Chillosophy 3 by Brainstorm [web]
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popularity : 69% |
alltime top: #1162 |
added on the 2008-01-13 16:29:21 by Axel ![]() |
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We invite you to "Fly with Xerxes". One and a half hours of tracked, soothing vibes. Graphics by Mantraz, code by Imbusy. Brainstorm wishes you a great start into the new year! Have fun!
added on the 2008-01-13 16:30:31 by Axel 

Second :)
does that make you cool? :)
keep 'em coming :)
Xerxes rules the house again! Thumbs up!
Brainstorm kicking ass once again. Thanks, you made my day.
Great,as always.
I'm still istening, but as expected, solid atmospheric and melodic grooves from mr xerxes, and lots of it aswell, another nice addition to the Chillosophy collection, congrats :)
Preempetive thumb up!
at least :)
axel sry again for failing to deliver the interface for u know which reasons but heh now i can thumb it up now atleast..:) fucking ace tunes by xerxes.
#4 still planned? =)
#4 still planned? =)
Nice gfx! :)
Pitty the scroller ended so soon already..
Still no full screen fucntion ?
oh yeay the music was nice to! :)
Pitty the scroller ended so soon already..
Still no full screen fucntion ?
oh yeay the music was nice to! :)
+ Nice atmospheric songs
+ Good interface
+ A minimize button
+ Windowed
- CPU usage a bit high sometimes
Great disk guys!
+ Good interface
+ A minimize button
+ Windowed
- CPU usage a bit high sometimes
Great disk guys!
My favourite chillosophy.
cool musicdisk ;=)
don't really like the interface (the graphics are not my cup of tea and I miss the "select songs from a list" feature that was so common back then and nowadays seems to be lacking in almost every music disk) but I totally love the tunes. Very nice to listen to in the background. Great stuff! :)
not really my kind of music, but the interface looks nice.
Great work Brainstorm. ;)
+ gui
+ some tunes are great
thumb up !
+ some tunes are great
thumb up !
ops forgot thumb x_x;;
For my personal taste I prefer fullscreen musicdisks... Also if you nowadays could not call them disk ;) Meaning of such prods is the music and here Xerxes did a great job-- THX ! The graphic with effect in Directives rocks... Finally THUMB up !
Sorry... Once again...
There's some problem with the replaying here on my pc... the sound is too loud and I get a lot of clicks and noise :|
this one came by surprise, considering the fact that xerxes didn't want to track anymore. :)
this one came by surprise, considering the fact that xerxes didn't want to track anymore. :)
As Serpent said, that Xerxes dude is from outer space... Unbelievable output!
Very nice production and thanks for the greetings, Archmage&Pride.
Very nice production and thanks for the greetings, Archmage&Pride.
xerxes. :) however, interface seems to be a bit buggy (track 23 = track 25, first track says "1 of 23")
thewolfthethug, i guess you're wrong about the tracking stuff, xerxes is still tracking (and he's even more tracking if you consider Renoise as tracking aswell :D) and he's participating in OHCs all the time.
thewolfthethug, i guess you're wrong about the tracking stuff, xerxes is still tracking (and he's even more tracking if you consider Renoise as tracking aswell :D) and he's participating in OHCs all the time.
Yup, Saga's right about the tracks. Fix please :) Anyway, great muzakk!
Atmospheric, melodic music. Me likey :)
Thank you X. for this great listening experience! You geeeeeek!
you're right, guys. Will fix the stuff asap
Really good. The interface is nice and the mist effect at the bottom is a nice touch. The music is outstanding and a real pleasure to listen to!
should be fixed now. thanks for having pointed it out to us.
Really nice to see a musicdisk with modules now adays. Really nice music!!!
You are on the list.
You are on the list.
xerxes, please send trax to Hugi,Pain,Zine...etc Your style SOOO fits as background music......really awsome trax I must say again :)
just soo beautiful. <3
woot, more chillosophy.
nice gfx, really great tunes
nice gfx, really great tunes
are these actually 25 brand new unreleased modules? xerxes, you're a machine!
yes...and yes. :)
Very nice! I really love this series. Thanks to Xerxes and Axel for keeping them coming. The music is superb. The gfx is well made. Yay!
Fantastic. It puts me into some kind of energetic trance where I just keep going... very bad for my bedtimes. :)
thanks for the greet, Axel. Nice prod.
Ace music!! gfx are not as good as in the previouse once but still realy cool. And to quote the rest in here: Please keep em comming!
You're coming to BP? Then let's share some alcohol.
Hah, I was working in Wolfenbüttel, the hometown of Jägermeister :)
oh and eh
Nice stuff.
No problem, you can pay with some of those beautiful Xerxes Thongs :D
No problem, you can pay with some of those beautiful Xerxes Thongs :D
Musically the best part of the Chillosophy series, but I still don't like the navigation wheel which seems to be copied from the MMD3 skin for WinAmp. Some small effects in the background would have been nice.
Great looking interface, and although i've only listened to a couple of tracks so far they're clearly going to be top notch.
Will the thongs be available at any parties, and will you be signing them? ;D
Will the thongs be available at any parties, and will you be signing them? ;D
I suppose, only while you are wearing them, hehe :)
Xerxes: You should sign those thongs at Breakpoint indeed. lol
Also, can any Pouet admin replace the nfo-file with the one from the zipfile? I screwed up in that regard and uploaded the wrong one.
