
My Buenzli - The Demodays 2011 Invitation
screenshot added by unlock on 2011-08-14 14:13:10
platform :
type :
release date : august 2011
release party : Evoke 2011
compo : pc demo
ranked : 4th
invitation for : Buenzli 2011
  • 74
  • 11
  • 1
popularity : 65%
  • 0.85
alltime top: #2095
added on the 2011-08-14 14:13:10 by unlock unlock

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this was charming :=)
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 14:14:29 by bfx bfx
Thanks Netpoet, Pro and Psykon for creating this nice little invitation! Here's the YouTube link if someone's interested :-)
added on the 2011-08-14 14:17:11 by unlock unlock
catchy tune!
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 14:24:30 by phobium phobium
nice invitro, don't think i will go there from Sweden tough
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 14:24:58 by Queen_Luna Queen_Luna
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 14:26:45 by sensenstahl sensenstahl
5 minutes of pure WTF :D
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 14:38:26 by psonice psonice
Yodeli for Jessica attending!
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 14:53:21 by w00t! w00t!
this thumb is for netpoet!
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 14:55:58 by a-move a-move
It's very rare I get scene humour, but this one really made me laugh. The soundtrack was very well done and reminded me a little of Lite Funky Ones. haha.
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 15:06:30 by Wade Wade
definitive a pure fun invitation and this one would have probabely gotten a fun award if there was any ;-)
Great lyrics and it made me laugh alot :D

Made a 1080p Youtube Rip for those who want FullHD:

rulez added on the 2011-08-14 15:47:56 by anni anni
This is so awesome!
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 15:53:01 by xernobyl xernobyl
This cheers me up! My Buuuuuunzli.... lol :)

And.. I havent seen a (raytraced) toilet since.. well.. Hardwired in 1991 :)
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 15:56:36 by magic magic
My Büüüüüünzli.... This is COOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 16:05:22 by wiseman wiseman
So much fun to sing along to!!!
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 16:08:50 by okkie okkie
I am totally jealous of this party invite :D
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 16:10:01 by Puryx Puryx
Fun :)
added on the 2011-08-14 16:20:50 by Duckers Duckers
That was fun :)
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 16:23:18 by Shifter Shifter
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 18:28:25 by moqui moqui
I wanted to thumb it up, but then okkie wrote:
So much fun to sing along to!!!
so i'm not so sure now! ;p
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 18:36:27 by baah baah
my demodaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays!
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 19:34:55 by Saga Musix Saga Musix
This is the weirdest invitation I've seen in a while.
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 19:40:56 by Sesse Sesse
Thanks so much, guys! We sure had fun making this. :)
added on the 2011-08-14 19:41:38 by netpoet netpoet
i started to sing ...
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 19:46:09 by Ish Ish
Live w00tage

Excellent, funny, elaborate lyrics. Awesome job netpoet. The visuals, hahaha... well, they speak for themselves. Mooo.
added on the 2011-08-14 20:30:02 by m0d m0d
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 20:30:16 by m0d m0d
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 21:39:54 by Premium Premium
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 21:41:46 by bitl bitl
Fun fun fun!
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 22:12:42 by Alpha C Alpha C
4th wtf this is a winner :D
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 23:05:53 by thec thec
Entertaining prod.
rulez added on the 2011-08-14 23:26:19 by BackSpace BackSpace
the lyrics are abit odd but it served its purpose well as an invtro to the best swiss party there is :)
rulez added on the 2011-08-15 00:03:42 by psenough psenough
rulez added on the 2011-08-15 00:15:12 by SiR SiR
Great Invitation
rulez added on the 2011-08-15 00:20:29 by Chainsaw Chainsaw
Earworm. Must. Die.
rulez added on the 2011-08-15 02:09:46 by scamp scamp
cute, fun & refreshing :)

