A Significant Deformation Near The Cranium by Kewlers [web]
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popularity : 76% |
alltime top: #161 |
added on the 2003-08-10 13:50:38 by tomaes ![]() |
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pretty nice ans stylish kewlers demo. the soundtrack (from little bitchard) rocks.
rulez added on the 2003-08-10 14:01:32 by sobec 

hmm.. the download link points to fr-031.. should really be fixed.
the soundtrack alone deserves a thumbs up.
the soundtrack alone deserves a thumbs up.
A good demo, the soundtrack is really original, and the rendering very nice. Respect.
Salvador Dali in 3d? Very original.
respect for the dali.
as usual, soudtrack rocks! little bitchard for president!
DashNo is the Visualice ripper nick? ;) 3D Dali stuff, where are the elephants? where are the clocks?
But i prefer kewlers without visualice :P
DashNo is the Visualice ripper nick? ;) 3D Dali stuff, where are the elephants? where are the clocks?
But i prefer kewlers without visualice :P
Ups, fukked up the d/l link. Already mailed the webmaster to correct it.
Well, yes, the demo is good. But I have to admit, I expected it to be a tad better. ;)
Well, yes, the demo is good. But I have to admit, I expected it to be a tad better. ;)
this rocks. and afaik dashno is visualice. :)
I 'm just fed up now ! Is it Assembly or Haujobbly 2003 ?
Visualice isn't a member of Haujobb anymore.
Nice demo.
Nice demo.
"DashNo, a.k.a. Salvador Dali of demoscene" - if that´s a "secret identity" it is just as inconspicuous as clark kent taking off his glasses ;)
great demo with an absolutely kicking soundtrack (the ending is outofthisworldcool!).
great demo with an absolutely kicking soundtrack (the ending is outofthisworldcool!).
Didn't push my Daliesque buttons.
I liked the 3d rendition of Dali's "Exploding Raphaelesque Head", but I think this demo had the potential to be much better. As Trace said, it needed more Dali themes like Elephants on stilts and clocks etc.
But still worth a vote for being a very good demo.
But still worth a vote for being a very good demo.
great, althought i was little disappointed
incredibly moving athmosphere. would have been a worthy winner.
My personal winner. Audio & visuals are perfect!
My personal winner. Audio & visuals are perfect!
Clearly the best demo from kewlers so far. Simple, but not shitty music.
btw, i prefer visualice with kewlers, but as i said, i prefer kewlers without visualice ^^
Nice demo, but I like kewlers without visualice much more.
Didn't like it too much, maybe I wasn't seeing what I should be (Radeon 9800). Great music, tho
I was stunned. I shall watch many times again today.
absolutely big out of the mind kicking music.
great demo, atmosphere is fantastic! my favourite from assembly.
** and yes it´s true, the rumors you heard:
we sent out visualize virus to infect other groups. but we are immune now. and there is no cure for you! haujobb healthy 100%
great demo, atmosphere is fantastic! my favourite from assembly.
** and yes it´s true, the rumors you heard:
we sent out visualize virus to infect other groups. but we are immune now. and there is no cure for you! haujobb healthy 100%
Poah, farking sexy. Kewlers manage to produce something NEW and sexy unless other groups. And it's music is KICK ASS!!! rooaaaa
I don't like Dali. But the demo kicks anyway. Drown the paintings, this is better.
Oh, and the music is just awesome.
Oh, and the music is just awesome.
Damn good, as always, from Kewlers kewl krew !
I thought one finnish graphician gone ape on Dali was plenty, thanks.
Pretty cool demo, only at the beginning (screenshot) quite slow. The desert part rocks!
Not so good to be favorit of my. good good art.
Man, the music was heaaaavy. Reminded me of Boom Boom Satellites. Great artwork. This rocks. :)
more on the 'traditional demo design'-side. very atmospheric.
a kickass demo - very cool soundtrack and some pretty cool scenes.
a very nice demo from kewlers : should have been in the top 3. i do not understand why kewlers demo are ranked so low nowdays. they deserve a better jugement. At least they get my full respect.
Question : Is visulice the only grphician on earth ? Is haujobb dead now he has gone
Question : Is visulice the only grphician on earth ? Is haujobb dead now he has gone
Visualice world domination!
