides which has rotating cubes on their sides which has rotating cubes...
I want a screen filled with a hundred (+) scrollers at the same time.
I want to see 24 bit plasma effects.
I want...
I want a glenz with a million (+) faces.
I want a cube with rotating cubes on the sides which has rotating cubes on their sides which has rotating cubes...
I want a screen filled with a hundred (+) scrollers at the same time.
I want to see 24 bit plasma effects.
I want...
Its nice and the soundtrack is cool.
What i don't like are the system requirements and such, but there was enough discussion about this.
What i don't like are the system requirements and such, but there was enough discussion about this.
Erm "running in 1 frame" means that every frame that the CRT draws, is a fresh one, aka full-framerate.
Not 1 fps. On Amiga this meant 50 fps. This demo drops well below 50 fps in that part, and the part after the first interference.
Then again, only oldskoolers would know that terminology.
And come on... "On my P4 2.8 this runs smooth"... Erm duh? This shit ran smooth on my A500. There's nothing that should be CPU-intensive about the entire demo, for anything Pentium and up. Even without 3d acceleration. So really, it sucks.
Not 1 fps. On Amiga this meant 50 fps. This demo drops well below 50 fps in that part, and the part after the first interference.
Then again, only oldskoolers would know that terminology.
And come on... "On my P4 2.8 this runs smooth"... Erm duh? This shit ran smooth on my A500. There's nothing that should be CPU-intensive about the entire demo, for anything Pentium and up. Even without 3d acceleration. So really, it sucks.
hey hey hey ... atari cracker yez! ha ha so good to see such a prime 64 intro ... words fail me .......
Love it, stefan sucks
why the high requirements...should run faster.
Still rules tho, very nice feeling.
Still rules tho, very nice feeling.
Yes: Exact! :-)
Scali: Pushing the machine to the limits was for a long time a main goal of the demoscene but nowadays it's imo not the most important point when talking about oldskool. At no time all demos and intros were trying to push the machine to its limits but quite much DOS demos are oldskool nowadays because they a have a specific spirit. And for me this spirit is more important than seeing that a demo is reaching the limits (which is quite impossible with todays mega fast PC's).
Scali: Pushing the machine to the limits was for a long time a main goal of the demoscene but nowadays it's imo not the most important point when talking about oldskool. At no time all demos and intros were trying to push the machine to its limits but quite much DOS demos are oldskool nowadays because they a have a specific spirit. And for me this spirit is more important than seeing that a demo is reaching the limits (which is quite impossible with todays mega fast PC's).
wehre teh hell you need 3d accellerator
card ? whatr is teh fukcing idae? razor 1911
really sucks. its not cool anymore to do
oldskool effects. you must evolve...
card ? whatr is teh fukcing idae? razor 1911
really sucks. its not cool anymore to do
oldskool effects. you must evolve...
Crest: Like I said, the spirit was doing things that were seemingly impossible.
My point is... if people could do it on 7 MHz computers 10 years ago, why the hell do you need a 3D accelerator AND 300 MHz or more now, for the exact same shit?
That means that the code is some orders of magnitude worse than code written 10 years ago, so shame on you!
As for pushing the limits, you can still do that these days. Doom 3 is a nice example, don't you think?
And after Doom 3, there will be another game to push the next generation of hardware.
Problem with the scene is just... most coders suck. As this intro clearly shows.
Coders like that can't push any limits no. Because they don't know how to code.
My point is... if people could do it on 7 MHz computers 10 years ago, why the hell do you need a 3D accelerator AND 300 MHz or more now, for the exact same shit?
That means that the code is some orders of magnitude worse than code written 10 years ago, so shame on you!
As for pushing the limits, you can still do that these days. Doom 3 is a nice example, don't you think?
And after Doom 3, there will be another game to push the next generation of hardware.
Problem with the scene is just... most coders suck. As this intro clearly shows.
Coders like that can't push any limits no. Because they don't know how to code.
To elaborate:
http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=2114 is oldskool.