good job büüüünzly team & netpoet!
rulez added on the 2011-08-15 03:03:34 by rez rez
as a serious demo? ächz!
as a fun party invite? totally works (for me)!
rulez added on the 2011-08-15 10:42:57 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
on a side-note id like to point out its rare that the earmworm of the party wasnt delivered by jco ;)
added on the 2011-08-15 10:44:00 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
Karaoke ftw!
rulez added on the 2011-08-15 11:01:10 by Mystra Mystra
thumb up for büüüüüünzli!
rulez added on the 2011-08-15 12:43:50 by CME CME
fun invite, the live wootage is awesome. But as a demo it is only meh for me.
added on the 2011-08-15 12:58:25 by Olivier Olivier
best demo in the compo! but jesus christ, why are the textures so lowres? :P
rulez added on the 2011-08-15 16:07:15 by el mal el mal
entertaining and refreshing compo
nearly forgot my Sörgelis because of this :)
rulez added on the 2011-08-15 17:25:00 by Skyrunner Skyrunner
Loved it! A song in the hymn-quality of "Let Evoke be a kinderzimmer" and a cow in a suit. Sweet! Surprising that "job" was represented by a toilet, though. ;)
rulez added on the 2011-08-15 17:37:24 by novel novel
rulez added on the 2011-08-15 18:31:06 by rudi rudi
2 teaspoons of cool, 3 teaspoons of fun, and 5 teaspoons of crazy, one recipie for awesome :)
rulez added on the 2011-08-15 21:25:12 by keito keito
The song is great
rulez added on the 2011-08-16 10:14:55 by Manwe Manwe
Best scenepoetry ever. The bit about Britney Spears was a turn off tho :D

Seriously: Brilliant song, Perfect invitation, visuals on the verge of nonexistence but funny nevertheless. Can't demand more from an invitation.
rulez added on the 2011-08-16 10:58:03 by kb_ kb_
Yeah \o/
rulez added on the 2011-08-16 11:01:07 by Corial Corial
love the song!
rulez added on the 2011-08-16 14:36:59 by nekomono nekomono
What psonice said!
rulez added on the 2011-08-16 14:50:05 by ferris ferris
I kind of appreciate the funny and the cute and the unusual music, but other than that, this did absolutely nothing for me and I was more annoyed than amused. It's really nice to see an invitation really crafted to be an invitation though :)
added on the 2011-08-16 14:58:42 by Preacher Preacher
Really fun and nice invit! Büüüünzli!!!!
rulez added on the 2011-08-16 20:40:18 by ok3anos ok3anos
Buenzu! \o/
rulez added on the 2011-08-17 07:38:28 by Raven^NCE Raven^NCE
MY Bu00dcu00dcu00dcu00dcu00dcu00dcu00dcu00dcu00dcu00dcNZLI!
rulez added on the 2011-08-17 08:30:42 by D.Fox D.Fox
I just need to thumb it up. I woke up 4 am last night with büüüüüüüüüünzli ringing in my ears.
rulez added on the 2011-08-17 08:52:26 by Preacher Preacher
My Büüüüüünzli!
rulez added on the 2011-08-17 09:01:12 by chock chock
As an invitation: YAY! As a demo: very, very meh - but that's okay. :) Still: if it's a karaoke demo, please make sure the karaoke-dot actually hits the words being sung, okay? (yes, I'm a bit anal about such things :))
added on the 2011-08-17 09:27:54 by gloom gloom
Entertaining invi, like it.
rulez added on the 2011-08-17 16:25:48 by jack-3d jack-3d
Like a modern version of this. Decent invitation with an insanely catchy tune. It starts playing in your head just by thinking about it.
rulez added on the 2011-08-17 22:02:37 by uncle-x uncle-x
1A propaganda! ;)
rulez added on the 2011-08-19 01:39:26 by gentleman gentleman
goddamn it GET OUT OF MY HEAD
added on the 2011-08-19 06:53:43 by bfx bfx
Guys, thank you so much for all the applause for the song. I am very happy you received it like this! One very nice comment I got at the party place already was, "Angenehm aufdringlich!" (pleasantly obtrusive). Thank you, thank you, thank you, and see you at Büüüüüünzli, hopefully!
added on the 2011-08-19 07:52:52 by netpoet netpoet
oh soooo cute
netpoet you rock
rulez added on the 2011-08-19 11:30:13 by ton ton
and the rest of you guys too! =) totally!
added on the 2011-08-19 11:31:48 by ton ton
netpoet: Yes the music is fantastic! Ya-hah!!!
added on the 2011-08-19 14:50:45 by jack-3d jack-3d
great soundtrack!
rulez added on the 2011-08-19 15:02:12 by smash smash
After watching this it really feels like the best place to be :)