And yes, this was so sweet!!
And yes, this was so sweet!!
K.E.W.L.E.R.S...R.O.X.X... Salvador Dali animated. I'm happy. ;)
c'est magnifique.
sorry kimmo... it's still good though
A spectacular demo by Kewlers that could have ranked higher. The music is incredibly good, the graphics and the whole design is nicely polished.
I thought this was okay. The first bit seemed quite 'empty.' Would've liked to have seen more Dali-esque 3D.
Great production! Artwork is some of the best I've seen yet, tune rulez :) More please!
Visualice for president !! Reminds me of some dali stuff though, but thats not a bad thing. Beats legomen any day!
Perhapos the best Kolor demo ever!
kb: word!
haha, it does taste of visu doing kolor style indeed, strangely enough.
a very beatiful demo.
some visual effect was good.
music style was good.
some visual effect was good.
music style was good.
kb_: haha, i was thinking the same thing.
There are three problems in this demo: your dunes suck, the starting part is ugly and there are some big noses. Otherwise an excellent demo and my favourite from asm03.
interesting. i also had this kolor-impression... and then the cool part started :)
godamn.. this rules so much!! great!
this is splendid, original and well done.
nice to see kewlers doing each time something different.
btw, something very annoying with it on my laptop : the audio is skipping all the time, can you compile a version that uses a larger audio buffer to avoid the underruns ?
nice to see kewlers doing each time something different.
btw, something very annoying with it on my laptop : the audio is skipping all the time, can you compile a version that uses a larger audio buffer to avoid the underruns ?
Powerful music, with damn cool visuals. It`s great.
should have been fighting for first place with ix.
loved the models, the camera and the music.
minor annoyance: the particles forming the text in the beginning do not look to good.
should have been fighting for first place with ix.
loved the models, the camera and the music.
minor annoyance: the particles forming the text in the beginning do not look to good.
influenced by Salvador Dahli! I love surrealism!
so fine
Honestly, it's my personal winner of the demo compo, it's got great visuals, very Dali-like style and a fantastic soundtrack
Honestly, it's my personal winner of the demo compo, it's got great visuals, very Dali-like style and a fantastic soundtrack
This demo succeeds on multiple levels, because it's an excellent demo on its own, and on another, it has likely encouraged many people to go out and learn about the unique works (and mind) of Dali. Kewlers shows once again that they're not just a one-trick pony, and have not piggybacked on the success or style of Variform. Instead, they've continued to produce some truly cool and standout demos. Great work.
Demosoundtrack of the year. Just amazing. Keep up the good work.
really fantastic
This one didn't impress me at all in the compo, maybe because of the bad screen.. After watching this at home I can say that it rocks. Nice idea, great execution, kickass atmosphere and music. Some parts could've been less static, but then again if the aim was to bring paintings to 3D.. Also a bit too visualice'ish gfx here and there, but what can you do ;)
An artistic masterpiece, so nice design...
you are very good
Very-very good! I liked it very much. Thanks, guys!
interesting... near to be boring cause it's a simple flybye
all said by hopper and Slumgud :
Honestly, it's my personal winner of the demo compo, it's got great visuals, very Dali-like style and a fantastic soundtrack
Slumgud :
Demosoundtrack of the year. Just amazing. Keep up the good work.
Honestly, it's my personal winner of the demo compo, it's got great visuals, very Dali-like style and a fantastic soundtrack
Slumgud :
Demosoundtrack of the year. Just amazing. Keep up the good work.
im looking forward to a review at the two headed squirrel :)
The distorted end part of the soundtrack deserves a couple of thumbsups!!!
best demo from assembly! great graphics, great effects, great transitions and flow, AND! the.. soundtrack.. rocks.. so.. massively! :)
Fucking awesome prod... I love it!
a great demo.
the music rulez, the fx too
Dare I say this demo will be demo of the year? Everything about it is top notch, and this demo again proves that you don't have to reduce your work to pure abstraction to wow an audience. The modelling and dali influence is apparent throughout, and the soundtrack is one of the greatest [again, non cliche] i've heard this year as well...
I heart Kewlers.
I heart Kewlers.
lots of thumbs got lost...
I liked it. Enough to watch it a couple times. Looks pretty in high rez.
