Darkness Lay Your Eyes Upon Me by Conspiracy [web]
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popularity : 78% |
alltime top: #103 |
added on the 2016-03-27 05:37:12 by BoyC ![]() |
popularity helper
rulez added on the 2016-03-27 05:48:29 by ferris 

So much cooler in 24hz btw :D
Absolutely warrants a re-watch before proper criticism, but this is obviously far and beyond anything the scene typically produces. It seems to me this really is the production Conspiracy has been yearning to make for many years now, and they finally manned up and pulled it off not only better than probably anyone else in the scene could, but better than anyone (including myself) in the audience thought they could.
It's really quite scary, because anyone considering making anything similar as mature as this now has an daunting bar to reach. Insane amount of detail put into framing, editing, pace, sound design, and first and foremost composition. Sure there are some flaws in some details that boil down to the 64k limitation, but honestly I think those add to the charm, it might be even slightly dull with out them.
There are some small things that did genuinely annoy me, mainly the kind of bad camera shake that seemed way too perlinish for me (24Hz like ferris mentioned would help with that a lot though I'm sure). A couple colors in a few shots also didn't sit right with me, but those are such minor annoyances they hardly warrant a mention.
The most positive thing I hope that comes out of this though is that people in the scene start to pay attention to the the factors that primarily make this significant in the context of demoscene, i.e. the work put into the visuals and camerawork. There's so much more to this than the implementation details under the hood. It's really a wake up call for me too; this is the level of quality we all should be striving for, and I hope I'm not the only one. Along with mercury this seems like the possibility for opening a new leaf in the history of the scene. Let's just hope.
This is beyond.
Absolutely warrants a re-watch before proper criticism, but this is obviously far and beyond anything the scene typically produces. It seems to me this really is the production Conspiracy has been yearning to make for many years now, and they finally manned up and pulled it off not only better than probably anyone else in the scene could, but better than anyone (including myself) in the audience thought they could.
It's really quite scary, because anyone considering making anything similar as mature as this now has an daunting bar to reach. Insane amount of detail put into framing, editing, pace, sound design, and first and foremost composition. Sure there are some flaws in some details that boil down to the 64k limitation, but honestly I think those add to the charm, it might be even slightly dull with out them.
There are some small things that did genuinely annoy me, mainly the kind of bad camera shake that seemed way too perlinish for me (24Hz like ferris mentioned would help with that a lot though I'm sure). A couple colors in a few shots also didn't sit right with me, but those are such minor annoyances they hardly warrant a mention.
The most positive thing I hope that comes out of this though is that people in the scene start to pay attention to the the factors that primarily make this significant in the context of demoscene, i.e. the work put into the visuals and camerawork. There's so much more to this than the implementation details under the hood. It's really a wake up call for me too; this is the level of quality we all should be striving for, and I hope I'm not the only one. Along with mercury this seems like the possibility for opening a new leaf in the history of the scene. Let's just hope.
This is beyond.
So much content. Great intro, great message, great atmosphere, great idea. Respect.
This is absolutely breath-taking! Looking forward to rewatch it.
the end of the world in 64k.
What noby said. It's not the effects themselves, it's the whole cinemation composition that really got me forgetting I'm not watching film.
black screen in fullscreen, crash in windowed, latest drivers gtx760, w7
Basically, what Noby said.
I actually hated 64K restriction here. It is absolutely pointless. This could have been so much more without it. It is oozing with possibilities. The man standing in front of the fire is extremely suggestive, but this is where kilobytes run out.
Of course it rules.
I actually hated 64K restriction here. It is absolutely pointless. This could have been so much more without it. It is oozing with possibilities. The man standing in front of the fire is extremely suggestive, but this is where kilobytes run out.
Of course it rules.
Sick in every (good) way!
This is insane. I was looking at it being projected and I couldn't even believe what I was seeing.
They just took a bar that was very high and lauched it into fucking outer space.
They just took a bar that was very high and lauched it into fucking outer space.
quite atmospheric movie-like design and visuals. the slow pace adds to the atmosphere, as well. overall, a very solid 64k production!
Definitely worth the the thumb, and somewhat cinematic. However while the scenes seemed roughly related in sort of a theme there wasn't as much as last year's entry, Offscreen Colonies. Honestly I think while this was impressive I got more enjoyment out of Offscreen Colonies. Still, nice work. :)
Atmospheric, realistic and brooding. Love it.
A hundred times what noby said.
The usual thumbs up for the amount of work.
Crash for me: Win7, gtx960.
Eagerly await fix or video.
Eagerly await fix or video.
storytelling .. and people! <3
this intro caused stories to form in our heads, and it inspired emotions. That's art!
this intro caused stories to form in our heads, and it inspired emotions. That's art!
jawdropping. both artistically and technically.
win7x64 gtx980 - black screen
There is not so much scene demo feeling inside, but it is jawdropping technical achievement. Elevator scene is unbelievable
Kaspersky detects it as a virus :)
Now that was totally blowing me away when watching at the stream... a real oh my god experience... Nothing less than perfect!
Next year the 64kb intro's will be even better right? ;)
Will Smash finally return to the 64kb intro genre now?
Also what Noby said!
Will Smash finally return to the 64kb intro genre now?
Also what Noby said!
youtube (live)
Holy shit. Gonna need some time to rewatch and process this.
Gave me goosebumps in the same way that We Stand Divided did last year.
Holy shit. Gonna need some time to rewatch and process this.
