
We Were @ by Oxygene [web]
screenshot added by leonard on 2015-12-20 13:19:42
platform :
type :
release date : december 2015
release party : STNICCC 2015
compo : wild demo
ranked : 1st
  • 163
  • 3
  • 0
popularity : 75%
  • 0.98
  • 2
alltime top: #257
added on the 2015-12-20 13:17:08 by leonard leonard

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Thanks everyone, SZTNICCC 2015 was amazing. Here is our demo. You should run it on ATARI STE 4MiB
If you can't use real hardware, please use SainT 2.40 emulator for best experience with borders gfx.
added on the 2015-12-20 13:21:20 by leonard leonard
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 13:31:19 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc
This is rocking hard ! One of the top STe demo ever !
Moar please !
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 13:56:50 by Cyg_BLaBla Cyg_BLaBla
Amazing surprise to see Oxygene back with silk as smooth effects and great graphics and music!
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 13:57:58 by exocet exocet
Amazing ! Leonard did it again. Nice to see hot stuff on Atari STE!
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 14:41:36 by ast ast
WOW!! :)
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 15:15:34 by Buckethead Buckethead
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 15:39:41 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
I think I jizzed my pants :/
added on the 2015-12-20 15:46:44 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
Next challenge : do the same on Atari ST with 512k ONLY !!! ^^
added on the 2015-12-20 15:53:42 by ast ast
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 16:20:21 by maytz maytz
I didn't managed to watch it very properly in emulators, but from what I've seen there are many glorious fullscreen effects, physics and more coolness!

It would be cool if we could see a video. I could fire up my STE but I don't think I have more than 2MBs. I'll wait for the final.
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 16:21:55 by Optimus Optimus
Holy shit! This rocks...

@Optimus: Works fine in hatari. Dont forget to switch to STE and 4MB ram.
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 16:32:19 by axis^oxy axis^oxy
@axis^oxy : Works fine on Saint 2.40 too ! Leonard made it possible (last update!)
added on the 2015-12-20 16:34:50 by ast ast
definitely rulez !
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 16:41:45 by Jess^OVR Jess^OVR
Cool, I was using old version of Saint on my disk.
added on the 2015-12-20 17:28:28 by Optimus Optimus
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 17:38:39 by spiny spiny
One of the best STE demos ever. Kudos!
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 18:08:24 by MKM MKM
Great job Oxygen. A fantastic STe Demo
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 18:43:29 by Thadoss Thadoss
Great demo :)
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 19:43:23 by Sir_Lucas Sir_Lucas
ace prod! and clawz is back :)
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 20:36:35 by Virgill Virgill
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 20:36:56 by sensenstahl sensenstahl
Oxygene! :-)
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 20:37:43 by prowler prowler
excellent démo ! the fact is i'm new on atari st scene but all theses effects are gooooood ! love it (i only saw on youtube right now) and go to test it tomorrow on my ste. thanx a lot oxygene thanx <3 :)
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 21:07:48 by yogib33r yogib33r
Kind of a demo equivalent of a Steamroller, after it has passed, everything else kind of felt "flat" :)