I love Dali's art. This was a great demo, I can't figure out why it didn't get higher than sixth. Hell, I thought Variform should have taken first at ASM02...
fu***ng superb! Yeah, yeah, yeah... wow
Hunsvotti, this probably got rated only sixth because like many other demos, it looked like crap on Asm's crappy screen. Dunno about you others, but I only noticed what a great prod this was when watching it at home.
Unbelievable !!
the scenes were right on target with the music.
I have the soundtrack but it's 46.0MB yikes
the scenes were right on target with the music.
I have the soundtrack but it's 46.0MB yikes
one thumb up.
nice demo. very impressive art.
nice demo. very impressive art.
rotfl, mike you made my day! :)
fucking demo!!, absolutely ROCKS
This year's best demo so far and the soundtrack... WOW!!! Two thumbs up!
mike.. where do you have the soundtrack from? This music is impressive..!

Superb prod from Kewlers!
Just watched again, and I have to say:
The soundtrack seriously owns me.
The soundtrack seriously owns me.

Not quite my cup of tea, but well done.
BTW, it ran nice and smooth on Radeon8500 without setting "Shitty Radeon". AFAIK ATI has accelerated glCopyTexSubImage2D() (as well as WGL_ARB_render_texture) for a long time now :-)
BTW, it ran nice and smooth on Radeon8500 without setting "Shitty Radeon". AFAIK ATI has accelerated glCopyTexSubImage2D() (as well as WGL_ARB_render_texture) for a long time now :-)
The review over at THS just saved me from missing one of the most excellent demos from 2003. The "group with the dumbest name in the entire scene" (THS) really rocked the house here!! Good stuff, must-have D/L!
Extra special thumb-up for the guts to use a Jesus figure in a demo. Beautiful code, beautiful graphics (hey, I don't hate Visualice anymore) and most of all, beautiful music.
"for the guts to use a jesus figure in a demo"?
that scene is (like pretty much everything in the demo) from a dali painting, "corpus hypercubus". anyway, i don't see much provocation or controversy in just *having* a jesus figure. :)
that scene is (like pretty much everything in the demo) from a dali painting, "corpus hypercubus". anyway, i don't see much provocation or controversy in just *having* a jesus figure. :)
But you have to admit that religious symbology seems quite absent from demos. In my opinion having a Jesus is much better than having a rotating haujobbthingamajic and thus worth mentioning. I agree it's not something that would cause controversy, but still..
Ah, I have to read my Dali book again, I only recognized two paintings :(
Ah, I have to read my Dali book again, I only recognized two paintings :(
dali had his "spiritual" period. He made some
paintings with atleast Jesus/maria...
paintings with atleast Jesus/maria...
Wow! That is what I call 'art'.
great atmosphere...visuals and sound fits perfect!
well, the soundtrack was pretty good, and I really enjoyed the visuals... Overall better than Ix imho.
This demo roxx! Only code is little slow...
Stunning! More!
very nice
keep working together with visualice!
this rocks
this rocks
rocks! the soundtrack is AWESOME!
i envy little bitchard for being able to write such an outstanding soundtrack.
totally blew my mind, same goes for the visuals. this is certainly in the top5 of my all time favourites. OMG³
totally blew my mind, same goes for the visuals. this is certainly in the top5 of my all time favourites. OMG³
Kewlers got style. Especially liked that boulder with a human face. Great design. And Little bitchards soundtrack alone deserves thumbs up.
This one deserve the "best demo" category on "scene awards 2003" rather than moppy's shit. Very-very good music and well done visual quality. Absolutly !
Oh, I forgot to add: The soundtrack rocks, of course.
well nice one
i must admit that this thingie is a sweetie, ..
It ran at <1 FPS on my machine - I'm too lazy to post the stats, but this is a good computer and it has no trouble with most recent demos.
Awesome. Needs more feces, but I'm sure Dali would have liked it.
Such a great thing. One of my favs from ASM03
so great, especially the music
it's got style
fucking great
tck42: did you say more it needs more feces??
a significant deformation in the bassline !
(hey, my thumb was eaten by pouet !?)
(hey, my thumb was eaten by pouet !?)
it inspires me very much. I watch it often when I'm tired of thinking :)
kb si teh rulez
hmm, didn't thumb this up yet. can't believe it only got 6th place. the other demos must of fucking ruled.
