
Into the Pink by Plastic [web]
screenshot added by hfr on 2008-08-27 14:08:58
platform :
type :
release date : august 2008
release party : NVScene 2008
compo : pc demo
ranked : 2nd
  • 197
  • 26
  • 2
popularity : 78%
  • 0.87
alltime top: #133
added on the 2008-08-27 12:56:53 by magic magic

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To advanced for my machine, I wait with the thumb untill I have seen this one..
Buzka :)
added on the 2008-08-27 12:58:13 by magic magic
what's the matter with you people? - terrible framerate on the procedural growing stuff, and crash in the end - and I still absolutely love it! Creepy as hell in parts. Very upthumbable!
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 13:12:57 by hornet hornet
incredible visuals. crash on exit, but we can survive that!
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 13:17:19 by mop mop
i wish i could watch this in something other than a tiny little windowmode window. :) some of us are still stuck on 4:3 you know :)
added on the 2008-08-27 13:25:25 by smash smash
We currently support only GeForce8 and newer.
awesome!!! but something is certainly wrong with your growth painter... everytime i see this, the performance drops to something near zero... GeForce 8800 GTS
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 13:49:14 by prost prost
We currently support only GeForce8 and newer. "

same here, video or cap please, pleaaaaaazzzz
added on the 2008-08-27 13:50:19 by krimble krimble
added on the 2008-08-27 15:02:19 by 71M 71M
not so fun on my 8800 gts, but from what i saw i'd say it's a very very very elaborate 3d flyby, and nothing more.

now add a story please.
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 15:35:50 by paniq paniq
paniq: whats with the recent story (or lack thereof) obsession? :) your demoblog reads like youre criticising literature, not demos.
which is even stranger seeing as your own productions arent exactly the height of narrative flow..
added on the 2008-08-27 15:48:44 by smash smash
3d flyby : here we go again....
added on the 2008-08-27 15:51:12 by nytrik nytrik
well... this is the movie.

credits in the textfile please =)

and later it would be really great to see a 'making of' materials for this piece of art.
added on the 2008-08-27 15:51:19 by ton ton
The BEST polish prods! Poland Rulz! :]
added on the 2008-08-27 15:52:07 by aiSzz aiSzz
(and sorry my engrish, i'm still under impression)
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 15:54:06 by ton ton
Creepy. Good visuals & music, except for the noise at the end. The code seems good but not too interesting. I'd like to see more effects I guess :)
It crawled a bit on my 8800gts, especially the baby scene which went to 2fps.
I guess there actually is a story, but I didn't get it. Not that I care much about stories in demos either...
added on the 2008-08-27 16:00:13 by ithaqua ithaqua
Extremely high quality visuals, but it saddens me that they don't run very well on my 8800gts either :(
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 16:04:34 by Lord Graga Lord Graga
video video video, the screenshot looks very promising.
added on the 2008-08-27 16:06:00 by mrdoob mrdoob
Awesome, big kudos!
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 16:27:35 by Aasemoon Aasemoon

I'm rendering the video now. The 2-3 fps rendering in the end is an extreme bug I found in the end. You'll need to wait till the final. Basically the demo runs 20 fps in fullHD on demobox, except the last scene where it drops to 9. It's completely done for GPU so it scales quite nicely (except the last scene I guess).

Couple words from me here.
First of all I want to thank blz because basically it's his design and direction.
After that I would like to thank Witja and Rork for their work, and apologize for not using all their stuff or using it in a wrong way.
Next is xenusion who saved me with his textures. The demo looked completely gray before that.
What you basically see was coded by our new coder misz - and this goes for SSAO, all the attractor and shader stuff.

No we need to rest a little because for me and Kinga it was two years of constant work.
added on the 2008-08-27 17:53:05 by bonzaj bonzaj
<lame joke>this demo has a lot of bugs!</lame joke>

the shaders really punish my 8600 but the 3d is great and a typical plastic show :)
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 17:56:48 by el mal el mal
two years because of "Linger in Shadows" and this one which took us 8 weeks.
added on the 2008-08-27 17:57:51 by bonzaj bonzaj
video plz i am so excited about this one :D
added on the 2008-08-27 18:09:53 by panic panic
Oh hell yes.
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 18:36:56 by gloom gloom
Supremely beautiful. I love it!
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 18:40:15 by [HamsTeR] [HamsTeR]
rest? what rest, peggy sue 2 is waiting for you two :-)
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 18:49:42 by Navis Navis
Mindblowing and I really like the way it doesn't really appear "demoish" at all, but has its own creepy style.
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 18:51:22 by Preacher Preacher
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 20:04:29 by ryiinn ryiinn
absolutely beautiful shading and lighting
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 20:05:14 by blackpawn blackpawn
8800GT, SD, no AA, and I count the framerate as SPF instead of SFP as soon as the pink logo start to have the trees (?) growing into it.
added on the 2008-08-27 20:26:23 by Dbug Dbug
worked pretty fast, without problems on my 880gts :)
also i love plastic
added on the 2008-08-27 23:50:59 by pandur pandur
8800gts that is
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 23:51:25 by pandur pandur
mindblowing! POLSKA!
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 00:12:18 by substrate substrate
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 00:41:26 by wrthlss wrthlss
really nice
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 00:58:23 by cynic cynic
make babies and 'rest' will be forced down :p
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 01:03:45 by Zest Zest
THE cinematic demo #1. Might be the most epic production I have seen so far... The visuals are great och the music is even better and it really helps building up the eerie mood. It rules.
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 01:17:08 by Frost Frost
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 02:59:41 by Buckethead Buckethead
video video video, the screenshot looks very promising.