Gave me goosebumps in the same way that We Stand Divided did last year.
Wow, imagery was crazy! So realistic, so good. Scary good theme. Like a movie in 3d.
Although I am more fun of the other spacey 64k :)
Although I am more fun of the other spacey 64k :)
I cannot remember the last time a demo's atmosphere and mood sucked me in so completely as this one did during the compo. Of course its visual quality is gorgeous and its sound stunning, but it's sooo much more... it really touched and disturbed me deep inside (in a good way). THIS is why I love demos as an art form instead of a purely technical show.
Thank you for that experience!
Thank you for that experience!
in tents!
By the way did anyone get strong vibes of Terrence Malick's Days Of Heaven while watching? I need to compare both in detail later but that was my first impression.
moody :)
Holy Shit !
This is incredible !
Nagyok vagytok !! Ti nyertek !
This is incredible !
Nagyok vagytok !! Ti nyertek !
game changing
Wonderful stuff where the whole is greater than the sum of its (already stunning) parts.
BTW: Demos like these need an extra credit category for the art direction!
BTW: Demos like these need an extra credit category for the art direction!
@noby: I though I felt the influence of Interstellar very strongly (burning the fields, the house)
Can't get it to run at all (GTX780, latest drivers) :(
visy: Yeah, that too. Then again Interstellar I feel kinda pays homage in that way to Days Of Heaven in the first place :). Both of these intros are surprisingly Nolanish (in a good way) to be frank.
incredible! what nody said
Yes, beyond mastery
I liked the camera shake, it made it more realistic. <3
Crashes right away by the way. Gets caught in Windows' execution prevention.
fucking sick realism!
The realism. I loved it.
Wow. You totally killed it.
I have one tiny little gripe: In the scene from the screenshot, the upper window has some filtering/flickering artifacts. It detracts from what is otherwise a fantastic scene. Please fix that for the final, because the intro is so jaw-dropping amazing that it deserves that bugfix. :-)
I have one tiny little gripe: In the scene from the screenshot, the upper window has some filtering/flickering artifacts. It detracts from what is otherwise a fantastic scene. Please fix that for the final, because the intro is so jaw-dropping amazing that it deserves that bugfix. :-)
Holy shit that’s cinema!
Them trees! Dat shading!
rather nice.
What noby said. Also a huge thumb up for daring to touch "serious" topics. Masterpieces like this help giving the demoscene artistic relevance. Inspiring! Keep it up!
I am. Also AMD if that matters.
Content, content, even more content, I can't belive they haven't hidden a content pipeline somewhere, some content oh and shitload of awsome directing and supberb rendering.
By the way this was directed, and way it kind of seemed to end abruptly, It'd probably have been better to make a complete demo out of it.
On the other hand, this being a 64k makes it an unbelievable technical powerhouse.
On the other hand, this being a 64k makes it an unbelievable technical powerhouse.
BoyC: Running Windows 7 64bit with GTX780. Black screen/crash at startup.
Looking forward to a fixed version!
Looking forward to a fixed version!
Holy shit. 64K miracle.
Fuck yes!
Yes. Just yes.
Thank you!
Don't stop doing this. Ever.
Thank you!
Don't stop doing this. Ever.
I typed the wrong GPU before :) ... windows 7 64 bit, GTX 970 OC, latest drivers 364.51: same black screen/crash
Great story. Awesome
Same exception as the others presumably, so awaiting final! (c0000005, AMD card)
It works!
Runs great at 4k on a 980 on Win10 here. Again this is dripping with atmosphere, which you managed to conjure by some very compelling and well crafted scenes. Kudos.
Just to add, the atmosphere is not just supported, but enhanced by the audio design. It's subtle when it needs to be but purposeful also, it does not feel separate in any way and it does its job perfectly, kudos.
This is what i call art.
watching the comp on the bigscreen i thought mercury absolutely killed it, and then this came next. jaw -> floor.
incredible to watch as a short film. almost impossible to conceive when you understand it's all done in 64k!
dead link :(
Absolutely stunning! Intense build-up, very nice graphics and super fitting soundscape. Just awesome!
Cinematic. The 3D and effects take a back seat to the direction and atmosphere. Honestly, I could see TBL pull off something like this on the Amiga, just not in 64kb or 1080p. The human silhouettes, skyscrapers, and end scene elements could all be 2D sprites with some 3D placement, and it wouldn't lose any impact. It's all in the delivery. But for the work and for the executable size.. yeah. Jaw dropping.
Great work in every way, except i don't like cam shake, well, i guess in anywhere, and this wasn't an exception. Some scenes are just poetry in motion.
not much to say other than awsesome, intense, brilliant.
Outstanding! great job folks
Thanks for looking int othe problem BoyC, adding the DLL file allowed it to run just fine.
Just noticed that I have the same DLL file copied into the dir with Offscreen Colonies, so I probably had the same issue with that one as well.
Now, onto the intro itself - it just takes the concept of "atmosphere" to a whole new level, amazingly expressive scenes, with audio and visual creating a delightfully disturbing feeling. Excellent!
Just noticed that I have the same DLL file copied into the dir with Offscreen Colonies, so I probably had the same issue with that one as well.
Now, onto the intro itself - it just takes the concept of "atmosphere" to a whole new level, amazingly expressive scenes, with audio and visual creating a delightfully disturbing feeling. Excellent!
Great atmosphere!
This. A thousand times this! More of this, and less of everything else!
Some of the scenes here are jawdroppingly good. The house, the guy standing at the subway exit are just insane.
