State of the Art by Spaceballs [web] | ||||||||||||||||
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popularity : 84% |
alltime top: #29 |
added on the 2000-07-28 22:04:05 by analogue ![]() |
popularity helper
it's suks
atari rules !
atari rules !
so give me the name of an st demo as good as this one ;o)
This demo rocks!!! And atari too :))
Don't forget there is a PC ANSI (!!!) adaptation by Z/Pulpe and Vodka/Saturne (
How can a kid get into a party and turn the scene upside down with a demo? Wanna find out? get you emus ready, or better kickstart the real thing and watch this prod. No wonder it's a classic, a trend setter. Ever seen dazing vectorised babes on a demo? See where it all started.
i wanna buy an amiga only for watching this demo. It really rocks!
bah, that pc-ansi demo really suxx, 3megs and no synchronisation with music... of course the original demo roxx ! :)
it was very innovate. video+efx+tracked msx.
amiga5oo . see what you could see back then in 1992. there are no demos, such well designed nowdays.
amiga5oo . see what you could see back then in 1992. there are no demos, such well designed nowdays.
Oh, I don't have an Amiga. Can I borrow yours?
This demo trully changed the scene, ushered in the golden age of Amiga scene. Remember the Skid Row fix? Ah, those were the days... ;-)
The best dever never realised on all platform.
maybe forever???
pc dudes try to do that :)
maybe forever???
pc dudes try to do that :)
and what to say about "nine finger", the other spb demo? amazing and nice polygon compression technic+a great design! again more nice!
This demo SUCKS :) I mean, there are a lot of equally good or better Amiga demos (Roots, Nexus 7 or Tint to name a few). Why are you PC guys so obsessed with this one?
Well wavemaker (and I'm ex-Amiga) lemme tell you. This was the first demo I could show to my non-nerd friends and get a "that was cool" reaction. Roots and Nexus-7 both had some nice effects, but rotzoomers, tunnels, and mock-3d had been done before. State of the Art did something completely original (I've never seen such use of 2d vectors before) AND they did it with (for the times) excellent music and NEAR PERFECT design. This demo changed the scene.
the demo that made me download an amiga emulator :)
... and that made me buy and Amiga as well
State of the art - Nine Fingers:
no 3D, no gfx, no fuckin colors everywhere on da screen.
Pure design
no 3D, no gfx, no fuckin colors everywhere on da screen.
Pure design
The music blows. But, on the whole, it's generally 1337.
quote: Remember the Skid Row fix? Ah, those were the days... ;-) /quote !
Yeah.. i forgot this but now you say .. how cool !! This demo is the best :)
Yeah.. i forgot this but now you say .. how cool !! This demo is the best :)
This demo change the rules, multipart-demo was the past when this demo is out. Some inovative things like synchro with music, and autoloading from 1 floppy disk without any loading-part, a must!
I was impressed! I had heard many things about Amiga Demos! I downloaded this demo to see it in an emulator! An Amiga had so good VideoClip like designed demos from 1992??? How about the Style from 9 Fingers??? I was really impressed that at such an early time there were such designed demos in a 16bit machine...
i wish i had a real amiga to watch this demo !!!
on the emus i've tryed, it's far from perfect ... of course i've seen it on some partys' big screens, and it was awesome !!
on the emus i've tryed, it's far from perfect ... of course i've seen it on some partys' big screens, and it was awesome !!
THE demo, amiga rulez 4 ever...
A great lesson for everyone!
seen on US MTV in the 90's
A great lesson for everyone!
seen on US MTV in the 90's
yeah it rocks, the dancing of the girls is so smoooooooooth!
better than 9 Fingers for sure! and the eurotechno tune, hehe it was the times when eurotechno was a hot thing and wasn't considered cheesy ;)
skid row debugged it!
better than 9 Fingers for sure! and the eurotechno tune, hehe it was the times when eurotechno was a hot thing and wasn't considered cheesy ;)
skid row debugged it!
