texfraktun by Scoopex [web]
![]() |
popularity : 70% |
alltime top: #45398 |
added on the 2003-03-06 18:13:03 by EviL ![]() |
popularity helper
actually it is a 64byte intro in 63byte :D
added on the 2003-03-06 18:17:31 by elkmoose 

really cool!
ugly as hell but cool 64b =)
Ouh, ugly ugly ... but quite good piece of code ! :)
evil[] > c'est quand qu'on fait une démo ?? ^^
evil[] > c'est quand qu'on fait une démo ?? ^^
cool cool!
cool cool!
sweeeeeet, nice sierpinski gasket with a rotation and distortion
cool, that's exactly my code with some opcodes removed and absolutely minimal changes.
Where can I report dirty rip-offs?
FUCK! if that's true, sorry for my vote
scoopex - generations below.
if it's true, scoopex should really give it up. you can't revive a legendary group with such dirty tricks.
exact documentation of the changes (referring to fr0.1):
- byte 2 changed from $f5 to $f8 (replaces cmc with clc and changes scale factor)
- byte $17 changed from $04 to $24 (changes fiadd into fisub => reverse scrolling direction)
- bytes $1A,$1B,$1C removed (position the tunnel in my version)
- byte $1F changed from $31 to $21 (changes xor into and)
- byte $2A changed from $75 to $77 (need new jump condition due to different logical operation on color value)
- byte $39 changed from $D6 (setalc) into $49 (dec cx)
- bytes $3B,$3C removed
- "eviL" signature added
compare the files if you don't believe me :)
- byte 2 changed from $f5 to $f8 (replaces cmc with clc and changes scale factor)
- byte $17 changed from $04 to $24 (changes fiadd into fisub => reverse scrolling direction)
- bytes $1A,$1B,$1C removed (position the tunnel in my version)
- byte $1F changed from $31 to $21 (changes xor into and)
- byte $2A changed from $75 to $77 (need new jump condition due to different logical operation on color value)
- byte $39 changed from $D6 (setalc) into $49 (dec cx)
- bytes $3B,$3C removed
- "eviL" signature added
compare the files if you don't believe me :)
is it completely unthinkable that you two had the same idea and approached it the same way?
considering the fact that this uses exactly the same scalings, offsets, memory and register allocation as my version and besides also has the exact same computation even though there are some variants that have the same size (i tried 3 others in an attempt to get it smaller) i'm quite sure, yes.
There are about 10 different bytes between the two (see ryg's comment above). I really don't think that's a coincidence, especially when fr-0.1 conveniently came with the asm code. And the guy even had the nerve to put his own name in there. A tarnish of the Scoopex name.
Folks, demo code is for learning, not copying.
Folks, demo code is for learning, not copying.
I let you know I started from scratch whatever you think
anyway... rip this : http://amiga.L33tz.com/scx/texfraktun_src.txt
10 different bytes... right...
anyway... rip this : http://amiga.L33tz.com/scx/texfraktun_src.txt
10 different bytes... right...
I had a good laugh.
Yeah, like, "Hey look, I have comments next to the source! I know what the source is doing! It isn't a rip!". Maybe you should have written what the opcodes actually DO in the context of the intro. Every ASM coder should know what "xchg ax, [bx]" means without having to write it next to the command. You don't seem to. Pity.
I'm 95% sure you ripped Ryg's code. And if not, the thumb down is for those completely moronic comments.
fmul dword [si] ; multiply ST(0) by dword[si] and store result in ST(0)
fisub word [si] ; add word[si] to ST(0) and store result in ST(0)
fistp word [bx] ; converts the value in ST(0) register to a signed integer, stores the result in a destination operand and then pops the register stack
xchg AX, word [bx] ; exchange register BX with AX
Yeah, like, "Hey look, I have comments next to the source! I know what the source is doing! It isn't a rip!". Maybe you should have written what the opcodes actually DO in the context of the intro. Every ASM coder should know what "xchg ax, [bx]" means without having to write it next to the command. You don't seem to. Pity.