However, some scenes are just not good enough, and spoils the mood quite a lot for me. This especially goes for the water in front of city scene, which is just nowhere close to the quality of aforementioned scenes.
But of course, it's still very, very good.
However, some scenes are just not good enough, and spoils the mood quite a lot for me. This especially goes for the water in front of city scene, which is just nowhere close to the quality of aforementioned scenes.
But of course, it's still very, very good.
Fantastic visuals !
Beautiful show!
You should tone down the camera movement on city/water scene in final, the motion makes the city look small after completely still camera in first section. However, that is a minor flaw..
.. in an otherwise completely breathtaking and disturbing piece of art.
Thanks you and congrats!
.. in an otherwise completely breathtaking and disturbing piece of art.
Thanks you and congrats!
This is good.
That starting scene with the branch close up and the over shaking hand held cam is just so annoying. The cam really can't stop shaking due to directors wish, but the horizon and the branch are in a steady perfect line - wtf?!?! Would have been a very cool scene if the branch would have been moving instead of that leper camera man :) (better crew casting next time please.)
And the city scene is off - not telling a story or setting a scene like the rest. It feels disconnected to all other scenes. Perhaps some text overlays telling a story would have made a difference here?
And that close up scene with then man/hand, holding "something", in front of the fire - man that scene calls for a change in DOF, but just stays at the same static focus. A shame imo.
And that scene with the man on the stairs is really awesome, but imagine him sitting on the stairs, looking at you instead... now he just kind of stands...still....very still and odd :)
That said. This is a pleasure to watch and listen too. It's really good.
That starting scene with the branch close up and the over shaking hand held cam is just so annoying. The cam really can't stop shaking due to directors wish, but the horizon and the branch are in a steady perfect line - wtf?!?! Would have been a very cool scene if the branch would have been moving instead of that leper camera man :) (better crew casting next time please.)
And the city scene is off - not telling a story or setting a scene like the rest. It feels disconnected to all other scenes. Perhaps some text overlays telling a story would have made a difference here?
And that close up scene with then man/hand, holding "something", in front of the fire - man that scene calls for a change in DOF, but just stays at the same static focus. A shame imo.
And that scene with the man on the stairs is really awesome, but imagine him sitting on the stairs, looking at you instead... now he just kind of stands...still....very still and odd :)
That said. This is a pleasure to watch and listen too. It's really good.
Mise-en-scène in the demoscene.
Oh my god.
Hangulatsugalló, már-már túlművészfilmes produkció. De rulez.
BoyC: I was testing & looking at the crash info. So I didn't see the link you wrote at the same time. ;) File should be renamed to d3dcompiler_47.dll to make it work.
Anyway, like Fermi Paradox it builds up to something that doesn't come, I was expecting I dunno zombies or something from the dude-with-bat scene :) Bit static but quality visuals, great music and mood, cool 64k!
Anyway, like Fermi Paradox it builds up to something that doesn't come, I was expecting I dunno zombies or something from the dude-with-bat scene :) Bit static but quality visuals, great music and mood, cool 64k!
Scary in multiple ways.
Aww yiss!
yesssss, put off watching the YT until I could run it for myself without compression artifacts ... getting very strong Days of Heaven vibes too with the brushfire, the 'big sky' shots of the farm and the music in the handheld leaf shot ... the use of dark and shadow over detail, suggestion instead of exposition and VERY strong soundtrack, oh my god ... more please
BoyC: cheers for the DLL - runs nicely here now. Didn't pick up on little things like the film grain on the live youtube version.
Pretty much what Noby said. Kind of what Introspec said too, with the added mention that if "this impressive thing would have deserved to be in a less restrictive format" is the only real complaint, you're probably doing pretty damn well.
Old farts have their defining wow moments, like hplus. If there's going to be another generation of sceners, this will be the defining wow moment for many of them.
Old farts have their defining wow moments, like hplus. If there's going to be another generation of sceners, this will be the defining wow moment for many of them.
2nd best 64k ever (too much aliasing)!
zoom, you are a fucking wizard.
Definitely the real winner of the compo for me. Perfect tension and atmosphere, still get goosebumps from re-watching this.
massive 64k! Man on the stairs! Zomg!
This is so great, I've had to delete my post 3 times now. What a middle finger to old school-ism. Those L-systems (I assume) are fucking fantastic.
On the downside, who wants to keep making anything after seeing this?
On the downside, who wants to keep making anything after seeing this?
great job! best 64k ever for me.
reminded me beginning of No country for old men.
Should have won. Loved it!
Amazing Intro! .... and only 2 points :)
loooks great. and... 2 points? i saw 2 'comments' in the bbs thread. that'd been the nice draw. ;)
should have won without any doubts.
well, apparently
some demogroups just want to watch the world burn
some demogroups just want to watch the world burn
woah, good shit. like i told zoom, you guys finally show your true skills with nice modern day 64K visuals :) shouldve won
Very cinematic, creates a great amount of tension and atmosphere.
Wonderful ambient soundtrack and great scenes. This is a beyond awesome cinematic experience.
Scary Hungarians and their devotion/dream to destroy all life and the whole planet in the process :)
Also +1 for Gargaj saying "some fucker didn't vote" during the prize ceremonies :)
This is awesome! one of the more interesting releases the latest years.
Holly $h!t. Now I can tell my grandchildren I was there when it got released. (And thanks for the chat and the poster too ! Adding friendliness to awesomeness, you guys rule)
They are not joking !!