Now, I really wonder if you will managed to make it into 2 or even 1 meg.
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 21:11:49 by Dbug Dbug
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 21:13:02 by moqui moqui
Really cool! Excellent effects, great tune by Clawz, nice graphics. What's not to like?
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 21:18:10 by StingRay StingRay
final animation well done!
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 21:30:41 by ded^RMDA ded^RMDA
Asskicking... Always love full screens!
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 21:42:57 by TMA TMA
This is super slick and sexy, congrats! Next demo in 2030? :)
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 21:45:58 by noname noname
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 21:57:18 by xeen xeen
Zeesus, mitäs sanoo tähän brite on the amiga sector? :D
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 22:03:22 by moredhel moredhel
video please!
added on the 2015-12-20 22:07:28 by moredhel moredhel
Cool, just watched it on my STe. Will there be a hd version ?
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 22:29:45 by Twardy Twardy
Excellent fullscreen effects. Congrats!
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 22:45:35 by keops keops
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 22:50:10 by p01 p01
I love it that the STNICCC party was only held in 1990 , 2000 and now in 2015.
And guess what ? Oxygene won also this party in 2000 :)
Keep up the legendary comebacks..
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 22:58:09 by magic magic
just rox!
rulezcdc added on the 2015-12-20 22:59:57 by Blast! Blast!
Return of the legends! What a ride!
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 23:04:30 by Bobic Bobic
Super awesome!
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 23:08:16 by Alpha C Alpha C
BB Image
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 23:20:46 by Gʀɪʍʍy Gʀɪʍʍy
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 23:41:17 by xeron xeron
Great stuff, and insanity coding in fullscreen mode where you have to cycle count everything!
rulez added on the 2015-12-20 23:50:48 by Sdw Sdw
Nice one.
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 00:19:31 by Charlie Charlie
Gr8 stuff, thanx!
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 01:12:02 by sachy sachy
Awesome demo from talented guys. It rocks!
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 01:16:58 by Strider Strider
Great FULLSCREEN stuff.
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 01:31:50 by krupkaj krupkaj
absolutely insane coding in here
added on the 2015-12-21 01:45:18 by moredhel moredhel
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 01:54:56 by Saga Musix Saga Musix
Leonard entered the Matrix.... Congrats to all the team.
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 02:06:18 by Shazz^TRSi^MJJ Shazz^TRSi^MJJ
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 02:27:37 by T$ T$
Some nice routines in there, and I really liked the music.
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 07:36:15 by britelite britelite
Sets a new standard for the 16/32 machines, and that includes the Amiga imho :)
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 07:47:08 by fra fra
fra: to be honest, I didn't see anything that hasn't/couldn't be done on an A500 (especially with 4MB of memory) ;)
added on the 2015-12-21 07:57:28 by britelite britelite
What an excellent demo in every possible way.
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 08:30:05 by Preacher Preacher
Solid demo, great!
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 08:32:00 by Serpent Serpent
Impressive. Most impressive.
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 09:34:35 by ramon ramon
Wow, great stuff! I like physics (the slow motion idea is great and I'll borrow it for our next project), flatshade morphing (even if it's inspired by Rink a Dink), transition to the final part and the end part effect, fitting music. Nitpicking? There is not much of a connection between parts, colours/palettes are not consistent and I'd miss even more sync. But anyway – it's probably my fav ST demo so far and a clear candidate for all "best 2015 oldschool demo" categories. Good job, Leonard and Mon and thank you for making it. BTW - how the hell did you convince Clawz to make a new tune?
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 10:09:12 by jazzcat jazzcat
superb & awesome!!
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 10:10:41 by sINk sINk
Niin ja tässähän pitää muistaa, britelitenkin, että efet on overscanissa, jolloin cpu timee ei jää hirveesti pyörittää efuja. Jos tää vaatii, nejlä megasen atarin, se lienee se, et se precakkaa ton dotti tunnelin. Muut efut on realtime.
added on the 2015-12-21 11:15:39 by moredhel moredhel
Here's my fullscreen thumbs up !
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 12:04:47 by guille^cocoon guille^cocoon
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 12:08:11 by AlienTech AlienTech
Demo of the year!
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 12:14:39 by Exin Exin
Biggest surprise of the STNICCC compos to me.
Many thanks for still taking time to work on such productions, Oxygene guys.
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 12:20:55 by Dma-Sc Dma-Sc
Excellent. Everything I like from a demo. Cool effects, decent music, oldschool presentation.
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 12:38:05 by ___ ___
'to rock in an especially 1337 \/\/4y.'

rulez added on the 2015-12-21 12:50:54 by dml dml
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 12:51:44 by Trilkk Trilkk
très chic!!
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 12:53:27 by gentleman gentleman
The classe inteurnachionaule !
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 13:35:18 by p0ke p0ke
brilliant =)
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 13:36:30 by HellMood HellMood
What a great Christmas gift this was! Outstanding from beginning to end! Thanks!
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 14:05:37 by Daniel Daniel
great stuff! easily the best 68000 demo ever (if only it would run on traditional 1mb).
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 14:58:14 by bonefish bonefish
added on the 2015-12-21 15:55:43 by zoolmona zoolmona
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 15:58:45 by zoolmona zoolmona
Great design, effects, and flow! One of the better oldschool demos in some time, and the amount of content and polish is awesome.

