
Leitmotiv by Lunix
platform :
type :
release date : april 2001
release party : Mekka & Symposium 2001
compo : pc demo
ranked : 10th
  • 80
  • 10
  • 1
popularity : 69%
  • 0.87
  • 2
alltime top: #1141
added on the 2001-04-19 00:29:12 by jb jb

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that's a rock solid production awright! kinda oldskoolish in the looks (flat shaded, black background, no 'designer thingies'), but tight code, kick-ass synchro and great music track! one of the ms2k1's best.
added on the 2001-04-19 20:09:41 by bhead bhead
I had to watch this without sound @ school, but despite that i think this was really cool! Very my kind of prod :P~
Should have ranked higher!
added on the 2001-04-23 09:31:21 by skypher skypher
one of the best product of the mekka symposium, should have been rank better IMHO.
good job for a first demo.
added on the 2001-04-25 14:37:38 by Sanx Sanx
10th?? WTF?? Did anyone actually realize this was in software? Ppl who can't read maybe? :P
Wow, this runs at a very watchable frame rate on my crappy 333mhz/64meg. I liked it, but didn't think it was *that* special until i saw the 'software rendering' text at the end.
A lot of 3D-accel demos with worse effects than this ran slower!
I want more demos like this! I hope the group don't get disheartened by their position in the compo.
That demos like that are the reason i - a newbie demo coder - am learning ASM right now...
And like they said in the readme file - if you're better than them, beat them. I think the scene should have more of that, like it used to...
oh well :)
added on the 2001-04-29 01:56:05 by spacecake spacecake
very good demo, i love the end part and the blue deformed object ! excellent, nice job guys.
added on the 2001-05-05 17:44:33 by u2 u2
good job!
rulez added on the 2001-06-16 02:14:47 by robotriot robotriot
Great demo with awesome synchronisations!
rulezcdc added on the 2001-06-17 14:37:23 by Kauto Kauto
Great demo. Just to be exact : the music is from Prayer, and not Holo. NyKo should release a corrected version.
rulez added on the 2001-06-28 19:40:04 by Sanx Sanx
Have to vote for it, just so damn good. The sync is crazy, music cool and code incredible. Like it! :)
rulez added on the 2001-07-14 16:42:26 by skypher skypher
Some parts cooler than others but very impressive overall
rulez added on the 2001-10-03 22:46:09 by Zafio Zafio
rulez added on the 2001-10-06 14:02:00 by skywarper skywarper
Not bad design, nice color scheme, but the orange color somehow ruined it.
added on the 2001-10-14 22:12:03 by DiamonDie DiamonDie
One of the best software-demos i ever saw on PC.
rulez added on the 2001-10-17 22:00:14 by wildrage wildrage
Flatty trend,. but it was nice when I saw it here on the Icafe. Lot's of particles,.. I like demos with lot's of particles ;)
rulez added on the 2001-10-19 08:57:30 by Optimus Optimus
spacecake: wooow... a flat shade demo that runs smooth on a 333 in software... blah. i consider flat shade demos that _don't_ run smooth on that to be shitty. and when ppl can't get flat smooth in _hardware_, it gets pretty pathetic.