I'm 95% sure you ripped Ryg's code. And if not, the thumb down is for those completely moronic comments.
oopsie, sorry for destroying the page layout, blame bbcode ;)
Yes, what kind of comments are those? Are you a disassembler?
Ripping sux
A faulty disassembler, I might add.
let's make it short: i'm gonna believe you that you atleast understood what you're doing if you can publish a small statement of the basic idea implemented, how it was implemented, and a list of memory locations used in the program and register contents assumed at the start of the program.
if you really did code it yourself, that should be less than 10 minutes of work.
if you really did code it yourself, that should be less than 10 minutes of work.
hey ryg!
what's wrong with you?
you are not the only coder in the world!
i dislike you and your fucked up wannabe elite group more and more, especially when you write such a bullshit.
you know eviL did not rip your code, so stop talking bullshit or there will be a bloody nose at breakpoint.
get a life.
what's wrong with you?
you are not the only coder in the world!
i dislike you and your fucked up wannabe elite group more and more, especially when you write such a bullshit.
you know eviL did not rip your code, so stop talking bullshit or there will be a bloody nose at breakpoint.
get a life.
ReeBok: maybe he is not the only coder in the world, but he definitaly is one of the best. But still it took him quite some time to do this production, i've seen how he told about his progress over serveral days in IRC. And i can perfectly understand that he is upset if someone claims HIS production as his own. Everyone who has put serveral effort into a production would be upset about that. Just the fact that no one bothers to rip your stuff, so you dont know, how that feels, makes you talk like that.
compare them now, before you dumb down because of the word of a fr member
fr are just humans, no gods
they are good, but not almighty
compare them now, before you dumb down because of the word of a fr member
fr are just humans, no gods
they are good, but not almighty
i dont doubt ryg's skills on coding
i doubt his skills in reallife
i doubt he dont even know that there is a world beyond the binaries...
i dont doubt ryg's skills on coding
i doubt his skills in reallife
i doubt he dont even know that there is a world beyond the binaries...
btw ryg:
not everybody is looking through and analyzing other pleoples code (like you do)
mannnnnn ich hab einen hals, ich hätt dich doch auf tum niedertretten sollen
aus jetzt, das bist du gar nicht wert
not everybody is looking through and analyzing other pleoples code (like you do)
mannnnnn ich hab einen hals, ich hätt dich doch auf tum niedertretten sollen
aus jetzt, das bist du gar nicht wert
btw ryg:
not everybody is looking through and analyzing other pleoples code (like you do)
mannnnnn ich hab einen hals, ich hätt dich doch auf tum niedertretten sollen
aus jetzt, das bist du gar nicht wert
not everybody is looking through and analyzing other pleoples code (like you do)
mannnnnn ich hab einen hals, ich hätt dich doch auf tum niedertretten sollen
aus jetzt, das bist du gar nicht wert
Reebok, so it's okay absolutely okay to rip code if nobody realizes it?
reebok: how low can you go?
reebok: how low can you go?
@ fr
i can go as low as i want
freedom of speech
i can go as low as i want
freedom of speech
reebok, cool down. better check if your member actually ripped or not, and not only out of his own words. that's what a group leader supposed to do, and leading scoopex is especially a job with responsibility, as the group HAS legendary status. so better actually check if your member has ripped or not, and if he has, draw the consequences, before just blindly protecting him. ripping is the LOWEST THING one can do, you as old amiga scener should know that.
