Nightmares by Noice [web]
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popularity : 69% |
alltime top: #971 |
added on the 2012-09-09 10:56:31 by Sdw ![]() |
popularity helper
Shadow for president! Awesome!
The effect in the picture was especially awesome. Great soundtrack as well :)
Very good!
nice to see more active groups on speccy. the code, graphics and music were good, but when put together they didnt really create something better. hope your next speccy demo has more tight concept/design.
motivational thumb.
motivational thumb.
The music is simply ace! Also really like the skull rotozoomer :)
This Rocks!
almost felt like a 16bit-demo on Amiga500 or alike ;)
almost felt like a 16bit-demo on Amiga500 or alike ;)
This was pretty good, especially the music. I'd have liked a bit more synchro, like maybe have the cube spin in beat with the music. Also, yay for greet :)
We should bug YouTube about including 50 and 60 Hz transcoding profiles.
We should bug YouTube about including 50 and 60 Hz transcoding profiles.
Wow, this is the kind of Speccy demos I like.
Mostly highres effects (and if lowres, some good graphics combined), beautiful retro stuff! Everything is smooth and looks great. Long time to see highres polygons.
Mostly highres effects (and if lowres, some good graphics combined), beautiful retro stuff! Everything is smooth and looks great. Long time to see highres polygons.
Thanks for the demo, guys! Nice effects with unusual graphics. And of course peppy music by Yerz is great.
Good demo, especially Yerzmyey's music :)
Rulez! Really solid overall effect from a nice style.
Nice!!! gfx,code n music!
Great soundtrack and good combination of nice pictures and good effects. Excellent !
what they said.
Great demo! Nice gfx and code.
Pretty cool all-around 100% pure demo.
Nice demo!
Molodcy Shwedy! Poradowali dedushku AAA.
trd version:
trd version:
Great demo!
awesome chessboard effect. rays behind the head are good too.
nice to see one more active group at zx, keep it alive dudes!
nice to see one more active group at zx, keep it alive dudes!
A very dynamic demo - I hope you will not move to another platform! Guys from The Super need some competition. The circular scroller is splendid as well as the first chessboard effect.
nice and sweet demo with brain-crashing platfrom-specific effect (chessboard). music could be a bit better (sorry yerz), but otherwise, it deserves thumb up in any ways.
also, i hope oh so much, that you won't stop making demos for zx!
also, i hope oh so much, that you won't stop making demos for zx!
Great demo. Music is quite Yerzmyeyish "ta-ta-ta-tada-ta-tada" - still the same like his other musics. But it's cool, as always :)
Cool demo. Loved especially the chessboard effect.
Was excellent, effects + gfx was best for me!
C00l demo!
nice prod, round scroller was choice!
I really enjoyed this at the party!
Nice oldschool demo.
Thanks yerzmyey for the music :D
great vibes, really enjoyed it!
Real nice.
Great demo - loved watching this and thought it made great use of Spectrum attributes to create effects that'd be really hard on other systems.
Wow indeed!
Very enjoyable.
sdw quality =)
Easily one of Shadow's better works. Fantastic!
Why on Pouet demo took first place with a triple isolation from the rest, and only the second in the competition? list of criminals who post the wrong vote please!
Great demo, lovely art/effects/music.
Great ZX action, blown away by this one on the big screen
3ASOFT: because this one has a youtube link, which encourages more people to watch and comment on it. Now STFU.
Hey, gasman! Why so serious?
nice demo!
Gasman, Fuck the Shut Up
Gasman, Fuck the Shut Up
Looks good and the effects aren't half bad either :)
Makes me want to go and solder some attribute RAM straight into my Atari :-) Excelling 2d GFX also. The vector object looks a bit strange because the border of the invisible planes is not drawn.
Why? because it should look worse on attribute cell boundaries?
brain-crashing platfrom-specific effect
Why? because it should look worse on attribute cell boundaries?
Now I just realized why the speccy dudes were whining at that forum about the CPC prod. I didn't realized before that this came 2nd after the CPC demo, till I looked at the results table again. Nah,. partyvoting is so unpredictable. Definitely this one should be a 1st, saying it even as a CPC fan :)
great prod, especially the tune!
Far from quality of old russian ZX trackmos from 1997-2002, but graphic is enjoyable, and some effects too.
lookoing ahead to your next ZX stuff
lookoing ahead to your next ZX stuff
nice stuff
JAC! it's hard to explain to non-speccy dude. There is only 2 colors can be used in 8x8 cell in standard mode. So usually in the demos when you draw fullscreen sinus pixel-plasma you draw it in 2 colors. If the background will be 8x8 cell discrete, you can draw by 3rd color over it. But nobody (afaik) did't made it in 4 colors - by changing one of the background colors. So it's look like a Transparency effect and it's COOL!
to gasman : We made reference to sugarlumps:, but more votes had not increased, indicating that fraudulent voting at the event. ZX Spezza won. Gasman - not betray Spectrum - is svyayatoe like cake!
