Echoes by anadune [web]
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popularity : 66% |
alltime top: #2476 |
added on the 2008-08-27 12:53:57 by ubik ![]() |
popularity helper
looks good screeny
rulez added on the 2008-08-27 12:56:12 by stuey 

Mr.Acryll: you were wrong! worked on my ati machine :)
spox demo thumb!!
spox demo thumb!!
Suffers from "jumpy" direction, but a beautiful looking demo. I even got to run this in realtime on my 7800!
yep, definitely nice stuff here :) best demo from nvision i've seen so far.
so-so. i don't get the idea, too few scenes... not bad, in average
Me likes! =)
some really good scenes.
didn't like the city scene that much as it felt a bit empty. i like the music. overall too short, but still worth a thumb for sure.
didn't like the city scene that much as it felt a bit empty. i like the music. overall too short, but still worth a thumb for sure.
cube = life
some beautiful scenes/effects but why oh why the spoiling dirty overlay :p
some beautiful scenes/effects but why oh why the spoiling dirty overlay :p
Me too like it too..
some scenes with really beautiful shading
cool design
Some good scenes, great music, although the last scene runs too long..
A masterpiece -- beautiful graphics and and an awesome soundtrack, typical Anadune style. I really don't get why it's so underrated.
Some nice parts, but... yawn..
decent enough
it's not bad, but the last scene is a perfect metaphor for the entire demo - so here goes my lack of a rulez!
amazing soundtrack!
save the whale, use more cubes! very so-so
Why is this not getting respect? Awesome soundtrack, great visuals. One of my favorites from NVscene.
This had some really nice visuals and a really nice soundtrack - but the last scene killed it a bit I think (too uneventfull and too long)
Too slow with C2D 6750 + X1950 and XP, i can't watch it and enjoy it ....
need a video to enjoy the show and to judge it
need a video to enjoy the show and to judge it
It's a bit disconnected but especially those orange scenes look rather nice! Great soundtrack from Chaser, too. A very solid production!
This one definitely has its moments but also a fair amount of cheesyness and irritating camera movements
Nice visuals.
surprisingly good - should've ranked higher..
nice, shiny, and alive. a bit disappointed that that it didn't show the cube-asphalt collision. and a bit jerky on a gtx280.
Maybe not the first gfx wise, but it has definatly the best soundtrack of all the demos in the compo.
what Salinga said, and definitely deserved a higher rank.
I somehow liked it ...
gfx are quite cool, but soundtrack is awesome.
I really like that effect in the screenshot, some nice scenes and good music.
is there a video?
Very good demo, can't understand why it didn't get more votes/points. Keep up the good work dudes! :) Best Anadune demo so far!
some nice stuff in there, especially the music
I second Xiny... really good music from Chaser again... I don't get how the "whales-scene" should fit into the concept at all but I love it anyway :)
I agree this prod definately should have placed higher!
Nice viusals and cool flow
Nice viusals and cool flow
za zajebanie większości konceptów z naszego powstającego dema... duży zbieg okoliczności co ? że macie większość scenek i pomysłów takich jak my. Wystarczająco duży, zważywszy że akrylowi pokazałem dużo materiału i poprostu dopuścił się rippowania cudzego stuffu, ale w beznadziejnym wydaniu... tylko to nas różni.
kompletny brak oryginalności... nawet kadry w scenie miastem pokrywają się z moimi, tylko że moje miasto było o niebo lepsze jak i całość grafiki. Tak się nie robi, wykorzystać cudzy materiał tylko dlatego że chciałem to demo zrobić z tobą mr.acryl.
Fuckings. Wybrałeś co wybrałeś, czyli chujową jakość - bo dobrze wiesz kto zrobi to lepiej.
I tak nie scenuje już, bo nie mam na to czasu więc mam kompletnie w dupie co o mnie teraz powiecie
kompletny brak oryginalności... nawet kadry w scenie miastem pokrywają się z moimi, tylko że moje miasto było o niebo lepsze jak i całość grafiki. Tak się nie robi, wykorzystać cudzy materiał tylko dlatego że chciałem to demo zrobić z tobą mr.acryl.
Fuckings. Wybrałeś co wybrałeś, czyli chujową jakość - bo dobrze wiesz kto zrobi to lepiej.
