BluREU by Crest
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popularity : 69% |
alltime top: #865 |
added on the 2010-04-05 11:42:36 by hollowman ![]() |
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added on the 2010-04-05 11:44:43 by hollowman 

I mean, like, wow. Really, wow.
hrmm.. a bit less terrible capture:
Nice video player.
Usually I'm not into "video demos", but this is pretty awesome. :)
Would be easy to dismiss as just an animation player with lots of ripped material, but the music, the graphics mode used and the quality of the graphics makes it impossible.
This prod rulez. But can anyone explain me how this works with 1 mhz?
Tnx CREST! You make my night at the stream window of BPTV!!!!
The conversion of the videos is just fucking perfect. Excellent work.
True awesomeness.
wooow! great
The animation is amaaazing!!! But how? 320*200*16 colours big anims yet soooo smooth!!! That REU thing, how much memory? In a site they had models till 512kb but is this some expansion with way more? And why is there no sound in youtube? Can I watch this on emulator?
Impressive despite the fact that it's mainly video replay
..for the conversion tool
Ok, I just read the NFO file and got all the information I need :)
@ Optimus : it runs in Winvice read the readme.txt in archive
what they said!
After "don't meet crest", this one is "don't even think about meeting crest" ;) I believe preparing animation frames is harder than we think. Great work guys.
We mean, like, wow. Really, wow.
Very entertaining. Crowd pleasr.
Now this is proper wild compo stuff. Wonderful.
Usually I'm not into "video demos"
fun fun fun !
Heh. Even though it's just video...
very cool :)
really really nice, I enjoyed it watching this demo on the big screen
Great! Cool!
So there is no real hardware capable of running this unless someone makes a 16MB REU ?
It runs in Vice
A bit too much from other demos IMHO, but overall the GFX are great and the rickrolling was funny :) Well deserved thumb up.
MsK: You can use a 1541Ultimate to watch it on real hardware if you don't want to solder a 16MB REU.
WsW: It works with 1MHz because the REU can do DMA (1 byte/cycle). Still, using NUFLI, this is a good job codewise, nevertheless.
MsK: You can use a 1541Ultimate to watch it on real hardware if you don't want to solder a 16MB REU.
WsW: It works with 1MHz because the REU can do DMA (1 byte/cycle). Still, using NUFLI, this is a good job codewise, nevertheless.
that was very funny and great execution
Nice videos.
Love it.
aaaanimation for non exsisting piece of hardware with so fresh video mode. should i give pig? hell no:>
the gfx mode!!
The Youtube video could be find here . Enjoy dudes ;-)
^ Sorry dudes... wrong URL. Here is the right one : .
personal favorite @ bp2010 ! really really nice :)
Ok. This is awesome, graphics-wise. Two words... REUcoding makes it simple, but fullframed NuFLI compensates it ,)
Now lets see some 'real' demo parts using the REU.
REU found its reason of existence... 20 years later.
Rick Astley \o/
(also nice resolution and colors :)
(also nice resolution and colors :)
Hah! This was really entertaining. Although - and I can't believe that I'm saying this ;) - they could probably have done something technically more impressive than streaming pre-rendered video (since that has already been done). Something that blew my mind was how stuff like the roboshark scene from "Starstruck" almost looked better through the "16" (interpolated) colours of the C64 than in the original versions. I might be imagining things, but the colours looked really beautiful. So that was technically impressive. Having said that, this demo was extremely funny and entertaining and the rickroll was side-splittingly funny ;D.
Hah! This was really entertaining. Although - and I can't believe that I'm saying this ;) - they could probably have done something technically more impressive than streaming pre-rendered video (since that has already been done). Something that blew my mind was how stuff like the roboshark scene from "Starstruck" almost looked better through the "16" (interpolated) colours of the C64 than in the original versions. I might be imagining things, but the colours looked really beautiful. So that was technically impressive. Having said that, this demo was extremely funny and entertaining and the rickroll was side-splittingly funny ;D.
fuckings to crest for rickrolling the entire scene!
nice party demo, but got somewhat ruined by all the clear video replay abuse.
I don't kow a thing about the amiga scene, but this impressed me a whole lot!
*c64 (but I guess this pretty much proves my point)
love it, nice animations and fine gfx. greets could be better :-)
Rulez of course, and mad props for NUFLI video. This is not the first REU demo, though. :-)
Rocks hard!
we may want to know exactly waht you've done with your fingers !?
Great, and funny.
nice stuff
Fucking ace! Can't imagine the effort put in optimizing this to look this great
I'm going to solder a 16mb reu for this!
Fabulous! I want to see more C64 demos, using REU extension.
...what Elfan said???
exactly what hollowman said !
so much demostyle !
so much demostyle !
I'll give it a thumb for the great conversions of the videos to the C64 palette.
video pls! oh, wait a is a video. still enjoyable :)
hollowman summed up my thoughts pretty well.
Looks great even if these are animations it still shows a lot of skills.
deekay, junge das war mal hammer !!!!
Ecellent idea & flawless execution. Although strictly speaking this is not a "real" REU demo as there exists no REU with 16MB... :)
Interesting investigation :)
Well, it was a little crappy to stream a lot of videos but it was fun nevertheless.
stunning stuff!
Looked amazing on the party screen. More of an 1541u wild demo than a real REU demo, as Edhellon said.
unbelievable that you manage to come up with new stuff after 20 years of hacking the c64.. insane.
Very impressive for a C64. Cool High-Res graphics.
Incredible video quality..
Great and fun somone did something with the REU
back in the day one wouldn't dare to put videos in demos so shamelessly
OK for a wild entry, not OK for a demo. This is animation.
best in compo! roxx big time! - over and over and over and over again!
well execution, nice colorful hires pictures combined with good music. this shows that a c64 with 16MB REU how easily kicks ass at video/animation & wild compos. thumbs up
On the scroller screen press S when the scroll is at the top.
Factor6: there's far more to it than just animation.
Factor6: there's far more to it than just animation.
Enjoyable show, but it would be better if all those videos were original
Video, speedloader or whatever - release of the party in my book.
Video link for us lazy basterds, please :-)
Video link for us lazy basterds, please :-)
Amazing !!
cool thing
hm.... too much 3rd-party content...
I know it's full of animation, but it is funny demo on C64 anyway in WILD category not in C64. You deserved to win and you've got my thumb ;o)
Basically what almost everyone else said - only that I really admire how well the 3rdparty visuals have been adapted to the C64 colors. REU+NUFLI+Love == instant win.
Lots of animations but still and awesome feat on the c64. Great work !
what hollowman said
love zis
Awesome anims, awesome music.
I don't know how i could forget to thumb this prod.
I don't know how i could forget to thumb this prod.
Now I have a reason to dust off the REU.
horrible design, ripped animations, awful music. sorry guys, but rock steady code can't fix this mess.
This is unbelievable!
what 4mat said!
What, where's my thumb?
Wow... That's the really stunning shit! :) Love it!
Amazingly great!!!
what is that even... never mind.
Impressive even though mostly vid material. Just looks so good!
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