BitJam RMX 001 by BitFellas [web]
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popularity : 71% |
alltime top: #812 |
added on the 2008-08-10 01:25:09 by Gargaj ![]() |
popularity helper
rulez added on the 2008-08-10 01:27:08 by ham 

Really nice!
The best prod from Evoke... by a huge margin! Nicely designed interface, great tunes, easy to use - love it!
yo yo yo :)
lovely! <3
Great stuff!! Congratz to the musicians..
I just missed some buttons like in the bitjam musicdisk for a scroll text or picture ..
I just missed some buttons like in the bitjam musicdisk for a scroll text or picture ..
awesome :D
<3 Bitfellas
yay for remixes <3
Great work but the mastering is all over the place, ran it through ReplayGain on all tracks, and the volumes are all over the place - would have been nice to had some mastering done to level out the volumes.
Despite that it's great! I'm sorry I couldn't finish my remix in time, Sundown planning and all...
Despite that it's great! I'm sorry I couldn't finish my remix in time, Sundown planning and all...
Darn, i wish i had remixed a tune myself to be on that disc. I love the grafix and the interface! Great job!
Although there are only three tracks remixed, the musicdisc offers a vast variety of styles. I enjoyed it very much.
Although there are only three tracks remixed, the musicdisc offers a vast variety of styles. I enjoyed it very much.
Great. Sorry for not finishing my one...
Yay, very cool interface & nice tracks!
great production and high quality songs :)
I wish there were more tracks up for remixing, but a really good production with great presentation.
Awesome music!
awesome stuff
i give my vote for the nice code of Gargaj and gfx from h2o!
Very bad masterings between the songs! some guys really need to learn masterings and mixing between the channels. there are a lot of tunes which sounds very fugly!
Best masterin prize goes to:
01: tEiS
02: virgill
03: little bitchard
04: NE7
05: Wayfinder
06: Gargaj
all the rest: learn mastering please ! it's important and not so hard to learn how to use multiband-compressor, EQ and masterlimiter.
All in all the disc deserve a rule because of the lovely coderwork and design... (btw... i remember a bit in the design with this monitor :P... )
PS: please add forward and rewind function !
Very bad masterings between the songs! some guys really need to learn masterings and mixing between the channels. there are a lot of tunes which sounds very fugly!
Best masterin prize goes to:
01: tEiS
02: virgill
03: little bitchard
04: NE7
05: Wayfinder
06: Gargaj
all the rest: learn mastering please ! it's important and not so hard to learn how to use multiband-compressor, EQ and masterlimiter.
All in all the disc deserve a rule because of the lovely coderwork and design... (btw... i remember a bit in the design with this monitor :P... )
PS: please add forward and rewind function !
I have tried to remaster some songs here. Some of them weren't easy to master and it's no outstanding quality now, but a little bit better as before.
grab them here - download -
grab them here - download -
daxx, i agree some of the tracks don't sound so good. however, you are very wrong if you think mastering could save these tracks. you _cannot_ save a mix with a master. it is the channel mixing that needs to be better.. specially EQ'ing as some of the tracks bleed frequencies all over the place.
anyhow, very very nice disk! thumbs up :)
and btw.. with a right mastering hardware (not software) it is possible to "remix" such tunes... but such hardware cost to much to use it private...
some guys really need to learn masterings and mixing between the channels
and btw.. with a right mastering hardware (not software) it is possible to "remix" such tunes... but such hardware cost to much to use it private...
The interface is really cool, thumb up for that alone. Will listen to the tunes later.
Nice disk - havn't heard all the tunes, yet, but as daXX stated abouve a ffwd/rwd feature (or a timebar) would be much appreciated!
When it comes to mastering.... well, sure I no mastering expert myself, but since this is remix competetion, I guess people made their tracks as they wanted them to be, and as good as they could regarding mastering - this is not a profesional album :) - and regarding mastering I can only say "what xerxes said" :)
Ah.. and then it crashed while writing this (windowed mode) and my dualmode monitor setup (2 x 1680x1050) also makes the fullscreen version display wrong (the content is displayed too much to the right)
Writing too much - this is a nice disk! :D
When it comes to mastering.... well, sure I no mastering expert myself, but since this is remix competetion, I guess people made their tracks as they wanted them to be, and as good as they could regarding mastering - this is not a profesional album :) - and regarding mastering I can only say "what xerxes said" :)
Ah.. and then it crashed while writing this (windowed mode) and my dualmode monitor setup (2 x 1680x1050) also makes the fullscreen version display wrong (the content is displayed too much to the right)
Writing too much - this is a nice disk! :D
doesn't work on this box because of lacking d3dx dll... bit of a letdown after a 150mb download, imho. the thumb will be yours, but not until this is fixed.
ok now it deserves the thumb without a doubt :-)
Looks cool, but it crashed here after 3 minutes in window mode (not having a dual monitor setup)..
virgill: then you deserve it, because you know, how your channels must be mixed well to get a good result. :P
BitFellas are doing what ZINE did for the diskmag scene. Another awesome sounding and looking (!) music disk!
