Scoopex Remake by Surprise!Productions [web]
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popularity : 66% |
alltime top: #46754 |
added on the 2007-05-04 19:35:22 by elkmoose ![]() |
popularity helper
so for what program is this cracktro for?
added on the 2007-05-04 20:22:12 by waffle 

scoopex are deeeeeeaaaad!
looks ugly in the screenshot + speedshare
dei mudda sei gsicht is more ughly
Scoopex is not dead
legend never die :)
Scoopex Generation Ahead
legend never die :)
Scoopex Generation Ahead
for the download link
kinda sucks, but i support you in your weak times and hope for a speedy recovery :)
For fuck's sake.
poopsex is deaTH!1111!
Whats wrong with this? Nice remake...
WOW! The effects are AMAZING for 2007!!!
Oh wai-
Oh wai-
i guess this is reason why OLDSCHOOL type prods are not popular here :(
they just get 'sucks' ratings...
fuck speedshit
i like the logo. never had an amiga or c64 to watch this so the win 32/pc is nice for me
Nice conversion.
hello guys, sorry, but this remake intro was not going to be posted here. it was made for a oldskool amiga compo for the dbf&gvy forum, the aim is to convert a amiga intro which is also on to win32 ;)
what's the point ?
TMB... happy to thumb down debris, then add this. oh well... :)
oh wait, he didn't thumb down debris. on the other hand, he did down thumb something the other day for a moronic reason, which made me angry. also, this is rubbish.
why you dont even have proper hosting?
just added this here to piss you fucky winers off, and succeeded quite excellent! you guy gave me a big smile on my face! thanks :D
I'm pretty sure no one was pissed off, everyone just ignored this lame shit.
I second waffle and guardian
it's a honest remake, but why isn't it smooth?
lol :)
its actually quite smooth here and ok remake imo
dei mudda is dei vadda, speedshare... leute was habt ihr für stöcke im arsch? :D
[/img][/img] [/img][/img] [/img][/img] [/img][/img] [/img][/img] [/img][/img] Thanks for the memories.
Just because it`s oldskool i must thumb it up...nah
when will you people learn?
bull, did not you vote?
bull, did not you vote?
btw: leave the, they did a remake, so WHAT? most of the current scene stuff are remakes in some "cover"
btw: leave the, they did a remake, so WHAT? most of the current scene stuff are remakes in some "cover"
no mercy
isnt a remake an improvement over the original? this is a conversion ;(
also, ask coax to write your scrolltext!
looks like this chooses to use 640x480x75Hz screenmode, so its not smooth on 60Hz TFT screen. I guess Scoopex is still living those CRT times...
anyone know how to disable those non-60Hz screenmodes on Nvidia drivers? :)
anyone know how to disable those non-60Hz screenmodes on Nvidia drivers? :)
Afaik, Scoopex has better intro's to remake...
Also get some proper hosting.
Also get some proper hosting.
this was a rancid pile of horseshit! but i like TMB's attitude, so thumb-up.

maali: when will you program do a 3d or be a real activist for demo making instead of holding this degree: Arse Licker :D and a massive geekie pouet lover :D?
CoaXCable: if you can't speak English properly, please, stfu.
another goat? speaks. since when are you my english teacher and where is the "demoscene love" this we all see, hear and know that demoscene has died. at least since the days i was on irc <from 1996>. people look at the texts/writing instead of the real doing. even this threads are cukeir than they used to be. and you nag about hugi's articles..oh they're not demoscene and here we find you do more shit than you have or had to do as "demosceners". draft..boy! i dont know you and you dont know me. pleasem go to hell :D virtually. and get maali to lick your balls, too or lets keep it..lick mine. every time he has to say something about typing/writing/printing..and BTW, i do need a simple texture made by a terra generator proggie :D :D for hugi as he makes!
Cool remake
stefan=draft :<?
" when will you people learn?
[sucks] added on the 2007-05-05 by bhead "
who will learn, bhead?: the original amiga cracktro was released on the: 15.2.1990
this is only a 1:1 remake from the amiga, for the dbf&gvy compo. the aim was to be do a remake from the amiga, and the intro has to be online on i dont understand the flames here, sorry, no.
