evoid droid by Excess [web] & Portal Process
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popularity : 72% |
alltime top: #560 |
added on the 2007-08-05 03:11:03 by gloom ![]() |
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The water lake thingy scene ball spining awsome is!
The rest too. Best xbox360 demo evah!
The rest too. Best xbox360 demo evah!
soul-full demo!.. I really enjoyed it on the stream..
Good to see a Portal Process demo that have much more variation then what they have used to do. Now i hope you release the windows binaries.
No, no, no. This just ended up ugly like my old aunt.
nice stuff. left a good first impression, but felt kinda thrown together in places and doesn't really manage to stand out in my memory after the compo (admittedly, pretty hard in a compo with this much quality entries). so piggy.
Stands out in mine due to the liquid ball.
argh, what the hell did you guys do :(
that robot was soooo lame
vitun paska robotti.
Very TBL style but looked a bit unfinished. The water effect was cool.
For the wonderful water
video or win32 port pleasee. O_o--b
Best effects ever!!! Nowww give me that win32 port,. comoooon comoooonnn!!!
soo good on the stream :) give us video/win32 port pleeaaseee.
w32 or video :P ?
common !
common !
i'm kinda with ryg. music was cool, the two scenes in the screenshots were really nice, and so was the 2d art, but all in all a piggie...
What ryg and uncle-x said, but I'll still go for thumbs up. The robot kind of reminded me of Rhino Discharge :)
what ryg, uncle-x said, but not what preacher said
in many party differnt to previous PP demos. Looks fantastic, but can't beat your Meet the Biots. Nevertheless worth a thumb up. Looking forward to a Windows port!
myykää ne xboxit sinne mistä ne on tullutkin. PS Rules!
Was quite okay.
really liked all the liquid effects and i think the music is fantastic - would be great to get a mp3 of that one :)
I like the liquid effects - very much like Evil says.
it hurts me deep inside to see this much honest music, graphics and codework beeing thrown together without managing to find a common chemistry. The soundtrack is awesome, but it BEGS for more synced activity. Some parts ended up feeling like an installation screen with music. its clear that you at some point ran out of time or motivation. or both.
What Duckers said. Lots of good stuff here, but several scenes is too static compared to the music. I also felt that the spikeball touching water-scene dragged on too long, both the scene and the music should have been shortened there.
I don't agree with Duckers about the thumbing though ;)
I don't agree with Duckers about the thumbing though ;)
Hmm... this demo had so much potential. Great music, nice 2d art, some finely executed scenes. Yet for every good part, there seems to be a not so good part, it lacks some sort of theme/consistency and it could have been more dynamic. The bees and the running robot in the tunnel weren't that inspiring, compared to the rest.
Still enjoyable though but a missed opportunity.
Still enjoyable though but a missed opportunity.
Damn you gloom, I totally dig all your recent tunes, they totally kick ass.
About the demo, some good and some less good:
- The robot part (portal process trademark) was boring and inconsistent (totally inconsistent lighting and not so good colors if I may).
- Have to admit that I quite enjoyed the fluid simulation in the sphere since I was working on a similar effect - thanks for ruining it! :)
One of my favorite demos in the compo in the end :)
About the demo, some good and some less good:
- The robot part (portal process trademark) was boring and inconsistent (totally inconsistent lighting and not so good colors if I may).
- Have to admit that I quite enjoyed the fluid simulation in the sphere since I was working on a similar effect - thanks for ruining it! :)
One of my favorite demos in the compo in the end :)
Awesome physics
This is awesome!!!!!! I found myself totally mesemerised by some of the liquid scenes, almost like I was going into a trance.
Really nice graphics and it's topped off with a superb soundtrack with a real kick to it!!!
Really nice graphics and it's topped off with a superb soundtrack with a real kick to it!!!
Is there any way to get the soundtrack btw? Please!
Yeah same here, I want it!
Thumbs for the music. A shame the visuals are usually very unfinished in portal process demos.
Hm... not sure.
some impressive scenes.. seen these physics multiple times before, but never at this quality..
gloom give us the soundtrack!
At last the soundtrack \o/ Thanks Gloom
gloom: stfu, the tune rules, period.
Congrats to Flipside as well ;)
Congrats to Flipside as well ;)
Yes, brilliant track Gloom, and it screams out for more visual synch than it got. Still: repeat button on.
I enjoyed the demo as well. Especially the liquid parts of it. I never got off on robots though, but that's my own personal problem.