But since I've grown up with Commodore and not Atari, maybe someone can enlighten me: What's so special about the "fullscreen" thing?
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 19:57:58 by Kylearan Kylearan
Great, a proper STe demo!
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 20:01:11 by Scali Scali
un grand Merci !
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 21:08:01 by Zorro 2 Zorro 2
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 23:37:27 by frog frog
Words cannot describe so I won't even try
rulez added on the 2015-12-21 23:45:53 by havoc havoc
Awe-some. Leonard produced many of the best ST demos and now he owns the STe :)
rulez added on the 2015-12-22 02:26:25 by tin tin
rulez added on the 2015-12-22 11:01:51 by violator violator
rulez added on the 2015-12-22 11:03:27 by Pandafox Pandafox
Great stuff. I love it when people make stuff this technical look so effortless
rulez added on the 2015-12-22 11:17:17 by evilpaul evilpaul
@Kylearan: The fullscreen thing on ST/STE is quite similar to displaying graphics/effects in the C64 sideborder. It needs cycle exact writes to the video-chip in every single rasterline. The cycle exact part makes it a bitch to code, because several things can cause jitter and unstability on the timing. And doing this every single rasterline eats up most of your valueable cpu-cycles. And if this is not worse enough, doing effects in fullscreen nearly doubles the amount of pixels/bytes your effect has to shuffle around in memory.

To sum it all up: It just makes everything an order of magnitude times harder!
added on the 2015-12-22 11:23:35 by axis^oxy axis^oxy
@axis: Thanks! Now I think I understand the extra effort involved, having been forced to do similar things on the VCS. I think I'll have to read some docs on the ST; sounds interesting in a weird kind of way.

Extra virtual thumb up for fullscreen then!
added on the 2015-12-22 11:40:00 by Kylearan Kylearan
Great release, really nice !!!
rulez added on the 2015-12-22 12:24:04 by BoNuS BoNuS
rulez added on the 2015-12-22 12:41:33 by ɧ4ɾɗվ. ɧ4ɾɗվ.
nice stuff. some 2D backdrops were a bit meh tho, a bit more oldskool love to that would've made it a real killer.
rulez added on the 2015-12-22 13:21:56 by el mal el mal
It's really heartwarming to see a new Oxygene demo on the Atari in 2015!
rulez added on the 2015-12-22 14:31:28 by hfr hfr
great stuff!
rulez added on the 2015-12-22 15:28:29 by unity1 unity1
Wow what a blast...nicely polished with awesome musax. Clawz is back? Whoa!
rulez added on the 2015-12-22 20:02:55 by Triace Triace
Cool demo
rulez added on the 2015-12-22 21:13:49 by bitl bitl
rulez added on the 2015-12-22 22:57:43 by seρρjο seρρjο
Brain suitably blown from party viewing.

Please can we haz a file version?
rulez added on the 2015-12-22 23:42:18 by CiH CiH
Gorgeous demo! Inspiring.
rulez added on the 2015-12-23 05:40:48 by velusip velusip
In my opinion the deserved winner of the STNICCC-2015 demo competition. This demo is amazing and very polished.
rulez added on the 2015-12-23 12:45:49 by Robert Robert
Atari /!\ POWA !
rulez added on the 2015-12-23 14:31:05 by PumP PumP
added on the 2015-12-23 16:32:27 by zoolmona zoolmona
rulez added on the 2015-12-23 19:05:18 by mad mad
rulez added on the 2015-12-23 21:41:52 by spritus spritus
The best Atari STE demo I think. Excellent stuff! I love the music.
rulez added on the 2015-12-23 22:48:02 by aki aki
Neat demo, good design and the graphics work overall is on point. Effects look alright but personally I wouldn't mind having something even prettier at the expense of the hertz. Music was pretty anemic but not awful by any means.
rulez added on the 2015-12-23 23:30:05 by noby noby
The bar on 16/32 bits was in need of being raised to make things fresh and interesting again, and 'voila' here comes this demo. Amazing to see what some Atari groups are doing lately on 8bit and on 16/32 bit. Back to this demo, cool design/graphics/music/effects. And a proper amount of content to fill the whole length, unlike those intros that get released as "demos".
rulez added on the 2015-12-24 01:33:19 by Hoild Hoild
Very impressive
rulez added on the 2015-12-24 06:34:57 by Hannibal Hannibal
rulez added on the 2015-12-25 19:45:18 by SnC SnC
Just insane!!!
rulez added on the 2015-12-25 23:26:10 by BackSpace BackSpace
Long ending credits. So so demo.
added on the 2015-12-26 08:05:25 by AntDude AntDude
Lots of great effects which I'd love to be able to do :)