Mother of all demos...Simply beautifull, music rocksss !!!!!!!!!
Amiga rulez !!!!!!!!!
Spaceballs too !!!
Spaceballs too !!!
the all-time-best demo ?
Yes it is.
naay, it ain't. 8) but pretty good anyway..
very. (very very.)
simplement la best demo amiga. top fun, top bouge, avec un pire module de Travolta nomné: Codom Corrupt
just my vote, comments above ^^
(Moe, english please)
for fans of the music :
(Moe, english please)
for fans of the music :
I'm not really a oldschool aficionado, but this demo is one of my favourite. Simply a great idea with a very good code to make it possible.
what to say?
i wonder if this can be called a 'cult' demo amongst sceners nowdays..
superduper shit indeed concidering it was done '92 on an a500 :)
superduper shit indeed concidering it was done '92 on an a500 :)
ugly colors, crappy music :(
just voting for a good, classic demo...
atari suxx.
atari suxx.
This is a state of the art!
Kicks ass!
Felix - Don't You Want Me :-)
a vote with devotion
It's great !
I don't actually like the music, but it fits to this demo. Demo itself is very original and cool.
LA Style - James Brown Is Dead =]
Remember it well. However I also seem to remember some game and a SAE music disk had the same vector dancing girl...
i only recently found out that this was on 2 disks :)... Anyway, one of the most groundbreaking demos ever
I was there at TP'92... Sniff... One demo still difficult to top... Good ideas, nice implementation, awesome music, simply magical... One heck of inspiration! as was demo #2, "3D demo II" by Anarchy.
this prod was one of the very few that got me interested in the demoscene, when I saw it on an Amiga in a mall. I had seen other demos before (in ST and other Amiga demos) but this one and panic/fc were the only ones which really got me interested in all this shit we call the demoscene. Rocks
At the time of its release, this helped the Amiga ward off the threat from the consoles and even the PC. I'll always love it for that.
But even now I think it's one of the most entertaining demos around.
But even now I think it's one of the most entertaining demos around.
Never done before, never done since, with the exception of 9 Fingers ofcourse (which is my favourite of the two).
Incredible at the time, still great to watch.
Incredible at the time, still great to watch.
I can't say more, ouch !, simply roxx
Bitplane effects, bitplane effects, bitplane effects. Rocks, rocks, rocks. :-)
Ten years old and still great entertainment. That tell alot about the quality of this demo. And ss long as slummy is alive and kicking I don't think we'll have a norwegian sceneparty without sota on the big screen;)
just for the vote!
too hot !
legendary spaceballs demo - everyone in the scene should see it.
I forgot this one?
Spaceballs rules.. but if you think this is the greatest demo ever, then IMO you have absolutely no idea of what demo programming really was/is about..
This demo in many ways marked the death of the scene.
This demo in many ways marked the death of the scene.
da greatestestest...
the mostest bestest everest!
...more than 10 years and the scene is still dead - and yet you say this isn´t the greatest achievement?
This demo has: a lot of very old routines, and a silhouettetraced dancing vectorbabe on top of those old routines. "Wow!" .. or not.
All along "demos" have been "demonstration of coding skills", making innovative routines and heavy processing run smoothly.
This has little or nothing codewise, it's not a "demo", it's a music video (and not a very good one). If you think I'm wrong please correct me.
Again; Spaceballs has made some good stuff but this, sorry to say it, sucks IMO.
All along "demos" have been "demonstration of coding skills", making innovative routines and heavy processing run smoothly.
This has little or nothing codewise, it's not a "demo", it's a music video (and not a very good one). If you think I'm wrong please correct me.
Again; Spaceballs has made some good stuff but this, sorry to say it, sucks IMO.
groundbreaking. It took demos from the dark age of codercolor to something others than coders can appreciate.
it featured a trackloader that showed a james bond like scene with 2 girls.
it featured a trackloader that showed a james bond like scene with 2 girls.
