Speichergurke by JCO [web] | ||||||||||||||
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popularity : 67% |
alltime top: #1458 |
added on the 2009-04-11 20:30:17 by magic ![]() |
popularity helper
rulez added on the 2009-04-11 20:31:04 by magic 

I'll take 12!
(btw, you have way too much marketing experience for your own good :)
(btw, you have way too much marketing experience for your own good :)
not funny, sorry. well made, tho.
Dafür steh' ich mit meinem Samen!
I lol'd
Finally a proper use for cucumber, other than making me vomit
great advertising, professionally made and a little bit funny.
what bobic said
Really well-made. Didn't care much for the joke itself, but the quality's certainly there.
Boring german joke commercial :(
very german but still i laughed my arse off :)
very german? :D
hehe, nice homepage :)
Really well-made. Didn't care much for the joke itself, but the quality's certainly there.
It was cool!
this is awesome
I had pure fun watching it on the stream.
rulez ;]
Ich will die Gurke!
Finally a proper use for cucumber, other than making me vomit
How about this? ;)

man, this was damn funny :D
quality street !
Extremely professional producing, but not my type of humor.
Das Gemüse der Zukunft!
Speichergurke is the new SCHEISSE
Sehr gut!
made me laugh
Well produced but incredibly unfunny
Dafür stehe ich mit meinem Samen! ;)
Next BP sponsor?
for the hotline! ^^

Man, I almost broke down while watching this from laughing so hardly.
nice producing but lame joke.
Enough space for secret Ultrabytes
(as obtained by using Leechi)!
(as obtained by using Leechi)!
I laughed my ass off!!!
everything fits perfectly, product - webpage - hotline. Virulent marketing FTW
I knew it was from JCO when i saw him licking on the soldering iron. Keep it up JCU, you're saving the party for quite some people! :)
I meant JCO. Sorry. :)
RABENAUGE: wasn't that much of a challenge i guess ;) check out the news article regarding your attack :D
Screaming funny when watching it the first time.
what src said
i usually hate the german (jco) wild humor/productions .. but this actually was funny .. but no thumb since selfvoting sucks ass
speicherkacke, hard und flüssig
Also nachdem ich mir nicht ganz sicher war habe ich mich doch entschlossen, das war die beste entscheidung meines lebens! jco steht wirklich für qualität! meine nachbarin ist jetzt auch überzeugt von diesem produkt. danke
treppenwitz aus der firma?
The new benchmark for professionalism with included webpage and telephone hotline. Das nächste mal dann bitte Vor-Ort-Service :D
Don't like this kind of "funny" productions. Not my cup of tea. I liked the hotline idea.
boring but well made
ÜberR0x0r ;)
Moral thumb
for ze selvoting Monsieur!
The whole product placement thing was well done and actually funny in my book.

The whole product placement thing was well done and actually funny in my book.
not my cup of tea and definitely not best entry in the compo. so this would be piggy.. but selfvoting? haha..
Ich habe mir vor ein paar Wochen erst eine "Memory Garlic" von der Firma "Huren & Söhne" gekauft, musste leider feststellen das die Speichergurke besser ist ;)
diese gurke macht spaß
What prm said
This seemed truly interesting for the Germans but I still remember Farfar's or Dwarf's face looking at this during the prize-ceremony with no facial expression :). I wasn't any different either, it was nice but well... we didn't get what made it so funny.
Really well made but it's still a fun german video.
Ach, lasst uns Deutsche doch mal ein bisschen Spaß mit ner Gurke haben! :)
decipher, i'm not sure that you decoded their facial expression correct. anyhoo
Doch das war der brüller.... besonders nett das "er" sogar eine Webseite für die Gurke gebaut hat.
..mit zusatzvideo wohlgemerkt
Too german. :(
the wigs made it for me :D
really nice absurd piece. i liked it eventhough i'm not entirely german. :P
Ausgezeichnetes Schauspiel-Debut von Abductee, der uns zuhause beim Streamgucken vor Lachen Tränen in die Augen getrieben hat.
A joke works better when people understand it. English makes it accessible, but german has an impact. I wish we'd all speak one language, would certainly make things a lot more agreeable.
A joke works better when people understand it. English makes it accessible, but german has an impact. I wish we'd all speak one language, would certainly make things a lot more agreeable.
gut gut
Subtitles could be a bit bigger in the vid and they danced from top to bottom too much, but fuckit, this was pretty good fun. Didn't have me in stitches like LOL Internet, but still, all good. :)
cucumber \o/
just goes to show that you can sell anything if the right people are doing it..
LOL! Funny JCO!
by the way, the speichergurke hotline is STILL working (german only): 01805-487536
i would love to give a second thumb just for it :P
i would love to give a second thumb just for it :P
Funny, and great website and hotline.
german humour.
Just released a new video of this series. anaNAS pro storage. there you go:
imagine a second thumb for anaNAS here. :D

incredible ! ok after your release of "speichergurke" i was a little bit er, well.... doubtless a solid funny production. quality. and a lot of hard work. but now with the release of "anaNAS" looooool. i am absolute confident !! you are totally nuts ! and this is good. there should be more people like you ! lets continue our boozing of bp together at the next party. heres my thumb up. greetings ollie
Some nice crazy ideas though.
GURKEN! Hilarious and very well made!
vey nice anim, funny too.
So'n Scheiss...
you're nuts :D

spaßige Wurstgurke!
No thumb up because the Speichergurke is not Amiga compatible.
Einfach mal Buzzwordbomben <3
WTF?! ICh hab das noch nicht gethumbt?! Ich lag auf der Tribühnenbank beim Release vor lachen ^^
Better late than never: Thumb up!
DAS Produkt schlechthin.
lol, jco
hack the planet!
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