Also, can any Pouet admin replace the nfo-file with the one from the zipfile? I screwed up in that regard and uploaded the wrong one.
xrs, i can't see how BASS would play them wrong but XMPlay correctly. maybe some setting?
xerxes: I don't know what you meant by spiraling effect in Spin Around (track #9), but bass rotates around me! Usually clockwise, but with some imagination counter-clockwise.
as always, xerxes :) really nice :D
Singular sines is definitely screwed up.
Also, there's still a bug in the scrolltext (see screenshot)
Other than that it gives a nice background ambience.
Fixed the nfo.
Also, there's still a bug in the scrolltext (see screenshot)
Other than that it gives a nice background ambience.
Fixed the nfo.
thanks, hitch!
Axel: Is there a subtle reason why you greeted Rebels twice (in the .nfo)? Maybe you feel guilty because there wasn't any personal words from you in the scroller? Well, we have to discuss this at the father's table. Probably I can come up with some great news there, too :)
..father's table where in one hour all the daddies are under it
lol Chromag: official reasaon: I love you guys so much.
inofficial reason: I rushed the greetings a bit so it's an oversight. Oh well.
inofficial reason: I rushed the greetings a bit so it's an oversight. Oh well.
Hehe, Serpent, didn't know you are a father, too :)
:P No Chromag, we childless dance on the table all night long with countless beerbottles in our hands and hoes twisting their oiled bodies at our feet
Wearing X's thongs I suppose...
Anyway, this music is sooo nice! [/spam mode off]
Anyway, this music is sooo nice! [/spam mode off]
very enjoyable!
Hi Axel, talking about the greetings, you forgot the - between nah and kolor
but thats ok I will work on our greetings NFO tonite so it wont be rushed :)
but thats ok I will work on our greetings NFO tonite so it wont be rushed :)
and still without any interaction with user... crappy gfx... tracks are good. - what i remember about chillosophy series is that - in every single part there was crappy graphics. :( really ugly & boring gui, needs some variations and using ultra blured brushes sucks... next time i hope you will add some simple "push the button" action... if you know what i mean.
wonderful music, perfect for winter even - i am sure those songs will be played here as often as previous chillosophy editions. thanks for the great disk!
very enjoyable Disc... Great Tunes :)
chromge, what news? another child ?? :D
Very nice and relaxing tunes... listening to them at work right now :)
wie8: demos for effects. musicdisks for music!
and this one is just good! thumb up.
and this one is just good! thumb up.
Virgill: Hopefully!
I like the tunes as I'm generally quite fond of chill out music. Interface is very desktop/system convenient. So perfect for background listening at work.
good disc, but all songs together are to monoton to me. perhaps more different musicians would change this next time.
also prefered to use xmplay than this gui. hm so its ok, because of the songs.
also prefered to use xmplay than this gui. hm so its ok, because of the songs.
very nice!
´the upper hand´ is nice! what about some animated buttons ;)
best chillosophony yet! much, much better than #2.. Lovely effects in flowing interface. Good track order. Nice one
What wie8 and lamb said. Which translates to: GUI sucks but the music is great so here goes my thumb! :)
I only listened to the music and not use the program. Nice tunes.
quality release but the tunes are so mellow that i'm going for third coffe this morning
What antdude said
if you wanna here more buy this one...
cover art looks cool to!
if you wanna here more buy this one...
cover art looks cool to!
Very nice overall, great graphics (except the logo which I didn't like so much), but the music is absolutely superb!
Can I download the mp3s anywhere? I'd love to have them playing in my car.
Can I download the mp3s anywhere? I'd love to have them playing in my car.
very nice. I enjoyed x)
good one
xerxes: I'm currently listening to your track "slide" from the "xerxes for dummies" album.. big <3 for that! you are really talented!
anyone who's reading this: be sure to check out his mp3 releases!
anyone who's reading this: be sure to check out his mp3 releases!
Xerxes!!! thanks a lot for maintain the module scene alive. Tunes rocks!
easy listening
what rarefluid said.
[+] chillosophy fan
[+] love the gfx theme
[+] chillosophy fan
[+] love the gfx theme
Love it. Nice one Xerxes!
thanx :))
Great atmospheric songs.
can't download
SofT_MANiAC: you're so fucking stupid that i lack words for it...
and yeah. there's some heavy traffic on the untergrund server atm...
and yeah. there's some heavy traffic on the untergrund server atm...
dunno.. on the other hand there are many great songs, but for me it feels like that xerxes is somehow repeating himself in this volume. many of the tunes have the exact same mood as some previous ones, and while this is not necessarily a bad thing, the repetition is just too much if you compare all the chillosophies. tho being a (tracker) musician i understand the size limitations a musickdisk poses in regards to the stuff you can do sample-wise.. so i guess piggie this is, despite some kick ass-tunes like singular sines and thematics.
Nice work xrs! I really love your music... Relaxing...
I have no words for describe it...
Anyway, this product deserves a thumb up!
Keep up the good work xrs!
I have no words for describe it...
Anyway, this product deserves a thumb up!
Keep up the good work xrs!
Xerxes never fails
I love it!
good vibrations
i could thup this just from the name
xerxes rulez!
Still my favourite musicdisk of all time :)
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