Loved the rotating points with precalculated 3d sprites! Great to see awesome gfx by Mon again and Clawz with a very modern sounding tune!

Also the end scroller with the technical details is a great read. The effort that went into each effect seems huge!
rulez added on the 2015-12-26 09:50:38 by rloaderro rloaderro
I just read the upscroll with the technical details. Omg, I wasnt aware of the fact, that using the blitter with fullscreen code is so ciritcal. It totally makes sense, since the STE-blitter blocks the CPU, and so potentially delays/kills the fullscreen code. Thats nasty codepr0n.

@Leonard: Are you using the blitter for the zoom in the fractal-flight or is it CPU-based? I was thinking about that screen for ST. But wasnt able to find a good solution for handling the interleaved bitplanes. Best idea was to use 2 buffers (a non-interleaved offscreen buffer that gets converted into interleaved planes while zooming with MOVEP). But I dont think, that will be fast enough.
added on the 2015-12-26 10:48:44 by axis^oxy axis^oxy
axis: It's even worse than that, the blitter does not take the same time to start on STe and MegaSTe, so you have to compensate somewhat for the 4 clock cycles difference.
added on the 2015-12-26 12:03:21 by Dbug Dbug
The main idea with blitter & overscan is to make your data (the pixels or rasters change information) streamable, then it becomes "easy" to split it with fixed timings on each scanline and interleave the few cpu instructions to remove the borders.
Streaming some of the FX, especially the 3d, is the hardest part, it could involve some precalcs or post-FX calculations (I didn't watch at the code).
rulez added on the 2015-12-26 15:00:56 by Frequent Frequent
Framerate or didn't happen
rulez added on the 2015-12-27 10:23:13 by sm sm
Wow! Commodore will have problems keeping up with that!
rulez added on the 2015-12-27 21:11:05 by Emod Emod
Great demo! <3
Probably with plenty of French Realtime (TM) inside?
rulez added on the 2015-12-27 21:53:55 by baah baah
An overall great looking comeback demo on top of the fullscreen technical feats.
rulez added on the 2015-12-27 22:11:02 by phoenix phoenix
Sooooo polished code as Leonard is one of the very rare to write ! Impressive production ! Great work oO
rulez added on the 2015-12-27 22:22:18 by hylst hylst
Looking really great and polished! Deserved compo winner :)
rulez added on the 2015-12-28 05:10:10 by SunSpire SunSpire
rulez added on the 2015-12-28 08:29:50 by starbuck starbuck
Amazingly cool STuff ! I love every bit of it. Oxygene rulez :)
rulez added on the 2015-12-28 10:48:10 by grey grey
What Maytz said.
rulez added on the 2015-12-28 20:20:20 by Blueberry Blueberry
nice demo... but tbh i prefer a bit more realtime ;)
rulez added on the 2015-12-29 17:24:33 by ultra ultra
Oxygene = euphoria
rulez added on the 2015-12-30 11:50:40 by toms toms
Wow! This is just a wonderful demo. Great effects, great design and use of colours, excellent artwork. I grew up as an amiga kid and I don't fully understand the hardware and limitations of atari stuff but I know this is just amazing running on a 68000.
rulez added on the 2015-12-31 03:30:28 by drift drift
This one really R.O.C.K.S. Perfect style with a very good music. Congratulations. Technical details at the end were very interesting for me as an amiga coder.
rulez added on the 2015-12-31 19:11:14 by dissident dissident
A fantastic demo!
rulezcdc added on the 2016-01-03 11:08:57 by rmb rmb
holy crap
rulez added on the 2016-01-03 16:57:51 by psenough psenough
rulez added on the 2016-01-05 22:01:45 by rhino rhino
Hi all!