but i guess now the majority of ppl can't code, so stuff like this comes out as really impressive.
added on the 2001-10-19 09:46:26 by _ _
and seriosly... how hard is it to write a decently fast flat filler? even a mediocre coder like me can do that.
added on the 2001-10-19 09:48:31 by _ _
flatshading in hardware is actually slower than texturemapping.
Btw, i can't understand why this demo just reached the 10th place?!? I have watched this one "don't-know-how-much-times" and it's getting better and better each time i see (and hear) it! Great style, great music and perfect synchronisations... all in all : pure energy!
added on the 2001-11-11 22:09:10 by wildrage wildrage
This is a really good software demo, and it's a first attempt too! Damn successful attempt, if you ask me.
rulez added on the 2001-11-25 08:54:40 by sea_monkey sea_monkey
One sunny Sunday after the lunch i watched (as always) some demos (I say , i am making a "SCENE HOUR" . That day I watch a demo Leitmotiv from Lunix, when my mom come to my room. She making some housekeeping, and then say "Libor, that loud music is from that computer" ? i say- "Yes, mom" ... Mom staring a few minutes at monitor and listen the music, she say "...hmm, Interesting" (she is 55 old)...I say "yes, it is good" ....mom says "That music is good synched with that weird moving objects on your screen"........i say "yes, very good synching and decent graphics" .....demo came to end, mom return to kitchen.....I say "YEAH, THIS IS A GOOD DEMO, VERY COOL WORK LUNIX" .......and I started semo other demo.........but for this prod. - Two thumbs up.....
rulez added on the 2001-11-26 16:02:21 by Trauma Zero Trauma Zero
We see: also Canonball's mum likes that demo, so why - the **** - isn't it in any charts?!?! :)
added on the 2001-12-25 23:26:32 by wildrage wildrage
this one is nice. me like.
rulez added on the 2002-03-13 22:02:21 by violator violator
Okey software demo with a good particle engine. The musician may use less reverb next time. Somehow the last scene reminds me of the ending of Wonder by Sunflower (same idea).
added on the 2002-03-14 09:34:02 by tomaes tomaes
there are too much artifacts.
added on the 2002-03-14 09:37:46 by superplek superplek
great synchro and animation! very entertaining!
rulez added on the 2002-06-24 19:19:53 by cats cats
this demo rulez !
rulez added on the 2002-07-29 22:51:40 by boxow boxow
bad side: some really ugly polygonized stuff (like the tunnel)
good side: the DEMO kicks mayor ass
rulez added on the 2002-08-19 00:22:41 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
yeah.. too few polygons, but beautiful glowing lights, good sync
rulez added on the 2002-08-19 10:05:00 by jazzman jazzman
Good... Very good...
rulez added on the 2002-09-10 09:59:32 by Gargaj Gargaj
rulez added on the 2002-09-10 11:48:21 by superplek superplek
It didn't impress me much at the partyplace, but gets better and better every time I watch it. Ownz.
rulez added on the 2002-09-10 11:58:02 by dixan dixan
Wow, diz rocked ~___~ The Logo at the very end was cool.
rulez added on the 2002-09-10 12:08:31 by elend elend
When I saw "software rendering" I was going to kill me =)
added on the 2002-09-10 13:07:30 by pan pan
I know when its software rendering because it lacks Antialiasing then. XD I have 2x antialiasing on all open GL thingies on. ;D
added on the 2002-09-10 13:37:59 by elend elend
rulez added on the 2002-09-10 15:23:41 by bhead bhead
love it! you are the best :)
rulez added on the 2002-09-24 22:59:32 by warp warp
Hey Nyko, thought about dogs lately? :)
rulez added on the 2002-09-24 23:10:53 by ileaardbei ileaardbei
What an awesome work of synch, with a good software 3D engine.
rulez added on the 2002-10-14 21:02:44 by shash shash
rulez added on the 2003-01-22 23:35:39 by nufan nufan
superduper demo. burner soundtrack.
rulez added on the 2003-04-29 15:41:56 by marek marek
Some nice effects some boring "but the soundtrack rocks".
rulez added on the 2003-12-07 12:30:41 by René Madenmann René Madenmann
let's vote
rulez added on the 2003-12-07 16:32:05 by termos termos
Got to love it. Software rendering (especially when as good as here) just has that special something.
rulez added on the 2003-12-08 10:27:11 by Preacher Preacher
Great demo !
rulez added on the 2004-02-01 02:03:03 by Buckethead Buckethead
rulez added on the 2004-02-01 02:17:57 by psenough psenough
why havnt i thumbed this one up yet?
rulez added on the 2004-02-20 12:45:55 by bzz bzz
great production, excellent track ...
rulez added on the 2004-04-28 14:12:28 by Avalanche Avalanche
cool style and synchro along with a few interesting ideas that makes it more than your usual engine demo. Maybe a bit oversynched to the gabber basedrum here and there. The cameraman has improved for 45 for electricity which has basically much of the same style as this one. I want more :)
rulez added on the 2004-05-16 05:17:54 by loaderror loaderror
One of my favorite demos on PC, great job.
rulez added on the 2004-07-12 21:20:16 by maq^flp maq^flp
YEAH!!!! This really rocks... I can't believe the text at the end "software" ... after this i view this demo x times... very good. more of this productions.
rulez added on the 2004-07-29 02:58:01 by 6066 6066
Great production by Lunix!
Some mad synching to a pretty damn neat tune, and pretty solid code (Hey its software too =) ).
I don't know how many times I've watched this, it sort of grows on you...
Anyways, looks like yet another scene party had some really screwed up votings... (Damn it, won't partiers ever get things right? =P )
rulez added on the 2004-08-05 00:54:48 by Nezbie Nezbie
This is one of my all-time favorite demos. The neon colors, the cool electro soundtrack, the perfect sync, and the software rendering put me in demoscene heaven each time I watch it.
rulezcdc added on the 2004-09-26 07:39:06 by s_tec s_tec
It's one of my favourite demos!
rulez added on the 2004-09-26 08:46:34 by Adok Adok
made my eyes sore, but it was still a good watch. Some parts were a little hard to follow, like the particles bouncing off the polygons scene, but overall the design was pretty good, and the tune is sweet.
rulez added on the 2004-09-26 12:02:37 by psonice psonice
Yeah, nice one.
rulez added on the 2004-09-26 12:54:29 by teel teel
very nice indeed
rulez added on the 2004-09-26 13:17:49 by Duckers Duckers
rulez added on the 2004-09-26 14:04:59 by ttl ttl
rulez added on the 2004-09-26 14:39:28 by asasel asasel
rulez added on the 2004-10-16 03:11:15 by [ProToS] [ProToS]
rulez added on the 2004-11-03 04:11:02 by stm stm
nice style, and great use of the particle system ... a bit old-fashionned "orange-and-bluesteel" colortheme, maybe ... or is that a tribute to Fast Tracker II :P
added on the 2004-11-05 14:26:28 by c0d4$m c0d4$m
I'm afraid if I don't give it a thumb up, i'll regret it later. So...
rulez added on the 2004-11-17 03:49:59 by jimmi jimmi
One of the best 3D sw rendered demos around.
Also the music rocks!
rulez added on the 2005-05-30 20:37:47 by bdk bdk
rocks big times :DD
rulez added on the 2005-05-30 20:42:13 by trigger trigger
Good one.
rulez added on the 2005-08-31 14:23:15 by ALiEN^bf ALiEN^bf
what brioderick said :