the objects were pretty amazing, the animations aswell!
i dont recall the muzax too exactly by now ..
thumb in advance!
coz im pretty sure micksam7 will upload an acceptable vidcap of diz, soon :)
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 04:39:52 by gentleman gentleman
I'm just informing you that the video is still uploading to scene org and it will be up in about 3 hours (so basically when you wake up :) )
added on the 2008-08-28 04:55:43 by bonzaj bonzaj

And... capped.. :)
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 06:26:57 by micksam7 micksam7
very nice.. now we want more!!
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 06:43:04 by neoneye neoneye
3d flyby, but a lot creepier than usual :-)
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 06:46:22 by thec thec
this didn't grab me much i'm afraid, ofcourse it's worthy of a solid thumb it's all very nice with some awesome content, i just didnt get much impact from it like the rest of you, even with the wonderful orchestral music, which is lovely btw :) great job in 8 weeks though :)
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 06:54:27 by keito keito
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 07:17:37 by gngbng gngbng
Including awesome caterpillars inside!
Nice and confortable sewers with good neighbours!
The music is fantastic, by the way!
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 08:17:29 by ham ham
very impressive!
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 08:22:01 by pirx pirx
the best demo
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 08:23:19 by aha aha
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 08:26:20 by wullon wullon
Wow! These insects are as real as creepy!
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 08:29:23 by Optimus Optimus
You.. you nvidia sellouts! waiting for ATI version.
added on the 2008-08-28 08:46:49 by Calexico Calexico
euhm crashes right after config screen ;/
gf9800gtx/xp... any idea?

btw.. will linger in shadows be out on the PSN today? :)
added on the 2008-08-28 08:54:14 by s0r s0r
ok, the HQ movie is uploaded to scene.org. I hope someone will link it here. If some of you will want to test their hardware there's profilingInfo command that you can change in the ini file.
added on the 2008-08-28 08:56:53 by bonzaj bonzaj
s0r: about "LiS" I guess it will be delayed for one week because, when we left here I received a note that one name in the credits needs to be changed ... I need to get back to the office in order to do that.
added on the 2008-08-28 08:59:44 by bonzaj bonzaj
Impressive! Can't wait to try this on my own rig...but I fear for the worst :-)

I actually liked this a tiny bit more than the winning demo from A&O, but that's a matter of personal taste...
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 09:05:35 by Stebo Stebo
Absolutely great visuals and music, but that's not enough for a thumb up.
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 09:23:09 by Cj Cj
Its cool to see how the tunnel effects evolve over time. From planin pixel, texture, movement, to this. eventhou I liked the water tunnel in stargazer more.
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 10:35:57 by samurai samurai
Nice visuals and cinematic feeling (mostly due to the music)
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 10:47:38 by kurli kurli
really nice prod.... impressive 3d engine and visual. must be win
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 11:00:07 by ckarl ckarl
Second for me too, but nice nonetheless.
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 11:05:12 by raer raer
- geometry-shader parts work better on gtx260 than 8800GT ;) - plastic (.pl) are the new futuremark :p
added on the 2008-08-28 11:20:42 by hornet hornet
Great 3D quality, not my type of demo, but with so many toruses i just simply have to thumb it up :)
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 11:30:20 by Zplex Zplex
This demo repeats two most evil things from fr-08: bugs and grey textures.
added on the 2008-08-28 13:07:27 by Manwe Manwe
I really hope you won't rest too long, Bonzaj!
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 13:52:52 by chromag chromag
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 14:00:19 by texel texel
framerate kills the pleasure :/ (8600 GT)
added on the 2008-08-28 14:58:17 by comankh comankh
The tunnel with the insects made me shit bricks.
And as Homer would say nearing the end: Mmmmm doghnuts..
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 15:14:47 by evil evil
This is my personal fave from the competition, with its powerful epic feel, large scale effects, gripping direction and an immersive atmosphere. It's everything I want in a demo!

I also have to give particular respect to Rork and Xenusion. The textures here were outstanding and, in my opinion, the visual quality was well beyond the average scene standard.
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 15:30:05 by Wade Wade
This is seriously not in league with the demoscene anymore :)
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 16:02:13 by zoom zoom
what have you done.. thats quite awesome, i'm not exactly in love with insects, not nearly, but that demonstration is some peak i didnt expect after seeing the more or less not to the end constructed/polished winner demo. keep on making these masterpieces even if it take years and the impact isnt as much as you expected. Your group+demos are on another level.

rulez added on the 2008-08-28 16:04:04 by mad mad
best demo in the compo
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 16:19:57 by psenough psenough
Awesome (amount of gfx content), the DoF is lovely!
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 16:43:24 by remageFrs remageFrs
Jesus fuckin' Christ this kicked ass.
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 17:08:09 by uncle-x uncle-x
Good demo. Someone should change the screenshot.
Should have won, yeah. Somehow it looks unfinished, the kickass soundtrack drives the demo and makes it look like something awesome will happen. Needs more pink. I have cockroaches at home, so I can't thumb it down.
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 17:10:11 by xernobyl xernobyl
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 17:42:23 by merlucin merlucin
very good of course, but

1) these plastik demos look quite the same, and sound _exactly_ the same
2) apparently needs a video card factory with a power plant to run (next time try to code for gma950, for a change)
3) i can imagine more entertaining demos

thus, no thumb
added on the 2008-08-28 17:55:03 by blala blala
What blala said (1&3) - 3d flyby with ridiculously dramatic music.
added on the 2008-08-28 18:20:34 by zefyros zefyros
doesn´t work on my ATI so i just could watch the video
I have to say that the hardware requirements are too high for what is showen so just a piggie.
added on the 2008-08-28 19:19:46 by RA RA
not that entertaining, but still worth a thumb up...
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 19:23:52 by 4kum4 4kum4
visually absolutely (!!!) bewitching but soulless
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 20:31:36 by fishwave/scx fishwave/scx
definitely the best plastic demo so far. i'm not really in love with the end result but that's just because it doesn't cater to my tastes. hooray for effort, have fun with your well-deserved break, and take this thumb as a token of my appreciation.
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 20:41:36 by ryg ryg
Had the chance now to test it on my computer and to my surprise it was running considerably well (on "SD" nonetheless) on my one and a half year old mid-prize rig (XPsp2, 8600 GTS, 2 gig ram). Most of the time it was around 20 fps, the last scene around 10fps - so it was quite comparable to what was shown on the big screen. Minus the HD :-)