Very Kewl!
geil und style !
A Significant Deformation Near The Bollocks
Little Bitchard Rocks.
Little Bitchard Rocks.
Yesss, awesome.
yeah, this one is really good
best soundtrack ever. Dali rox too.. well done :)
by any chance is this soundtrack for sale on CD any place?? Reminds me of Ozric Tentacles
a production well deserving of the kewlers name. rulz!
now my head hurts
now my head hurts
great soundtrack, and gfx, and effects
Mthrfckrs! You've sold your souls to Mephisto to be able to influence people THAT WAY! Find some more innocent hearts for payment, to make it last longer. Your teeth have broken the rotting cratch under my useless cranium...
Kewlers and their very own style.
Bombing soundtrack.
Bombing soundtrack.
rulez !
This is simply an amazing composition.
Partly nVidia 3DStereo compatible!
Nice production, especially the second half is some kind of art. Damn, I love the soundtrack, there can't be enough analog sequences... this is the second soundtrack after variform I adore from LB. Give me a third and I want a starcutposter and a autogram ;)
perfect demo.
The mood remembers a lot the one in Kolor's demo De Profundis.
The music is granitic. Nice the reference to Dalì.
The music is granitic. Nice the reference to Dalì.
Not the best by Kewlers. The desert scene was not good, especially textures and intersection between dunes. But the later parts were good. Some of the objects/effect are inspired by artwork by Dali and Escher. Nicely done.
They did it again ! Great 2d art here and some great music. Effects are nicely supporting the atmosphere.
wonderful atmosphere!
Of course!!!
i just dont see what all the fuss is about. i thought it was slow with average fx. i also didn't think the music was all that innovative.
could be worse, so piggy.
could be worse, so piggy.
Kick ass! Great stuff here from kewlers. Wonderful tune and great atmosphere.
Good production, nice atmosphere, music simply rocks!
fantastic soundtrack. excellent prod.
Seeing this on the big screen for the first time I was left rather unimpressed. Somehow the lens flares & the torso just made it feel more of the same old and having Kewlers set their standard so insanely high with Variform didn't help either.
I really loved the soundtrack even then, though. Just like most of Little Bitchard's stuff. The demo has now grown on me with a few watches and while I can't say it is as good as Variform I have begun to appreciate the pure style and would probably vote differently now. (not that it would help much, asm03 results are seriously fucked up in my opinion)
Not the strongest thumb I've given but still well worth anyone's while.
I really loved the soundtrack even then, though. Just like most of Little Bitchard's stuff. The demo has now grown on me with a few watches and while I can't say it is as good as Variform I have begun to appreciate the pure style and would probably vote differently now. (not that it would help much, asm03 results are seriously fucked up in my opinion)
Not the strongest thumb I've given but still well worth anyone's while.
<img src="http://www.pouet.net/gfx/titles/coupdecoeur.gif">
a incredible surrealistic show. my new favorite
a incredible surrealistic show. my new favorite
Beautiful Demo with Superb soundtrack
Very good stuff!
my favourite!
excellent peace of excellency
Nice Dali-demo, but crashed bigtime at the end.
Very good soundtrack :)
Very good soundtrack :)
Great atmopshere this one is breathing!
nice 2d graphics also..
Music fits to.. My thump it got..
nice 2d graphics also..
Music fits to.. My thump it got..
incredible!!! great art work & sound! superb!
wonderful production. mess-age.
the music matches the demo really nicely
One of the few demos which can be considered "art", really love it!
Good. But it was quite slow on my AMD k6 500MHz, gf2 back in 2003 (or 04 - don't remember) ;)
The best in this production is definately the soundtrack - Little Bitchard is famous with good reason, would you believe? (Oh, btw: I think I know where aMusic picked up inspiration when making the soundtrack for "Animal Attraction") ;)
Definitely a good one under the best! Thanks for making such a brilliant piece of art!
cool. great 2d artwork!
Im a late voter
"We Cell" disgusted me.
But this makes up for it, and more.
You guys have some serious balls to use Jesus in a demo, and I thank you all for doing so; as its far too absent in demos these days, and you got a way to fit it perfectly with the rest of the demo.
