UNGOL by Nuance [web]
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popularity : 67% |
alltime top: #1621 |
added on the 2008-08-17 12:43:15 by Salinga ![]() |
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hell yes, this rocks! nice grass!
rulez added on the 2008-08-17 12:46:18 by Saga Musix 

i like it :) reminds me shadow of the collossus game :)
The soundtrack kicks ass, also it features some nice scenes. Could have been better if you would have been able to include all your ideas. Damn time probs :-)
Very nice! Looks great and the music is kicking. Kudos for skipping the big party and releasing at buenzli.
Chlorophyle fresh & rocks hard !
Also, I love the soundtrack.
Also, I love the soundtrack.
really technically impressing, good sync and stuff =)
Thumb for the NFO of this prod:
we decided to release this new nuance demonstration at the bnz#17 instead of NVscene... we admire the support we got with the demobox from NVidia, but as a demoscene group we have chosen to support one of the small european demoscene parties instead of the huge us event that surely will boast with releases.we think that a part of the attractiveness of demoscene parties
still comes with the releases and every single release at smaller parties also helps a tiny bit to keep them alive and possible.
this demo was made in some days after evoke 2008 and live at buenzli 17. enjoy!
we decided to release this new nuance demonstration at the bnz#17 instead of NVscene... we admire the support we got with the demobox from NVidia, but as a demoscene group we have chosen to support one of the small european demoscene parties instead of the huge us event that surely will boast with releases.we think that a part of the attractiveness of demoscene parties
still comes with the releases and every single release at smaller parties also helps a tiny bit to keep them alive and possible.
this demo was made in some days after evoke 2008 and live at buenzli 17. enjoy!
mean people would say: "we decided to win buenzli instead of participating and not winning at NVSScene"
but yay, it's a good thing you did that.
but yay, it's a good thing you did that.
Rocking soundtrack nice visuals and right strategic decisions. Nuance - you are the winners.
what substrate said =)
Oh boy, this is really cool! Beautiful style and really awesome grass effect.
A little on the short side, but so sweet!
A little on the short side, but so sweet!
a very solid demo with killer soundtrack, however I found it a bit short.
The "strategic decision" might have won you buenzli, but it is not all that ethical (or clever) in my book. sorry.
The "strategic decision" might have won you buenzli, but it is not all that ethical (or clever) in my book. sorry.
Very cool.
As I've heard during the prize giving Nuance will use the competition money for a nice barbecue party at TUM'08 with free meat for everyone.
Short but good. Nice that you care about the smaller events, a shame that you leech off the bigger ones and apparently are proud of it
a shame that you leech off the bigger ones and apparently are proud of it
I would be proud of that too.
Great visuals but too short.
very cool indeed. soundtrack rules!
Short but great!
liked it.. reminded me of MFX!
Saw it at the DTV stream and even there it looked great!
Woops.... Forgot my thumb.
wow, great one. although it's feels a bit too short.
nice music - nice atmosphere
What i like the most about this, is the positioning of the lightning. Great job!
Great demo with rocking breaks-track!
Would have been better without that black overlay but nice otherwise.
I think this is the best Nuance-prod I have seen in a long time - congrats on the win! The music was nice (though suffers from over-obvious use of the d-blue VST - something I'm guilty of myself :)
I miss some soft of climax though, the end of the demo is "just there" suddenly, which is a shame with such a decent buildup before it.
Also, while I get the point of releasing at a smaller party (heck, I organize a small party in dire need of releases myself), I find the attitude to be a bit much, all things considered. Still, good demo - congrats again :)
I miss some soft of climax though, the end of the demo is "just there" suddenly, which is a shame with such a decent buildup before it.
Also, while I get the point of releasing at a smaller party (heck, I organize a small party in dire need of releases myself), I find the attitude to be a bit much, all things considered. Still, good demo - congrats again :)
Nice. Repetitive but nice.
mfx-ish visuals + appropriate soundtrack + cool meadows = thumb up.
i'm so sorry for not being there at buenzli this year... :(
i'm so sorry for not being there at buenzli this year... :(
Liked this one a lot! =)
short but great, and a fucking good reason to
release it at buenzli!!! thank you.
release it at buenzli!!! thank you.
rocked me all the way, the wicked nu-skool breaks tune does it for me :)
smooth and nice story =)
seriously, I really don't get the mentality of some users of this most excellent bbs have towards this issue. Ofcourse it is a good reason to release quality productions at small parties, but it is not when you went into a gentleman's agreement with a third party, you cancel that and then boast about it.