It actually runs on the hardware that the effects are supposed to be running on. Good code. And there's a nice modern touch to it aswell. It's not a downright clone of old demos.
http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=2114 is oldskool.
It actually runs on the hardware that the effects are supposed to be running on. Good code. And there's a nice modern touch to it aswell. It's not a downright clone of old demos.
Oh, another interesting thing to consider:
A PII 300 with WinUAE is well capable of running the original A500 demos at full speed. So what's your excuse? :)
A PII 300 with WinUAE is well capable of running the original A500 demos at full speed. So what's your excuse? :)
hey, come on. it's fun! thumbs up!
oldskool all thw way...
oldskool all thw way...
Yeah, another "wannabee oldschool" demo with a lot of clasic effects. Though, these could be done with software coding, not necessary needing accelerated cards. However it was enjoyfull, so thumbs up..
Scali: Games are mainly made to make money. Every few month you'll need a faster machine with better gfx card just to be able to play the next generation of the game. Games are surely not optimized to run as best as possible on slower hardware. This hype is only nice for the $$$ game industry and the hardware industry. And next time don't compare atleast nice looking oldskool stuff with some lame game.
Crest: Trust me, games are optimized to hell and back (especially console games). They have to be, if you don't optimize your game, the competition will, and their game will look better, and run faster, and you won't sell anything.
Currently games are much more advanced than demos (while in the old days, it was the other way around).
So, you are not informed very well. Please don't speak.
Currently games are much more advanced than demos (while in the old days, it was the other way around).
So, you are not informed very well. Please don't speak.
Oh, and I wasn't comparing this intro to Doom 3.
I was just giving an example of how limits can still be pushed.
Don't twist my words.
I was just giving an example of how limits can still be pushed.
Don't twist my words.
ah, scali, pushin limits, u mean 397539875398753762764238 individually bouncing dotballs instead of 8? =)
you! replay! can't hold this release for the Doom3 crack-demo ,huh?¿?¿
I hit _ESC_ but no game appears! this is a mess! where ya put the game this time?
I hit _ESC_ but no game appears! this is a mess! where ya put the game this time?
Pushing limits... how about anisotropic filtering, dynamic softshadows, infinite reflections, hdr lighting etc?
There's plenty of stuff to be explored.
Use your imagination. Others do.
There's plenty of stuff to be explored.
Use your imagination. Others do.
wake up
scali, doesnt sound like that would match the chiptune
I won't give a thumbs up or down here. First, I completely second Scali.You try to convey oldskool feeling here, but without everything that was good back in the days, like... skills and such.
On the other hand I somewhat enjoyed this intro. Ran in 1st frame on my Athlon1000/GF4 *cough* an even the music could have been much worse.
As a sidenote my disappointing insight for today: Any number of prevented suicide attemps won't increase the chance of getting a clue about the world.
Coding effects that run faster in their original C64/Amiga version on an Emu on the same machine is laughable at best. Sorry. You don't know about how those effect were coded, you don't know about how they should be coded now and even the word "VSync" is a complety mystery to you. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Your group name its the only thing that's olschool about you, in every fucking else respect you, Razor 1911's new and implroved demo division, are just a bunch of kids. Go grow up, please.
On the other hand I somewhat enjoyed this intro. Ran in 1st frame on my Athlon1000/GF4 *cough* an even the music could have been much worse.
As a sidenote my disappointing insight for today: Any number of prevented suicide attemps won't increase the chance of getting a clue about the world.
Coding effects that run faster in their original C64/Amiga version on an Emu on the same machine is laughable at best. Sorry. You don't know about how those effect were coded, you don't know about how they should be coded now and even the word "VSync" is a complety mystery to you. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Your group name its the only thing that's olschool about you, in every fucking else respect you, Razor 1911's new and implroved demo division, are just a bunch of kids. Go grow up, please.
my words kb
razor is dead
razor is dead
Damn, some people are more hardcore "yar kode is shit" style than what I was in the older times. That's refreshin to see other people doing that! I should consider joining the flamearena too, but no mood anymore. Still thinking of coding that kickass 486 is enough demo idea of mine, instead of laming. Someday...