Absolutely stunning demo (although the music does grate a bit), especially when you consider how far removed this was from the usual copper-bar crap that was around at the time. I'd still love to know how they managed to rip the James Bond video into the start of this demo (did they digitise it and then trace it in vectors? because it's identical to the Bond film) - bloody clever whatever they did!
the vectorization is done manually in this one, as far as i know. If i remember correctly, Lonestarr wrote a routine for it for "9 fingers"
"It took demos from the dark age of codercolor to something others than coders can appreciate."
There were well-designed demos long before that, look at Hardwired for example.
"especially when you consider how far removed this was from the usual copper-bar crap that was around at the time"
usual copper-bar crap? did you ever watch ANY amiga demos from that era?
There were well-designed demos long before that, look at Hardwired for example.
"especially when you consider how far removed this was from the usual copper-bar crap that was around at the time"
usual copper-bar crap? did you ever watch ANY amiga demos from that era?
lonestarr code this production when he was 16 ! , 1992 was really a great year for demoscene, remember mainly this year also for the best andromeda productions
Oh my, where is my thumb? Ah there it is!
Although I do prefer 9 fingers...
Although I do prefer 9 fingers...
In some way it's similar to the House Techno Part in 'Facts of Life', atleast for the theme. I like both :)
Often heralded as the greatest Amiga demo ever made (good arguments for and against both ways), it sure made a *huge* impression when it came out over 10 years ago. My friend invited me over to his house at the time to check out this "amazing new Spaceballs demo" he had just downloaded. I had a 386/33 PC at the time, and the demoscene was virtually nonexistent on that platform, so when he popped this in and the purple girl silhouettes appeared, with the Vinnie-tracked loadertune (basic, but effectively gets you in the mood for what's to follow), I knew I was about to see something great. Just the way the screen cycled from white to purple, scaling out to reveal a hand was really cool. Even though there's nothing all that special about the effects, their execution is top-notch, and well-synched. Using ancient interference effects with the (what I'm guessing is) rotoscoped dancing animations, along with one of Travolta's most memorable tunes, combined to create an experience that was tough to match at the time. A comment most often heard was that it was good enough to put on MTV. Seeing it today on bigger monitors, I always feel like that final strobe sequence is going to give me a seizure. :) Definitely a classic, and deserving of a:
A true classic that roxx
Nice demo, not what I like on the 16/32 bits
(+ I prefer multipart & main menu, 88-89!)
(+ I prefer multipart & main menu, 88-89!)
not bad...but music suckz
sure. it's good. but not THAT good. i'd take 3D Demo II before this one at any time...
It was the first demo i've ever seen in my life , so i was amazed!! i was wondering how the whole production fitted into one disk?? , dancer was and still is great. Still at 1st place for me :)
It's funny how I used to not like it because it didn't look like a demo "should"...
It's funny how I used to not like it because it didn't look like a demo "should"...
It's funny how I used to not like it because it didn't look like a demo "should"...
It's funny how I used to not like it because it didn't look like a demo "should"...
It's funny how I used to not like it because it didn't look like a demo "should"...
It's funny how I used to not like it because it didn't look like a demo "should"...
the best ever
re-voting sucks more than even self-voting.
prod: rules, of course.
prod: rules, of course.
I was totally astounded the first time I saw it. Then I watched it something like 10 more times and did not manage to get bored. 11 years later it still rocks!
nuff said
11 years later, it still works!
That demo is a part of the demo History.
That demo is a part of the demo History.
This is THE shit.
Requim/Kusma, Lone Starr told me at Asm '02 that all those legendary rumours about him doing the animations by hand are.. you guess it: fake.
He wrote a tool that automatically extracted line vectors from real digitized videos and images.. A major fucking feat that one as well :)
Requim/Kusma, Lone Starr told me at Asm '02 that all those legendary rumours about him doing the animations by hand are.. you guess it: fake.
He wrote a tool that automatically extracted line vectors from real digitized videos and images.. A major fucking feat that one as well :)
ryg said:
There were well-designed demos long before that, look at Hardwired for example."