Some will say "yeah but nvidia can affort it - buenzli cannot"; that is irrelevant. It is the gesture that counts. At least with the intel compos (where you get a freebe before making the demo), the groups involved have been consistent and kept their promise to delivery. And in my book that helps the scene more than saying "screw intel, give them a bouncing pixel demo (or nothing at all) and let take our hot stuff to evoke/buenzli/bcn whatever"; because that sounds like a 17 year old that just got his hand into the pot with the
sorry if this has an offensive tone, I don't mean to... but the situation is rather offensive to the groups that got the kit and will be presenting to nvision with full knowledge that it won't get them a prize; or even to groups who will be there with a demo and never got a kit in the first place.
Some will say "yeah but nvidia can affort it - buenzli cannot"; that is irrelevant. It is the gesture that counts. At least with the intel compos (where you get a freebe before making the demo), the groups involved have been consistent and kept their promise to delivery. And in my book that helps the scene more than saying "screw intel, give them a bouncing pixel demo (or nothing at all) and let take our hot stuff to evoke/buenzli/bcn whatever"; because that sounds like a 17 year old that just got his hand into the pot with the
sorry if this has an offensive tone, I don't mean to... but the situation is rather offensive to the groups that got the kit and will be presenting to nvision with full knowledge that it won't get them a prize; or even to groups who will be there with a demo and never got a kit in the first place.
Nice! But seems unfinished.
@Navis: Is it clear that they keep the demobox or are they about to give it back?
@Navis: Is it clear that they keep the demobox or are they about to give it back?
if that is the case then it is perfectly honest and acceptable.
yep, they will surely give back the hardware in untouched and boxed :)
Great music and nice visuals, even if the end feels rushed. Respect for the support for smaller parties.
Great demo and music (the cubes in a field reminds me of my own Happy Accidents demo, although this implementation is 100x better :). I just wish it didn't end so quickly, and you guys had, oh I don't know, 1-2 more weeks to finish it up.
I can see it from Nuance's point of view though - the Assembly and Evoke compos were pretty bare, and you're worried that Buenzli will follow, a party that you've supported over the few years. As long as you can send your demobox back, it's not really ethically wrong. But the message can be taken offensively by the groups following through for NVScene - i.e. "we support small, non-commercial demoparties, unlike the rest of you sellouts". Honestly, I didn't expect this many groups to hold out, but I guess the demoboxes were tempting bait.
I would've liked to have seen this in the NVScene compo, but I don't want to seem too selfish. :)
I can see it from Nuance's point of view though - the Assembly and Evoke compos were pretty bare, and you're worried that Buenzli will follow, a party that you've supported over the few years. As long as you can send your demobox back, it's not really ethically wrong. But the message can be taken offensively by the groups following through for NVScene - i.e. "we support small, non-commercial demoparties, unlike the rest of you sellouts". Honestly, I didn't expect this many groups to hold out, but I guess the demoboxes were tempting bait.
I would've liked to have seen this in the NVScene compo, but I don't want to seem too selfish. :)
exactly what decca said.
what keops said
after 40 thumbs up, let me be the first to thumb this down.
a big badass intro text, then stupid cubes rolling over ugly grass, look-ma-i-can-do-fullscreen-rgb-offset-effects, repetitious soundtrack, vocal fragments with no relation to the intro text, then cubes form a hand - but no progression from there. instead, black wire going nowhere.
zero ideas, no story, no progression.
if this is your idea of a gift to a minor party, i would rather prefer not to receive such a present. judging from the demo, it appears as if you were afraid that the quality was too poor to present the demo at nvscene. rightfully so!
congratulations on your golden duck. better luck next time.
a big badass intro text, then stupid cubes rolling over ugly grass, look-ma-i-can-do-fullscreen-rgb-offset-effects, repetitious soundtrack, vocal fragments with no relation to the intro text, then cubes form a hand - but no progression from there. instead, black wire going nowhere.
zero ideas, no story, no progression.
if this is your idea of a gift to a minor party, i would rather prefer not to receive such a present. judging from the demo, it appears as if you were afraid that the quality was too poor to present the demo at nvscene. rightfully so!
congratulations on your golden duck. better luck next time.
if this is your idea of a gift to a minor party, i would rather prefer not to receive such a present
yeah right, let´s just watch Rob is Jarig 25 times on every party as of today ;)
Controversy! \o/
This is turning into some kind of modern day Robin Hood story...!? :-)
okkie, you know what I mean, you were on Evoke. :)
ppl like to go to DEMOparties, coz they like to watch (and release) DEMOs. if all the good demos get sold out to compos like the Intel Demo Compo or NVScene (USA...) classic demoparties, especially smaller ones will suffer from it. Hell, even Assembly wasn´t that well "equipped" this year.