[sucks] added on the 2007-05-05 by bhead "
who will learn, bhead?: the original amiga cracktro was released on the: 15.2.1990
this is only a 1:1 remake from the amiga, for the dbf&gvy compo. the aim was to be do a remake from the amiga, and the intro has to be online on i dont understand the flames here, sorry, no.
i second nuke... cant understand the downthumbs... but tmb... wtf is wrong with you, why do you choose speedshare for sharing this, and why do you add it here??? for some "Whiners" ???? LOL.... i think you had a bad day
Hey, your scroller is jerking! With such a hightech equipment it should be possible to visualize a scrooler that runs in a smooth manner. That was already possible in the 80s! ;-) If it's possible with 7,09 MHz and less, it should be with high end gfx cards and thousand times more power, or not?
Is today the first of April, I wonder? You guys must be making a joke?! Adding this production by using a fake account is clever. To put it on speedshare is priceless. Tmb, I'm seriously afraid, is everything okay?
Is today the first of April, I wonder? You guys must be making a joke?! Adding this production by using a fake account is clever. To put it on speedshare is priceless. Tmb, I'm seriously afraid, is everything okay?
Also I ask myself if that's the promised intro with which you guys announced to kick Farbrausch from their throne. Many S!P members spoke in various irc channels about a production that should show the leaders of the scene where the hammer is hanging. Well, that's not the place of the hammer, that far is sure.
Hey, seriously: it's already May, it's a bit too late for April gags!
Hey, seriously: it's already May, it's a bit too late for April gags!
gangbang ghandy is in the hood.
ghandy: " took lsd?" :P
this is not a fake account at all
Axel Du schwule Sau :)
as on ghandy´s lsd trip and Axel is schwul, iam out :D
lol. Am I not allowed to dislike the prod? I didn't flame you, I only don't like this prod. However, I'd love to see a remake of Seven Sins or Mental Hangover, bastards. :)
A stylish remake of Mental Hangover could be nice indeed.
Nuke:I usually only take coffee as drug. Make a decent production and then you must not be afraid of negative comments, that't all I can say.
I have no problem with you, your group, just with this prod.
Tmb: So you renamed yourself before you did add this production? Nice idea! You will perfectly know yourself why. hehe
A stylish remake of Mental Hangover would be very cool! good idea!
I have no problem with you, your group, just with this prod.
Tmb: So you renamed yourself before you did add this production? Nice idea! You will perfectly know yourself why. hehe
A stylish remake of Mental Hangover would be very cool! good idea!
port it to the breadbox or the ST, VIC20, Oric or
other funky hardware but Win-PC....for the luv of god, this thing has been already ported to Flash, AFAIK !
other funky hardware but Win-PC....for the luv of god, this thing has been already ported to Flash, AFAIK !
Stop yelling at someone everytime a thumb down is made dudes, please, that won't arrange the situation. And it's not because friend of yours thumb your prod down that they got something against you, just against your prod, it's fair.
uhm, i don't get it?
nothing against conversions or remakes, but they should work properly on this kinda hardware.
What Premium said, and ... if it's already on flashtro - why bother?
worst oldschool votegrabbing shit seen in donkey's years.
so all tristar lamers like am-fm now took over s!p? thank you vulgar little s!crap creatures for dragging the scoopex name through the mud.
so all tristar lamers like am-fm now took over s!p? thank you vulgar little s!crap creatures for dragging the scoopex name through the mud.
@arm: you should know that i fucked your mother :)
I love the very end of the executable:
so you basically took this and "modded" it? :D
so you basically took this and "modded" it? :D
lollerskates :) but i dont wanna accuse, maybe he coded it dunno..
gargaj: no, they warezed that!
scoopex is death
dubmood is alive
Apart from the regrettable fact that tmb still hasn't quit either the scene or this very planet, I must say that this intro at least sucked 1000 times less than most other failed attempts at porting A500 prods to multi-GHz machines. Pigface.
Nuke:I usually only take coffee as drug. Make a decent production and then you must not be afraid of negative comments, that't all I can say.
I have no problem with you, your group, just with this prod.
ghandy: i dont know you, but of your typings you must be a big kind of lamer. posting shit here you read "somewhere" and blabla is not the way :) and its not on this production.Its generally! when you got a problem please private msg me. and dont post it public!