We're proud to announce the release of the Final version. I did a survey about STE hardware owners and finally the final version has these two big new features:

- HDD version supported!
- Mega-STE hardware is now supported!
- all gfx glitchs fixed on real hardware (even on compo machine :))

Hope HDD & MegaSTE will allow many of you to see the demo on your fave hardware :)

just download it again with the pouet download link
rulez added on the 2016-01-06 02:03:12 by leonard leonard
this final is well worth a selfvote imho! ;D
added on the 2016-01-06 02:08:20 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
Thanks for the final! Also motivational thumb for flipo HDD version ;)
rulez added on the 2016-01-06 02:16:30 by spkr spkr
A very cool demo, mixing the use of the blitter and overscan. One of the rare STe demos that push the hardware the way we used to push the ST!
rulez added on the 2016-01-06 03:10:29 by Alien / ST-CNX Alien / ST-CNX
A truly epic demo and it was quite thrilling to watch it on the big screen. One of the very best ST demo ever relased.
rulez added on the 2016-01-06 11:19:31 by micdune micdune
rulez added on the 2016-01-06 12:48:24 by keito keito
This is just AWESOME!!! Smooth and fast effect! I feel completely amazed!!! Marvelous work!!! From long time I don't see nothing like this! Leonard You Rule!!! This prod must be seen on real hardware! 50FPS smoothness near all the time! In case of lack of real Atari hardware, use the SainT 2.40 with monitor set to 50Hz refresh rate.
rulez added on the 2016-01-07 12:57:08 by seban seban
rulez added on the 2016-01-08 18:43:23 by calimero calimero
@britelite: "I didn't see anything that hasn't/couldn't be done on an A500" - could you first beat Leonards sprite record :)
added on the 2016-01-08 18:53:28 by calimero calimero
@calimero: didn't see a sprite record in this demo, maybe I missed something?
added on the 2016-01-08 19:39:52 by britelite britelite
excellent demo ! works fine with fix :) wonderfull thanx :)
added on the 2016-01-08 21:43:08 by yogib33r yogib33r
rulez added on the 2016-01-08 22:42:27 by dhor dhor
Are you using the blitter for the zoom in the fractal-flight or is it CPU-based?

@axis: it's only CPU based. ATARI blitter is not as powerfull as AMIGA one :( ( and it does not work in // )

Btw I love your mandelzoom in Planet rocklobster, really, really impressive.
added on the 2016-01-09 19:46:58 by leonard leonard
Well yes nothing outstanding here but a piggie for all the work done for this demo.
added on the 2016-01-10 03:10:48 by rock rock
wow - cool stuff! not too wild about the rendered graphics (except for the endpart), but otherwise it's a brilliant demonstration.
rulez added on the 2016-01-10 03:26:32 by booger booger
Quite an enjoyable watch.
rulez added on the 2016-01-11 01:09:50 by FreeFull FreeFull
Well yes nothing outstanding here but a piggie for all the work done for this demo.

Hey we have a troll here !

Otherwise what can I say : Leonard kicked us hard at the compo but it was so nice being kicked ! I don't really like the fullscreen circles but the rest is awesome, love it all !
rulez added on the 2016-01-12 21:22:38 by stsurvivor stsurvivor
WOW! Thats what I call a DEMO!!!!
rulez added on the 2016-01-19 16:17:19 by tFt tFt
This demo is absolutely amazing. Belonging to the old skool Atari demo coders I have never been much impressed with STE demos, and most new school productions care (in my taste) too much about the design and less about showing off technical skills.