Zoom <3
Also good
What they said
You've really stepped up your game from last year. And you seem to have found a very efficient way to convey images! :)
For me, there is 2 winners on this compo, then Congratulation for the 1st place :-)
Oops, forgot the thumbs up
This was jaw dropping! I feel this concept might have been better realized with some more bytes, but the fact that its a 64k is mind blowing. When the mercury demo played, it was hard to imagine how anything could even come close, and then this happened :)
Superb stuff, subtle and atmospheric. The fact that the "plot" wasn't immediately clear or overexplained didn't bother me at all, leaves room for imagination (remember using that?)
no comment
I absolutely adore this. Everything is top notch and I love the fact that so much is implied, but so little is explicitly shown. Fantastic scenes.
Great scenes. However, they're bit still. Shadows are used so much that most of the information comes from viewers mind. Shadows hide the artificiality of it all.
Yikes. Incredible!
Absolutely incredible. One of the most beautiful 64ks I've seen. Only thing that didn't make this a winner in the compo for me over Fermi Paradox was the strange feeling that it kept building up to something that never came.
This is utterly amazing.
Windows Defender detects Spursint.A!cl Trojan. Unable to download.
rby, you can dance around it (open defender, history, all detected items, view details, select the supposed trojan, allow item) but yeah, kind of annoying.
brilliant how cleverly everything is implied. the direction and the inventiveness in the way the scenes are realised - often with quite little tech in places - is so clever.
often, particularly in 64ks, your eye starts to pick up the signs of the usual generators, noise patterns etc as your mind starts to wander, but not here. way more happens in your mind while watching this than actually appears on screen.
best conspiracy production and far and away the winner in this compo in my book.
often, particularly in 64ks, your eye starts to pick up the signs of the usual generators, noise patterns etc as your mind starts to wander, but not here. way more happens in your mind while watching this than actually appears on screen.
best conspiracy production and far and away the winner in this compo in my book.
Clear winner of the compo from my point of view. I liked last years, but this one is insane :)
Amazing rendering and direction with a fitting soundtrack. I just wish it would've been brought to a proper conclusion.
Realistic and cinema like
My favorite in compo (and in the all party releases too). And... first conspiracy intro i really like. Great job, fresh direction, all parts working for overall impression.
haven't seen anything interesting or new in 64k for ages.
now i just did, great prod, thanks guys!
now i just did, great prod, thanks guys!
The new level of 64k design. Special respect for engine: no lags, no artifacts at all! Performance is much better than 1st place.
incredible cinematic snapshots! great idea.
what a battle! for me conspiracy was a bit ahead, but at the end this should be a draw ;-)
This is the best intro I ever seen.
You should have win.
You were far more better than Mercury this time.
You should have win.
You were far more better than Mercury this time.
Not the usual but a really landmarking prod and compo winner for me. I like how the pseudo-static scenes and music create this intense ambience. Btw, some scenes instantly reminded me to the movie "the road".
This was the highlight of the entire party for me, and that was due to one single shot that really struck a nerve in a good way. Since this prod is so epic it deserves a decent breakdown. The introduction with the logo was as hyping as the slide that came before it.
The black screen with the quote was promising, but the scene afterwards with the sun didn't do it for me. It kinda felt like the old Conspiracy demos. It was nice and all but I wasn't blown away. Mainly due to the mountains that lacked pointy edges I guess. Also the fact that the tree line didn't had any see through perspective killed it for me.
The shot that followed changed this. I liked the water at first but than I noticed the trees. Wow. Although the leaves seemed a bit artificial, the composting of the shot alone made me clap. I even yelled 'wow'. Little did I knew what was going to happen afterwards, although the quote in the beginning hinted at some dark stuff. The title gave that away as well. So having two shots which were relaxed really build up tension. After rescanning the shot a couple of times I was left with the feeling that even though the composting was awesome, those trees tried to act real but they weren't. 'Nice attempt' I thought, just when the next scene was introduced.
So far for 'nice attempt', this was some photo-realistic stuff! The sun shining through that single tree was just amazing. I yelled, and clapped as did the entire crowd! Blurring that tree in the background added so much depth into the whole shot, I was mesmerized. I took it all in, breathed out.
The next shot with the white building was just insane, I felt like I could actually walk up towards that building and hide in it, to take cover for what undoubtedly coming. This was the fourth shot were nothing was happening, which raised the tension even more. The cornfield in the back, the wooden white house: we're in the USA for sure. So now we have a theme and a setting. Placing that tree in front of the house was a solid choice since it added a lot of depth. '. Someone actually thought framing each single shot' I thought.
After the house came the shot that really did it for me. It was like a Debris-moment. The premise unfolded. Here is our main antagonist and he is pissed off. This is no terrorist: this is an arsonist. thought off that Batman quote: 'some man just want to see the world burn'. Standing there with a burned up torch, watching the flames. I was dumbfounded. Like a million glass particles with refraction shattered all over the place. The framing, the composting, the colors, the contrast,.. was I even watching a 64k here? And than I realized how technically complex this shot was: it wasn't. Our engine is able to pull this off. And that shows true craftsmanship: it is not the amount of polys one can push, it is building as troy scene by scene, taking the audience on a visual trip. This scene was by far the most impressive one in all the compos and I'm not exaggerating here. Less is more. I instantly felt in love with this angry dark atmosphere. This person standing here is going to take over the world, just to destroy it. He doesn't care about such trivial things like property-rights or human lives. He just burned down an entire cornfield to make a statement and he probably isn't going to stop just there.