So thanks a lot for the SD-option - watching this realtime at home made my day!
added on the 2008-08-28 20:42:18 by Stebo Stebo
one thumb into the pink.
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 20:52:48 by red red
Looks awesome but i prefer more demoish (quite odd to say that when this _is_ a demo, but anyway) stuff usually. Music is quite pro but tonight i'm tired of orchestral stuff, maybe i like it better some other day.

Still thumb up of course for the effort.
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 20:53:23 by Serpent the Wise Serpent the Wise
Scary :)
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 20:55:42 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc
The procedural growing black texture definately kills the framerate on my 8800 GTS, but other than that, this is really awesome, especially the part down the drain - amazing! ROOOLZ!
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 21:06:35 by Puryx Puryx
only Geforce 8 and newer why ?
added on the 2008-08-28 21:33:58 by _wheely_ _wheely_
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 22:09:23 by Anat Anat
ok, it gets horrible slow when my secondary display is enabled.
try disabling it....
added on the 2008-08-28 22:36:44 by pandur pandur
Trademark Plastic stuff again, but it's just too damn beautiful to resist. :)
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 22:59:56 by Alpha C Alpha C
Well I like it when groups have their signature in the demos they make. Like ASD used to have and plastic still do. So the dramatic music is just like I am hoping for when watching a plastic demo :)
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 23:00:26 by Proteque Proteque
I don't get the plot and I don't like the music. Visually well conceived, no doubt
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 23:08:51 by Optima Optima
Damn nice video - really looking forward to the realtime version when the gforce check can be removed...
added on the 2008-08-28 23:17:51 by Psycho Psycho
brilliant stuff! i love the falling down in slow motion part. beautiful (in a creepy way). the glossy baby in the end kind of ruins the overall impression. still ace stuff though.
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 23:25:05 by prm prm
perfect use of 3d techniques. the music works well. if they supposedly do orchestral a lot, so what, other groups do techno, breaks, or d&b a lot. i think that those who deem this mediocre are just setting their expectations higher than "linger in shadows". patiently awaiting final version which will hopefully support radeon as well.
rulez added on the 2008-08-28 23:51:28 by phoenix phoenix
linger in sewers
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 00:02:02 by Gargaj Gargaj
super cool and really really impressive demo!

best executed ssao i have seen so far. beautifull sequence of scenes, and a plus for not attempting to put a story on it but just pure beauty (demos are not movies). it all linkns together to me, perhaps is the music? i have to agree though that the mzk is very similar to fainal audition and lis.

bonzaj, should you have replaced the torii with cubes you would have won. what a crazy world this of demoscene :( and i'm sorry for not have voted. shit.
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 00:26:17 by iq iq
bugs and rats! rulez! much better than cubes! :)
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 01:16:28 by Gʀɪʍʍy Gʀɪʍʍy
Thumb up for technical merit and all the hard work that went into this.

The demo itself did not do much for me. Music on the verge of utter pretentiousness, the the demo itself is a mixture of the well known plastic kitsch style and something which appears slightly plagiaristic to me. In my opininion the worst plastic demo ever.
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 01:51:34 by Calexico Calexico
trippy, creative, technically astounding!

i hope you guys continue, i have that feeling that there's a lot more overwhealming stuff to come!
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 02:46:57 by orange orange
ok, high quality avi version is uploaded and ready to download

into the pink by plastic hq video h264 (party version)
added on the 2008-08-29 02:58:10 by blz blz
that demo did crush on my pc...
watched the video.
awesome prods!
code, trax, model, texture are professional quality.
camera work are great.
anyway it get my thumb.
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 06:07:57 by got got
Another great tune form BLZ! Overall big thumb up!
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 10:24:45 by Chaser Chaser
Great demo! Now if you'd get somebody with an actual concept it'd be something i could remember in a year.
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 10:31:16 by rp rp
ok but a bit of a step back from that demo that starts with linger and ends with shadows
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 12:29:51 by PENETRATOR PENETRATOR
bloody hell whoa!
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 13:22:29 by Axel Axel
Better than sliced bread!
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 13:31:26 by kusma kusma
Superb spit and polish look!
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 14:01:18 by lug00ber lug00ber
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 14:07:39 by quisten quisten
nice one, lug00ber... polish look :)
added on the 2008-08-29 14:18:42 by chromag chromag
And one in the stink! :haw:

Very nice work but a bit too dark to actually properly see. But maybe my monitor is just dark :)

