Hartverdrahtet by Akronyme Analogiker
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popularity : 80% |
alltime top: #135 |
added on the 2012-04-08 11:58:06 by ScenePassivist ![]() |
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rulez added on the 2012-04-08 12:05:58 by gaspode 

My favorite of the compo. Mood Effects, pure awesomeness.
Yet another fractals 4k
this kind of production looks greate for me. like to be proud of the creation in simply contest of the incarnation of the mind onto a creation.
This was awesome! Regardless it was just another fractal raymarcher, the structures and atmosphere made it interesting for me.
really, really nice
Really awesome production. Beautiful visuals giving an unseen feeling of room and depth. Loving it
Awesome athmosphere!
My favorite in the compo as well. It's not quite your run-of-the-mill raymarched fractal, there's something more to it.
Radeon 6570, win7/X64 here, runs smooth for a few secs, then white screen and "waiting"-mousecursor.
fractals, but how well done!
I liked it a lot, my favourite from the compo :)
I liked it a lot, my favourite from the compo :)
Liked this a lot, especially the subtle (well apart from the bright yellow) changes in colour. However the readme mentions 'fractalforums.org' which is not found so I think it should be 'fractalforums.com' which looks like a great site. Framerate was a bit low for me, but I'm sure I saw crossfading which is cool.
I imagined a spaceship flying through this alien world ;)
really cool
Fractals are fascinating, thank you for making them look so neat and scary.
Almost brilliant. Some more contrast & color tweaking and it's perfect.
Fuck me! That was awesome.
Amazing production, my favorite of the compo, and great to see other people inspired by modern fractals :)
Exins problem (and mine, on my laptop) is due to the Windows 7 busy cursor issue, please fix this in the final as you have like 50 bytes left and the fix is only about 20 bytes: just add "PeekMessage( &gMsg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE);" in your render loop.
Exins problem (and mine, on my laptop) is due to the Windows 7 busy cursor issue, please fix this in the final as you have like 50 bytes left and the fix is only about 20 bytes: just add "PeekMessage( &gMsg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE);" in your render loop.
Great atmosphere. Slow movement gave it a kind of massiveness. Love it. Btw. screenshot is so bad :D
Better than your average fractaltracer, even though it requires a beast GPU.
Fucking amazing. By far the best the best in the compo. Finally fractals put into good use :). The colors and overall visual quality are also extraordinary. Bit up.
Best 4k-intro at rv12 so far and works fluently compared to Shoal.
This is one instance where the lower resolution version looks better...
My favorite from the compo, I hope it wins :)
My favorite from the compo, I hope it wins :)
Interesting shapes!
Definitely a cool fractal, and pretty well shown.
And few scenes and your screenshot re on the downside. ;)
And few scenes and your screenshot re on the downside. ;)
The best 4k in this revision IMHO. Great!
With fractals, you need either great direction to make them interesting, or some new(ish) fractal people aren't so familiar with. This has both :)
Really nice watch.
Excellent fractals
Fuck my eyes! Shocking visuals.
Fantastic visuals and atmosphere. Pure love.
beautiful direction. waiting for full-hd version since my radeon hd 2600 only shows white screen with stripes :)
Demoscene art. Thank you for making this release.
Oh Massive!
It IS just yet another fractal marched flythrough. But an insanely great one.
Simply awesome!
This is like a travel to another planet.
This is like a travel to another planet.
Loved this "metallic structure" atmosphere and the ambient music.
speechless I am.
Best in compo.
It's also interesting to note that, tech-wise, it's very similar to Fulcrum's entry in the same compo. Here though, direction and design take the prod to a completely different level...
It's also interesting to note that, tech-wise, it's very similar to Fulcrum's entry in the same compo. Here though, direction and design take the prod to a completely different level...
Nice atmosphere!
WOW mind blowing intro !
holy shit!
Boring and slow as fuck.
I saw this intro in real time. Do they compute the raytracing 1 line on 2 to gain some cycle on the shader ?
Newly discovered world presented well
This was excellent!
more then balls :)
Pretty and moody.
Really ugly colors but the fractals are sooooo coool :D Good fitting music too, and I love how the slow cameras magnify the sense of depth.
Absolute great 4K !!!
we all know and love the fractal raymarching pixel shaders in 4k now, but the result here is just so damned good. i wonder if the symmetry at the end saved them some cpu/gpu time.
great stuff!
Whaaat. Awesome.
my favorite on Revision in this year.
Look how much awesomeness can be compressed into 4k. Amazing.
what ferris said, except the bit on colors.
what ferris said, except the bit on colors.
fucking massive on the bigscreen, although it really needs a better colorscheme
Crazy shit. Why the yellow though?
dafuq did i just see?
looks beautiful. and alien.
...and for the name.
uh 3d fractal world! It one day would be made. great 4k
a bit long, but YOW.
Balls. Ribbons. Infinity.
Ferris: re-calibrate your monitor :)
what maytz said.
Mandelbulb fractals in realtime in 4k that's hot topic!
Slow? Its still does not work on my computer with Radeon HD6570 but it runs fine on my 5 years old HD3870. Okay, 4-10fps at 1024x768.
could have been longer. simply beautiful.
One of my favourite prods this year. Immense!