Yo, yo, people! Go!!! "Oldschool wannabe with OpenGL and 1GHZ" suxx, even if I thumbed it up cause it was enjoyfull, go go go go!!! Hardcore 4ever! =))))
Perhaps tomorrow I will join too... ;-)
I don't flame quickly. In fact, this is the first production I have ever turned down, and I think it's even the first production I've ever given a negative comment on.
But even I draw the line somewhere. I consider this an insult to oldskool.
As I said before, coding is art, or it was anyway, and it should be. That's how the whole demoscene started. Each coder wanted to outdo the rest.
Look, aside from the code, this demo was not bad. It looked very authentic, and the music was nice. It felt like 1991 again.
But, really, the system requirements are so insane that I cannot tolerate this.
3D acceleration and oldskool don't mix anyway, learn to code trifillers yourself!
And then there's the CPU requirement...
I have no idea how you can get it THIS slow.
But even I draw the line somewhere. I consider this an insult to oldskool.
As I said before, coding is art, or it was anyway, and it should be. That's how the whole demoscene started. Each coder wanted to outdo the rest.
Look, aside from the code, this demo was not bad. It looked very authentic, and the music was nice. It felt like 1991 again.
But, really, the system requirements are so insane that I cannot tolerate this.
3D acceleration and oldskool don't mix anyway, learn to code trifillers yourself!
And then there's the CPU requirement...
I have no idea how you can get it THIS slow.
Oh, I was just told by a friend of mine that it doesn't run on his Voodoo3 card... huhu, nice going. Great oldskool feeling. You just need a recent 3d accelerator :)
micro$oft access
What kind of joke is this?
PII-300 Mhz or better
3D Accelerator Card
go play soccer instead of coding!
PII-300 Mhz or better
3D Accelerator Card
go play soccer instead of coding!
/me waits for more stupid steffan/plek- comments....and much more im waiting for something compareable from your group....since "blz's whispers" u and ur homos where so damn quitet...now u come back and still nothing but noise. DO SOMETHING USEFULL AND CODE...AND STFU! *damn those kiddys rule*
ive been invovled in only one musiicdisk.. i still think its better than the blz stuff... then again, i was drunk when i coded it, and iam not sober now, maybe it sucks, the chart's says it rocks tho, but then again a musicdisk is about MUSIC not coding, coding a musicdisc coudlve probably been done in an hour, drunk, sorry, talking about own experiences again..
stefn, your like 12, you aint allowed to drink.
i was dead when i drew my last picture, the chart said im the best though.
fuck you all serpintine!
i was dead when i drew my last picture, the chart said im the best though.
fuck you all serpintine!

"i write lots of code. you can buy my next 'release' in stores in about 9 months"
your our fuckin hero u heap of dogshit, who gives a fuck how talented you are except yourself, you dont see any1 else saying they make games who do, cos there ego aint as big as yours you fuckin cumstain. go fuckoff and die
your our fuckin hero u heap of dogshit, who gives a fuck how talented you are except yourself, you dont see any1 else saying they make games who do, cos there ego aint as big as yours you fuckin cumstain. go fuckoff and die

stefan never ever diss blz's music. You give lamers a bad name fag.
go fishing!
ok kids, time to take your medicine.
HcC: i've never dissed blz's music... so shut the fuck up.
stefag, you shut the fuck up u fuckin swedish fuckin turd
i was wondering what was going on when i saw a couple of 'normal' comments from izm... glad to see you're back at your normal level :)
at least the comments are funny ;o
at least the comments are funny ;o
Demos are fine and all, but you can't beat the entertainment value of pouët.net's circus sideshow.
thom: Well, everyone prefers other forms of entertainment. For me it's not very entertaining...
geeze doods... i aggree with the stuff about it not being pure software and running ultra-fast since the original hardware is so slow compared to what we have now, but it was still fun to watch. you guys need to really calm down.