Sure thing, and i love hardwired. But hardwired doesn not have mass appeal, this does. and that is what i was talking about.
There were well-designed demos long before that, look at Hardwired for example."
Sure thing, and i love hardwired. But hardwired doesn not have mass appeal, this does. and that is what i was talking about.
All coded by the tiniest scener ever on the amiga scene ;)
Deck: You are wrong. The animations in 9 fingers were created with that tool you're talking about, but the ones in State of the art were handdrawn by Major Asshole / Spaceballs...
It deserves another thumb.
Definitely one of the best demos ever ...
I don´t think the animations were exactly handdrawn, or at least the guy used a video background (perhaps via genlock?) because the jumping guys were - afaik - from a music video from Marky Mark and the Fresh Prince (or something like that). Also, the girls in the beginning are infact bond girls, but I think they had a dancer for the mainpart (as far as I remember a sum of the party prize money went to her).
Heh, found out about this demo from a clip made at the LTP (rip =((( )
These French guys were dancing on the stage in front of the projection of this demo =)
Downside: the music gets rather annoying after a bit.
These French guys were dancing on the stage in front of the projection of this demo =)
Downside: the music gets rather annoying after a bit.
Everything has been told. A ruling milestone.
Fabulous soundtrack by travolta, rockin' colours and dancing girls... Nearly perfect demo.
Sucks! ... nahh not really... 5 thumbs up :)
one of the first demos I've seen on amiga, made me sell my c64 and get an a1200. Though I went beck to c64 soon, I never regret the times with my ami. Everlasting Classic.
One of the best demos ever. Captures the oldschool "demo" feeling perfectly.
By the way, it's funny how a lot of people seemed to have a "Winnerdemo"-style attitude towards this demo back when it came out. Everybody was screwming "precalc" on the diskmags, etc.. And nowadays it's considered one of the greatest classics ever. Makes you think, eh?
"Screaming", even.
nuff said
nuff said
I did not yet thumb up the demo that was the first one to run on my A500 and that blew me completely away? What the heck!
yes, state of the art.
simply state of the art.
I bet that those colors in the screenshot weren't state of the art even back then :)
True classic.
You may want to read the [Interview] with the dancer.
Great demo, but the drugs from that time period have left a hole in my memory as to what I felt when I first saw it back then. I do vaguely recall that I wasn't as wowed as when I saw the dancer in Amazing Tunes 2 though.
TEH rocks (this isn't selfvoting, I wasn't part of the making)
a couple of years ago, i had holidays in France.. and some chicks had quite a strong light in their tent, so you could see their silhouettes... reminded me of SOTA immediately :)
Haha, maali, demoeffects... they are everywhere in the real world!
nice but overrated pop video. thumbs up for the extremely short delay between the disk is inserted and the demo starts. the shortest i've ever seen.
showed that demos can be so much more than just code.
showed that demos can be so much more than just code.
Disco in 1992 - 11 years before Farbrausch took this theme back into demos with fr-025: the popular demo :-)
"nice but overrated pop video. thumbs up for the extremely short delay between the disk is inserted and the demo starts. the shortest i've ever seen." baaah! I am very sure you didn't call this a POP demo back then. Now? Sure, back then? Nope. Maybe not HC, but not pop. Shame on you.
i must do it
Holy shit!
great, the second demo i saw (in a TV show !!!), the first one was the megademo by logon system on cpc 464 :)
Its nice - innovative for its age, perhaps extraordinary, but I wouldn't say its the best demo ever etc
gods of the 90's
I love the demos from the 90`s! please make some more :D miss productions like this! I belive this was the demo that really made med get interested in the scene. if I remember correctly
dont know why i havent already commented.
it is an old favourite, but at the sametime it doesnt compare to the likes of desert dream or nexus 7.
it is an old favourite, but at the sametime it doesnt compare to the likes of desert dream or nexus 7.
saw a dj yesterday on a jungle party using screenshots of this... =)
a _vj_ of course i mean
Optical inferno.
umh I haven't already commented this piece of cake from '92... great prod...i've no more words....