Lovely song/subtitles/the whole invite. It's my buuuuuunzli!! Funny character mesh/anim and jokes.
If folks just kept doin' invites like this, the scene lives forever, cuz there aint no negativity and anger, only brohood and things that matter.
rulez added on the 2011-08-20 15:28:26 by funkdoobiest funkdoobiest
Awesome soundtrack !
Lovely production, congrats guys !
rulez added on the 2011-08-22 13:18:24 by willbe willbe
rulez added on the 2011-08-27 22:12:25 by ulrick ulrick
BB Image
rulez added on the 2011-08-28 16:57:44 by dwarf dwarf
Hehehe heh
rulez added on the 2011-08-28 21:57:45 by Emod Emod
The soundtrack is simply priceless! =D
rulez added on the 2011-08-29 20:28:41 by Aasemoon Aasemoon
Great soundtrack, very catchy
rulez added on the 2011-08-31 09:52:23 by aech aech
for all the people that got anal about the sync and karaoke dots.... we really synced our butts of for this newthingy ;)

live version

i could upload the actual karaoke version, but i'm wondering if anyone wants that :)
added on the 2011-09-01 17:36:19 by prost prost
Very nice with a catchy tune!
rulez added on the 2011-09-07 12:11:49 by sim sim
added on the 2011-09-10 20:13:52 by AntDude AntDude
haha... Cute and awesome :D
rulez added on the 2011-12-02 03:13:23 by Sapphire Sapphire
How come I haven't thumbed this up yet? There we go.
rulez added on the 2011-12-02 10:22:10 by Tjoppen Tjoppen
is there an instrumental version of the song?
added on the 2012-04-23 17:39:53 by nosfe nosfe
There must be, they used it for live karaoke at buenzli. :D
Also, I like how prophetic the lyrics were. Only they got the age, location and occupation wrong. :P
added on the 2012-04-23 18:28:22 by kb_ kb_
rulez added on the 2012-05-24 13:57:39 by las las
Love this. Always puts me into a good mood.
rulez added on the 2012-10-10 14:20:43 by jenni jenni
Really nice actually, good music and the rendering complements the lowpoly stuff well.
rulez added on the 2013-04-17 01:02:30 by noby noby
sucks added on the 2013-11-07 14:47:28 by kimi kardashian kimi kardashian
rulez added on the 2014-07-21 02:46:58 by iks iks
Say my Büüüünzli ;D
added on the 2014-08-17 01:30:49 by T$ T$
because the tune is so catchy.
rulez added on the 2015-01-18 07:20:29 by Starchaser Starchaser
rulez added on the 2015-04-28 14:38:38 by cxw cxw
I actually knew the song before the demo, and couldn't get it out of my head even though it's so silly. :-)

The demo itself is okay, although I love the visualisation of "job". :-D
rulez added on the 2015-04-29 09:08:28 by Kylearan Kylearan
So cool!
rulez added on the 2015-04-29 19:55:12 by cce cce
hahaha, this is cute and charming :D
rulez added on the 2021-03-19 14:44:16 by Brittle Brittle
Tune still amazng! Büüüüüüüüüüüüüüüenzli!
added on the 2021-06-20 19:15:25 by okkie okkie

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