"i can go as low as i want"
you really have a strong will have you?
anyway, this prod sucks.
you really have a strong will have you?
anyway, this prod sucks.
i am not a group leader of any group
just an ordinary member
and i know evil did not rip it, i had already previews of his routine far time before ryg released his one
ryg is a good coder, never doubted that, but his personality is from the toilet (like mine hehe) but at least i am not quite as ugly as him :P
i am not a group leader of any group
just an ordinary member
and i know evil did not rip it, i had already previews of his routine far time before ryg released his one
ryg is a good coder, never doubted that, but his personality is from the toilet (like mine hehe) but at least i am not quite as ugly as him :P
fickt euch alle :)
dipswitch: du als coder kannst natürlich die beiden intros vergleichen und genau sagen dass eines davon ein rip vom anderen ist, nicht wahr?
pretty lame move, reebok. personality shit has nothing to do in a ripper's case. better just look at this:
xchg AX, word [bx] ; exchange register BX with AX
even for me, who has only the most basic knowledge of assembler, it is obvious that this comment just shows that the coder/commenter doesnt really understand what he's commenting. or rather, this comment just describes what even a coder-zero like me can see in this piece of code, namely that a value is exchanged from one register to another. why a coder would need to comment this ?!
i'm not speaking the "final judgement" here, rather leaving it to people who can actually code, but it smells pretty fishy to me. better check the both sourcecodes again before just positioning yourself blindly infront of your groupmate.
xchg AX, word [bx] ; exchange register BX with AX
even for me, who has only the most basic knowledge of assembler, it is obvious that this comment just shows that the coder/commenter doesnt really understand what he's commenting. or rather, this comment just describes what even a coder-zero like me can see in this piece of code, namely that a value is exchanged from one register to another. why a coder would need to comment this ?!
i'm not speaking the "final judgement" here, rather leaving it to people who can actually code, but it smells pretty fishy to me. better check the both sourcecodes again before just positioning yourself blindly infront of your groupmate.
ihr habt euch auch bestimmt alle ein objektives bild gemacht und die beiden teile wirklich angeschaut und genau verglichen, nicht wahr?
reebok just read this comment, and speak english, as it's an international forum.
xchg ax, [bx] does in fact _not_ exchange the contents of ax and bx but the contents of ax and the word at ds:[bx].
i am commenting my code as well
and i absolutly do not see what is wrong on it
i always comment every line, because it helps me to learn, understand and improve my stuff
so that really is no signs of ripping
its just a stupid argument :P
and i absolutly do not see what is wrong on it
i always comment every line, because it helps me to learn, understand and improve my stuff
so that really is no signs of ripping
its just a stupid argument :P
Okay, I'm not a coder, but I am familiar with the MAME source. It's chock full of useful and meaningful comments, which are quite handy for non-coders who compile custom builds (such as enabled test drivers), and for learning how certain arcade hardware works.
I looked at the Scoopex source code and laughed. It's kinda like this:
10 print "Hello world!" ; prints the text "Hellow world!"[/]
20 goto 10 ; [i]loops program back to line 10
More than a bit fishy if you ask me. Consequently, I'm going to join the rude finger-pointing.
I looked at the Scoopex source code and laughed. It's kinda like this:
10 print "Hello world!" ; prints the text "Hellow world!"[/]
20 goto 10 ; [i]loops program back to line 10
More than a bit fishy if you ask me. Consequently, I'm going to join the rude finger-pointing.
Heh, and I can't even progam BB code properly.
But then again, kb_ sucks for making this screen too damn wide!!!
But then again, kb_ sucks for making this screen too damn wide!!!
is this gonna turn to a fun fight to watch at breakpoint?
fyfan vilken skabbig hora som sjunger dåligt på sen kväll med luuk, finns det folk som lyssnar på sånt här skit? jävla örebro, fyfitta hahahha vad dom poserar gay med gitarrerna hahahahahh fyfan hahahahah shit hohohoh vilken ful mössa han har vulkjet ful hår hon har vafa n gör hon, ser ut som hon vill ha den tycker jag, hahahahahah, vad studsar omkring som en barbapappa! hahahahah tjock röv fult bälte, hon har nog handlat alla sina pengar på shock, jag tror hon är 12 bast pch haft analsex med trummisen, så nu är hennes rumpa typ som att slänga in trumpinnar i en gympasal yeah! ful piercing, ser ut som hon fattade hur kass hon var i slutet så hon började gråta hej!