Really good demo for it's time. And the short loading time is unbeaten
a classic :)
Rocked the old days!! :)
"Fixed by Skid Row.." :)
Didn't really like it that much. I don't know anything about coding, but i don't like the music or the idea. The "usual copper bar crap" is what i like more. An ok show though.
classic and enuff said
what happened to my thumb ? :]
what happened to my thumb ? :]
rules bigtime
It rocks :)
... and it seems Skid Row were just jealous :P
... and it seems Skid Row were just jealous :P
The first demo I ever saw... gonna never forget this one. Rocks!
good old SR fix, yes. But the demo was fantastic indeed!!
got me into tracking.
so blame it all on travolta!
so blame it all on travolta!
thank you Skid Row ^^
rocks. (maali's comment too :)
one of the best demo ever made !
... and it seems Skid Row were just jealous :P
definitely not! anyway, most overrated demo ever imho. not bad though.
Not bad but not my taste.
"If he likes doing techno videos, he should stop using amiga and start using video." .. "If this is state of the art, I should start looking for another scene." -Chaos/Sanity
"Is this a demo? [..] We're not sure. [..] We don't like it as a demo." -Dr Jekyll/Andromeda
"Mr. Lonestarr, you cannot convince me that a bunch of jumpin' zombies makes a winnerdemo." - Laxity/Kefrens
Heehee. Just imagine if Pouet was around in 1992/1993 - and all the thumbs down you would see here! Boy, times have changed..
"Is this a demo? [..] We're not sure. [..] We don't like it as a demo." -Dr Jekyll/Andromeda
"Mr. Lonestarr, you cannot convince me that a bunch of jumpin' zombies makes a winnerdemo." - Laxity/Kefrens
Heehee. Just imagine if Pouet was around in 1992/1993 - and all the thumbs down you would see here! Boy, times have changed..
How can I not have thumbed this up yet?
Seing this again brings a tear to my eye. But I'll leave that old hatchet buried I think. ;-P
Actually, some of those transforms where it goes from person to shape (triangle, for instance) are a little ugly. But on the whole, this absolutely rocks and still looks good now! So thumb UP UP UP!
i couldnt liked this demo
THIS is what I call DEMO
Soooo coool! love it!!!!!
My alltime favourite Amiga demo.
I remember it as continued loading system with a good vector animation. (an effective solution) was very trendy that time and also cool to watch nowadays. that's typical amiga style in every way. made atari freaks like me cry ;) I like it anyway
A breaktrough in the use of animations in demos. Massive respect!
Made my jaw drop when I first saw it back in 1993. Incredibly fast load time (1-2 second after the disk is inserted), kick ass music, and great feeling. Of course it is no coderpr0n, but impressive nevertheless.
If you want the music for this demo in mp3, I have it here
this one is all about vectors...
greate amiga demo
music, girls dancing, moire effects, morphing
great demo for 92
SHITZ: Shitty Flash 5 shapetween effect. And what's with that chronic dancing against the ripplewave background trash?!?!?!?!?!?!?
SAUCE: AMiGA Being able to do what PCcan't: shapetween at 50fps on a computer 1/1000 the power of a gigaflops 886.
(I don't know why it reminds me of link me ass)
SAUCE: AMiGA Being able to do what PCcan't: shapetween at 50fps on a computer 1/1000 the power of a gigaflops 886.
(I don't know why it reminds me of link me ass)
not a real classic for my taste but.. amiga 500 tp92 makes it a milestone in it´s own way. :)
This was mindblowing back in 1992...
Sweet demo!
Too much animation and too little code for a demo. However, the motion blur and morphing look well.
wooooot, this roxx! very smooth animation (wonder how they did this), cool soundtrack... yeah =)
evergreen!! best of classsix
I suspect that the shapetweening is precalced ;-)
I suspect that the shapetweening is precalced ;-)
(not that an a500 can't morph simple vector objects, but if the code is as lame as stingray says it is, i suspect it is precalced :)
das rockt!!