To finish it off, the next shot was just as beautiful framed as the last one. Raising the camera towards his ears without actually moving it showed that the entire prod had been carefully story-boarded. There was nothing to do than clap. Again. I kinda lost count but what could I do?
The shot where we see the person in full obviously generated even more claps out of the audience, I assume because the introduction was done and the bass dropped for the first time. I felt a bit betrayed since this was the first shot which made a lot of sense, and up till now it was all suspense. I didn't clap because I figured the tension curve was now broken. Needless to say it looked stunning, but it ruined the visual storytelling.
Back again with the next shot. Full moon means trouble. It brings out the madness in people. I had flashbacks of 'The Purge: Anarchy'. This is a bad timing to be outside!
It looked like my assumption was right on the money since the next shot put us in the city. You don't want to be in this city. It is not safe. I didn't even noticed the watery reflections at first because my mind was racing with thoughts: this guy who burned everything down could just walk into here and burn the place down. Maybe there are even more man with the same intentions.
No surprise, in the next shot there is another one. Or is it the same? I couldn't help but notice the reflections and the way the materials reacted to the light sources. Another clapping moment, pff they are roasting the competition I thought with a smile. Maybe a head could have worked wonders on the model but everything was forgiven.
This shot threw me back to the man standing there with his torch, but now he is actually in the city, ready to wreck uuh,. havoc I guess? The shot that followed, with the road reeked of post Armageddon. Like a mob of people thrashed the place. This was kinda daring since it lacked some realism, mainly due to the trees overhanging the road and the ground texture. But all is forgiven, I mean it is 64kb after all. The shot did wonders for the story so who cares about some buildings between the trees? The cars looked awesome but the roadtexture was kinda off. The fire that erupted felt a bit artificial as well, but distorting the entire scene was a wise choice.
Roll credits. Queue first place. So I went to bed giving this one 5 stars and Mecury 4. I thought about giving them no stars at all, to help push this awesome experience that just took my breath away. But I couldn't: I mean that would just be unfair wouldn't it? So I went to sleep and awoke during the pricegiving. The entire crowd burst into clapping so got up, walked down, figuring I could get another chance to watch the winning entry once more. I guess we all knew how this ended :)
The black screen with the quote was promising, but the scene afterwards with the sun didn't do it for me. It kinda felt like the old Conspiracy demos. It was nice and all but I wasn't blown away. Mainly due to the mountains that lacked pointy edges I guess. Also the fact that the tree line didn't had any see through perspective killed it for me.
The shot that followed changed this. I liked the water at first but than I noticed the trees. Wow. Although the leaves seemed a bit artificial, the composting of the shot alone made me clap. I even yelled 'wow'. Little did I knew what was going to happen afterwards, although the quote in the beginning hinted at some dark stuff. The title gave that away as well. So having two shots which were relaxed really build up tension. After rescanning the shot a couple of times I was left with the feeling that even though the composting was awesome, those trees tried to act real but they weren't. 'Nice attempt' I thought, just when the next scene was introduced.
So far for 'nice attempt', this was some photo-realistic stuff! The sun shining through that single tree was just amazing. I yelled, and clapped as did the entire crowd! Blurring that tree in the background added so much depth into the whole shot, I was mesmerized. I took it all in, breathed out.
The next shot with the white building was just insane, I felt like I could actually walk up towards that building and hide in it, to take cover for what undoubtedly coming. This was the fourth shot were nothing was happening, which raised the tension even more. The cornfield in the back, the wooden white house: we're in the USA for sure. So now we have a theme and a setting. Placing that tree in front of the house was a solid choice since it added a lot of depth. '. Someone actually thought framing each single shot' I thought.
After the house came the shot that really did it for me. It was like a Debris-moment. The premise unfolded. Here is our main antagonist and he is pissed off. This is no terrorist: this is an arsonist. thought off that Batman quote: 'some man just want to see the world burn'. Standing there with a burned up torch, watching the flames. I was dumbfounded. Like a million glass particles with refraction shattered all over the place. The framing, the composting, the colors, the contrast,.. was I even watching a 64k here? And than I realized how technically complex this shot was: it wasn't. Our engine is able to pull this off. And that shows true craftsmanship: it is not the amount of polys one can push, it is building as troy scene by scene, taking the audience on a visual trip. This scene was by far the most impressive one in all the compos and I'm not exaggerating here. Less is more. I instantly felt in love with this angry dark atmosphere. This person standing here is going to take over the world, just to destroy it. He doesn't care about such trivial things like property-rights or human lives. He just burned down an entire cornfield to make a statement and he probably isn't going to stop just there.
To finish it off, the next shot was just as beautiful framed as the last one. Raising the camera towards his ears without actually moving it showed that the entire prod had been carefully story-boarded. There was nothing to do than clap. Again. I kinda lost count but what could I do?
The shot where we see the person in full obviously generated even more claps out of the audience, I assume because the introduction was done and the bass dropped for the first time. I felt a bit betrayed since this was the first shot which made a lot of sense, and up till now it was all suspense. I didn't clap because I figured the tension curve was now broken. Needless to say it looked stunning, but it ruined the visual storytelling.
Back again with the next shot. Full moon means trouble. It brings out the madness in people. I had flashbacks of 'The Purge: Anarchy'. This is a bad timing to be outside!