The music is bombastically bordering on cheesiness, but all in all very sound.
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 14:28:55 by okkie okkie

oh sorry, wrong decade :P
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 15:32:03 by Blu_Sage_009 Blu_Sage_009
Most parts have precalculated/animated movie quality. That's really impressive.
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 15:59:09 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
i am impressed. obviously linger in shadows didn't break you guys. you seem to have more power than ever. what you put out here is way beyond anything i expected after that marathon..
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 16:19:07 by giZMo^fr giZMo^fr
The demoscene is over, thank you very much.
looks really nice... but somehow it doesn't gave me the demofeeling i normally prefer...
for sure great looking but more a movie than a demo...
anyway thumbs up ;)
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 17:26:41 by ultra ultra
Quite nice, but felt more like an animation than a demo.
fucking excellent!
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 20:06:35 by src src
This looks like an elaborate remix of a cocoon demo and I'm afraid I'm not really into it.
added on the 2008-08-29 20:08:27 by tomaes tomaes
Lovely one
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 21:20:54 by BackSpace BackSpace
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 21:41:37 by Pegan Pegan
Simply beautiful. More like short movie than a demo. :)
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 22:27:22 by masterm masterm
What a beauty.
rulez added on the 2008-08-29 22:32:00 by willbe willbe
To me, this is not the usual Plastic style I expected. I like the other demos they are well known for (incl. LiS) way more. But the music was epic as always, the visuals were cool, most parts were awesomly executed. The only thing that pissed me of was the credits/endpart.... This is not a trailer for movies like "Seven", you know, this is a Plastic demo. For me, it would have been much more impressive to end the demo with a creditpart more calm.
rulez added on the 2008-08-30 00:01:31 by SiR SiR
rulez added on the 2008-08-30 03:02:25 by LiraNuna LiraNuna
at first, it looked like the thing plastic did on the ps3. looks like they took some cues from ASD on coherency (compare with final audition). didn't see much pink....

~20 fps on a gtx280, fullhd, 0aa. any way to optimize?

also, credits need to be readable. dont put them on seizure mode, it ruins the fancy-ness.
rulez added on the 2008-08-30 04:12:17 by praetor_alpha praetor_alpha
rulez added on the 2008-08-30 04:33:13 by bdk bdk
sorry, I couldn't watch it till the end for I hate bugs, but it looks great :)
rulez added on the 2008-08-30 07:18:14 by pohar pohar
Looks good, but gets boring after the first time because the same happens again and again (which is the same problem most modern demos have)

The toruses saves it a bit though, dynamics :)
added on the 2008-08-30 09:18:57 by leijaa leijaa
rulez added on the 2008-08-30 09:57:36 by Quarryman Quarryman
for those who did ask me about the soundtrack, (it can also be found with binaries, but it seems like many d/l the video only...cant blame them, im one of them :)) so here it is

blz - into the pink

added on the 2008-08-30 10:31:54 by blz blz
Amazing visuals with an amazing soundtrack!! I love you blz :D
rulez added on the 2008-08-30 10:45:51 by Virgill Virgill
i guess love is in the air, thanks mate! :P
added on the 2008-08-30 10:58:28 by blz blz
what virgill said. expect the love thingy ;)
rulez added on the 2008-08-30 12:33:59 by CONS CONS
Amazing attention to details. Creepy.
rulez added on the 2008-08-30 14:47:15 by edhellon edhellon
Plastic Fanboy Instant ThumbUp
rulez added on the 2008-08-30 15:19:50 by Warhead Warhead
rulez added on the 2008-08-30 15:56:00 by p01 p01
i didn't like it
rulez added on the 2008-08-30 19:50:38 by AntDude AntDude
rulez added on the 2008-08-30 19:53:18 by keith303 keith303
bombastic soundtrack and fantastic visuals. not my favourite from plastic, but great, as expected
rulez added on the 2008-08-30 19:58:19 by hollowman hollowman
except from the bugs it's similar in design to Final Audition, but as usual from you guys this looks and sounds fantastic! Awesome work!
rulez added on the 2008-08-30 21:01:12 by Bobic Bobic
I don't like the part of million tori, because music seems to be inadequate and cliche.
Demo message could be much stronger and interesting, but! The story rises a lot of question: what happened to Mr. Squigly and Mr. Red Blood-drop ?
Why these "guys" are escaping into a void finally ?
Now more seriously - what we are really afraid of ? Bugs, complicated geometry, our biology ?
I think the conclusion should rather be: we are afraid of... tommorow (or something unusual). Would be much striking in my opinion.
In other words: I'm not satisfied!
added on the 2008-08-31 02:19:27 by tomkh tomkh
Anyway, I'm still plastic member, so thumb up, just because of my nepotism - haha!
rulez added on the 2008-08-31 02:20:54 by tomkh tomkh
Pretty boring I think
added on the 2008-08-31 11:59:28 by Emod Emod
Finally a plastic demo I can fully enjoy.
Kudos for atmosphere and rendering, top notch!
rulez added on the 2008-08-31 12:38:28 by Hopper/SquoQuo Hopper/SquoQuo
Nothing to say :)
rulez added on the 2008-08-31 12:46:39 by Ized Ized
Some of the scenes looked really really nice, but the last parts (torii and baby, mainly) didn't fit there, imho.
rulez added on the 2008-08-31 15:58:37 by shash shash
after running it with the debugcommand, i noticed why it crashed.. because i had forgotten to unpack the .pss file for some retarded reason ahum christ.

so heres my thumb. its friggin cool. i loved the bugs. the creepy atmosphere, the rendering. everything. should have won nvscene.
rulez added on the 2008-08-31 20:32:23 by s0r s0r
Nice worms and all but on the other hand this is so very traditional scene aesthetics and clichés that it's not really memorable.
added on the 2008-08-31 20:52:39 by Marq Marq
Very impressive 3D artwork and excellent soundtrack.
rulez added on the 2008-08-31 21:33:33 by Paranoid Paranoid
igittigitt! (bis auf die flying donuts, die warn ok!)
rulez added on the 2008-08-31 21:48:21 by v3nom v3nom
Creepiest tunnel effect EVER.
rulez added on the 2008-09-01 05:48:34 by deathy deathy
amazing graphics... I would really like to know how you did that
rulez added on the 2008-09-01 14:27:44 by nytrik nytrik
wow....wow.. ööhmm wow... and that soundtrack..just wow.
rulez added on the 2008-09-01 16:27:44 by relias abardon relias abardon
Oh yeah!
rulez added on the 2008-09-01 18:13:07 by Mystra Mystra
This demo is cool. It builds up a great atmosphere and makes you keep guessing about the end.