fyfan vilken skabbig hora som sjunger dåligt på sen kväll med luuk, finns det folk som lyssnar på sånt här skit? jävla örebro, fyfitta hahahha vad dom poserar gay med gitarrerna hahahahahh fyfan hahahahah shit hohohoh vilken ful mössa han har vulkjet ful hår hon har vafa n gör hon, ser ut som hon vill ha den tycker jag, hahahahahah, vad studsar omkring som en barbapappa! hahahahah tjock röv fult bälte, hon har nog handlat alla sina pengar på shock, jag tror hon är 12 bast pch haft analsex med trummisen, så nu är hennes rumpa typ som att slänga in trumpinnar i en gympasal yeah! ful piercing, ser ut som hon fattade hur kass hon var i slutet så hon började gråta hej!
whatever you say
whatever you do
it means nothing
when farbrausch says it is ripped
all asslickers believe them
and noone is asking anymore
when usa says lets bomb iraq
all asslickers believe them
and noone is asking anymore
brave scene
brave world
whatever you do
it means nothing
when farbrausch says it is ripped
all asslickers believe them
and noone is asking anymore
when usa says lets bomb iraq
all asslickers believe them
and noone is asking anymore
brave scene
brave world
I think the only one who still hasn't read the "source" is Reebok.
I had to scroll and check who write it to be sure it wasnt lator,
I havnt read the source, the source of what? what are you talking about?
I just downloaded the FR source and checked the two side by side. More than fishy...
Maybe eviL should have copied the commented source code as well.
i'm definetely no fr "asslicker", i'm just for justice in the scene. rippers were never tolerated.
there is no ripper
except in your brain
driving you insane
go to the doctor
except in your brain
driving you insane
go to the doctor
wow, one hour after my first comment this turned out from a mindless discussion to a soap opera. "will reebook really kick ryg's ass at the breakpoint?" "is the world just stuffed with fr asslickers?" "more ex_citin' news in the next episode of 'the pouet clan' "
reebok: you're definitely a good entertainer. is there anything to stretch your performance here or are you going to continue on your own?
reebok: you're definitely a good entertainer. is there anything to stretch your performance here or are you going to continue on your own?
A fight? With Reebok? At a demoparty?

I wouldn't miss it for the world.
That poetry, it takes me back to the Imphobia days.. (sniff)

I wouldn't miss it for the world.
That poetry, it takes me back to the Imphobia days.. (sniff)
Yes, I'd love to see if Reebok can only talk big or if he has the courage to actually do what he's promised to do.
ryg, let him break your nose for a greater good! :)
well, all i could say about it, is that i have the tunnel here (from eviL) before it was released by ryg. should i also post the log?
and.. you have 5 minutes time to make love not war, produce childs, not flames ;D
and.. you have 5 minutes time to make love not war, produce childs, not flames ;D
Bombe: if you would know me, you would know i have no problem to punch down a couple of guys, and it would not be the first time; i am not pround of this, but sometimes you suckers dont understand just words :P
Reebok, so, if you don't know any more arguments you simply take your hands out of your pants and beat somebody up? I'm sure that will increase your creditability.
dubmood :) whats wrong with rotfl? :) huh?
no i only save the free demoscene from farbrausch dictatorship, cause god is on my side
no i only save the free demoscene from farbrausch dictatorship, cause god is on my side
Oh, and by the way, this just crossed my mind: This would not be the first time a Scoopex member ripped shamelessly and refused to give credits...
oh yes?
can you read?
i _KNOW_ it is not ripped
cant you accept that there are ppl who are better than you? are you set off, because it is smaller in size and much funkier?
can you read?
i _KNOW_ it is not ripped
cant you accept that there are ppl who are better than you? are you set off, because it is smaller in size and much funkier?
bombe: oh, i almost forgot. how could i? (really evil laugh)
reebok: i bet that mr. evil didn't "rip" from ryg's code as much as laxical didn't rip from the kasparov soundtrack for his project siechtum...