Well. I'm more than impressed. Not only with leonard's technical achievements (he is without a doubt the #1 Atari ST demo coder) but also with the beautiful design, art works, synchronization, music ... everything. This is the production that has me reevaluating all my prejudice against the STE.

Well done, Oxygene. Absolutely marvelous.

/Troed of SYNC

(And I have absolutely no idea how you managed to put all of this together in just a few months - mind boggling!)
rulez added on the 2016-01-23 14:21:19 by troed troed
Very, very nice. Wish I'd have 4MB in my STE so I could watch this on hw.
rulez added on the 2016-02-04 13:35:41 by utz utz
Awesome demo. Simply stunning :)
rulez added on the 2016-02-13 23:08:43 by SteveJ-UK SteveJ-UK
Stylish and technically impressive. Glad to see that Oxygene are still rocking today =)
rulez added on the 2016-02-19 21:16:25 by dojoe dojoe
OUTSTANDING STuff. I wish for more to come out from this example of what the STe is capable off.
rulez added on the 2016-03-10 19:31:33 by applecrypt applecrypt
holy shit. awesome. how far did you compute the mandelbrot set at ~5:00? and did you reach your limit? :D
rulez added on the 2016-03-16 16:42:02 by necaremus necaremus
Oxygene style in every possible way. It looks like the STE is doing everything with ease and "making it look easy is the hardest part" (said Mic).
Excellent and stylish graphics, neat soundtrack and excellent code once again.
rulez added on the 2016-03-17 20:53:17 by Paranoid Paranoid
Congratulations on the Meteoriks Award win - now after the ceremony I can write something here. :)

We agreed to look at overall aspects for this award. While the demo ofc had to be in some way an achievement, it needn't be a coder effect parade. And here we have lots of coder effects, and dithered pics which I don't like, but I found myself enjoying it to the end. This is not easy to do, we have all watched lots of demos by now. I think you've found a very successful balance and convincing pace in this demo.

And the code, colors, and music are high quality and yummy throughout.

Short version: great stuff!! :)
rulez added on the 2016-03-25 22:46:14 by Photon Photon
Amazing stuff! Big congrats.
rulez added on the 2016-04-15 17:23:45 by ham ham
good demo.
this demo uses this art. http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/errorcell/peace
but not mentioned anywhere...
rulez added on the 2016-05-03 02:51:17 by no longer active no longer active
Great Demo, Thanks Oxygene !
rulez added on the 2016-05-08 07:31:11 by _JUL_ _JUL_
Very inspiring production. Happy to see legends back again. Thanks!
rulez added on the 2016-05-19 03:19:03 by norecess norecess
reached my top list.
rulez added on the 2016-05-27 14:35:44 by iks iks
Great Atari demo!
rulez added on the 2016-07-01 19:22:16 by raer raer
rulez added on the 2016-07-02 04:14:04 by cxw cxw
great demo
rulez added on the 2016-07-07 21:12:40 by krusty krusty
forgotten thumb for a solid work
rulez added on the 2016-07-08 13:05:20 by lvd lvd
Great work. I liked it very much. It is great that people are still doing Atari ST demos. I watched my first demo 29 years ago ! This one is among the very best; no doubt about it.
rulez added on the 2016-08-25 21:52:42 by ppravier ppravier
Forgotten Thumb.
rulez added on the 2016-08-26 14:27:40 by Hicks Hicks
Such a great demo!
rulez added on the 2016-11-22 23:18:07 by Yoyost Yoyost
Hi everyone!

"We Were @" music is made of several sample loops, chained in real time depending of loading time, effect sync etc. Anyway I did a standalone version very close to the demo. It's made from the original loops from Clawz so it's 44Khz, 16bits stereo ( Atari version is downsampled to 8bits, 12Khz )

Original full quality (16bits, 44Khz)

And for real atari fans, I did an YM version too! (8bits, 12Khz)

added on the 2017-05-12 22:32:25 by leonard leonard
Is 2mb version coming, as promised on the upscroll?
added on the 2017-06-03 13:05:39 by moredhel moredhel
really awesome
rulez added on the 2017-07-07 01:00:35 by Fell Fell
so loved the fullscreen scroller :)
rulez added on the 2017-08-13 22:11:44 by YQN YQN
Is 2mb version coming, as promised on the upscroll?