I have no problem with you, your group, just with this prod.
ghandy: i dont know you, but of your typings you must be a big kind of lamer. posting shit here you read "somewhere" and blabla is not the way :) and its not on this production.Its generally! when you got a problem please private msg me. and dont post it public!
what kb_ said
Which lamers you are talking about? The lamers still alive in tristar... the coolios leave tristar... you should join TRS... ask ami, he will love you... in his community are a lot of lamers... (without meaning ciclope... this boy is cool but he just waste his time there)
so STFU noob.
so STFU noob.
daxx you learned nothing. don´t drink and post in pouet ! and if A L L of us remind right here... you said some months before
"the scene is death"
Lame is only how you act. you may create 1000 logos for Pouet, you may also create 1000 Tracks for somebody but you won´t get the honor as long as you flame and akt like a fool...
visit a Party and THEN try to talk with the people there. you will earn many asskicks due the reason that you flamed nearly everybody no matter if its stingray,alien or somebody else...
and now enough audience for your egomaniac trip here, we preparing our little lamer party and doesen´t have the time for your mindcrap.
greetings your lamers in tristar.
"the scene is death"
Lame is only how you act. you may create 1000 logos for Pouet, you may also create 1000 Tracks for somebody but you won´t get the honor as long as you flame and akt like a fool...
visit a Party and THEN try to talk with the people there. you will earn many asskicks due the reason that you flamed nearly everybody no matter if its stingray,alien or somebody else...
and now enough audience for your egomaniac trip here, we preparing our little lamer party and doesen´t have the time for your mindcrap.
greetings your lamers in tristar.
i don't know what you're talking about ami... drunk ? i'm not ami_trs ... i don't drink. btw.. i have a problem with stingray and he wanna kick my ass? kkkkkkkkk ok... alien^bf ok... i accept that... but if he like the echo .. np.. and ami... hope, that you'll never been on a party when i am there! you're the first one which i will show how to get a wobble effect inside a face baby... you're stuiped boy... really.. and i'm glad that i leave your ugly group... go to hell and whine there about your many many illnesses... ;**( ...
rest in peace ami...
rest in peace ami...
Gott, lass es Hirn regnen!
Und mal so nebenbei, die Thumb Downs sind ALLE berechtigt, die Production ist mal sowas von SCHLECHT.
Ich kann nicht verstehen wie da jemand ein Thumb Up geben kann, geschweige denn wie man auf die Idee kommen kann sowas zu releasen. PEINLICH - ECHT. - Und dann dieses Kindergartenverhalten... So macht man sich beliebt in der Scene... sicher!
Eigentlich hätte diese Produktion ein Thumb Down verdient. Seht es als Zeichen des Friedens - oder so!
Gott, lass es Hirn regnen!
Und mal so nebenbei, die Thumb Downs sind ALLE berechtigt, die Production ist mal sowas von SCHLECHT.
Ich kann nicht verstehen wie da jemand ein Thumb Up geben kann, geschweige denn wie man auf die Idee kommen kann sowas zu releasen. PEINLICH - ECHT. - Und dann dieses Kindergartenverhalten... So macht man sich beliebt in der Scene... sicher!
Eigentlich hätte diese Produktion ein Thumb Down verdient. Seht es als Zeichen des Friedens - oder so!
ach ... las .. geh nach vegas ;)
Nothing like a pouet drama for mid-afternoon entertainment.
so, this was meant to watch an amiga cracktro 1:1 on pc for your pleasure, nothing more. las will never get it, you life in your own demo world, bah.
fuck off!
fuck off!

greets to the left monkey, "las" your smile made me laugh :P
Scoopex is no public domain label, and people releasing under SCX should know, that without approval it's an act of ultra lameness. But this one says "Scoopex Remake", so the distinction is there. Feel free to NOT associate this with Scoopex.
scoopex is death since last year and you stole the name... thats it :D
i prefer iglo fischstäbchen...
fishwave halts maul :)
du bist nicht in scoopex
und hör auf rumzuspinnen.
du bist nicht in scoopex
und hör auf rumzuspinnen.
huhuhu. und ab geht die Post.
hahahahaha.... remake sukkers :D
this one is ok for a 1:1 port... but next time try to make it more "watchable" (scrolly is on "drugs")
A sad attempt at ruining a legendary name. Shame, shame, shame all over.
Ok remake...
Too much nostalgia.
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