Thanks for the best soundtrack I've ever heard in a demo aswell :)
But this makes up for it, and more.
You guys have some serious balls to use Jesus in a demo, and I thank you all for doing so; as its far too absent in demos these days, and you got a way to fit it perfectly with the rest of the demo.
Thanks for the best soundtrack I've ever heard in a demo aswell :)
best overall graphics concept i have seen so far in a demo
Stylish background scenes
Hmm, thumb up is missing from me.
The music is fantastic!
The music is fantastic!
I wonder... Was this one influenced by "Destino" by Walt Disney+Dali? I saw Destino for first time today, and I found interesting that it was released in 2003 too.
Brilliant! The desing is great, and the 2D graphics is beautiful!
Outstanding experience. Watch it several times to see how it gets stronger everytime.
I especially love the last part, with the brain radiating energy... And the music is awesome. Gosh, THIS is demomaking !
I especially love the last part, with the brain radiating energy... And the music is awesome. Gosh, THIS is demomaking !
missing thumb. rulez, of course
awesome soundtrack! i really love this demo.
awesome soundtrack! i really love this demo.
rock solid !
I don't know why but I think this is one of the worse kewlers demo ever. But it's still a good demo :)
Nice overall direction and amazing music and 2D art.
Wow... VERY awesome!!
I'm not the fastest voter under the sun.. but here you go! :)
i appreciate the effort of getting better in comparison to earlier demos, but i just cant help it: all those noise and flickering and stuff just gives me sort of eye cancer. watching this stuff is not easy, not pleasing for me, it just annoys me. but piggy for the music anyway.
Cool for realtime but not my type :(
nice ambience but its quite boring
Artsy and with a *massive* soundtrack
All time favourite soundtrack for a scene production. Massive is the best way to describe it. Downloading it again now that I have a video card that can probably handle that shit.
not my favorite, but good nonetheless. definitely a thumb.
Sweet prod, wasn't expecting this from kewlers. :) Loooove the music.
all-time favourite ofcoz!
but crawlz down to 12fps most of the demotime on my demobox /w vista³² duo2core ! gotta recheck when i have some xp again!
could be its because it uses just one core...dunno!
but crawlz down to 12fps most of the demotime on my demobox /w vista³² duo2core ! gotta recheck when i have some xp again!
could be its because it uses just one core...dunno!
Of my favorites... :)
Also, the capped.tv link leads to a different demo.
Also, the capped.tv link leads to a different demo.
tits and cubes.
There were so many beautiful things about this demo. Beatiful modelling, colours, environments, the soundtrack is awesome... It's so completely surrealistic. Awesome :D!
Only lacks singing by Maynard James Keenan, however I find that extremely far fetched. ;)
Thumb goes up.
Thumb goes up.
\o/ the 2D + music was mindblowing, 3D was okay (guess it was more impressive in 2003)
old fav
Never managed to give me any kicks.
the soundtrack alone deserves two thumb ups! (the 2d gfx too)
woah very artistic, wholly consistent, nice ride.
very old, but i like.. very old.. =)
Kewl muzak and graffax
Very good!
how come there r so many awesome old demos i love that i've never thumbed here?...
realtime Dali :)
for some reason i didn't like it when i saw it for the first time, but after all these years i finally do
really got me ever since... never knew visualice was involved in this. but ok, one more reason to thumb it up :)
Probably one of the best demos I've seen for ages! Fascinating in all its aspects.
A significant excellent demo!
what a visual storm.
Dali, look!
Wow how have I not thumbed this one up yet?
good question
yeah, how??
yes, this needs more thumbs!
A child of its time, and a good one. It really needed less flares and more filter since it's somehow unable to set antialiasing, but I liked it.
Awesome! Has aged very well IMHO, it's still a great-looking and -sounding atmospheric ride that really gets you. Outstanding!
Great tune, good engine, unpleasant visuals. Overall meh.
the soundtrack alone deserves a thumbs up.
really great, forgot to thumb up
Missing thumb.
Ace soundtrack, visuals seem rather random at times.
grande! excellent and powerful soundtrack, really great
Ruling music, don't see anything great about the rest of it though
one of the best, though its not so good
Beautiful and powerful
what others said
Great music. Good stuff.
Salvador Dalí rules!
Salvador Dalí rules!
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