I think that plastic have the best technology by far - now maybe they can use it in something more abstract. Maybe try a different music style next ?

added on the 2008-09-01 23:12:21 by Navis Navis
rulez added on the 2008-09-01 23:24:30 by bitl bitl
Tastes are different, and yes i love Stargazer.
But this one should have won the compo.

Plastic sets a new mark here with this awesome rls.
rulez added on the 2008-09-02 00:08:32 by _docd _docd
Great atmosphere in this one, just like Linger in Shadows. The music is awesome and everything is very detailed visually.

What were you thinking with the credits and greetings though? My eyes!
rulez added on the 2008-09-02 01:39:05 by LSnK LSnK
Navis: surely we all are thinking about something different than "usual" plastic style, and most probably something unexpected will happen sooner or later :)

on the other hand, im still dreaming of something really epic, and epic with a capital E :) and so far, music was so damn imperfect(if not to say worse) that it hurts, so another thing would be to make a demo with really great music score.
added on the 2008-09-02 07:20:58 by blz blz
i can volunteer as a beta-tester for your scores wojtek :) i simply love your music.
added on the 2008-09-02 10:22:59 by substrate substrate
I thought it was pretty impressive, but not so great as a demo at first. But having watched again with the lights off and the volume up, it's seriously good on all levels! Definitely one that should be watched in the right settings.
rulez added on the 2008-09-02 11:07:14 by psonice psonice
I smell cockroaches here!
rulez added on the 2008-09-02 14:54:36 by tesla tesla
some of these scenes look close to tv-production quality stuff.. That ligthing in the baby scene at the start and end? wtf!!

The music was really mega pro too. Fantastic!

I have to see it again
rulez added on the 2008-09-02 19:17:15 by loaderror loaderror
For super epicness I think it could work with slower camera movements. There is a bit too much technotiming in here.

I'd love some torchlight style look in the bug parts. Like if you were in an actualy sewer. I think you manage it in the first scene.. You go :"there is a face, but.. no.., what the hell is that crawling on the face??1 aiieiiee". Eerie stuff.

The bugs in the tunnel are perhaps too visible to be really creepy and crawly.

Those caterpillar models are incredibly cool and I like those squiggly physics.

Now imagine if those toruses were flying evil bugs?

You didn't make this demo in 8 weeks! Liars!
added on the 2008-09-02 19:54:41 by loaderror loaderror
I love your donuts! And pretty much everything else in the demo.
rulez added on the 2008-09-02 21:50:26 by Cosmocat Cosmocat
...life in plastic, it's fantastic!
rulez added on the 2008-09-03 06:50:26 by .. ..
Fast-made magic. Somehow left me stunned although I don't like the ending. Visuals and the camera work are very pro. It's the most bugged demo in the scene, though ;).
rulez added on the 2008-09-03 13:27:35 by Fei Fei
What is the recomended gfx card? My friend has 8800 and dual core and lot's memory. He says it was too slow and so he deleted it. But last time I went to a netcafe and this was running fine? What did they had? GF9?
added on the 2008-09-03 13:48:16 by Optimus Optimus
Total ownage!
rulez added on the 2008-09-03 21:17:40 by Tigrou Tigrou
rulez added on the 2008-09-04 09:51:08 by xtrob xtrob
too slow for me ( with a 8800GTS ), even if there's some great scene ( particulary the scene with the Donuts in HDRI ).
added on the 2008-09-04 11:06:08 by u2 u2
nice shaders, cool modelling, music kicks ass.
rulez added on the 2008-09-05 17:39:45 by nufan nufan
holy shit... has some really dramatic moments :D don't we all love bugs?
rulez added on the 2008-09-05 23:03:35 by Saga Musix Saga Musix
Excellent graphics
rulez added on the 2008-09-06 13:22:11 by dairos dairos
what can I said... WOW!
rulez added on the 2008-09-06 18:15:49 by ubik ubik
rulez added on the 2008-09-07 04:38:58 by Queen_Luna Queen_Luna
too many comments to read in order to find out if I was the only one who found this, in spite of being technically advanced, really boring after the promising start. I didn't feel connection between the pompous hollywood action movie music and visuals, other than they were synced. and what was this demo about, what was the connection between all that realistic imaginery?
added on the 2008-09-07 20:01:20 by tempest tempest
I got the feeling that people are judging this demo nitpickingly by a different standard than any other demo...
added on the 2008-09-07 20:14:36 by Stebo Stebo
every demo is judged with a different standard.
added on the 2008-09-07 22:35:14 by tempest tempest
I also wonder why people wants to find connections between scenes in beautiful imagery based demos and they don't do the same on those that .. let's be polite now... have "ugly" rendering. Can't beauty not be codepr0n too or what?
added on the 2008-09-08 21:30:45 by iq iq
i guess the trick is that some demos (like stargazer) dont even try to pretend to have a connection, while some demos have solid design but somehow they end up disjointed (like this or media error)
added on the 2008-09-08 21:32:59 by Gargaj Gargaj
maybe it is the human content type that makes you expect a story? You expect a story when you see a baby, but not from a bunch of cubes. Then it is all abstract again. So if plastic did something without living characters, then stuff would be different.
added on the 2008-09-08 23:01:15 by loaderror loaderror
iq: easy - when a demo, like this one, offers photo realistic rendering of real objects and movie-like music, then most people associate it with what it looks like - a short film, and thus the hunt for "meaning" and "story" begins.