It looked like my assumption was right on the money since the next shot put us in the city. You don't want to be in this city. It is not safe. I didn't even noticed the watery reflections at first because my mind was racing with thoughts: this guy who burned everything down could just walk into here and burn the place down. Maybe there are even more man with the same intentions.
No surprise, in the next shot there is another one. Or is it the same? I couldn't help but notice the reflections and the way the materials reacted to the light sources. Another clapping moment, pff they are roasting the competition I thought with a smile. Maybe a head could have worked wonders on the model but everything was forgiven.
This shot threw me back to the man standing there with his torch, but now he is actually in the city, ready to wreck uuh,. havoc I guess? The shot that followed, with the road reeked of post Armageddon. Like a mob of people thrashed the place. This was kinda daring since it lacked some realism, mainly due to the trees overhanging the road and the ground texture. But all is forgiven, I mean it is 64kb after all. The shot did wonders for the story so who cares about some buildings between the trees? The cars looked awesome but the roadtexture was kinda off. The fire that erupted felt a bit artificial as well, but distorting the entire scene was a wise choice.
Roll credits. Queue first place. So I went to bed giving this one 5 stars and Mecury 4. I thought about giving them no stars at all, to help push this awesome experience that just took my breath away. But I couldn't: I mean that would just be unfair wouldn't it? So I went to sleep and awoke during the pricegiving. The entire crowd burst into clapping so got up, walked down, figuring I could get another chance to watch the winning entry once more. I guess we all knew how this ended :)
So I was watching the video livestream and when the scene with the house appeared ... jaw literally dropped on the floor. I didn't expect a realistic scene complete with trees, wind and a complex human-made structure of such detail in a single shot inside a 64k demo. The blazing fire scene with the man in front of it didn't convince me as much because it was very blurry and like others have stated, the shaky camera felt a bit unnatural. But that's complaining on a high level.
In all other aspects, I believe you exceeded everyone's expectations by a mile, I found myself teased really hard when the demo ended - who wouldn't want this to be a full-length cinematic movie, seriously :D
You set the bar frightfully high with this demo!
In all other aspects, I believe you exceeded everyone's expectations by a mile, I found myself teased really hard when the demo ended - who wouldn't want this to be a full-length cinematic movie, seriously :D
You set the bar frightfully high with this demo!
Ok just watched it again and I'd like to rectify my comment about the fire scene. When the camera moves out to reveal the full scene, it looks really breath-taking!
First of all: Basically what noby already said. I liked it very, very much mainly due to the great atmosphere and camera work. Really the most atmospheric and cinematic thing to come out of the demoscene. Imho a nice change from all the other intros and demos.
Great stuff
Everything i wrote about Mercurys intro also counts here. I hope the cinematic approach will also make it to the other categories. And finally a statement that is conveyed in a way that doesn't render it useless.
These two entries show that there can be more to making demos that just show off an arbitary number of effects in a great way. And of course there have been lots of productions with an idea, story or statement already. But i most of them were missing something (to me). A certain kind of depth. That isn't in your face, funny, cheesy - or in other words maybe - pulling some obvious strings.
I kinda have the sense that this entire thing has matured in a way. But maybe that's just me. Anyway - i really enjoy seeing it this way.
These two entries show that there can be more to making demos that just show off an arbitary number of effects in a great way. And of course there have been lots of productions with an idea, story or statement already. But i most of them were missing something (to me). A certain kind of depth. That isn't in your face, funny, cheesy - or in other words maybe - pulling some obvious strings.
I kinda have the sense that this entire thing has matured in a way. But maybe that's just me. Anyway - i really enjoy seeing it this way.
i just cannot word this. amazing. read above <3
This is really amazing. State of the art and incredible mood. Ossom job!
In my opinion the best prod in all competitions. I love it.
Amazing :) A little bit static, but great atmosphere and some really beautiful scenes. Love the cinematic approach.
It was like a Debris-moment.
If debris stopped after the greetings part, yes. The punchline just wasn't there for me. I'd call it an interesting teaser.
I haven't been blown away like that since Elevated, WOW! The whole attention to details are incredible.
Also more or less what noby and numtek said.
Also more or less what noby and numtek said.
I've been writing "what cupe said" way too often in the last few hours so I'll repeat it verbatim: Zoom, you're a fucking wizard.
I was somewhat surprised to see it end when I expected a story to really start, but yeah, the bytes have to go somewhere and that somewhere is the mind-blowing amount of detail that went into each individual scene.
I do like the slow, brooding atmosphere, which together with the highly detailed scenes really got under my skin.
And I also welcome the increasing amount of prods that go beyond the "music video in realtime" idea. (Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I like the variety.)
I do like the slow, brooding atmosphere, which together with the highly detailed scenes really got under my skin.
And I also welcome the increasing amount of prods that go beyond the "music video in realtime" idea. (Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I like the variety.)
this is sooo strong, thank you
Just amazing!
dark and powerful
Wow! Now I've seen this amazing trailer, where could I watch the full movie?
Simply great!
Moody as fuck
Herzog vs Kubrick? Both intros were insanely great. What was special about this one was the character appearing in several scenes. Wow!
sound is really cool...
visuals are hm dunno quite boring to me...
so piggy
visuals are hm dunno quite boring to me...
so piggy
Hoped I would have some meaningful words by now; still don't. Amazing work.
impressive piece of art. awesome direction. perfect sound design.
Absolutely great demo, those trees are better than SpeedTrees ones! :D
I especially liked the camera movement.