"betraying the Spectrum"? Oh jeez. I hope this is just an enormous joke that's being lost in translation (I've tried to follow the conversation on, but Google Translate does a really bad job of the slang on there), because if it isn't, this is the most childish scene war ever.
I do think this is the better demo of the two, and I'm also surprised that it didn't win (it was well received at the party - I was happy to see people applauding the sine plasma effect, as I assumed it would be something only Speccy sceners would 'get') - but accusing people of fraudulent voting and ripping just because you don't like the result, is Not Fucking Cool. Especially when it's about someone's first demo.
Demoparty voting isn't perfect, but at least it involves the same set of people watching the demos at roughly the same time. Pouet commenting doesn't.
I do think this is the better demo of the two, and I'm also surprised that it didn't win (it was well received at the party - I was happy to see people applauding the sine plasma effect, as I assumed it would be something only Speccy sceners would 'get') - but accusing people of fraudulent voting and ripping just because you don't like the result, is Not Fucking Cool. Especially when it's about someone's first demo.
Demoparty voting isn't perfect, but at least it involves the same set of people watching the demos at roughly the same time. Pouet commenting doesn't.
Nice job by Noice! Should rank first I guess, but that's what happens when zx people compete with cpc :P Yerzmyey for president - another great music :)
Spektrumisty concerned for voting at the event, zx lost a weaker job. Translate what we write on very difficult because we write misspelled words. gasman not swear we're just worried about zx speccy, deme nightmare was a success! And by the way, gasman long did the demo on zx speccy.
3ASOFT ne pizdi - not WE but YOU can't learn even russian gramar
3ASOFT ne pizdi - not WE but YOU can't learn even russian gramar
Ish ponyl tolko perwye dwa slova. Potom nifiga ne ponyl.
Ish ponyl tolko perwye dwa slova. Potom nifiga ne ponyl.
3ASOFT: I have chatted with Andreas who coded this demo and he took this defeat very gracefully and understood that sometimes these things happen. I don't know why you feel compelled to make such a big deal about this when even the original author doesn't feel as strongly as you do. Just leave it, there's no conspiracy going on, just a quirk of party voting.
A really flipping wonderful production! LOVED it at the party! Really brill music/ace code and fab visuals! <3
I was going to respond in more detail to the more nutty comments in here but RC55 beat me to it :D but...
3ASOFT: If you would be so kind as to stop harassing Gasman, he was extremely helpful as always getting THIS ace demo (and other cool spectrum stuff) running on hardware at the event. Honestly the level of silliness on display here is beyond =all= measure :D
Anyway I'm off to make a new beeper tune <3
I was going to respond in more detail to the more nutty comments in here but RC55 beat me to it :D but...
3ASOFT: If you would be so kind as to stop harassing Gasman, he was extremely helpful as always getting THIS ace demo (and other cool spectrum stuff) running on hardware at the event. Honestly the level of silliness on display here is beyond =all= measure :D
Anyway I'm off to make a new beeper tune <3
I'Love ZX Speccy, gasman, and love all speccy group, demo gifts!!!
No Amstrad, amiga shit, atari shit (music best), commodore shit (sid best)!!! ZX Speccy Avattars Pandorium in People! No Skukis in Galaktika!!!
No Amstrad, amiga shit, atari shit (music best), commodore shit (sid best)!!! ZX Speccy Avattars Pandorium in People! No Skukis in Galaktika!!!
omg, teh scenedrama :-D beware, it's all just a fat trolling ;)
Like in old good days.
Since when the battles in comments became a true demoscene? Will we see any fucktro at last?
Take TOGYAF as an example with their excellent Anal Funk for Silly Punk and code something already.
Since when the battles in comments became a true demoscene? Will we see any fucktro at last?
Take TOGYAF as an example with their excellent Anal Funk for Silly Punk and code something already.
Great demo although a bit short for my taste.
guys - nice first try - but.........
What toxie said
Good one
Cool. Like the the scene in the screenshot.
Great code, great music, great gfx, great demo!
Lovin' it!
Very good demo, very colourful graphics, great music!
C64 meets ZX :D
I've been very slow here. Noice work as always!
2nd place, really?
Great prod :D
okish. I know Mega-Master can do better ;-P
Super prod with great music, thanks!
"Now you have reached the end..." : Noooooooooo!!!
Very cool prod from talented guys.
Very cool prod from talented guys.
Hey man, Iam speechless again!
A collection of clean and elegant effects presented with an exceptional soundtrack. Very cool.
Very good demo!
hope to see more!
if it wasn't scene drama, I would have missed the importance of sinewave part. Now I'm watching it, it really works. Clean, 50fps part, with multicolor effect :D
impresssive. Rules.
impresssive. Rules.
Impressive !
Absolutely ace!
Great sine and nicely done fast 3d!
It should have won the compo. Amazing stuff.
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