Whooaaaaaa, what an awesome looking fractal. Soundtrack is also ok.
haha.. someone disliked This :D weird
Fractals are cute, me likes :)
But the soundtrack hurt my ears :/
But the soundtrack hurt my ears :/
Nice fractals :)
na das war aber mal dufte
Insanely hypnotik !
really beautiful!!
Very cool :)
Frission-enabled 4K. Bravo.
intense the way you handle it. very nice.
i heared salvia divinorum can bring such effects.
i heared salvia divinorum can bring such effects.
Unbelivable explosion of entropy through my monitor. Wonderful! Bit slow on my 250GTS, but that is to be expected.
Very nice to look at. Also, great track.
Very impressive. A well-earned 1st place.
I just found this boring and "seen this a thousand times" as fuck. Well, the formulas aren't quite the most used ones, piggy for that.
So, turns out raymarched fractals can still be entertaining. Who would've thought?
as already said:
Great details of fractal!
Looks like very large swarm of aliens.
Great details of fractal!
Looks like very large swarm of aliens.
beautiful creation
ganz großes kino meine herren!
A stunning experience during the compo at Revision
well, if you do "already seen" stuff like raymarched fractals, you at least gotta do it right.
which is this case here :)
well done
which is this case here :)
well done
colours (green and yellow) and the whole atmosphere with the great fractal-scapes made it a worthy winner for me
More commenting: to me the first scene is the best. Showing the fractal unfolding was really cool. During the prizegiving, I felt the post-processing increased the aliasing artifacts.
what las said.
also, the rasterbars fail to hide the aliasing... thumb for the first 20 seconds though.
also, the rasterbars fail to hide the aliasing... thumb for the first 20 seconds though.
Love the graphics, but the soundtrack ruined it. Nevertheless I'm unable to thumb this down.
nice tune and gfx
Thanks for the journey!
especially the first scene is very good
Looks like a kind of MASSIVE cathedral :)
Nice stuff! Quite CPU/GPU intense stuff.
Not bad even though it was choppy on my old PC and video card. :)
Really great looking, but that yellow baclground... wtf?
fantastic visuals, nice mood.
i don't think those claps or kind of snares add anything to the music. would've been better if you left them out.
i don't think those claps or kind of snares add anything to the music. would've been better if you left them out.
Instant love.
did not like the soundtrack but rest was nice
awesome in every aspect.
good visuals and great 3d feeling.
So amazing!!! 8-D
No way to not thumb this up.
really ace.
sick mates, very sick. keep em coming
nice nice nice
ok visuals, but runs very slow, and the music is just so so..
there's actually some really good direction here, although i'm not sure of the yellow parts.
Very nice GFX, fitting music, but poor synth quality.
Very, very impressive. Good job!
is it possible to disable the horizontal lines? for me they a ruining the whole show as the scene isn't that visible as it could :(
This is exactly the type of PC demo i'd like to make, if i'd be interested in making a PC demo :) and coder colors are always win :O)
i love it
Solid raymarching 4k.
Orgasm to the eyes. 8)
for fixing the mouse cursor issue ;)
Fantastic prod in all ways. Thumb up to encourage for more fractal 4ks! </troll> ;)
Impressive fractal, looks cool. Unfortunately, the slightly too fast direction made it a bit less majestic than it could be. I also think it could have benefited from changing the color-scheme at some point.
it just keeps going
impressive. i'm searching for a programer to specifiy and code a mobile voice assistant algorithm.
Forgot to thumb this one as well. May not be as impressive as some of the other recent 4ks technically, but it's a great experience nonetheless.
Recommenting: Most beautiful 4k I've seen in my whole fucking life!
Waiting for Mentor to pull this off in 1k any second now... :p
@p01: and why not you in 1k js? :D
Forgotten thumb, excellent 4k!
HD MP4 KKapture If you want.
HD MP4 KKapture If you want.
hart verdrahtet!
what Bartoshe said
that was just beautiful!
best 4k of 2012!
Great performance for 4096 bytes ;)
Doesn't feel like a 4k :)
I watched it so many time that my eyes are bleeding :)
You own the fractals, that's for sure. Beautifully put to use to create this masterpiece. Really an awesome achievement.
Give us a VR version of it :/
Nice work, people should be obliged to watch it twice a day :)
I love fractals and I love this 4k. I don't actually get the hate for fractals in the demo scene, it is pure coder nerd maths and I find the shapes to be quite beautiful and more interesting than primitive geometry. I respect people have a different opinion, but I personally can't get enough of this stuff.
This one is just fucking impressive. How does it comes i never thumb up that ?
Fractals raymarchers are common things in 1k/4k but this one is different. So deep, so beautiful. Anybody knows how the surrounding yellow/blue glow is made ?
Fractals raymarchers are common things in 1k/4k but this one is different. So deep, so beautiful. Anybody knows how the surrounding yellow/blue glow is made ?
I noticed this years ago already but never bothered to really bring it up, but in any case, any particular connection to this xm? The main melody seems to be lifted pretty straight from the third pattern onwards (different chords of course though). I don't really care though, it's a cool reinterpretation, but I would've expected a mention of it somewhere.
Super late thumb. This still rocks! Looking forward to your next demo miracle!
ou wow, beautiful colors 💕, especially the yellow one, which is a underrated color
looks amazing
belated thumb. This is wicked in many aspects. The fadings alone are rad.
Not sure how I missed this one. Watched it stoned as a mofo last night, it moved me to tears. A taste of infinity nom nom nom... amazing stuffs
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