Unprogress by Fairlight [web]
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popularity : 70% |
alltime top: #978 |
added on the 2017-07-16 14:18:26 by Volantis ![]() |
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So so so good!!
rulez added on the 2017-07-16 14:27:40 by ferris 

Crash (R7 360, W10)
Best camerawork ever in a 4k ;-)
Technically I didn't really spot anything terribly innovative; same stuff that has permeated 4ks since ca. 2009, but just really tastefully designed and parametrized. And really that's the key how to make something good. It's not the technical flagellation you can show off, but what you make out of it. Obviously though the visuals come at the expense of the music, but that's fine since it still reaches a nice balance. IMO this is pretty much the end game when it comes to ray marched fractals. Just perfect, thank you for creating this.
Doesn't run on my AMD though.
Technically I didn't really spot anything terribly innovative; same stuff that has permeated 4ks since ca. 2009, but just really tastefully designed and parametrized. And really that's the key how to make something good. It's not the technical flagellation you can show off, but what you make out of it. Obviously though the visuals come at the expense of the music, but that's fine since it still reaches a nice balance. IMO this is pretty much the end game when it comes to ray marched fractals. Just perfect, thank you for creating this.
Doesn't run on my AMD though.
great stuff, even if I prefer when there are couple of more bytes for the audio ;)
1K sexiness in 4K =)
What noby said. This was really awesome.
Kicks hard. Simple material and simple but clean and sexy renderer gives rise to loads of content, camera and direction. Agree with noby about the endgame of this style... Completely achieves its ambition. Just perfect implementation indeed.
Nice 4K. :D
Nice 4k :)
great intro! Good camera, great atmosphere!
damn after the first scene and that great sound it starts with i expected something outstanding. but then nothing happened. it's not bad by any means and it has some nice scenes but there are better 4ks out there. so i roll wiff ze pigg
Nice 4k!
Looks nice but would have deserved much better music.
Just great!. Yes, music is a little thin, but you managed to squeeze some serious sick sounds out of clinkster. Big tumb!
Wowa! nice one! Smash used to do such stuff in 64kb 10 years ago.. ;)
Great to see Fairlight got a new coder to!
Small detail: I like the typical FLT logo sfx at the very end btw.. nice touch!
Great to see Fairlight got a new coder to!
Small detail: I like the typical FLT logo sfx at the very end btw.. nice touch!
Awesome 4k! Even more so, since it seems to be the first prod (?) of those guys, at least under the FLT label.
Avesome intro! Works in i7 4500U & GeForce 750m
Top level! Modelling, palette, direction, code, sound, optimization.
I also like the font that reminds me the minimal style of my own :)
I also like the font that reminds me the minimal style of my own :)
I was floored by this – flawless!
world more convincing than alien covenant :V
Bit too boring and slow for my taste.
The first scene blew me away on the stream ... the rest is pretty much generic raymarched fractals, but for 4K it didn't really need anything else after that first one, so still a big thumbs up
I feel the same as sensenstahl, I was expecting something else, the end is way too sudden. Still quite awesome, it's a thumbs up for me!
very nice atmosphere with the visuals, not much movement but there didn't need to be, the good camera placement and panning did the rest.
Really amazing demo!
Awesome fractal/city. Nice font.
Impressive 4K!
That's some design there!
(grmlmlmlml all 4k are über slow these days)
(grmlmlmlml all 4k are über slow these days)
Great atmosphere and lightning.
Not so sold on the audio, but the rest is sublime.
This was breathtaking on the bigscreen. Loved the lighting and style! Rules for sure!
maybe, it is only a first part of..
great visual
Great atmosphere
nice visuals, crap music
thumb up for the size.
aliasing hurts my eye.
not convinced about the audio part (in fact it ruinbs the experience a bit), nice font and overall design however.
I was really impressed when I saw that this was only 4 KB. The line of statues in the first shot is pure genius. Looks very believable if you squint a bit :) And the landscapes: somehow the foggy look and carefully picked camera angles make the fractals look natural and not CGI at all.
Great work.
Great work.
Looks good (well, minus the aliasing), just too bad there's not a lot going on, including the audio. Still, a very thumb-uppable 4k :)
Yeah almost. I second (or third) people who note the initial scene and that not going anywhere. It's very technically impressive but overall not particularly exciting. If I were at a party, I would give high props for the former and the sheer ...--ness of being there with it on the big screen but here, afterwards, that alone is just not engaging.Bit too boring and slow for my taste.
Fabulous scene composition, considering that this is (apparently) just a bunch of fractals. Really good example of getting a lot out of very little, which is what 4k intros are all about. :)
Lots of great stuff in here:
+ The early scene where some of the pillars look like some robot overlords looking over their city.
