Dramatic Pixels by Pers' Wastaiset Produktiot [web]
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popularity : 66% |
alltime top: #1669 |
added on the 2010-04-07 00:05:54 by viznut/pwp ![]() |
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rulez added on the 2010-04-07 00:11:17 by rc55 

yea, nice concept
cute. :_)
sooo, it's a love triangle and everyone dies in the end... but i guess it's open to interpretation :)
there's no way I could piggy this.
i see, you developed the skrju's concept well )
in case you don't know, check http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=54378
in case you don't know, check http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=54378
It is amazing how with some great music sync, concept and direction, three chars can actually be enjoyable. I totally adore this!
Nice, though far from original
Loved it.
entertaining, though about 30s too long
wow, who thought pixels could express could evoke such a range of emotional responses...
super sync
Oh, the drama...
not my cup of tea but still it deserves a thumb for the effort.
I enjoyed this on the stream. I imagine such a feature in the next werkzeug :-)
The music is great, thumb up for that. Didn't get the visual story part :P
Haha, fun idea!
I couldn't believe it when people started cheering when this was shown. This really gives me hope that sceners don't need hypnoglow and ribbons to appreciate something :). The question remains however: Why is this so awesome? I know that it is, but I don't know why. I think it's irresistibly cute :).
basically this is just like the fairlight-demo, just with fewer pixels.
I was tempted to pig it due to the very similar ZX intro (which i quite liked). Then again, I enjoyed this way too much at the party, so here goes.
Dramatic storytelling!
The beauty of abstraction and transparent way of expressing and planting emotional reactions.
The beauty of abstraction and transparent way of expressing and planting emotional reactions.
This one proves that a mighty idea always rules over hardwarebashing or getting another vector rotating. One of my favourites from all compos shown at BP2010. ;)
simple. rulez.
Wiznut for president!
Oh the drama. Felt like a telenovela on Speed reduced to a bunch of blocky pixels.
Top notch!!!!
Top notch!!!!
SO FUCKING GOOD! Great "story sync", if you wanna call it like this.
Great concept, very well executed.
Is it possible to have a video?
Is it possible to have a video?
Vid would be nice, so I can re-watch in work, but it's great! PwP forever.
nice storytelling :)
They say that "perfection is acheived not when there's nothing more to add, but when there's nothing more to take away".
This certainly holds true for this prod.
This certainly holds true for this prod.
What urs said.
Quite funny / cool.
Really inventive and funny (not sure I understood the full story tho ^^)
Sweet synch <3.
cute and well done.
Love it!
simple. rulez.
nah, piggy
the sequel of that prod? :)
damn bbcodes;)
cool prod..
is ok
I see what you were trying to do, but it didn't really succeed.
you show the whole scene that storry is on a par with grafik and effects ! nice one
I see what you were trying to do, but it didn't really succeed.
Oh yes it did. The live reaction of the audience tells so too.
great execution of a simple idea
this was quite fun indeed.
Totally boring!
I see what you were trying to do, and you succeeded perfectly. Would be an experiment tho to see if it still works without that perfectly synced soundtrack.
Also, thumb.
Awesome, the pixels talked their story to me in this haunting voice inside my head.
And damn they are some violent pixels.
great stuff!
Zavie: more power to the live audience then, but I'm commenting with my *personal* opinion here ;)
Nice with almost nothing :) Well done
Fun, and great use of A/V sync.
Fucking nice :)
A cautionary tale for all of us.
simple and great sync :)
Simple concept but awesome executed.. Very impressive minimal style :D
. . .
Really funny, made me laugh
One of my personal favorites at the Breakpoint 2010! Simple concept - awesome execution - impressive entertainment.
cool prod!
Dramatic Boredom
Funny... but just funny!
I smiled :)
Somehow, this was my favourite prod from the whole party :)
<3 !
both, http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=54675 and http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=54668 have a downloadlink to this prod, so i misvoted on the bingen-hat !
<3 !
both, http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=54675 and http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=54668 have a downloadlink to this prod, so i misvoted on the bingen-hat !
Amazingly captivating! One of the most entertaining C64 prods I have seen.
the sync
nice concept
<3 !
BRICKED down to what it actually is !
<3 !
BRICKED down to what it actually is !
<3 !
Greatest idea ever!
Shitloads of visual effects ? Who needs them ?
it's rather funny to me how most of viznut's productions are immediately viewed as the pinnacle of a philosophical artform whilst in reality only a few dos prods and some vic20 demos are actually really good. i mean come on, what the *fuck* is this..
Perhaps I am biased, but it's great. :D Somehow I like this better than the later "Large Unified Theory".
cool one!
very funny indeed
still sucks ...
I like the sound...
Me says no!
Would have liked it less than skrju's version, but the a/v sync saved it. :)
minimalism at its best
cool story bro
Awesome and very memorable! If someone claims you need ace tech to tell a compelling story, I show them this.
Nicely done.
And story about the prod also interesting.
And story about the prod also interesting.
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