One of the best 3D sw rendered demos around.
Also the music rocks!
rulez added on the 2005-11-09 01:19:05 by v3nom v3nom
spins around waay too much for me. sorry
sucks added on the 2005-12-07 10:00:08 by Gaia Gaia
rulez added on the 2006-02-02 19:35:24 by apricot apricot
some parts are a bit too long but hell, very nice demo. love the colors and most of the effects here. the music is not my cup of tea though.
rulez added on the 2006-06-17 17:31:03 by StingRay StingRay
Yeah I really like this one!
rulez added on the 2006-06-17 17:57:30 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc
Great sync, great 3D - rulez!
rulez added on the 2006-06-17 20:36:20 by jua jua
I remember liking this a lot. Somehow also very nice that it is software rendered.
rulez added on the 2006-09-05 18:34:26 by dairos dairos
rulez added on the 2007-01-04 13:52:28 by faaret faaret
good sync and software render ownz. :>
rulez added on the 2007-08-06 23:02:55 by TrX TrX
don't really care whether it was software rendered or not, but it was a really impressive debut and helped make oversynced camera movement all the more popular. :)
rulez added on the 2007-08-25 06:41:11 by phoenix phoenix
wow this one was a really cool experience, very very cool sync and very nice effects on software rendering!
rulez added on the 2007-08-25 09:24:57 by decipher decipher
Should have placed higher actually. Has its lengthy parts, but the particles sure are nice and it has a nie flow to it!
rulez added on the 2007-10-20 14:56:17 by raer raer
as far as i remember i enjoyed this one at the party..
rulez added on the 2007-10-20 15:38:13 by toxie toxie
oops... never thumbed this up? sorry :)
rulez added on the 2007-10-20 15:40:04 by kb_ kb_
Maybe the most beautiful software rendering demo.
Amazing particles system and appealing music.
rulez added on the 2008-05-05 16:20:09 by untel untel
Most stuff is boring, but the credits + part after credits is really cool.
rulez added on the 2009-03-12 01:23:48 by Saga Musix Saga Musix
Great demo. Too bad that it only seems to work with win9x
rulez added on the 2009-03-23 00:22:38 by T$ T$
pretty cool
rulez added on the 2009-12-12 02:55:28 by blala blala
lovely shit all around
rulez added on the 2009-12-12 04:12:49 by Weyland Yutani Weyland Yutani
SW? =D
rulez added on the 2010-02-12 16:38:39 by xteraco xteraco
rulez added on the 2011-12-03 18:56:25 by Frequent Frequent
after the gtx part it rox
rulez added on the 2012-06-11 17:06:27 by gentleman gentleman
a great group
rulez added on the 2012-06-11 17:39:07 by nytrik nytrik
the particles are ugly (due to the colors) as is the blank background and the music sounds a bit cheap, and i also dislike how each scene is repeated for so long with no evolution having only the camera rotate around what is happening (which in most cases isn't much)... but other than that this is wonderful! the screenshot scene also rules, great colors on that one.
rulez added on the 2012-12-14 01:39:55 by noby noby
"Set display mode failed" :\
w7-64bit / GT 640
added on the 2013-03-08 10:58:34 by mog mog
Tried compatibility mode?
added on the 2013-03-08 11:56:32 by raer raer
love the bass
rulez added on the 2013-03-08 12:15:51 by mueslee mueslee
raer: I did, still nothing :\
added on the 2013-03-08 13:27:17 by mog mog
really good, deserves some more love
Awesome to hear a track i produced way back in 2000 in this demo. Love it.
In the demo it says Music by Holo this was done because when i released the track on takeover i had 2 entries and only 1 was allowed. Thats why i asked a mate of me if i could use his alias to release this track.
rulez added on the 2016-08-01 14:49:59 by organicdreams organicdreams
too lovely for 11th - shame it only runs in 512*384 - vmware to the rescue!
rulez added on the 2016-08-09 00:24:44 by caffeine_demon caffeine_demon
Liked everything except the screenshot scene. Extra props for software rendering.
rulez added on the 2016-09-17 17:01:35 by Trilkk Trilkk
excellent sw render performance and lovely first scene. the rest is....somewhat protracted by music, making further stuff a bit disappointing (а я ждал расколбаса :)

anyway, weak but thumbup :)
rulez added on the 2017-04-04 13:14:53 by wbcbz7 wbcbz7
not bad for its time
rulez added on the 2019-07-22 11:04:58 by nagz nagz
Good demo, but missing consistency and concept. Some parts look good and are nicely synced, but others do not look to me at all.
added on the 2019-09-20 17:20:24 by vdr vdr
incredible synchro!
rulez added on the 2022-06-09 13:39:57 by usual usual

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