reebok: i bet that mr. evil didn't "rip" from ryg's code as much as laxical didn't rip from the kasparov soundtrack for his project siechtum...
hehehe... grown up people physically fighting because of 63 bytes of code...=)
This is the best entertainment on pouët.net in a long time. Keep it up!!
rp: laxical is not a member of scoopex, he is a member of the silents :P
play more quake!
well,as far as i know a whole bunch of ppl had the opportunity to watch the whole "process" of makin this small thing.lots of ppl had to chance to see the result of evils work during the past weeks.
its really easy to misjudge some1 especially i actually was there when evil started this thing (before rygs release) so im quite confident in evil
and puttin this code comments as a some sort of prove is rather silly.i think how each one of us work is his own business.
this whole thing is rather sad to read,but i think we all r used to it now.
stay cool
its really easy to misjudge some1 especially i actually was there when evil started this thing (before rygs release) so im quite confident in evil
and puttin this code comments as a some sort of prove is rather silly.i think how each one of us work is his own business.
this whole thing is rather sad to read,but i think we all r used to it now.
stay cool
reebok: scoopex, silents. all the same ;)))
"or forgive me padre..."
"or forgive me padre..."
"eh, padre - forget what i was saying!"
of course laxical was at scoopex. at least when he "borrowed" ('zzzzip_idd') my work.
of course laxical was at scoopex. at least when he "borrowed" ('zzzzip_idd') my work.
ihr muesst alle EINDEUTIG mehr bier trinken...
...just to repeat what i already said above (because it's completely lost in all that idiot noise postings by both sides): all i personally want is a description by evil of the idea behind his code, how that idea was implemented, and a list of how the registers and memory locations were used. if he's able to supply that, i'm ready to believe that he atleast knows what he's doing, which is something i absolutely don't believe right now.
anyway, "in the last weeks": fr0.1 was submitted on the 25th of january, and spread on the 26th. that's 6 weeks ago - what is your (blzs+nukes) definition of "in the last weeks"?
anyway, "in the last weeks": fr0.1 was submitted on the 25th of january, and spread on the 26th. that's 6 weeks ago - what is your (blzs+nukes) definition of "in the last weeks"?
i remember the conversation when you (ryg) actually released yer thing.we spoke about it,so im quite sure he started it before fr release.thats all i can say.
im still not in the position to judge the code itself,but this particular fact i just wrote makes me quite confident.
besides you really think some1 would be stupid enough to just give you the gun sayin " shoot me?"
i find that hard to belive
i think you two should discuss it in private before makin this thing public.
im still not in the position to judge the code itself,but this particular fact i just wrote makes me quite confident.
besides you really think some1 would be stupid enough to just give you the gun sayin " shoot me?"
i find that hard to belive
i think you two should discuss it in private before makin this thing public.
blz: as stated above, it wouldn't be the first scoopex guy with a big "KICK ME" sign on his back ;)
what yoda said.
and .. leave out the group bashing, this is a one-man production, though it's been released through scx.
i can't really comment on what was said above right now, as i know jack shit of coding, but i really hate to see friends fighting over a hilarious matter.
dalezy / everyones darling
and .. leave out the group bashing, this is a one-man production, though it's been released through scx.
i can't really comment on what was said above right now, as i know jack shit of coding, but i really hate to see friends fighting over a hilarious matter.
dalezy / everyones darling
make that ridiculous, not hilarious.
my fault.
my fault.
true, making group bashing out of these whole thing sucks. scoopex rules, farbrausch rules, just let evil and ryg deal it out between temselves !
yea. let them fight. the winner gets a real cheap tattoo from me or something.
i agree with daleczyk and dips
in case no-one noticed, neither evil nor me did any of the "fighting" (spamming) here.
dalezy: 12!
dipswitch is basically right. he just got some facts mixed up. the correct status quo is of course: farbrausch rules and all other groups suck (ok, aarbei does not suck). and also do farbrausch members have much funkier and bigger dicks. which we are ofcourse unable to proove. everybody knows. EOD.
wouldn't evil be, like, inocent until proven guilty? Or perhaps stronger evidence is only needed in real life, in the scene it counts when someone belives his/hers shit was ripped? Ripping == shit, but where is the evidence?
dictators don't need evidence, ekoli!