+ The city
+ The spaceship
+ The technopatterns
+ The text (this makes it more complete)
+ Colors
Music fits, but a little forced/staccato I think. Nowadays we have such awesome graphics fractals. Maybe what we need more of is music fractals? Especially for such ambient pieces it may be possible.
+ The early scene where some of the pillars look like some robot overlords looking over their city.
+ The city
+ The spaceship
+ The technopatterns
+ The text (this makes it more complete)
+ Colors
Music fits, but a little forced/staccato I think. Nowadays we have such awesome graphics fractals. Maybe what we need more of is music fractals? Especially for such ambient pieces it may be possible.
Now that's some style in 4k. Music could be improved though.
holy shit.
The old city and fractal tropes lifted up a notch.
Just do an offline render with like 64x supersampling :)
Wonderful, wonderful visuals. The rendering looks really nice and I love the color choise - particularly the red parts that sort of "breaks" repeating a bit. Great work with cameras and the spaceship. Looked gorgeous as it flew over and the shadow was cast!
The audio, is a bit of a different story. I guess it must be due to the size required for the visuals. I might be wrong, but to me it sounded like a slightly changed default instrument of clinkster, a slightly changed wave-ish sound from the Loonies U-boat and a pitch-decay'ed version of the first instrument. I might be wrong about the instruments, though. It's a really, really tough balance between boring/small and interesting/large and in my opinion, this one tipped a bit too much to the boring/small side.
That said, there's so much right about this 4k, and I know how corners has to be cut when deadline aproaches :) So massive thumbs up for your efforts and for this wonderful piece of eye-candy.
The audio, is a bit of a different story. I guess it must be due to the size required for the visuals. I might be wrong, but to me it sounded like a slightly changed default instrument of clinkster, a slightly changed wave-ish sound from the Loonies U-boat and a pitch-decay'ed version of the first instrument. I might be wrong about the instruments, though. It's a really, really tough balance between boring/small and interesting/large and in my opinion, this one tipped a bit too much to the boring/small side.
That said, there's so much right about this 4k, and I know how corners has to be cut when deadline aproaches :) So massive thumbs up for your efforts and for this wonderful piece of eye-candy.
Great visual, nice atmo..
visually it's one ofthe most fantastic thing i've seen in 4ks.. but the music ruins it :(
if you have a few bytes left for music, you should rather use some 1-tone drone / dark ambient (actually it would have went together with the visuals amazingly)
i give it a piggy with bleeding heart
if you have a few bytes left for music, you should rather use some 1-tone drone / dark ambient (actually it would have went together with the visuals amazingly)
i give it a piggy with bleeding heart
Very polished.
love it
What Noby, Blueberry and Nagz said.
Great ambience!
@fsFreak If you want to, I'd be happy to provide whatever help, instruments and tips you want. Both with Clinkster and Oidos. Hit me up on facebook or if you're attending Nordlicht this weekend, catch me there ;-)
Not sure about the music but the different scenes look extremly nice.
It was OK. It crashed when launching it in my very old, updated 64-bit W7 HPE SP1 box with its 6 GB of RAM and ATI Radeon 4870 video card (512 MB of VRAM).
Certainly interesting enough visuals for a 4K thumb!
scene.org archive contents does not yet reflect scene.org archive preview. I.e. no hq version for me. But I solved it. Cheers :)
scene.org archive contents does not yet reflect scene.org archive preview. I.e. no hq version for me. But I solved it. Cheers :)
Looks ace
This is basically the inverse of Equilibrium - it has awesome visuals but uninteresting music.
Also proves that you can do the same old fractals over and over again and keep them interesting.
Also proves that you can do the same old fractals over and over again and keep them interesting.
impossibly beautiful
Love the visuals, and music is nice too. I think I saw ribbons in the city.
Stunning use of the fractal.
I wonder if the intro wouldn't have more impact if the order of the different parts was reversed.
I wonder if the intro wouldn't have more impact if the order of the different parts was reversed.
I wonder if the intro wouldn't have more impact if the order of the different parts was reversed.
Maybe time to do some experiments!
Very nice! Good atmosphere, good sync, good soundtrack. Thumb = up.
Not for me, I've seen it before, just in different parts of fractalspace and maybe a different colorscheme. Popular moments were the cityish scene at 0:35 and the flyover at 1:30. Music is not bad.
Great design for 4k!
Nice atmosphere, I thought the music fit the dystopian scifi feel quite well. Could really use AA. Still definitely up-thumbable.
Very cool intro! :)
What break said.
extremely good direction
holy moly!
Great visuals
Extremely well chosen views of the fractals we all know and love, complemented with color schemes that make the results seem more real.
Great visuals with a proper dystopian feel, but the audio doesn't work for me at all.
forgotten thumb
sneaky cdcs
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