Fuck you stefan. I might just fly over to sweden to kick the shit outta you for being so lame. I think we have a winner for most hated scener for worldcharts this issue...
True OLDSCHOOL! That's what's makes me a happy man. :)
I just LOVE it. Keep 'em comming m8's! :)
I just LOVE it. Keep 'em comming m8's! :)
hcc: yeah, thats the spirit! "ey! i cant understand english, i misunderstand what you writes, and you prove i did so, now i wanna kill you" , are you american?
This conversation is probably more entertaining than the prod itself.
No. I am not american...and your horrible coding is enough to kill me.
intro was ok but basically as boring as todays crackintros, the music was the best thing about it.
the only thing I really want to criticize is that _when_ you guys are doing an "oldsk00l" hommage, please put some more effort into it or otherwise call it "retro-looking fun production" ;), "oldschool" is about using all available raster time and creating effects which previously seemed impossible.
I also missed the original retro-flavor (http://lulling.tripod.com/download/jeromeLulling.zip is even more simple but has more style (and replay errors with the unita mod :) methinks)..
to scali: todays coders don't suck in general, expectations just got higher. programming dragonballs, starfields, blue blitter cubes and copper plasmas was actually quiet easy :) if you want to push the h/w to its limits nowadays you actually need to write much more sophisticated code (algorithms) which unfortunately involves a lot of research. there is no clear frontier on the peecee today which leaves a lot of people clueless what to do with all the number-crunching and fillrate power.
to all: don't take the "scene" too serious, it's not worth to wage a war, this one is a fun production like almost every demo or intro being released; wars are for warez groups who are making a living out of other ppls hard work (not every warez group is doing that ofcoz) --habt euch doch ma alle lieb :) cya
the only thing I really want to criticize is that _when_ you guys are doing an "oldsk00l" hommage, please put some more effort into it or otherwise call it "retro-looking fun production" ;), "oldschool" is about using all available raster time and creating effects which previously seemed impossible.
I also missed the original retro-flavor (http://lulling.tripod.com/download/jeromeLulling.zip is even more simple but has more style (and replay errors with the unita mod :) methinks)..
to scali: todays coders don't suck in general, expectations just got higher. programming dragonballs, starfields, blue blitter cubes and copper plasmas was actually quiet easy :) if you want to push the h/w to its limits nowadays you actually need to write much more sophisticated code (algorithms) which unfortunately involves a lot of research. there is no clear frontier on the peecee today which leaves a lot of people clueless what to do with all the number-crunching and fillrate power.
to all: don't take the "scene" too serious, it's not worth to wage a war, this one is a fun production like almost every demo or intro being released; wars are for warez groups who are making a living out of other ppls hard work (not every warez group is doing that ofcoz) --habt euch doch ma alle lieb :) cya
i'll rather watch some cool demos on my amiga than try to find a faster pc to watch this.
hi mom
hi dad
*lol* fli... cool comment - nothing to add =)
Hi Stefans mom
nice work folks!
stefan, you definitly have nothing to do of your damn life, do you ? coming back 5+ times in the same prod thread just to keep flaming for no fucking reason... how about you invest all this free time in working on something new ?
so sad to see a flamewars started by losers like you everytime rzr release something new.
stefan, you definitly have nothing to do of your damn life, do you ? coming back 5+ times in the same prod thread just to keep flaming for no fucking reason... how about you invest all this free time in working on something new ?
so sad to see a flamewars started by losers like you everytime rzr release something new.
The music is so-so. It is nice to see all of those effects again, especially from the vectordemo, second reality and many others. Too bad this needs 10 times the cpu to run.
I couldn't care less if Razor is called after an old and famous demogroup. What's in a name anyway.
I couldn't care less if Razor is called after an old and famous demogroup. What's in a name anyway.
Well for people like me,who didnt have computers 5 years ago all this isnt so boring.I liked this intro and for me IT IS oldskool,makes me feel nostalgia for the times gone...
Extremely cool music.
