pouët.net by Mandarine [web] & scene.org [web] | ||||||||
![]() |
popularity : 76% |
alltime top: #265 |
added on the 2006-06-22 17:11:36 by v3nom ![]() |
popularity helper
First time when I give a comment for prod which is not an intro.
yeah that would be cool, please fix that :-)
why not :P
why not :P
you fool; you can't recurse and recurse and recurse !!!recursivity is baaaad don't you know ?? AMIGA CAN'T HANDLE STACK OVERFLOW !!!
I can see forever!
Pouet has the best source of petty amusement, so thumbs up.
Screenshot gets my vote too. Marry me, p01.
Screenshot gets my vote too. Marry me, p01.
Well, thumbs up BUT, there could have been some javascript there...
You are lucky I'm not giving you a
You are lucky I'm not giving you a

Not because I really think so, but to stand out.
started out nice but became wtf near the end:

so here's your piggy.

so here's your piggy.
download link doesn't work ;)
Totally lame prod. It's just a load of ripped graphics from other demos.
yeah, and pathetic "scene poetry"
pouet != scene and scene != pouet
hacked by limp ninja
LOL, that gif is great!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 you are so sick :)
actually in its current state i think this thing could well go as a coop between mandarine and minimalartifact.

uh oh, somebody found out :)
w00t...i didnot knew about this prod :P
good site
omg! I cant find teh download link! plz hlp me!!11
too slow
pouet makes me less productive.
what rmeht said
I'm trying to quit it.
un-scene related
WTF? Recursive promotion? :D
I want a video now!
I want a video now!
don't run here :(
video please
video please
best prod ever.
pouet == internet && internet == pouet :)
This prod prevent me to work too much
a 'must have' prod :)
Goögle alternative :p
Best Pouet ever. For putting my life to higher expectations. For those pleasure heights I eventually reached while grabbing the latest graces of you. You are art. For all those non stop wandering sessions through clear-like-water front end and helpful words that made of me a better man.
Oh yes. Pouet, I soiled your purity with my words and I feel so offending now. I'm on the road to a better life, where I feel my life can change without you. I need to believe that. Not. Forget all my bellyaching. I'm just a fool.
Oh Pouet, I want so badly to merge with you and to become a part of you.
Pouet, I love you. 8->
Oh yes. Pouet, I soiled your purity with my words and I feel so offending now. I'm on the road to a better life, where I feel my life can change without you. I need to believe that. Not. Forget all my bellyaching. I'm just a fool.
Oh Pouet, I want so badly to merge with you and to become a part of you.
Pouet, I love you. 8->
You can also replace the word "Pouet" by "girl" if one day your girlfriend get bored of your addiction. Spell : G-I-R-L-F-R-I-E-N-D

Limp NInja
The best prod ever!
Lacks sound.
turd colorscheme!
binaries please!
they'll be stealing my scene
What zagabourgetlon said.
Forgot the thumb left.
it's just a web-flyby
Why the hell haven't I thought of this before?
From the heart:
From the heart:
not enough blue ;-)
lol, internet
For the preview button.
only piggy because bbcode and unicode doesnt work at oneliner
I'm disappointed. This is no new MySpace.
Thanks to everybody who make it possible :)

C'mon everyone! keep the recursive zoom going!
Post your best 400x300 screencap here!!!!!!!!
for raping my youth :(
Great content but makes me waste much too much of my time. piggy for that ;)
Didn't run on Geforce4MX 440.
pouet gives me a normal needed work speed :D thanx for that.
for stealing my life
+cool music
- stolen pictures
- friggin too big
- downloads shit from tah interweb!
pouet sucks!!!!
- stolen pictures
- friggin too big
- downloads shit from tah interweb!
pouet sucks!!!!
I demand binarys!
join the resistance
only shows a website on windows vista

i feel cheated!
nono.. pouet needs to go down longer.
Demand a faster server.
+ demos and shit
+ random image thread
+ great logos
+ i've found my mother
+ lifeforce, debris and others
- bbs
- sometimes goes down
overall - rulez!
+ random image thread
+ great logos
+ i've found my mother
+ lifeforce, debris and others
- bbs
- sometimes goes down
overall - rulez!
champions !
alltime respect for design functions and effort
recursive screenshot
Graphics are nice but prod size limit was 64 MB. O!nk.
Here's a recursive thumb for all the comments in this thread!
Yeah, I know, self-thumbing sucks...
Yeah, I know, self-thumbing sucks...
could be done in 4K
For giving us the random image thread.
i like this one
hmm. no. some more moderation needed!
shity background >_>;;;
hey virgill, it's free speech at it's best :-)
..but I never want to have a look at those two girls and their cup ever again .. YAK!
..but I never want to have a look at those two girls and their cup ever again .. YAK!
Link is dead, please upload to Rapidshare or Geocities.
The screenshot is a killer :D
great job guys
piggy because some people intend to make others cry.
what nosfe said
Pouet <3
Never thumbed that one up!
nice for its size
fuckings to red scarves for being lame
Music sucks, but the content is awesome! Can't wait for pouët 2.0...
unseen fat(e) : i don't give a shit. show me some of your releases first.. now stop the spamming and please go away.
presentation html page random logotype
trumpets in the background
bunch of flashing 16x16 GIFs anims
no music
random bbs with trolls, epic fails and drama queens
demos with screenshots and comments
origin of the pig
trumpets in the background
bunch of flashing 16x16 GIFs anims
no music
random bbs with trolls, epic fails and drama queens
demos with screenshots and comments
origin of the pig
Lacks direction. Piggie it is!
See also: Port for most other platforms
Cool prod!
But the download link doesn't work :P
But the download link doesn't work :P
Video please.
Where is the youtube link?
for the glops
ATI fix please
All I get is a blue screen. With trumpets.
For being my #1 time waster
just rulez.
downloadlink is broken!!!!
Amiga port!
it's platform indepedent, moron! :P
we can do this??
please add a video version !!
nice 2D oldschool style ...
even the mousewheel scroll effect is doing well ! ^^
even the mousewheel scroll effect is doing well ! ^^
Nice release, here is by the way the sourcecode ;-)
uh the real source code would harbor at least some php tags :p
uh the real source code would harbor at least some php tags :p
if we show also the "code" that generate this madness then we will killed by the staff or chuck norris or in worst case, by klaus kinski.
11 errors and 166 warnings on W3C validator! \o/ :-D \o/
no sound here..
this damn prod turned me into a parttime-troll.
has a lot of BASS !
has a lot of BASS !
not bad, expected bit better from mandarine tho
crash on my vista comp :(
All the text on the one liner seems corrupted...
To creators!
video please
11 errors and 166 warnings on W3C validator! \o/ :-D \o/
Validation is for whimps anyway...
--- insert KEiTO's text here ---
home of the bits
home of the bits
home of the bits
we put pouet.net in your pouet.net, so you can pouet.net while you pouet.net
nice shaders
wtf? download link --> pouet.net??
To much scene poetry