Personally I would say that this demo has too much realism for my taste. I do like the last scene very much thanks to the colors and shinyness of the shader, but I would have appreciated less jumping around with the camera. My main problem with getting excited about this kind of demo is that I seldom think "how did they do that? Show me how!". Instead I think "this looks like a game, they probably read some CG papers". This might be a stupid and ignorant explanation, but at least it is an honest description of how I feel about it.

Taste aside, I have no problem in acknowledging the very high standard of code and graphics in general.

(Besides, rumours have it that you have an intimate relationship with the Maya API. If so, extra thumb for the pain it must have inflicted. :) )
rulez added on the 2008-09-08 23:15:58 by Hyde Hyde
BB Image my favourite Plastic demo :)~

both dark and luminous, a masterpiece! the crawling animals are amazing and the transitions so smooth!

now, what's the deal with such an explicitly sexual title ? is 'going down' such a creepy experience for bonzaj !? :P
added on the 2008-09-09 00:03:54 by Zest Zest
the whole thing is full of bugs, for cryin' out loud! ... :)
Yet again an epic release.

The framerate on the GF 8400 was almost unbearable, though :|
I thought I had bought a new laptop this year o_O
rulez added on the 2008-09-09 10:40:43 by d0DgE d0DgE
What a strange flyby. Weak thumbs up for some brief glimpses of interesting visuals, and actually using the word "greetings" when sending out greetings :)
rulez added on the 2008-09-09 15:43:14 by break break
some scenes are impressive, sometimes i would wish some more movement of the objects though, thumb up specially for the music
rulez added on the 2008-09-09 21:13:09 by fiveofive fiveofive
The lyricism of the soundtrack feels so weird in combination with the utter lack of lyricism of the visuals. That's a strong disconnect I really have issue reconciling in the two latest plastic productions. It feels so weird too, to have abstract models and scenes rendered in a "realistic" manner, to a point where it's almost pornographic.
added on the 2008-09-09 21:47:21 by _-_-__ _-_-__
i am late....
rulez added on the 2008-09-10 20:43:36 by chaos chaos
Fanastic engine, great design - and a really fantastic soundtrack.
rulez added on the 2008-09-11 20:41:14 by d3pth d3pth
crouch unix screensaver rulez
and amazing soundtrack :-)
rulez added on the 2008-09-11 21:18:45 by qwesza qwesza
state of the art visually, also very nice direction
rulez added on the 2008-09-12 01:43:31 by snoutmate snoutmate
this is massive.
but i dont get all the people complaining and nitpicking.

the most ridiculous piggie argument i read here was:
Quite nice, but felt more like an animation than a demo.

since thats the definition of a techical DEMOnstration in my eyes.
rulez added on the 2008-09-14 00:50:57 by gopher gopher
Awesome music and sync and 3D. I like donut-liquid =)
rulez added on the 2008-09-15 18:33:01 by FenolFtalein FenolFtalein
This is incredible o/ way better than stargazer in my opinion.
rulez added on the 2008-09-19 15:32:09 by noby noby
of course awesome, although plastic seems to be copying themselves pretty heavily!
rulez added on the 2008-09-19 16:23:28 by toxie toxie
Ok fuck! I haven't thumbed yet!

I still can hear our conversation on the way to SF. Although I love basically everything about this production, I can't get rid of a certain aftertaste: Somehow I know you could have done better, and maybe it's time to surprise people with a different style :) But I beg you: don't let it take another two years...
rulez added on the 2008-09-21 18:36:29 by pixtur pixtur
great !
rulez added on the 2008-09-25 14:31:28 by Pandafox Pandafox
So how is the final version without nvidia requirements coming along? about time according to the nfo ;)
added on the 2008-09-26 01:21:45 by Psycho Psycho
it wil ltake at least couple of weeks more :)
added on the 2008-09-26 19:03:59 by blz blz
We've got the ATI and GF6&7 compatible version already coded. Just need to add some graphics improvements and we are done. Hopefully this weekend.
added on the 2008-09-30 21:37:47 by bonzaj bonzaj
..aaaand, any update on that? :)
added on the 2008-10-11 17:04:55 by phoenix phoenix
ok, you can visit our site for pre final.
added on the 2008-10-14 17:34:48 by bonzaj bonzaj
Great job on the final, guys! Especially the last scene is running much faster now (and looking nicer) on my humble budget rig. And once again: this should have won! :-)
added on the 2008-10-15 00:29:41 by Stebo Stebo
an ATI fix has been added. Thanks for the feedback.
added on the 2008-10-15 17:02:16 by bonzaj bonzaj
I think the version from NVscene actually "ran" (or rather creeped) on my system, the fixed version crashes after closing the dialog. ATI HD 2600 XT, Athlon XP 1900+ (i know it won't run fast, but you want bugreports :P)
Saga Musix: interesting - NVscene version had "We currently support only GeForce8 and newer" dialog.
I'm perfectly sure that it wouldn't run on any ATI hardware. I just received feedback that it works on HD3xxx with some minor visual bugs. I guess HD2600 does not support vertex texturing in GL. But I might be wrong.
added on the 2008-10-16 00:06:45 by bonzaj bonzaj
no wait, now i remember - the party version didn't run either, the "low framrate thing" i remembered was actually the video! :))) i can't even watch HD videos on my computer, they hang every few seconds ._.
he he ok ;)
added on the 2008-10-16 00:48:43 by bonzaj bonzaj
fantastic job on the final. noticeably smoother practically everywhere. and readable credits!

Now that I think about it, you guys took debris to a whole new level, got some ASD inspiration, and wrapped it up in your trademark eye candy and music.