...just before this is over and nobody reads this anymore: laxical - you suck. thx for listening ;)
rp, now about joining #thesilents and telling him personally ? flaming a person in a forum he's most unlikely to read is a kinda lame and covardeous move.
evil sent me a 64 byte version of his tunnel on january 14th (i checked irc logs).
ryg sent me a version of his tunnel on december 7th, 1983.
hehehe... grown up people physically fighting because of 63 bytes of code...=)
it REALLY isn't as easy as many ppl think... even one line of more / less code or just a little changes can screw totally your effect. sizecoding really tells about coder's mental skills :)
...oh god, my english sucks :)
nystep: the only problem being that the code in this intro is 59bytes and not 64 (63byte filesize, 4bytes name). with everything except the coloring EXACTLY THE SAME as in my code, even in the same order, though that doesn't make much sense in places.
i'd like to see that 64b version though - could anyone mail it to me?
i'd like to see that 64b version though - could anyone mail it to me?
yes, I'm late, I know. sorry mum.
mad props yo
biggest lamer top 10
1. phoenix/hornet (not a clue about the scene but always open mouth)
2. ryg/fr (who thinks he is the best coder in the world and all other have simply to rip from him)
3. bombe/fr (who dont even know the difference between xlat and xchg but gives unqualified comments)
4. stefan/dxm (you are famous now, lamer)
5. kb/fr (the protector of ryg, lol)
1. phoenix/hornet (not a clue about the scene but always open mouth)
2. ryg/fr (who thinks he is the best coder in the world and all other have simply to rip from him)
3. bombe/fr (who dont even know the difference between xlat and xchg but gives unqualified comments)
4. stefan/dxm (you are famous now, lamer)
5. kb/fr (the protector of ryg, lol)
err. top 5 even hehe :)
grow up Reebok
You take all this to personal..
You take all this to personal..
i know :)
but then again its fun to see how personal others take it
hehe :)
but then again its fun to see how personal others take it
hehe :)
I have just talked with Ryg about this and it is now ok for both sides.
While coding this someone else not demoscene related at all helped me with some 'hints' (which I am also sure now it was coded by Ryg).
So... let's make it public that I coded the VGA 13h mode stuff+sierpinski texture ( http://amiga.L33tz.com/scx/texfrakfire.com - was the beginning of this project ), and the 'tunneling' was coded by Ryg (even if wasn't aware of it... this cutting a long story).
Anyway I would never ever release this if I knew there was anything ripped and thank ryg a lot for being understanding with me.
While coding this someone else not demoscene related at all helped me with some 'hints' (which I am also sure now it was coded by Ryg).
So... let's make it public that I coded the VGA 13h mode stuff+sierpinski texture ( http://amiga.L33tz.com/scx/texfrakfire.com - was the beginning of this project ), and the 'tunneling' was coded by Ryg (even if wasn't aware of it... this cutting a long story).
Anyway I would never ever release this if I knew there was anything ripped and thank ryg a lot for being understanding with me.
yeah, nothing more to add. and now let's close that case and start working on productions again :)
Happy ending ! Now isn't that nice ???
God, i.l.o.v.e.d.e.m.o.s !!!! :)
God, i.l.o.v.e.d.e.m.o.s !!!! :)
so you made an interrupt call and a xor texture. sucks to be you :)
I'd like to state that my tunnel wasn't ripped from either of the aforementioned productions. >:))
I won't take either side of the rip/not-rip debate. If it's not a rip, then it's a nice piece of code.