Extremely cool music.
how can you be nostalgic about something you havent even seen before then? lamer

ye ye ey
one of the best intros in a long time :) keep up the good work, and keep it oldskool :D
it's a pure oldschool-like intro
better than most of new introz we can see
i like it like that
better than most of new introz we can see
i like it like that
is pouet a public garbage dump now or what!? boy...
You know people like superplek need something to live for ... and if it's just for being a stupid asshole.
Seems like people making "oldschool" demos just make them because they aren't good enough to make new effects or graphics, so they have to stick with effects made by other people 10 years ago. Sure demos like this can be nice to watch sometimes, but hell no they deserve to win a demo compo. Well, Dreamhack sucks, but still...
Atleast try to improve old effects, instead of just ripping them.
Atleast try to improve old effects, instead of just ripping them.
superplek eat shit and die you lamer. Your account should be removed
i would just like to second pleks posts.
Is there something wrong with superplek?
Anyway whogivezafuck(tm).
I am sorry that i'm getting so low by answering you,Stefan but...:I am nostalgic about the times when I was watching 320x200 cracktros from the Mighty Razorteam on my friends computers.For the times when I first heared "funky stars" by Quazar,for ...ahh,the times when men were real men, women were real women and the little furry things from Centaur-5 were real little furry things .Anyway u wont understand that, so here comes a friendly:"Go in the bucket and shoot yourself."
The more I watch this demo,the more I like it.
Is there something wrong with superplek?
Anyway whogivezafuck(tm).
I am sorry that i'm getting so low by answering you,Stefan but...:I am nostalgic about the times when I was watching 320x200 cracktros from the Mighty Razorteam on my friends computers.For the times when I first heared "funky stars" by Quazar,for ...ahh,the times when men were real men, women were real women and the little furry things from Centaur-5 were real little furry things .Anyway u wont understand that, so here comes a friendly:"Go in the bucket and shoot yourself."
The more I watch this demo,the more I like it.
learn to code, or start learning something else. Even my dog's code is faster
still good to watch
This one IS NICE!
I'm with plek on this one
PLEK IS RIGHT! secret message:
PLEK IS RIGHT! secret message:
contains no hidden bart. walter disapproves.
it does too! =)
à l'ancienne
good music, lots of remaked old effects and wellknown effects
they not used the new hardware to try to add more feature to these old effects, but they just copy them as is
last scrolling is not smooth
(superplek and unseen seems to be true lamers when i read their useful comments.)
good music, lots of remaked old effects and wellknown effects
they not used the new hardware to try to add more feature to these old effects, but they just copy them as is
last scrolling is not smooth
(superplek and unseen seems to be true lamers when i read their useful comments.)
superplek : yes their circles are not good, so, help them, be smart, paste here the right code to help them to do a better antialiasing :-p
Oldschool doesn´t mean ripping code, making lame gfx and mzk in my opinion.
And did the good old amiga demos really have chiptunes ?
But oldschol seems to be a trendy nowadays
and I guess razor (the demodivision) are trying die hard to be trendy...
And did the good old amiga demos really have chiptunes ?
But oldschol seems to be a trendy nowadays
and I guess razor (the demodivision) are trying die hard to be trendy...
It remembers me my first seen demoscene prods, some Amiga ones. It is not a problem if the code is fast or slow, the important is that the oldschool esence is completely capted and recreated here. I love it.
Long life to Razor 1911 :)
Razor 4 ever ! ! !
Razor 4 ever ! ! !
dead link
Good job
not going to thumb this either way... has some nice atmosphere, but there's this thing about "been there, done that"... it's ok as a homage for the amiga/old-dos prods
this roxx :D
but it messed up my screen resolutions o_O
but it messed up my screen resolutions o_O
My comment musta been lost in the hard drive crash...
This was, until the SOTA 2004 invitro came out, my favorite example of oldskool effects souped up for modern hardware... Of course, I'm sure that thought was wrong and someone coulda made exactly this on an Amiga OCS, but hey. Nice chip, nice oldskool feel, just... nice.