Not the product you want to hear/watch when hangover, soundrack of this is kinda scary. :D Every intro has to have hidden part, glenz :D
I especially liked the camera movement.
Not the product you want to hear/watch when hangover, soundrack of this is kinda scary. :D Every intro has to have hidden part, glenz :D
Very atmospheric with photo-realistic and post apocalyptic scenes ! May be too static but I guess it's on purpose. I enjoyed the scene with the man and the lightfire(s). The city scene was a bit disconnected but I think it was made to link with the man standing on the stairs.
"Just" static fly-by, but it's done so damn good!
This is the intro I was expecting from you since Chaos Theory. Quality and direction is beyond what I would expect from a 64k intro nowadays. I think this and Fermi Paradox will motivate people to think outside the box and I hope we will see some fresh ideas besides the traditional demoscene stuff.
Congratulations guys! For me this is the best scene prod of the year so far.
This is the intro I was expecting from you since Chaos Theory. Quality and direction is beyond what I would expect from a 64k intro nowadays. I think this and Fermi Paradox will motivate people to think outside the box and I hope we will see some fresh ideas besides the traditional demoscene stuff.
Congratulations guys! For me this is the best scene prod of the year so far.
Triple thumb up!!! My favorite of the party!
This is good! Really fucking good!
very strong one!
Never experienced static scenes being that intense! Awesome job! Makes me think more of an animation/wild than a 64k.
Absolutely incredible, my jaw dropped when I realized this was only 64k. Not only is it technically impressive, it evokes such a visceral emotional feel. Amazing.
Nice one.
I waited a bit before commenting on this just to find some words to actually say something... But I'm still speechless. It's just awesome!
Finally got it running and it was worth it, brilliant work for a 64k
Too many above goodly level production this year!
Can't wait to see the darkness unleashed in the next Conspiracy 64k
I wanted to write some comment but I think it's a bit useless to depict things.
The only one thing I want to say is:
more than one week after the party I still don't realize what I have seen on the bigscreen °__°
The only one thing I want to say is:
more than one week after the party I still don't realize what I have seen on the bigscreen °__°
dat ass
Have no words......
Tense and beaitiful
So beautiful that I even made a typo!
I never was a huge fan of the "short film in demo form" formula. I'm not exactly sure what it's trying to tell (if anything), but the atmosphere is truly overwhelming. The visual quality also really puts this on par with traditional cinema. I'm not one of those that feels that demos in general need to be 'mature' or anything, but productions like these are really worthwhile. Also that 'cliffhanger' (unintentional or not, what with the bytes and everything) is still haunting me.
maybe a bit too overambitious but still worked perfectly..
Doing something like this without it becoming awkward is a massive achievement in itself. So happy it didn't just end up in an attempt to cram in "as much stuff as possible". (That said, it might've been nicer without the "floating city", which felt too much like a TBL-Amiga-thing).
exe should work but does not
this is ingenious. congrats.. true winner imo!
this is ingenious. congrats.. true winner imo!
It doesn't work! Whaaaat? How does it possible?
sounds good
normally i dont like this kind of demos...but FUCK! THIS! IS! INCREDIBLE!
Cinematically stunning for the limitations, technically awe inspiring for how Conspiracy crammed that into 64kb.
A 64kb triumph.
A 64kb triumph.
This looks fantastic, and sounds amazing. The pacing makes this so intense. I love it.
Having found two so far, I can tell you that it doesn't. Everyone draws inspiration from other moving images. I borrowed some shots in the past as well. As long as you make your own twist and you remodel the entire scene, I don't see no problem in learning from the great masters of cinema.I expect if and when someone actually finds the sources it will take a bit of the magic away
My initial thought was to post the screenshots I found in this thread. I already uploaded the images. Later on I realised it is way more fun if people stumble upon those shots themselfs and all of a sudden remember Darkness Lay Your Eyes Upon Me :)
A small hint would be this thread: How to camera.
It is fantastic. Please do more.
I love this so much!
I was blown away when I saw it live at the compo. The cinematic and moody feeling is just so well done.
So I just rewatched the fixed final version (and had to dl the d3d.dll as well / 64bit win7 here)... From the quote, to the music, to everything else. It's one of the best demos I have seen.
The one scene that pulled me out of the experience a little though, is the city / skyscraper scene... When I saw the water I wasn't sure if the whole city is underwater (is it?) and then I asked myself if all the houses would still have electricity if everything is flooded. So maybe it needs to be more clear if it is flooded or not... or - maybe even better... you could show the scene just when some of the houses lose their elecrity and amplify the eerie scene even more. :)
5/5 - perfect! I want to see more! Keep it up!
I was blown away when I saw it live at the compo. The cinematic and moody feeling is just so well done.
So I just rewatched the fixed final version (and had to dl the d3d.dll as well / 64bit win7 here)... From the quote, to the music, to everything else. It's one of the best demos I have seen.
The one scene that pulled me out of the experience a little though, is the city / skyscraper scene... When I saw the water I wasn't sure if the whole city is underwater (is it?) and then I asked myself if all the houses would still have electricity if everything is flooded. So maybe it needs to be more clear if it is flooded or not... or - maybe even better... you could show the scene just when some of the houses lose their elecrity and amplify the eerie scene even more. :)
5/5 - perfect! I want to see more! Keep it up!
Greatness lay your eyes upon me
Teaser - the demo. Love it!
The most cinematic 64k I've ever seen
Everything about this is just so awesome! You guys really managed to create something extraordinary. Zoom <3
So good, so teasing. I.. I cannot find almost anything wrong here..