I prefer 9 Fingers, but this is almost as great. A classic, no bones about it :)
i can´t really unterstand the hype around this demo - of coures it is not bad (especially the 3d part is very good), but all in all there is nothing brainblasting in this demo and it bored me after half of the time
The fact that you chose RA as a nickname and PARADOX as a group probably doesn't help :)))
classic, thanks for bringing it up
techno demos are so 1992 ;)
Great! Not the usual demo from 1992!
One of only about 5 Amiga demos from back in the day that still look as awesome today as they did back then. An absolute classic. I used to watch this every Friday night before going out!
Just bloody amazing. Actually they factored human nature in; for me at least the desire to meet these women kicks in. And to be as sporty as the jumping guy. It really was a novelty back then and still is very rarely seen in demos.
awesome, for me it's absolutely a milestone in the amiga demoscene. and it looks awesome today. plus travolta's music, mmmmm. outstanding. ten thousand thumbs!
Awesome stuff!
There you can download .mod file of the music. Enjoy!
There you can download .mod file of the music. Enjoy!
Scene legacy.
Never liked this...
Always liked this...
this was so fucking cool when I first saw it on my Amiga .. which I bought of my pocket money .. and I have saved money such a long time for it :))
Oops, should've left my thumb here longer ago.
This demo is nice saw it when they have demo night at Tekniska Museumet @ sthlm
rules forever.
Cheesy and a bit repetitive, but cool.
First demo I ever saw, on my cousins Amiga 500 back in '92.
i prefer 9 fingers, but hey.
Great stuff! Really great vectorization, with a great soundtrack and code.
WTF, no thumb? The first "modern" demo I saw, I was completely awestruck with the awesome music and visuals.
great prod !
This demo reached a very large audience
lame programming? ;)
One of the very few demos non sceners could catch and enjoy.The concept was quite awesome and the execution flawless. Definitely a piece of history.
### song, people dancing ###
Really great
those were the times ;)
Great AMiGA style
Timeless and still working after almost 17 Years!
Great !
Classic! Used to watch this every other day or so...
That's a real classic!
The first Amiga demo that I've saw in the early 90's. Unforgettable!
Best 'old-school' Amiga demo!
This prod rulez ;)
obvious thumb
Its a music video
How could have not commented on that one oO? Sometimes I feel like pouet forget stuff...
What Dbug said!
Oldschool rave
very 90s... in a very good way
Great stuff. One of my old favourites :D
It simply roxxxx!
Big up! thump yet? the 1nd demo i've seen
:) and another thumb to renew :)
^^ what everyone else said !
^^ what everyone else said !
it never gets old :)
What Dbug said.
One of the best Amiga demos!
One of the best Amiga demos!
as seen on MTV
Of course.
One of my all time favourites - If you're not epileptic, you will be afterwards!
One of the reasons why Amiga rocked so much. Btw. watching this on youtube kills the experience.
I don't like it very well, but it obviously deserves thumbs.
Liked it!
Another classic of the 92/93 era.
Demo revolution in that time.
bye bye "sneaky cdc's"
best amiga OCS/ECS demo to me.
About time i thumbed this
Aside from the well-known glitches, a classic of it's time period.
New 720x576 version H264 hi-quality ripped by me for a demoshow :
Hope you will ENJOY !
Hope you will ENJOY !
how many times bigger is that video compared to the original source data???
Totally forgot to thumb this one up
One of the most influential demos.
Memories :-)
cool one. is it true that the gal was the sister of one of the creators?
Holy fuck :D
Jaw dropper at the time, and considering the other stuff around on ANY platform (and for quite a few years more) doubly jaw dropping. Changed the scene forever.
State of the art! Still enjoyable to watch 20 years later!
music & chicks
One of demoscene classics!