I think I gave it a rulez before... still deserves one now.
And since I wasn't there back then, I haven't seen a million of these (yet), so there.
This was, until the SOTA 2004 invitro came out, my favorite example of oldskool effects souped up for modern hardware... Of course, I'm sure that thought was wrong and someone coulda made exactly this on an Amiga OCS, but hey. Nice chip, nice oldskool feel, just... nice.
I think I gave it a rulez before... still deserves one now.
And since I wasn't there back then, I haven't seen a million of these (yet), so there.
great stuff :D
Hey, my thumb down got lost. So I'd like to thumb this down because it deserves to be thumbed down. Nothing wrong with the idea (except for the fact that it's been done before a gazillion times and is rapidly wearing out), but the execution just plain sucks. It has no style.
Therefore, Razor 1911, I present to you, my thumb down. As usual.
Therefore, Razor 1911, I present to you, my thumb down. As usual.
Decent intro, although I'd rather watch the real thing. Anyways, my fav part was the beginning, reminiscent of some cracktros =)
Somehow this works for me. Maybe becaue of the extended colour range and resolution, maybe because of the music, who knows...
nice, but this is now the code of man done on hardware for women.. so no kudos.
I mean.. code of woman done on hardware for woman..
now you've said it,... ;)
"extended resolution"? huh?
Reed: I thought it didn't was 320x200 or such a "low" resolution.
Good effects on older hardware = bad effects on newer hardware.
nice! it doesnt have to be technically advanced to be entertaining
No it doesn't, but the original effects are better and there isn't a slightest scent of originality here.
Best "oldskool-like" intro?
This is great, cool, amazing.. This is *IT*.
Years of Amiga demos all smashed into this amazingly nicely done production.. Big Friggin' Thumb Up
Years of Amiga demos all smashed into this amazingly nicely done production.. Big Friggin' Thumb Up
great stuff
very oldskool.
and very long.
It made me recall Amiga.
and very long.
It made me recall Amiga.
I love this classic.
*** WOW *** !!!!!!!11
Replay rulez for sure
Replay rulez for sure
why haven't i thumbed that up?! damn, awesome music from dubmood and zabu, nice oldschool effects, please give us more, that's what i called a GOOD intro!
great stuff
Sharper than a blade.. I love this one! Nice music!!!
Nice one. :)
oldshool in a serious way! and software! yay! ALL THUMBS UP!
Nice oldschool show.
classic oldschool
Oldschool sux ;)
kewl stuff
Oldschool rox ;)
Seen-before effects that have been done better before, no doubt. Insane requirements, check. But damn, I enjoyed this one. And that's what's most important to me in the end. And the chiptune just rocks!
fuck yeh
pouet 2002 is really weird.
One of the best 64k oldschcool i'v ever seen!
Classic =)
oh man yes yes YES!!!!
Very, VERY fucking awesome!
There are SO MANY THINGS I loved!: the landscape, wormhole, copperbars..
A bit overkill on the huge amount of vectorballs, mayhaps?; nah! :D
Huge thumbs up!
There are SO MANY THINGS I loved!: the landscape, wormhole, copperbars..
A bit overkill on the huge amount of vectorballs, mayhaps?; nah! :D
Huge thumbs up!
Yeah baby!
Yeah baby!
for the end part.. funny how this sucked at first and rules now!
music and i just love oldskool, even if kb is/was abolutely right with his comment !
soo cute...
love !
love !
i liked it!
plz razor make more cool demos/cracktros!
i guess its up to you, rez!
plz razor make more cool demos/cracktros!
i guess its up to you, rez!
Spheres, greetz (including Triton :up:), music, classic style!
2012 and i still think this is Perfect
more stuff like this PLEASE! very nice!
I like it
love the music!!!
Rzr <3 Always delivering magic!
nice one!
comments :D
One of first demoscene'ish stuff that i watched. Damn... This is awesome.
AAATAAAARIIIIII! very very nice and also great music!
Dat music.
Nice oldschool intro!
Rocking oldschool!
Great stuff.
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