I won't take either side of the rip/not-rip debate. If it's not a rip, then it's a nice piece of code.
this already had been done nicer in 64b =)
it will be interesting to meet reebok at breakpoint.
wayfinder :)))
ich hab nur 1 kg weniger als du :P :)
ich hab nur 1 kg weniger als du :P :)
das heisst reebok kann schneller rennen!
oder wayfinder ist zu langsam zum wegrennen *lmao*
good thing we have the mudpit at the bp =)
lame rip. nice code by ryg
compo? no! comp ro mi tation!
rolling at the floor laughing. wayfinder: what do you mean? ;))))))))) do not hurt my personal jesus much, please.
rolling at the floor laughing. wayfinder: what do you mean? ;))))))))) do not hurt my personal jesus much, please.
move eax,ebx ; move ebx to eax
great, a prod i can thumb down to normalize my voting statistics without having a bad concience :)
what red said!
once, they ripped my tunnel so hard, it still hurts when i think about it
best rip ever
Hey, how did I miss this one back in the days. :)
Lame :(
for the "commented" source code.
Lame prod, lame coder, lame attitude. Thanks for keeping up the lamer spirit alive even today.
1- learn to read, then learn to understand what you read
2- fake account for downvoting ? OWNED. Who's lame now ?
Thanks for keeping up the lamer spirit alive even today.
poor you, you're so retarded you think I'd rip Ryg knowing the aftermath implications of that
please die with your fake account :]
2- fake account for downvoting ? OWNED. Who's lame now ?
Thanks for keeping up the lamer spirit alive even today.
poor you, you're so retarded you think I'd rip Ryg knowing the aftermath implications of that
please die with your fake account :]
For not admitting the obvious rip, a pity, Scoopex doesn't deserve it.
Evil: although I have no idea who Zoolum is, I guess people are allowed to react to the shit *you* dig up, that doesn't necessarily make them fake people.
In case you implied it, I have nothing to do with that. I could simply thumb that ripped prod myself, which I did not even do by the way.
Now calm down and go produce something by yourself instead of spending your time digging up other people's shit...
In case you implied it, I have nothing to do with that. I could simply thumb that ripped prod myself, which I did not even do by the way.
Now calm down and go produce something by yourself instead of spending your time digging up other people's shit...
That's no fake account, you damn trisomic. Not only you put a famous demo group into the dirt but you also don't have enough guts to admit your lame actions. A perfect lamer indeed, congrats.
For the commented code
texfraktun.asm is one of the lamest spam I have ever seen.
You know it's funny, I am thinking that as intros become shorter and shorter they are bound to look so similar and as we move in 32b, 16b (which are a vram loop and some color adding/mul or random color something), etc. there are much fewer effects that can differ from each other that we move to singularity (the zerobytes demo :)
I mean, look at all the XOR textures used, all the tunnel examples here all use the same XOR texture! (Hey, you ripped ma 1337 tex gen algo, u bitch!!!).
But I guess I am not making much sense here :P
p.s. I'll give a piggie after reading that evil discussed this with ryg there. I don't care.
p.p.s. Sometimes I wonder if I would be consider a ripper for using the same 20bytes sinegen function that baze once gave to me, in every of my intros? It scares me. But of course it's different than copying an entire intro and changing bits :P
I mean, look at all the XOR textures used, all the tunnel examples here all use the same XOR texture! (Hey, you ripped ma 1337 tex gen algo, u bitch!!!).
But I guess I am not making much sense here :P
p.s. I'll give a piggie after reading that evil discussed this with ryg there. I don't care.
p.p.s. Sometimes I wonder if I would be consider a ripper for using the same 20bytes sinegen function that baze once gave to me, in every of my intros? It scares me. But of course it's different than copying an entire intro and changing bits :P
Optimus, fak, I always thought that this cool singen function is your. What a disappointment.
you could have let this die gracefully, guys...
och, naja.
rip's still lame.
what optimus long time ago said :) .. still waiting for intro singularity
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