So: outreach efforts good, dragging away releases from pure demoparties bad, mmmkay? ;)
ppl like to go to DEMOparties, coz they like to watch (and release) DEMOs. if all the good demos get sold out to compos like the Intel Demo Compo or NVScene (USA...) classic demoparties, especially smaller ones will suffer from it. Hell, even Assembly wasn´t that well "equipped" this year.
So: outreach efforts good, dragging away releases from pure demoparties bad, mmmkay? ;)
Handing out free stuff is not a guarantee. This is a risk that Nvidia damn well knew about and probably anticipated. No need to cry about it, i'd say.
sir: my comment wasn't aimed at you specifically. I actually wholly agree with your opinion :)
yeah right, let´s just watch Rob is Jarig 25 times on every party as of today ;)
if this is the only alternative, it is probably time to quit the scene. other than that, rob is jarig at least never made an attempt to appear serious.
OK O_o--b
The statement would probably be far more interesting if the demo wasn't such a letdown and followed by far more demo groups.
I'm sure. After all, you are exceptionally unbiased on the whole.
Navis: I'm somewhat puzzled to hear that you have some kind of moral beef with where demos "ought" to be released. ASD has seen more than one release where the profitability of a competition seemed to weigh into the matter.
I find the attitude to be a bit much
I'm sure. After all, you are exceptionally unbiased on the whole.
Navis: I'm somewhat puzzled to hear that you have some kind of moral beef with where demos "ought" to be released. ASD has seen more than one release where the profitability of a competition seemed to weigh into the matter.
shifter: my critisism doesn't imply that I'm mother teresa myself, now or in the future. I don't hold (and don't care to hold) the moral high ground and I only speak as an old fart who has been to a few parties (smaller and larger) over the past years and knows how sponsorship works (more or less). As I said the situation is slightly more complicated than "group A decides to release at party B rather than C", but nuance clarified.
As for deciding the party to reveal your next demo, I think it is influenced by the factors of exposure,party conditions, heritage, profitability, who else is going, etc. etc. ASD is no different in balancing these options than any other group...
As for deciding the party to reveal your next demo, I think it is influenced by the factors of exposure,party conditions, heritage, profitability, who else is going, etc. etc. ASD is no different in balancing these options than any other group...
I wholeheartedly oppose the latter statement.
ofcourse you do. You know exactly what passes through our minds in every release. You also know all about our bank accounts and how we scam assembly, intel and breakpoint every year of their precious graphics cards and software licences to run around in ferraris.
Navis: just ignore Shifter.
Some people like important men in shiny suits (navis, gloom), some like rock 'n' roll! ;)
hmm. a big buildup towards... nothing, really.
i'm not sure what the intro text was supposed to promise (apart from cheesiness), but i'm pretty sure i didn't get it. not even the cheese! ah, wait, i take back that last part, there was cubes morphing into a curiously misshapen hand. (what's with the hand fetish, btw? first asd, then ukscene allstars, now nuance. it seems to be spreading!)
that's not to say that it's bad. it certainly has good craftsmanship from everyone involved. but watching is still feels disappointing, so here's my piggy.
i'm not sure what the intro text was supposed to promise (apart from cheesiness), but i'm pretty sure i didn't get it. not even the cheese! ah, wait, i take back that last part, there was cubes morphing into a curiously misshapen hand. (what's with the hand fetish, btw? first asd, then ukscene allstars, now nuance. it seems to be spreading!)
that's not to say that it's bad. it certainly has good craftsmanship from everyone involved. but watching is still feels disappointing, so here's my piggy.
nuance is just an early adopter of something we can expect to happen next year: a number of groups who won't do so well in the nvision compos will count their blessings and release in a smaller competition, in order to achieve a relatively bigger impact with their prods. in itself, this no problem whatsoever. what may raise some eyebrows is that nunace first accepted a demobox to develop for nvision, and only after that changed their minds. but considering raven's statement, i guess they'd probably give back the demobox when prompted to (not that i expect that to happen, but anyway). so i don't see a reason to blame them for their behaviour, same as with the guys who want to "earn" their boxes by releasing at nvision.
