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popularity : 68% |
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added on the 2003-06-06 16:32:26 by melw ![]() |
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Oh the JoY
added on the 2003-06-05 22:17:47 by Paul Chartres 

Not a PocketPC demo but I couldn't find a better category for this. Originally made for Nokia 7650 handset but the zip file includes also a PC executable.
woo, spanish's got trendy!.. presenta
unA demo extraordinariA
nice prod! presenta
unA demo extraordinariA
nice prod!
woa... nice one.
forgot this
When does it end? I've watched it for 5 hours already. It actually runs faster on my Nokia 7650 than on my 2 GHz PC. Amazing!
wow! very fast and very pretty. refreshing
oishit, rules :)
Very nice stuff, good sound. Maybe someone can show it to me on a Nokia 7650 at Symphony ;)
Although i've done it my self i took one lesson.
Don't let Politics affect Demoscene's Pure Face
Don't let Politics affect Demoscene's Pure Face
definitely the most interesting thing at exhibition
verrry nice.
very very *oldschool* feeling.
sweet electro soundtrack & tasty graphics..
sweet electro soundtrack & tasty graphics..
Yes! Really impressed me, I didn't know that the nokia 7650 was actually that powerful.
kicks some serious ass.
what everybody above said^10
I have no idea about the power of Nokia 7650, but this is very stylish and the music is good.
when i saw the screenshot i thought "hmm - somehow this reminds of 'closer'". and when i watched the demo it did so even more :)
great style!
great style!
Hmm,. nice enough! It's funny to be able to view it in diferrent sizes in realtime ;)
Yeah, this was reaally nice... too bad I haven't got a 7650 to watch it on :)
demo for a pocket phone ! very nice !
also rulez on my PC !
also rulez on my PC !
Cool, pretty, nice music... only a word: rulez!!
c'est nice
Damn nice.
the symbian version owns too! could be the coolest thing i've seen yet on the 7650...
this is super cool ... cncd is back
très bien.
pretty damn cool. tho lacks coherence somewhat...
probably the sweetest mobile demo I've seen so far.
man, did this surprise me. want to see it on a mobile.
is this somewhat 7650-specific? I get a 'system error' when trying to watch it on n-gage... 'love is a fix' runs just fine tho.
better than "love is a fix".
beautiful music.
beautiful music.
surprise surprise this one also works on my 6600 now.. the sound gets cut off halfway though..
but the effects sure look sweet.
bump mapping wooo. smooth!
but the effects sure look sweet.
bump mapping wooo. smooth!
some cool parts, some less cool parts, but all in all a cool demo. stays on my phone.
Shares a lot of code and ideas with their other mobile phone demo 'love is a fix'. Nonetheless, it's cool.
Good stuff! Design & music that fits very well. Nice bumps and environmaps. In fact, this one es una demo extraordinaria.
Very cool.
yeah. forgot to comment this. its kewl.
cool, considered that it's cross platform
pretty cool
mmm... i like this a lot. Great artistic visuals, maybe i just really like the different perspective. also ok but well-working sound..
and spinning PIG :D
and spinning PIG :D
cool. but love is a fix is better. :)

olds kool.
Super stylish coding superstarts from Finland!
just because
agreed in every aspect
I just blew my drink out of my nose because of "Oldskool rapa 2002" on the screenshot :D :D
Fantastic production! Really cool.
Great! Very well designed. Unfortunately I don't have compatible Symbian device, so thanks for windows version.
A bit messy music, but visuals saves it
Always liked the style of this one
Further examples on why Yolk is my favorite "scene musician".
Great music, good effects. Good A1200 style!
gfx + music
yeaaaah, music here is so good
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