I have a working 2MiB version. The price to pay for 2MiB is to have floppy loading time between each part.
But now I wonder if it make sense to release that version, because I guess most of STE owners have 1 or 4MiB, but not 2 right?

A 1MiB only version could be made too, the price to pay will be to remove digital music. Is it a good idea to have a 1MiB version too?
added on the 2017-11-23 00:03:24 by leonard leonard
Wahou, massive prod even if i'am not a ST/STE fan, really impressive and very good too .
rulez added on the 2017-12-04 20:52:16 by TOUKO TOUKO
EDIT : and very good music too . ;-)
added on the 2017-12-04 20:53:47 by TOUKO TOUKO
Lots of very smart ideas. Thanks for sharing technical explanations in the end part.
rulez added on the 2017-12-04 21:11:53 by Soundy Soundy
What Blueberry said.
rulez added on the 2018-02-03 08:59:59 by Volantis Volantis
I wish more Amiga 500 demos were like this...
rulez added on the 2018-03-13 12:53:14 by grip grip
Excellent !
rulez added on the 2018-03-29 23:45:29 by MetalAges MetalAges
Great !!! Nowadays with new hardwares (here the CosmosEx and OSSC for the output display), that's really superbe ! With time, the oldschool machines show their full potential when code, music and grafx come from talentuous persons... BRAVO ! :-)
rulez added on the 2018-04-05 18:25:12 by HuggyOne76 HuggyOne76
Clearly impressive, sounds good, STe has it good.
rulez added on the 2018-04-27 15:55:21 by MacDeath MacDeath
I just realised I hadn't commented on this. I'd give it a thumb just for the laughs the RaD/EoD morphing caused, but there is so much more cool visuals going on here. Good stuff!
rulez added on the 2019-02-13 15:21:30 by Paradroid Paradroid
Unbelievable! It's like my STe got a few extra MHz after loading this demo!
rulez added on the 2019-06-24 03:05:57 by 6BQ5 6BQ5
I just updated the We Were @ to work with 2MiB only STE. Just use the same download link here, and enjoy!
added on the 2019-08-26 23:24:46 by leonard leonard
rulez added on the 2019-10-04 21:37:32 by _nemo_ _nemo_
Seems i forgot to thumb this epic prod up
rulez added on the 2019-12-06 10:32:10 by Queen_Luna Queen_Luna
rulez added on the 2019-12-06 12:46:36 by hollowone hollowone
One of my favs! Reeeaaly nice!
rulez added on the 2019-12-08 08:15:18 by Schlampf Schlampf
Just wow
rulez added on the 2020-10-25 16:29:00 by vitalkanev vitalkanev
still like this.
(shame that some graphics were ripped tho...)
Really shows the benefits of the STE over the ST.
rulez added on the 2021-11-01 21:25:55 by JAC! JAC!
This is (to my understandings) basically the best STE prod ever made. STE feels like A500? well... after all this years... well made prod.
rulez added on the 2022-06-25 20:37:11 by twh twh
As far i know, on an ST, when do fullscreen, you cant use mulu commands nor timer A based musics. Its crazy to do fullscreen so fast 3D on an ST, without mulu and timer B on musics?
added on the 2022-08-31 19:11:23 by moredhel moredhel
been checking out post 2020 atari st demos (to check mister fpga atari core) , this one with first love must be on the toppers there - seeing all of it (and the decline of demos in general post-covid) makes me wonder if any machine other than the c64 might ever reach its true potential before its groupies die out. Even if this shows the diff in STE , first love shows an ST plain was a potential hot iron too looking like it might be an STE or a1200 maybe lol, its really a shame it all died out too quickly (not to mention the falcon which definitely never will see its own limits) ... good stuff
rulez added on the 2023-11-07 03:44:40 by Janes OnderGrond Janes OnderGrond
Awesome show!
rulez added on the 2024-10-10 20:31:02 by Olympian Olympian

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