Raven^NCE : then a good idea would be to offer that demokit to a small party, so that it can be used as compo prize ;)
Navis : you can steal nvidia's dollars next week and store them in your secret demoscene bank account in .ch as long as it's done with one of those nice demos. Unless someone else steals it before :D
Navis : you can steal nvidia's dollars next week and store them in your secret demoscene bank account in .ch as long as it's done with one of those nice demos. Unless someone else steals it before :D
raven: hmm, i'm getting the impression using the term "early adopters" was a bad decision on my part... maybe it would have been better to say that you are the first to announce a decision that i expect others will also be taking next year?
also, i know that you guys are regularly releasing stuff in compos where you probably know beforehand that the chance of a victory is not optimal. kudos for that! i organise a "small" party, so without guys like you i might be out of a purpose in the scene. but at the same time, if you would have a 110% killer classic demo lurking on your harddisk somewhere, i would expect you to release it at nvision this year. i know i would. ;)
also, i know that you guys are regularly releasing stuff in compos where you probably know beforehand that the chance of a victory is not optimal. kudos for that! i organise a "small" party, so without guys like you i might be out of a purpose in the scene. but at the same time, if you would have a 110% killer classic demo lurking on your harddisk somewhere, i would expect you to release it at nvision this year. i know i would. ;)
Demo is nice, but short, like the way that the boxes travel through the grass and that the "ribbons" spawn on the beat/bass. Nice music.
Verdict: A small thumb up :)
I don't get the fuzz here - NVidia handed out demoboxes - GREAT!
Nvidia hopes to get a good list of full releases at NVscene, however I can't see how they would expect ALL groups to deliver a demo/intro for NVscene? That would mean a demo compo with like... 50 major entries... that would be quite silly.
Let's simply enjoy that the demo boxes are actually beeing used for making (drumroll) demos! Because that's what the demoboxes are meant for - I for sure didn't sign any agreement promising a release for NVscene (That I feel obligated to do a release is another matter ;) )
Third: who will actually start a thread about this, instead of polluting the production comments? :)
Demo is nice, but short, like the way that the boxes travel through the grass and that the "ribbons" spawn on the beat/bass. Nice music.
Verdict: A small thumb up :)
I don't get the fuzz here - NVidia handed out demoboxes - GREAT!
Nvidia hopes to get a good list of full releases at NVscene, however I can't see how they would expect ALL groups to deliver a demo/intro for NVscene? That would mean a demo compo with like... 50 major entries... that would be quite silly.
Let's simply enjoy that the demo boxes are actually beeing used for making (drumroll) demos! Because that's what the demoboxes are meant for - I for sure didn't sign any agreement promising a release for NVscene (That I feel obligated to do a release is another matter ;) )
Third: who will actually start a thread about this, instead of polluting the production comments? :)
good demo
I am going to thumb this one up just to negate paniq's narrowmindedness.
You know exactly what passes through our minds in every release.
Ok, now you're looking for a disagreement that simply isn't there. I oppose the idea that just about all demo groups actively plot, scheme and "invest" in releases the way you apparently do. Some people do this for the sake of fun, you know.
what puryx said, it is not as if nvidia were ripped off, the demobox agreement is loose afaik (besides nvidia is a big corporation ffs!), thanx Nuance for that buenzli demo, your coder should keep the demobox for more future prods :)
I really like the idea of free BBQ! The demo is not my sausage, though.
Nice stuff.
For the music.
the camera_bending_the_grass_effekt is a superb_idea :)
as also the rest is fukkin nice...too bad it got a bit short.
nuance is back on the track to last forever i hope :)
as also the rest is fukkin nice...too bad it got a bit short.
nuance is back on the track to last forever i hope :)
great grass scene!
and nice trax.
and nice trax.
i dunno, must watch it on a faster machine..
my pc is too weak.
video anyone?
video anyone?
venom: It's on demoscene.tv
Really nice demo. It drags on a bit long with the grass. But it's a really kickin soundtrack and overall looks really nice. Keep em coming, Nuannnsssseeeeeeeeee!
Really nice demo. It drags on a bit long with the grass. But it's a really kickin soundtrack and overall looks really nice. Keep em coming, Nuannnsssseeeeeeeeee!
what .c0c00n. said.
what substrate and Bobic said
Nice but short.
liked this
my favorite demo from nuance so far.
nice visuals but the framerate killed the pleasure(8600gt, quad...)
what ryg said.
Nice, but soomewhat lengthy
sound kept me awake
what uncle-x said.
I'd have expected mythical creatures, orchestral music, stuff like that after the quote from tolkien's silmarillion (right?) in the intro, but instead of that we got some rocks tumbling over a field, eventually assembling into a misshapen hand, and some black lines+circles.
It looks nice, and it's all in all a decent demo, but it all was a bit aimless and without progression. And Tolkien quotes in a production with breakbeatish music and happy colours just don't fit somehow.
It looks nice, and it's all in all a decent demo, but it all was a bit aimless and without progression. And Tolkien quotes in a production with breakbeatish music and happy colours just don't fit somehow.
Short but nice. Very nice zik.
Just great!
i like it, but the glow is painful
Repetitive scene and effects.
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