This lit up my Easter at home. Found it quite enjoyable and awe-inspiring in spots.
A thing of beauty is a joy forever! I just hope you don't wait too long to put out the sequel so we can find out what happens to everybody after everything cracks.
Overall, it's definitely a thumb, however!
Some things look good, while other not so good: forest in the back in the sunset over swamp scene is pixelated (also cheap noise for "water" areas), corn field behind the house obviously too blurry, city scene has its moments, but windows texture and ground is so so, also clouds occluding the moon are a bit lacking cirrus-like touch (because cheap noise, again).
Nevertheless, for 64k it's understandable. Still, I have a feeling it is not so polished as Offscreen Colonies.
From positive side: haunting atmosphere is done well, also it is interesting to see at least "some" vegetation in the 64k intro. Especially, the close-up on a tree - very nice touch. The american-style house is lovely too ;)
Some things look good, while other not so good: forest in the back in the sunset over swamp scene is pixelated (also cheap noise for "water" areas), corn field behind the house obviously too blurry, city scene has its moments, but windows texture and ground is so so, also clouds occluding the moon are a bit lacking cirrus-like touch (because cheap noise, again).
Nevertheless, for 64k it's understandable. Still, I have a feeling it is not so polished as Offscreen Colonies.
From positive side: haunting atmosphere is done well, also it is interesting to see at least "some" vegetation in the 64k intro. Especially, the close-up on a tree - very nice touch. The american-style house is lovely too ;)
The cinema aspect is very cool. I love that intro. The only thing that I don't like is... ¡I can't run it in GNU/Linux! Hehehe
Best 64k intro ever.
Best 64k intro ever.
best stuff for me: trees/bushes & leafs movement.
nothing to add
just wow!
Maggie ;)
Great direction and etc. :)
Haha, I was watching Maggie last night.. and was like "hmmm.. i know that scene from somewhere" :D
Holy shit !
A fantastic choice to watch for my first demo in months. Thanks to whoever pointed me to this.
Such a great atmosphere. Awesome.
kind of creepy
Absolute great graphics and atmosphere. Fantastic! Fucking awesome!!! If I had a CDC left, I would give it!
I think everything that could be said about this has already been put forward, thus I can say that it is truly a masterpiece, albeit not "100%" in all aspects. Neverthless the technical prowess and stylistic approach make it deserving for two or three thumbs, if I only could give it as much.
mutherf***!! ... what was that? gotta watch it again ...
excellent !
a bit static, but really nice.
Hello new beginning.
(Thought this work's unquiet mood goes well with your group name..)
(Thought this work's unquiet mood goes well with your group name..)
just gotta say that i'm watching this again now and it still gives me super chills! man, so good.
still mesmerized af, waiting for part 3
FCKNNJG!!!! YES! :) I Believe in this. Good trailer for some film!
Sötétség, vesd rám a tekinteted!
wondering why this is not in the alltime top 10... incredible.
Oh hey, I haven't yet commented on what is possibly the best 64k I've seen to date.
I think noby and smash expressed it best: sometimes less is more, and I'm certainly one to take a simpler image served in a polished and convincing way over a scene overburdened with high-tech effects. In this sense this demo is truly a work of art, and I hope to see more cinematic stuff like this from you and other high-tier 64k makers. It's a crying shame that this particular intro had to compete with Fermi Paradox which in my opinion is just a notch weaker in terms of direction but is noticeably more solid in terms of underlying tech imo.
I think noby and smash expressed it best: sometimes less is more, and I'm certainly one to take a simpler image served in a polished and convincing way over a scene overburdened with high-tech effects. In this sense this demo is truly a work of art, and I hope to see more cinematic stuff like this from you and other high-tier 64k makers. It's a crying shame that this particular intro had to compete with Fermi Paradox which in my opinion is just a notch weaker in terms of direction but is noticeably more solid in terms of underlying tech imo.
holy shit
Wait, what the hell, I never thumbed this? Jesus..
Incredible work and probably my favourite production from 2016 by a long stretch!
Incredible work and probably my favourite production from 2016 by a long stretch!
very well deserved awards!
trend setter! I wish I could see more of these in the future
trend setter! I wish I could see more of these in the future
I think my jaw hit the floor.
Having now seen this on real hardware at Demosplash, I can say it is very impressive technically in a way the capture I watched didn't do justice to. Not a style I would personally cdc, but I have no regrets about my thumb.
amazing images, but sound and pacing is far from interesting. the prequel was way better balanced.
Great effort.
Gold star.
But boring and copywork.
Gold star.
But boring and copywork.
Very beautiful visuals.
Seeing the inspiration from True Detective (season 2), I'm actually even more impressed now, seeing the details you managed to recreate is astonishing
unbelievably good stuff
late thumb
still speechless
still speechless
Soo much goodness packed into 64kb! <3
Unfriggin-believeable for a 64K !
The design/direction is marvelous, I mean it's beautifully done, some of the best I've seen. I cannot understand how this is not ranked higher. The great sound fits this 'movie trailer' perfectly.
Not the usual demo more of a story, but still hella awesome
Another forgotten thumb up.
One of my alltime favourites!
It was one of my biggest inspirations to start making demos <3
Holy Sh--
That, that was awesome to watch.
The atmosphere is so dark, creepy but good!
That, that was awesome to watch.
The atmosphere is so dark, creepy but good!
What an atmosphere!
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