Hardwood by Saksalainen Laatu
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popularity : 58% |
alltime top: #7215 |
added on the 2018-08-05 03:27:10 by urs ![]() |
popularity helper
Liked it a lot on the stream :)
rulez added on the 2018-08-05 03:44:37 by numtek 

thank you for making a demo about the relevancy of wood in the demoscene!
Amusing. :)
Very nice :)
Wood love to see more like this.
Wood love to see more like this.
I really liked the part with the sine-cut boards forming a wavy, moving surface that still felt like you could just build it out of physical wood if you wanted to. :)
wood :)
you showed us hard wood
Not in my personal top tree at asm but made me smile a blt.
One-man prod!
Nice idea and execution.
Not in my personal top tree at asm but made me smile a blt.
i see what you did there...
Fun and fresh concept :)
My favourite from the compo. Great wood textures!
I enjoyed this
This makes the wood hard.
Yay, lovely! I've wanted to make something like this for some months now, mostly because I've also been working with IRL wood recently. Also, your jokes are the best, as usual <3
The textures here look really authentic but the shading is kind of flat compared to high-quality furniture - this looks more like my cheap laminate flooring with some dust on it. After subsurf scattering and some complex grain, maybe apply a random layer of shellac too for some real depth and svbrdf emphasis?
The textures here look really authentic but the shading is kind of flat compared to high-quality furniture - this looks more like my cheap laminate flooring with some dust on it. After subsurf scattering and some complex grain, maybe apply a random layer of shellac too for some real depth and svbrdf emphasis?
This makes the wood hard.
Best wood 64k in years. It was interesting to watch, and for some reason felt like these obscure "how to fix your swimming pool with a blowtorch and a banana" videos.
Really liked this one. Both funny and pretty, and well designed.
Nice concept. A little heavy on the glow/post-processing though, to really appreciate the textures.
This wood be hard no to thumb. Next up lumberjack demo?
Now someone should write a book, "Rendering Wood" (re "Identifying Wood").
I wouldn't have anticipated such a high-end wood-related production!
Also can't help but be reminded of your color palette entry at UC8.
not a killer but thumbs for some nice scenes and for being different :)
nice wood
Oh God the music is so Amiga 500 it hurts, and not the good kind.
I like idea
Recently, there was a news article about some Finnish homebuilders who had to purchase wood from places like Germany and Poland because of the substandard quality of Finnish wood.
A demo without a naked birch - oh come on!
One of the best wood themed 64k's ever made.
yenga 4k plxplz? :p
IKEA loves this
w00d w00d!
Yeah, OK. I like it. The textures are nice, the presentation is chill, and it's different.
A nice idea well executed. :)
Gery Wood!
music not so good
hard wood good
is it possible that i saw the opening screen somewhere before? maybe at UNC last year?
i swear that i have seen it somewhere before!
hard wood good
is it possible that i saw the opening screen somewhere before? maybe at UNC last year?
i swear that i have seen it somewhere before!
inb4 urs is sued by Candy Dulfer
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