Any covers, please?
Any covers, please?
very well said lug00ber, i agree 100% with all of that!
I have no clue what bittin was smoking but the rest of the tracks are real sweet (at least the ones I've heard so far). Unfortunally I cant get the app to run but the music is worth it anyway.
lug00ber .. yes your song was'nt easy to remaster and i never said,that i am professional in mastering... but let's give it a try and send me your channels alone to find out if it is possible to get a better result? ;)
ah and btw... you're right.. the artist should decide about the tune. but for a compiled musicdisc should it be possible to set all songs on a similar volumelevel or?
right on, great
totally made my morning!
imho mastering is quite a subjective matter from a minimum level.
imho mastering is quite a subjective matter from a minimum level.
Nice musicdisk :) And yay for the piano keys that are shaped like the atari logo! :D Made me laugh ;p
i didnt here mastering glitches on the evoke pa.. all songs played sounded very tight and where soundtechnically above the most productions before. but could be that only the tunes where played which are mentioned to be mastered quite well. Some songs really blew me away and I totally dig the clean design. so all in all some of the nicest evoke entry.
<--------------------- ACTUAL SIZE --------------------->
I see someone has already commented on the seek-feature, and it has been explained why it was left out.
However, instead of listening to all tunes all the way through my thought process went like this:
"OK, now I've listened for 30 seconds to this track and I'm not liking it. Maybe if I skip ahead a minute it picks up? Oh.. No skip-feature? Guess I quit the musicdisk and play the mp3's with VLC instead then..."
Which is a shame, because the interface was really slick and professional looking. I would have liked some more info on the song playing though (total time etc.)
Still a nice prod.
However, instead of listening to all tunes all the way through my thought process went like this:
"OK, now I've listened for 30 seconds to this track and I'm not liking it. Maybe if I skip ahead a minute it picks up? Oh.. No skip-feature? Guess I quit the musicdisk and play the mp3's with VLC instead then..."
Which is a shame, because the interface was really slick and professional looking. I would have liked some more info on the song playing though (total time etc.)
Still a nice prod.
Awsome! I love musicdisks.
More of this in the future.
XNI for the win ;)
More of this in the future.
XNI for the win ;)
Brilliant interface, nice and effective, some cool songs.
Cool music disk !!
+ what lug00ber said. DaXX, I understand some songs don't sound how you like, but what you did on Lizard's track should be punished by law :)
+ what lug00ber said. DaXX, I understand some songs don't sound how you like, but what you did on Lizard's track should be punished by law :)
Moby: Whats wrong with Lizard's Track?
I liked the intro, too...
Daxx : there's nothing wrong with Lizard's track per se. But you boosted the trebles so much that the tunes is impossible to listen to at high volume, plus you applied a really heavy compression that make it pump far too much. This sounds like my first attempts at mastering, that's why I can spot the flaws ;)
Well this is a damn good prod. it was also tested by me on scene and non-scene related ears and all proved it for very-good.
a pure thumb up, nothing more to say as - respect to all corresponding sound wizzards !
a pure thumb up, nothing more to say as - respect to all corresponding sound wizzards !
Moby: right. some songs weren't possible for me to remaster. it can be that i've added to much trebles high freq. but i remember at Lizard's Track, Reverb on a bassdrum for a trancetrack? Excuse me please, but we have 2008, feel free, contact him and maybe he follow the very cool action of lug00ber and submit all his channels to have a mastering session on it... I think it could be a nice hype for all the Scenemusicans, including myself, to test a bit in mastering / channelmixing on other composer's tunes.
Don't be mad please. It's not a critic against the musican's remixes. I like all the remixes. i just was shocked after listening track 01 and then track 02 which was 2 or 3 times louder than other tracks, giving me a headache.
btw. I never said that i'm mastering pro. I just want to show that's maybe possible to have a little bit better result, even when some songs aren't match now.
Don't be mad please. It's not a critic against the musican's remixes. I like all the remixes. i just was shocked after listening track 01 and then track 02 which was 2 or 3 times louder than other tracks, giving me a headache.
btw. I never said that i'm mastering pro. I just want to show that's maybe possible to have a little bit better result, even when some songs aren't match now.
this morning i woke up and immediatly had a hyperbased sound in my head... guess why? :) some really great remixes!