Thanks for something that REALLY LOOKS NICE on my system. 10100 frames, full hd no AA, gtx 280, ~30+ fps
Im happy with my GeForce 7600 Go but this demo works bit too slow on it! Next time try to make it a bit faster for bit older cards i dont want to use videos!
added on the 2008-10-21 08:56:38 by MuffinHop MuffinHop
Time for a delayed thumb now I can watch realtime - it's nice and smooth now on the HD4850. 10700 frames in full hd, Vista64 (somehow much faster than in WinXP), but I prefer the framerate of hdready mode, the quality difference is minimal.
I guess it's some of the highest quality realtime rendering I've seen so far.
rulez added on the 2008-10-21 21:18:20 by Psycho Psycho
psycho: thanks for lot of feedback - we'll upload version 1.05 tomorrow or day after (we are making last checks with SLI and Crossfire).
added on the 2008-10-21 21:58:17 by bonzaj bonzaj
Pretty nice render, but needs more ehm.. simplification and optimizations, i guess :)
and yeah.. teh drama!
added on the 2008-10-27 15:03:10 by san_im san_im
uh, forgot thumb
rulez added on the 2008-10-27 15:03:38 by san_im san_im
Absolutely great !
rulez added on the 2008-10-29 20:13:21 by s7ing_ATZ s7ing_ATZ
Very heavy on the hardware, but looks amazing. Really nice dark mood.
rulez added on the 2008-10-30 10:18:03 by [self-ban] [self-ban]
rulez added on the 2008-11-16 08:07:36 by polygon polygon
Nice graphics and visuals overall but to be honest I found it really boring , and I can understand why it came second despite of its obvious qualities.
added on the 2008-12-05 02:53:06 by zoolum zoolum
high end prod. and creepy
rulez added on the 2008-12-12 19:25:42 by Speed Speed
Nividia Please?
sucks added on the 2008-12-12 20:28:04 by Exin Exin
exin: nvidia version is avaiable for quite some time now
added on the 2008-12-13 01:27:51 by blz blz
It would be nice to have a PS3 compatible avi video of the final version.
rulez added on the 2009-01-09 10:43:10 by mr rounce mr rounce
Plastic make sequel and call it Into the Stink
Good one, some tightening wouldn´t have hurt, though
rulez added on the 2009-01-10 03:04:15 by T$ T$
Dont like the music, but everything else was damn great!
rulez added on the 2009-01-11 21:06:58 by #535 #535
This one is for you bonzaj and for the rest of Plastic.. Keep up the Polish pride.. Looking forward to your next demoscene release!
rulez added on the 2009-01-11 21:39:00 by magic magic
I finally managed to encode the party version video with PAL DVD Mpeg-2 with no loss of picture or sound quality in fact it may have improved both.
I hope it's not just me but the demo is very dark at the start, right?
added on the 2009-01-11 22:32:40 by mr rounce mr rounce
Yes, demo is dark at the beginning, but you should still be able to make out the two scenes. If not, then you've screwed up your MPEG-2 encoding colorspace conversion! Enjoy!

If you kkapture Into The Pink with full quality full AA turned on, one of the scene doesn't render properly and all you see is the lightmap. Fun! So if the caterpillars falling down the shaft look red/orange/multicolor, back you settings down (or back off of the LSD).
rulez added on the 2009-01-13 06:28:46 by trixter trixter
>No we need to rest a little because for me and Kinga it was two years of constant work.

Two years well spent.
rulez added on the 2009-01-13 10:45:16 by jazzman jazzman
coup de coeur given !now! for the final :)
Buzka :)
added on the 2009-01-21 20:56:31 by magic magic
Very impressive!
rulez added on the 2009-01-22 12:40:18 by sagacity sagacity
So, is it or is it not being released for the PS3, the 'Look forward for our next release called "Into The Pink"' message in the hidden part of Linger was a little vague.
added on the 2009-01-22 12:57:38 by mr rounce mr rounce
mr rounce: why is it? It was our next demoscene release. We are not planning to release it on PS3. It would take us couple of months to make it run smooth on PS3 which is of course not worth it.
added on the 2009-01-22 13:02:25 by bonzaj bonzaj
Don't get upset, I was only askin'
added on the 2009-01-22 14:50:48 by mr rounce mr rounce
then you should have said 'Look forward for our next release "Into the Pink" for Windows'.
added on the 2009-01-22 16:08:49 by mr rounce mr rounce
mr rounce: that's true.
added on the 2009-01-22 16:15:10 by bonzaj bonzaj
bonzaj: No, mr rounce is actually not making any sense at all. Why should you have specified that your next demo was for Windows? Why should anyone? A demoscene prod is a demoscene prod, no matter what platform it is for. You have nothing to apologize for :)
added on the 2009-01-22 16:41:37 by gloom gloom
unfortunately the majority of PS3 owners have no idea what demoscene is, and clarifying what platform the next prod will released on would have saved them a lot of confusion.
added on the 2009-01-22 17:01:39 by mr rounce mr rounce
As long as it's downloadable am I rite!
added on the 2009-01-22 17:02:10 by sagacity sagacity
rulez added on the 2009-02-09 13:47:55 by vestige vestige
best of plastic so far, although it was a bit too dry for me.
rulez added on the 2009-02-17 05:30:53 by decipher decipher
great! i love music from here too)
rulez added on the 2009-02-17 07:04:13 by RRROAR RRROAR
Oh yeah.
rulez added on the 2009-02-19 21:16:56 by Maissi Maissi
rulez added on the 2009-03-25 15:33:29 by panic panic
shame I can't see this in realtime, cap looks awesome
rulez added on the 2009-04-08 13:07:29 by kaoD kaoD
great graphic and shading. I like it more than "linger in shadows"
rulez added on the 2009-04-13 21:13:03 by Trauma Zero Trauma Zero
Congrats for the award. Excellent soundtrack Blz btw.
rulez added on the 2009-04-18 15:55:47 by keops keops
Thanks Keops!
added on the 2009-04-19 15:50:26 by blz blz
Amazing demo, truly a high-end engine on display here!

