33 by Nah-Kolor [web] | ||||||||||||||
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popularity : 68% |
alltime top: #4637 |
added on the 2001-03-20 14:05:51 by _ ![]() |
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good work in all regards, and a great demo soundtrack to give it a perfect industrial atmosphere
i like industrial demos. this one, is one of them :)
me too!
the music is more aphex twin style than industrial and i would have wished for some more than plain opaque polygon drawing, but cool nonetheless.
ack, i normally hate those 3d scene replayers, but this is actually cool. most textures work very well, the objects look great and the soundtrack (plus the minimal synchronisation) rules.
Better music, but worse design than in 'initialize', their other kasparov-alike demo. The sudden ending is a cool idea.
Music is cool, too bad it's not really versatile...
Another One of My Old Time Favorites
Music is fantastic, a little more variety in the scenes would be better. Excellent feeling, mainly because of the music.
stylish! a bit simple though, and no atmosphere really
Superb industrial demo!!!!
Great music from Henkka Kyllonen/Milk.
Great music from Henkka Kyllonen/Milk.
h. kyllönen rulez
the song is over here
ThreeThree is great. I have to listen to it at least four times before I can put it down
ThreeThree is great. I have to listen to it at least four times before I can put it down
Clean scenes and a good fitting soundtrack. To bad that the synching isn't working here at all. The soundtrack starts always to late. It's a bit better when stopping the demo after the first start and then starting it again.
Very superb
One thing Nah-Kolor has taught me is the importance of good texturing. Other modellers should take note!
Too much blue (too much of dzgn ? :) boring msx, good 3d models... Nah"coders"Kolor ! :)
the music ownzor.. Pretty nice textures too. Needs some lighting
Looks good but a bit boring after a nother run
It's good but not extra special. Like the sync, the soundtrack and the idea. Indeed a bit kasparov-like again although much less so than initialize. The beginning part keeps interesting in a sophisticated way, when you are left looking at the small details and changes, the gearwheel part looks fine but holds the least lasting appeal and I feel the ending could've been done without the gag.
nice 2k demo!
No. 2k had a fuckload of great demos, but THIS isn't one of them...
Video capture please?
Not bad. Liked the soundtrack. Interesting visuals. Deserve my thumb ! :)
boring as hell. looks like a cheap kasparov ripoff
somewhat boring compared to kasparov, but music still makes it pretty enjoyable
Nice. It actually runs on my old Windows XP Pro. SP3 machine even though XP didn't exist back in Y2K! So basically, my quad-core Intel i7 950 machine with ATI Radeon 4870 video card (512 MB; PCIe) is way too high-end for it. ;)
This demo has aged horribly. The music and shaking on top of a slow turning and in 2012 very boring scene makes it worse. Texturing was well done and nothing wrong with the code in 2000 I guess, but... this is an anti-cup of tea for me, sorry.
Music saves it from thumb down.
Better check this nah demo from 2002 if it has standed the test of time ;-)
what jack3d said
The 3d quality is ok, but apart from that the demo goes nowhere
works perfectly with wine / ubuntu 10.10 on my lenovo s10 netbook
looks nice for its time. but the music is very not my cup of tea. piggie then.
this is kinda good
the reason why im giving this pig is because of that ear raping noise at the end
the reason why im giving this pig is because of that ear raping noise at the end
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beautiful textures with complex 3d scenes, it's sad that music sucks
not bad at all