I tak nie scenuje już, bo nie mam na to czasu więc mam kompletnie w dupie co o mnie teraz powiecie
If you wann fuck them up then say it in english please :)
Well Anadune dudes, quite lame behavior from your side. If all that what wie8 said is ture (and it seems at least to be), all the thumb up should turn down. It is said the thing like that still happen.
At least you should have talked it over.
At least you should have talked it over.
Nice music :) I like the orange parts.
Very nice!
way too short. Love the orange stuff. Want more!!
Sweet design on the logo part. Otherwise, not too impressive. Cubes, ribbons, dull soundtrack. No lasers on the whales' heads. Piggie.
to wie8 (in polish, couse he begun this discussion): trudno mi w to uwierzyc z trzech powodow: 1. Mr. Acryl dal Ci narzedzia i pomagal w robieniu Angelic Forum. 2. Nie widzialem materialow ktore dostarczyles Acrylowi. 3. Gdyby na to patrzec w ten sposob jak Ty, mozna by napisac ze w Echoes pomsyly skopiowania z dziesiatek dem.
I jeszcze jedno: widzialem wyraz twarzy Acryla jak pokazal mi Twoj post i mam wrazenie ze najzwyczajniej w swiecie klamiesz.
I jeszcze jedno: widzialem wyraz twarzy Acryla jak pokazal mi Twoj post i mam wrazenie ze najzwyczajniej w swiecie klamiesz.
damn poles speak english please :)
short - Wie8 told that Mr. Acryl have stolen his ideas for this demo. I just don't believe that, couse Mr. Acryl gave also some demo tools to wie8, when he was working on Angelic Forum.
angelic forum nie ma tu nic do rzeczy, miałem narzędzia - współpracowaliśmy, potem nie miałem narzędzi... Ale rozmawiałem z akrylem o Fascination - demo robione przez asenses w składzie : masterm, wie8, slizgi, jammer, substrate.
Dobrze wiedział że my też mieliśmy brac udział w nvision gdyż dostaliśmy demo boxa.. jakoś w czerwcu pokazałem mu pare scrinów i mówił że dużo rzeczy jest zajebistych. Zresztą mam to w dupie, chcesz to ci pokaże setki scrinów i obrazków to uwierzysz. Dodatkowo slizgi, masterm, substrate mogą zabrać głos.
Dobrze wiedział że my też mieliśmy brac udział w nvision gdyż dostaliśmy demo boxa.. jakoś w czerwcu pokazałem mu pare scrinów i mówił że dużo rzeczy jest zajebistych. Zresztą mam to w dupie, chcesz to ci pokaże setki scrinów i obrazków to uwierzysz. Dodatkowo slizgi, masterm, substrate mogą zabrać głos.
Więc tyle osób może potwierdzić fakt kopiowania... brzydze się zachowaniem akryla.
co mają toole do faktu że zajebali nasze koncepty... co ? Angelic forum w to nie mieszaj, to przeszłość - rok 2007, że niby miałem toola i co teraz go oskarżam ? Jaki to ma sens, weź się zastanów.
To była jednorazowa kooperacja. Potem proponowałem inną kooperację.
Jak pokazałem akrylowi sceny i powiedziałem że może sobie to wziąść, to zadał pytanie - dasz radę to oteksturować ? (gdybym odpowiedział tak - użyli by mojej grafiki zapewne). Powiedziałem nie.. to zrobili coś identycznego na własną rękę.
To była jednorazowa kooperacja. Potem proponowałem inną kooperację.
Jak pokazałem akrylowi sceny i powiedziałem że może sobie to wziąść, to zadał pytanie - dasz radę to oteksturować ? (gdybym odpowiedział tak - użyli by mojej grafiki zapewne). Powiedziałem nie.. to zrobili coś identycznego na własną rękę.
Jetzt reichts aber...
Well to those that have seen our concept art it's pretty obvious that many ideas in Acryl's demo are very similar (colorscheme, spline-letters, city scene and so on...). Unfortunately they are not only "borrowed" but also badly executed. That's my 3 cents.
I think we don't need to make another scenedrama here. The rest of this discussion can go on priv.
And just to make things clear: We _don't_ use Acryl's demotools.
I think we don't need to make another scenedrama here. The rest of this discussion can go on priv.
And just to make things clear: We _don't_ use Acryl's demotools.
Nice camera movement, great soundtrack.