Now I just need to overclock my system a bit more to get a bit further up in the benchmark-list! :)
rulez added on the 2009-07-16 01:03:13 by Sdw Sdw
Whoah, this demo looks AMAZING!!!
I'm surprised I can run it this well, I got a pretty smooth framerate all the way (in HD ready mode... my monitor doesn't support full HD resolution... wouldn't run well anyway).

Thumbs up from me, no brainer! Great stuff!
rulez added on the 2009-07-20 01:34:18 by laffer35 laffer35
Into The Pink Info
We currently support only GeForce8 and newer.
Please visit our page http://www.plastic-demo.org for update.

is there any way to override that detection to see what happens on my ATI?
added on the 2009-10-01 19:14:56 by xernobyl xernobyl
...maybe not realizing there's a newer version.
added on the 2009-10-01 19:16:58 by xernobyl xernobyl
"This video has been removed due to terms of use violation. - Youtube"

added on the 2009-10-01 19:18:39 by Zplex Zplex
Zplex: Here's the final video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NS1NtKUv7M
So good it's unbelievable
rulez added on the 2009-10-01 21:01:13 by dwarf dwarf
I think the term "cinematic experience" is justified for this
rulez added on the 2009-10-01 21:29:31 by stijn stijn
Thanks for the graphics card rape! Thought I had it cracked with a GTX295 but this still gives it a workout :-)

rulez added on the 2009-11-21 17:35:51 by pigpenpete pigpenpete
Ugly and slow : FAIL.
sucks added on the 2009-12-22 02:48:48 by zoolum zoolum
Allright, the scene with the tunnel and rats is a humongous ripoff of the intro to Sweeney Todd, but, it's a high-quality ripoff, at least. :)
added on the 2010-03-16 23:22:51 by phoenix phoenix
One more time: Plastic rulez!
rulez added on the 2010-07-29 00:01:02 by Hicks Hicks
Awesome atmosphere, great graphics, professional quality, epic music!
I really enjoy the Plastic style, and this is an impressive demo.
rulez added on the 2010-10-22 01:56:05 by LLB LLB
Very nice atmosphere and killer rendering :)
rulez added on the 2010-10-28 10:05:53 by rez rez
Once upon a time, coders would proudly show a Phong shaded torus. 10 or 15 years later, there's like a feeling of frustration released like a jet of steam with a cloud of toruses. :-)

Anyway, a great prod indeed, succeeding in its epic style, with a superb work on graphics, and playing interestingly with basic instincts.
rulez added on the 2010-11-03 16:49:40 by Zavie Zavie
rulez added on the 2011-05-14 08:25:48 by phobium phobium
As usual, Plastic delivers brilliant music and unbelieveable graphics.
rulez added on the 2011-08-12 16:23:46 by closed closed
rulez added on the 2011-09-11 23:07:07 by moqui moqui
rulez added on the 2011-09-12 01:40:44 by Jakim Jakim
Demo as great as only Plastic could make!
Rich in graphics, unique style of music and overall design.
Plastic (.pl), simply!
rulez added on the 2011-10-20 15:17:44 by zbyndek zbyndek
I remember when one donut on the screen was impressive........
rulez added on the 2012-03-03 11:30:00 by Frequent Frequent
rulez added on the 2012-03-03 12:07:36 by iks iks
watched it about 100 times and no thumb?!
rulez added on the 2012-03-03 12:24:55 by pista pista
Eek. Creepy but totally nuts.
rulez added on the 2012-03-11 12:28:07 by cxnull cxnull
what pista said.
rulez added on the 2012-03-11 13:30:24 by las las
simply awesome.
rulez added on the 2012-03-28 22:19:51 by nhi nhi
really nice demo. some rendering scenes were scary realistic...
rulez added on the 2012-03-28 22:53:32 by scicco scicco
excellent demo!
rulez added on the 2012-09-20 12:29:02 by kimi kardashian kimi kardashian
yummy, but still heavy in 1080p here (480gtx)
rulez added on the 2012-10-12 13:51:15 by comankh comankh
rulez added on the 2013-07-24 19:40:20 by ɧ4ɾɗվ. ɧ4ɾɗվ.
rulez added on the 2013-07-26 21:00:30 by ok3anos ok3anos
rulez added on the 2014-08-03 17:38:43 by sensenstahl sensenstahl
Woah 7 years and no thumb. One of my all time faves!
rulez added on the 2015-08-15 21:06:32 by rounddodger rounddodger
Well. I do not know what the authors were up to. Seems the idea was perhaps to shock. Or to disgust the ppl somekind.

The intro and the credits part were the best. Seriously.

Pig for the effort, I respect.
added on the 2015-08-15 21:25:07 by sim sim
Plastic's magnum opus imo.
rulez added on the 2015-10-07 19:49:34 by moozooh moozooh
Awesome...except that i hate cockroaches !
rulez added on the 2016-07-29 21:57:01 by golem golem
hello siggraph
added on the 2017-02-10 15:48:28 by nagz nagz
rulez (...lots of hyperbolic adjectives about how awesome it is...)
rulez added on the 2017-06-14 09:43:50 by natalia natalia
One of the best Demos ever. I watch it every Year. But with my GTX 1080 and 382.33 there are many funny artifacts during this Demo.
rulez added on the 2017-06-14 10:28:25 by MelK MelK
just thumbing up after years.
rulez added on the 2018-10-04 12:49:06 by hollowone hollowone
Very inspiring!
rulez added on the 2019-09-17 15:20:10 by szczm_ szczm_

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