I enjoyed the demo as well. Especially the liquid parts of it. I never got off on robots though, but that's my own personal problem.
gloom & flipside: OMFG, you guys rule!
sadly the demo didn't really have any sync. i hope that's gonna be fixed in the final.
sadly the demo didn't really have any sync. i hope that's gonna be fixed in the final.
i had very high expecations on this one, since don't stop is one of my favourite demos ever and i watch it very often.
this one has a great soundtrack, nice looking 2d gfx, some pretty scenes. but theres no connection between the scenes, and the scenes themselves arent good enough to make a "great but inchoerent" type of demo. when i listen to the soundtrack it sounds like an awesome demo, but the visuals dont manage to live up to it.
very nice ingredients, i just expected more from the involved
this one has a great soundtrack, nice looking 2d gfx, some pretty scenes. but theres no connection between the scenes, and the scenes themselves arent good enough to make a "great but inchoerent" type of demo. when i listen to the soundtrack it sounds like an awesome demo, but the visuals dont manage to live up to it.
very nice ingredients, i just expected more from the involved
could have been better as people have said. it looks unfinished on some parts as deadline restricts time they probably had to hurry it done. everything has been said. but all in all its a good demo so.. thumb up on me.
I tend to agree with those who complain about the lack of coherence in this demo. Otherwise those two "trademark scenes" shown in the screenshot really kicked ass. This is without doubt the best water effect yet - so thumb up from me!
Any chance of a Win port like Conspiracy did??
Any chance of a Win port like Conspiracy did??
Cool, but needs more sync:P
It strays a bit from the purple/blue/red/yellow colourscheme here and there which looks a bit out of place. Also the first robot is a very serious looking robot who could undoubtedly like to fuse a few carparts together while the second android is more out looking for Nemo I think.
The 2D art is rather cartoony compared to the first robot too. The 2D seems to still be on the sketch stadium even if it looks really good! More detail would have kicked ass.
I really like the globe with the red liquid at the end. Great to put the robot there aswell. Brings the whole effect into context. Really well done. AND THE FLUID IS NOT INSIDE A BOX!!!!! FINALLY!!! REVOLUTION!!! SCIENCE PAPERS GO HOME!! The spikeball water scene is also cool. The water looks really smooth. Cool sorting text writer. The runnel with the microlights also rules big time! I got that future Santa claus is coming to town sensation.
The music rules as usual. No complaints there :)
The 2D art is rather cartoony compared to the first robot too. The 2D seems to still be on the sketch stadium even if it looks really good! More detail would have kicked ass.
I really like the globe with the red liquid at the end. Great to put the robot there aswell. Brings the whole effect into context. Really well done. AND THE FLUID IS NOT INSIDE A BOX!!!!! FINALLY!!! REVOLUTION!!! SCIENCE PAPERS GO HOME!! The spikeball water scene is also cool. The water looks really smooth. Cool sorting text writer. The runnel with the microlights also rules big time! I got that future Santa claus is coming to town sensation.
The music rules as usual. No complaints there :)
Quicktime sucks! I've been trying to rip or convert the music, but can't get it. :( I want it as my new mobile ringtone!
Fuck! I've just noticed it has been uploaded so thanks to whoever did that!! :)
Some scene would benefit from some more polish and adjusted colours, but it's still pretty neat.
The fluid scenes are really great!
maybe its because of all the rush, but why don't all the stuff run in 60fps? e.g. the square tunnel, surely there's not that much stuff going on? ... or is my xbox again failing on me :)
+that machine's rlz!
+particles colliding mesh in the multi-light tunnel
+music turns on the oveall feeling.
+the water+music+paced=perfect out of this world scene, that's style aplying and effect!!
-that robot is an asshole nobody plays with blood inside a refrection glass in that way!!
+particles colliding mesh in the multi-light tunnel
+music turns on the oveall feeling.
+the water+music+paced=perfect out of this world scene, that's style aplying and effect!!
-that robot is an asshole nobody plays with blood inside a refrection glass in that way!!
Forgot to mention: The music is ace! Thanks for the mp3 link!
Is there a coup de coeur for soundtracks? gloom: you were right, I f* love the tune :D
I wonder... usually the scene award for best soundtrack goes to musics which the demos were also well finished. In this case, the visual side is clearly unfinished, in case they didn't do a final version, would this affect to the fact of selecting the tune as best soundtrack?
I wonder... usually the scene award for best soundtrack goes to musics which the demos were also well finished. In this case, the visual side is clearly unfinished, in case they didn't do a final version, would this affect to the fact of selecting the tune as best soundtrack?
I equally liked the 3 big 360 demos, which I think were well rounded.