Has very much going for it, but unfortunately there is no real constrast or sense of direction. There are some cool scenes, and the music is nice though.
sex and the city... i mean cubes. been there done that? pig.
The soundtrack has managed to stay beyond the borders of cheese! I like it!
okay, since ubik didn't want to show these (can anyone can explain -- why!?): please, take a look at the pictures and judge by yourself. (anadune logo seen at the opening scene) (the approaching anadune sign is composed of the set of exactly three ribbons in quite a similar color scheme) (appallingly similar to the credits piece?)
they were shown by wie8 to mr. acryl on 8th of May, 2008 -- and anadune staff was well-aware of the fact we're taking part in nvision. I think the resemblace they bear is quite obvious, isn't it? have in mind that we're sharing some concept art that was to be veiled till the official release date -- and please do respect that.
and okay, I know there are elements alike in demos, and a good number of them shares similar concepts in some points and in some ways. but saying that wie8 is lying is just motherfucking for me. sorry, I can't stand watching while you guys are making a fool of him! what's more, he wanted fascination (i.e. the demo the concepts are 'ripped' from) to be a mutual project of asenses and anadune, respectively. but *while* he wasn't able to do his share of his job, and *after* mr. acryl said that "it's a pity" and that there were many interesting ideas shown in fascination, he just transmitted (or 'ripped' if you like) some of them to his own demo on his own. I can't simply believe it was a subconscious process at all.
so, in the light of this tangible evidence, it's just a fucking shame. it can be said that echoes are just a weak spin-off of what fascination once could be.
sorry, guys. (anadune logo seen at the opening scene) (the approaching anadune sign is composed of the set of exactly three ribbons in quite a similar color scheme) (appallingly similar to the credits piece?)
they were shown by wie8 to mr. acryl on 8th of May, 2008 -- and anadune staff was well-aware of the fact we're taking part in nvision. I think the resemblace they bear is quite obvious, isn't it? have in mind that we're sharing some concept art that was to be veiled till the official release date -- and please do respect that.
and okay, I know there are elements alike in demos, and a good number of them shares similar concepts in some points and in some ways. but saying that wie8 is lying is just motherfucking for me. sorry, I can't stand watching while you guys are making a fool of him! what's more, he wanted fascination (i.e. the demo the concepts are 'ripped' from) to be a mutual project of asenses and anadune, respectively. but *while* he wasn't able to do his share of his job, and *after* mr. acryl said that "it's a pity" and that there were many interesting ideas shown in fascination, he just transmitted (or 'ripped' if you like) some of them to his own demo on his own. I can't simply believe it was a subconscious process at all.
so, in the light of this tangible evidence, it's just a fucking shame. it can be said that echoes are just a weak spin-off of what fascination once could be.
sorry, guys.
FR should patent cubes and FLT should patent ribbons. That would end talks for good ;-)
i like it. deserves a better place.
good demo but a damn slow one
looks unfinished to me
i really liked this one. should have ranked higher. cameras / transitions are horrible at some places, though.
oh, here's my thumb.
to much taken insperation :(
very nice, should've reached top 5 imho. and personally I believe most of the demomakers borrow their ideas somewhere in a way or another anyway.
boah hell ya... what kind of childish kindergarden battle... "hey don't use a red shovel because I already have a red one... and fuck you for building a brown sandcastle, that was my idea!!"
it's just another perspective, kid, no need to flare up! there are two points of view from that time on and I don't give a freaking shit which one you like better and which one you choose. it's your goddamn problem; I'm not saying you must blindly follow my own stance. what I couldn't allow, though, is to let that crap just slip away without any notice, you understand me?
Scene in the screenshot was great. Everything else felt a bit disconnected and unfinished. Music was ok.
the prod rules
but skurwy ( whatever the story is ) rule much more :)
but skurwy ( whatever the story is ) rule much more :)
Me likes
excellent job.
one more thing : the logo scene is Really cool
wie8, skurwy - just finish the goddamn prod and stop crying.
Awesome soundtrack from Chaser, as usual.
I think that the "dirt" masks were unnecessary (and annoyed me). Otherwise, it's absolutely brilliant!
obejrzalem fajne demo, poczytalem komenty i zachcialo mi sie rzygac.
Nice & moody
Great demo, but maybe it falls too much on cubes.
Whales! :D
short, and some weird direction, piggie
generic and cheesy music.
this is so nice :)
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