áááááááááá :)
the best scene prod
the best scene prod
DTV plz kthxbye
Wow, I just thumbed down Pouet!
Ooops. Me too.
I want WebGL logos.
Well I think it's cool.
- not realtime
- no sound
- trumpets
- time eater
- not realtime
- no sound
- trumpets
- time eater
this website sucks, it prevents me from working and I don't know why :)
obvious rip of the farbrausch website
no sound on my soundcard :(
Can someone post the soundtrack link? Thanks.

now with 50% more noise! <3
The noise profile was pretty shitty, thanks God it has fallen.
still no final...
+ for the people and the prods on this demopack
- for the people and the prods on this demopack
- for the people and the prods on this demopack
Hey ! There's a VIC20 section :D
Deserve the first place!! ^^;;;;
Should have won.
But when will the first heart come?
+ trumpets
Cool votedisk
Crashes on ATI. And the youtube rip doesn't even use KKapture. Rules anyway, really underated.
Seen it way too many times by now.
There's an odd bug with the FPS, it only does a redraw when I click?!
Like the graphics though!
Like the graphics though!
Rules; evem if i preferred a GUS audio version :)))
<insert shitty recursion joke here>
<insert childish wannabe-error-humor here>
. Done :)
<insert childish wannabe-error-humor here>

needs redesign
sources link is missing
blah blah free glop
hey i use this production daily. actually to be exact im using it right now! how cool is that! ;)
haha, didn't notice before there's yt for pouet!
Great! :D
Lacks sourcecode
Yo dawg, we heard you like Pouet, so we put a pouet in your pouet so you can pouet while you pouet.
It's missing some features you'd expect in 2013, but overall it deserves a thumbs up for the effort!
Pouet ♫♪♥
final plz.
Thumb for 2.0 ;)

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Leaked source is no longer valid for v2.0.
Ultimate demopack!
What? This production suggests human plutonium injections?! It's in the youtube video!
And the screenshot seems to be outdated.
And the screenshot seems to be outdated.
Doesnt work on my 3Dfx Voodoo card.
Does not run on my c64.
this prod rulez [x]
is okay.
Liked the greetings part.
There's no other prod I watch multiple times a day, so thumb up even though its visuals and flow are outdated. Er...olddskool, I mean.
Stolen quite a few hours of my life...
I've contributed code to this! \o/ Maybe like < 1% :P (That BBCode helper bar ...)
too much scene pouetry
best compilation ever
Thumb up for recent improvements :)
Thumb for the Thumb of the Thumbs....did I mention Thumbs. High Level Complaint: Too much Ponies, too less Hyper Hyper
some good fx, but lacks the flow. motivational thumb up!
pouet RULEZ
And yep, im n00b
And yep, im n00b
orginal is better
Is this where I register for the Pouet Platinum account?

Doesn't run on my 8088 16KB RAM.
Long-overdue thumb!
even works with 56k transfer powaaaaa in a reasonable speed.
thanks gargaj <3
music sux, otherwise ok
Nice visual, great content but I'm a little disappointed by the lack of sync.
if i dislike this, does my account get deleted?
jk. pouet mostly rulz
jk. pouet mostly rulz
runs a bit slow on my Electronika BK-0011, anyone got a 1080p youtube link?
Have no sound but quite ok.
and suddenly scene never was the same again
I like it
well, No Gus, no sound ;-)
video capture on YT just sucks, very low-res, I must admit :)
No music, No sfx,Yes demo
20 ans que ça dure. Merci !
It is just a database coming from the demoscene. We use it for the prods.
Oh, how meta.
Scene forever

Demoscene, pouet.net, and you!
nice javascript demopack
OK? Yes!
somebody should add demozoo as a release...
..and this will affect the Demoscene.
Looked amazing on the big screen!
i liek demoos
Pigge for now, to get my thumb make it work on A500+512kb (or Atari ST with 4mb ram).
...just load it all to RAM and start the demo! ;)
submit changes
if this prod is a fake, some info is false or the download link is broken,
do not post about it in the comments, it will get lost.
instead, click here !
also KUDOS to ps and the gloperators.