Grrr how could I forget to note this demo!!
it's really.. it's really a great prod! 1000 thumb up!!
another video here:
it's really.. it's really a great prod! 1000 thumb up!!
another video here:
I guess I don't like the demo itself as much as its legacy. Hell, we'd probably never see the likes of mfx if not for this.
classic, still gives me the chills!
what rage said!
chills are the dolphins or whales because of their lack of hairs.
My gf laughed yesterday how cheesy it looks, lol
Awesome :)
this rocked so hard, it's still in my top-5 most memorable demos I still like to watch
the tune is totally awesome
the tune is totally awesome
Do I really have to comment here ? Well, so... thumbing this up for the flow and progression.
simple state of the art
Still have the floppydisk
rulez !
Still fresh and respectable.
Cool! :)
Cudne demko :D
Amiga Classic :)
Not voted so far here? What a shame, that one is truly a awesome classic :)
Classic demo that deserves a thumb up!
Never thumbed that up? Can't believe it
Are you kiddin' me? I forgot to thumb up this demo? Well, better late than never :P
Amiga Classic is the only way to sum this one up.
Its one of those demos that you would bring with you on a time machine, and go back and have them run it at Commodore to show what people would end up doing on their little machine. :)
Its one of those demos that you would bring with you on a time machine, and go back and have them run it at Commodore to show what people would end up doing on their little machine. :)
Never had an Amiga, was not following the demoscene, so I saw this demo last year for the very first time. It aged fairly well (seems of the era, but not as dated as many music videos from the time period). It still looks pretty good and it still holds together. This just shows how little the computational complexity of the effects matters in the grand theme of things, even if it is computer demos we are talking about.
Great tune, seen before visuals, but together one of the very best <3
Absolutely ruled at the time and still stands the test of time. This was probably the only demo I had ever seen at the time which put my jaw to the floor and inspired me to start coding and becoming interested in video based compression
Absolute classic, one of the best amiga demos of all time. This is the first demo to do something really different and it was able to cross over the boundaries of the scene so that even non-sceners could appreciate it.
Great Demo, but should feature and seizure warning... Not so fond of the track too. Still a very classic, distinct demo.
Animation player demos are simply not my cup. And blinking stuff isn't "awesome and cool". I realize it was made in the spirit of an MTV video from the time, but it just isn't enjoyable to hear or watch.
State of the Art, when released, was unique in many ways. Technically far from the best demo released on the Amiga. With that in mind, it's impossible to deny the fact that this demo is extremely well put together and at the time it was released, it was a refreshing contribution to the scene. Deserves a thumb up for sure!
Never really liked this, despite the awesome tune.
This demo is as cool today as it was back in the days, the tune is so fitting and i really would love a remastered version of that tune. And if this was just an anim player, why did noone better this one?
The ripples created by this demo are still going on and on, +20 years later.
Undying classic!
Super mega über Amiga classic, brings good memories.
I didn't like it at the time because it didn't feel like a "real demo". In hindsight it was a great demo that expanded what a demo could be.
(I also didn't like it because it beat my own demo :-)
(I also didn't like it because it beat my own demo :-)
Eternal classic.
The bar was raised at an early stage, 100% nostalgic value right there !
Classic. Mandatory thumb. Good memories. Nostalgia.
Ditto Overflow.
There was a before and an after State of the art. A timeless classic.
Meh. Not my cup.
I found it rather repetitive. Sure, it's a nice routine, but the demo as a whole does not compare favourably to the other Amiga greats from the same time period.
I don't know why I never thumbed this up. Feels a bit overrated at times, but it's an undeniable classic.
Awesome classic. Watching best amiga productions is one of the greatest experience off my life. And this demo is one of that ass kicking ones. Music is awesome and Dancers!!! :)
origin of THE dance scene :D
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
what else?
Just classic.
It is one of my early favourite demos.