And once again i didn't make it in time. :(
really, a nice musicdisk I love it !
Some excellent music!
Very nice intro and interface. And some nice remixes as well...
teeee-ooooooooo! ;)
This is fucking quality!! and actually. listened to daxx "fixes" too... they sounds worse than the originals. "loudness" is not the same as quality daxx ;)
Anyway. BIG thumbs up to you all. Great remixes. Now I am off to vote. lots of 5s here.
allmost forgot ;) the musicdisk interface looks ace too :)
Anyway. BIG thumbs up to you all. Great remixes. Now I am off to vote. lots of 5s here.
allmost forgot ;) the musicdisk interface looks ace too :)
Proteque: with spending more time in it, it could be a better result. but i don't have the time to remaster all tracks and some of them was'nt possible to remaster because i didn't had the channels..
and sorry, i can not agree with you. loudness is an important part nowadays.
take a look into lug00bers bbs-thread... there are 3 remixings/masterings... maybe you'll find a mixup which is ok for you :)
and sorry, i can not agree with you. loudness is an important part nowadays.
take a look into lug00bers bbs-thread... there are 3 remixings/masterings... maybe you'll find a mixup which is ok for you :)
and sorry, i can not agree with you. loudness is an important part nowadays.
Well, what he in fact said was that "loudness is not the same as quality", which I hope you agree to. While it is important to have properly normalized tracks over an entire album (under normal release, not in a music disc such as this), focusing solely on getting the gain as high as possible has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of an audio mastering.
gr8 zax, gr8 zakdisc
gloom: that's the reason, why this disc got my thumb up.
Awesome piece of art. Cheers for that.
What Gargaj coded!
+for all the great music
+for all the great music
very nice!
Yeah.. This Disk rules.. I love the songs from Wayfinder, Buzzer and Virgill.. Massive :D I feel totally blown away now :)
This is great, more prods like this thx.
Really great- Very slick and modern. Great to see that musicdisks still prove to be valuable addition to the demoscene releases. I love the opening with the frequency-searching. And most of all, awesome remixes. To feature the songs in a musicdisk is an additional incentive for people to participate. Very good idea. Keep em coming, gentlemen! More, more. :-)
I am really glad I managed to submit and take part of this great production!
Nice songs, all!
daxx, love you too :)
Nice songs, all!
daxx, love you too :)
btw, you guys should update the nfo file. It says Lizardking in there ;)
Congrats to everybody involved
all in all a perfect music prod! some are good, other not my cup of tea.
WAYFINDER_firefox & tip - hyperbased (wayfinder's enigmatic remix).mp3 RULEZ !!!!!!
WAYFINDER_firefox & tip - hyperbased (wayfinder's enigmatic remix).mp3 RULEZ !!!!!!
cant´t hardly wait for the next rmx compo. this was great stuff. suggestions for the next one? i would like to hear the fr025 track remixed in any way. but my guess is that there won´t be a remix that I would actually like more than the original. oh, btw: same for this prod. originals ruled more. but there were 2 tracks I gave 5 points for anyway. :) thank you, this prod is awesome.
I like three songs on it. I only listened to OGGs and MP3s.
cool tracks from the usual suspects
great prod and remix zik!!! a pleasure for my ears :)
Wonderful interface, and some great remixes!
Hope to see more of these
Hope to see more of these
rulez big time
"Overload" by Tip & MTX is the nex logical step to RMX. "Synergy" by Bitarts, or Elimination by LK =) Suitable for remixes.
wow, very cool music disc. that's quality. thx gargaj!
Is it any wonder this placed #1 ? =)
Nice interface :)
I was really sorry that compo wasn't prized, anyway :(
I was really sorry that compo wasn't prized, anyway :(
Great interface, but tunes are just awesome!
aizen is totally right... thumb!
Thanks to Evil i did missed that one :)
forgot to thump up.. gleich 3 daumen hoch klasse das....
There were 2 or 3 good mixes on here. I cant stand this style of prod though. Hearing 100 remixes of the same 3 songs gets on my nerves. Especially because I don't like the songs that are being remixed.
Don't get me wrong though. I'm all for a good remix. I like the retracked prods a lot.
Don't get me wrong though. I'm all for a good remix. I like the retracked prods a lot.
Shame on me for not up voting this until now. I really hope Bitjam will make mmore remix compos.
Shame on me for not up voting this until now. I really hope Bitjam will make mmore remix compos.
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