Didn't know this was in the same compo as the legendary 3D Demo II
Welcome to the demoscene
Nothing like hearing two clicks from your floppy drive and realizing you're already watching a demo. Few clicks later your ears are filled with almost commercial quality rave music, which, at the time was unheard of in many countries. And the human element with realistic fluid moves! The true geeks of coding never understood the impact of all this with their gouraud shading routines and mappings that took minutes to load and I'm not sure if they do even nowdays. But this is why this demo has aged so well and why all the 3D demos look so unbelievably dated.
Deserving of the classic status it has, and aged extremely well.
mod.condom corruption still is a fucking banger
mod.condom corruption still is a fucking banger
Anyone has more story details about the Skid Row fix?
One of the greatest demos EVER! :)
Why have I not thumbed this yet?
Just a shame there’s no glenz vectors
Everlasting mix of music, animation, and concept for a demo.
With HDFix it runs extremely well on an A1200. I like this even more than 9Fingers - it's just a must-see classic.
I tried to find something cool in this demo.
design? no design
graphics? no graphics
music - just terrible;
technical aspect? blitter filled vectors and cooper plasma isn't enough for thumb up
there are a lot of much better demos on amiga
design? no design
graphics? no graphics
music - just terrible;
technical aspect? blitter filled vectors and cooper plasma isn't enough for thumb up
there are a lot of much better demos on amiga
Only lamerz don't like this. This pushed visual production boundaries. It's the great grandfather of a multitude of modern demos. Fuck anyone who doesn't agree, i don't care.
I'm still blown away how quick it started after you threw in the disk. No other full size amiga demo ever started that fast, you can't argue with that.
I still wanna know the backstory of the "skidrow debugged it""lame trackloader.... Blah blah blah".
I'm still blown away how quick it started after you threw in the disk. No other full size amiga demo ever started that fast, you can't argue with that.
I still wanna know the backstory of the "skidrow debugged it""lame trackloader.... Blah blah blah".
A demo ahead of its time as well as a true classic.
a true revolution inside your microcomputer.
The demo that convinced me to get a hold on an Amiga 500 when a saw this at a computerfair in 92 or 93. Took me 2-3 years to get one cheap enough to enjoy this great piece at home. A complete videoclip on a 880kb floppy!
This is demo is so overrated...
This production was very cool at the time of release, because the music and the style resembled the then very popular MTV videos. I remember I enjoyed it a lot as a 17 year old. It isn't really a demo in the true sense of the word though. I agree with all the people above me who criticized State of the Art as a demo: it is overrated as an Amiga demo as it is for sure not the greatest demonstration of coding skills on Amiga. The idea was great at the time though. Therefore still a thumb up.
state of the art
I tried to find something cool in this demo.
design? no design
step 1 checking the comment author productions
step 2 lmao
Well, when this came out it was really not that great. The only thing that works for this demo is the music. The code and graphics is mediocre at best. Kudos to Lonestarr programming this at the age of 14 (?) but still it doesnt deserve to be the highest ranked A500 demo of all time.
@size / 2022-09-11 23:00:25
Exactly, I wasn't fond of it either and watched it maybe once or twice
back then. But after rewatching it a couple of months ago, I completely
revised my opinion. I think it's a very nice and entertaining release, so
refreshingly different and with a good flow.
Exactly, I wasn't fond of it either and watched it maybe once or twice
back then. But after rewatching it a couple of months ago, I completely
revised my opinion. I think it's a very nice and entertaining release, so
refreshingly different and with a good flow.
another missing thumb up...
Just leaving obligatory rulez.
Still fun to watch!
I recall it making my drive sound like it was about to rip the disk apart, though.
I recall it making my drive sound like it was about to rip the disk apart, though.
on of those prods which define whole culture
great music!
Nice demo, but I liked 9 fingers more
forever burnt into memory
Must have inspired more demos than any other!
Another iconic production for the Amiga computers! Simply amazing!
Ohhh yeah! I like it!
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If you didn't see it yet, go download an amiga emulator (WinFellow) and try it now !