This one features killer sound, a couple of great effects anda slight departure from the portal process style. <3 <3
This one features killer sound, a couple of great effects anda slight departure from the portal process style. <3 <3
Cool soundtrack.
i really liked this. the two effects in the screenshot rules and the soundtrack is ace. also nice to see some quality 2d. great work.
Awsome 3D stuff as allways from the PP kids.
Music was powerfull!
Music was powerfull!
Thumb up for the last scene (spheric aquarium with red particles). The rest is boring a bit.
Damn you Gloom and Flipside, I had this tune in my head all day long at work!
this tune is ace!
I'll wait untill the windows version!! where is is? CNS released a windows version immidiately :)
I enjoyed the soundtrack, 2D and some of the effects/scenes (mostly the 2 on the screenshot).. But otherwise this seemed quiite unfinished and rushed. No thumb yet, hoping for a final.
This is a really nice production! Great soundtrack... and it has robots!!! :) Ok, it is not my favourite from Portal Process, they really kicked more ass with some of their previous productions tbh but it's still worth a thumb up.
... and looking at the first three downthumbers nicknames I had a big LOL!
... and looking at the first three downthumbers nicknames I had a big LOL!
Really looking forward to the final! And yep, the soundtrack is awesome. Have had it playing in loop for a while now :)
eääägh.... apparently there was some kind of lame semi-abstract storyline with the angsty suicidal robot and some scenes were really out of place in the demo. water + blood(?) effects were nicely thought out. the demo looked like a random collection of random quality scenes. some were extermely nice, some were lame. so all in all, a piggy, though closer to tu than td.
I found the water effect dated and waaay too long. However, there are other highly enjoyable effects there (the 3D tunnel with the many lights is AWESOME to look at) and combined with the incredibly well-produced, well-sounding and rocking music, this was highly enjoyable to watch.
IMHO Best in the compo!
I like the style and the message :)
I like the style and the message :)
the screenshot is giving me the saliva, please pretty please a win32 exe!
(wasn't XNA made so that the games run on x360 and winXP/vista without any porting effort ?)
(wasn't XNA made so that the games run on x360 and winXP/vista without any porting effort ?)
Clean style and great music.
killer tune! sounds phat even with my roommates crappy speakers :)
thumb up for the phat music. visuals could have needed some better materials.
I really appreciate the tune for not being that overheard basic uptempo four-on-the-floor demo tune.
nice fluid stuff and overall quite enjoyable
^ quite enjoyable indeed
the water/liquid effects are really nice
some good ideas and 2D gfx theres
i found it great
somewhat I expected something more special, but it's still good
Got soul!
Gloom, Flipside: This track is awe-inspiring!
Gloom, Flipside: This track is awe-inspiring!
Awesome. =)
love the water scene and the music. kudos
wow i forgot to thumb this up, bad keito, watched this live, and it is just fucking killer!
i liked it but some textures looked really low res in the video :S
Design wise it is horror, but I liked some of the effects (the ones shown in the screenshot.)
What can I say ? I came here because I had heard some buzz. And I wasn't disappointed. Design, music, code... You guys did it just right ! Awesome, simply awesome. :D Genuine demomaking experience.
+ ideas
+ liquid ball
+ robot animation
+ water
+ 360
=> belongs to the best demos this year. nice job. very.
+ liquid ball
+ robot animation
+ water
+ 360
=> belongs to the best demos this year. nice job. very.
Great all round!
Yes, very good effects indeed. Also shows a good composing of 2d gfx and 3d effects. It can be seen a bit that this is a separate effects show, but considering the development time, this demo is a show of a powerful teamwork. Oh, and contains a very refreshingly different and moody music.
not so impressive, but good :)
Well, I've found my "Best soundtrack" nomination! Great work!
Really good soundtrack indeed. good visuals too.
Loved the physics.
to long... but the effects and the tune , SOWASVONGEIL !
Fantastic stuff!
Greate demo, like the physics part. Fucking good soundtrack!
Cool demo, love that spikebal in water scene, like the music and synchronization.
I adore the water scene. So sharp and polished!
This is great... The music kicks giant asses!
This is my favorite portal process demo and you need an Xbox to watch it. Microsoft is killing the scene.
so fucking bad ass, sorry just watched it again, and its too rowdy for its own good, love it =)
some parts looks absolutely stunning!! and some looks _horrible_... the stunning parts are well worth a thumb though.
Amazing physics.
It's okay (thumbs up anyway). Nice to see physics, some kind of fluid and wave dynamics. But it was a bit incoherent. An effect show. Pretty effects but an effect show nevertheless. No real mood. Also, I would like to have seen higher resolution of the meta ball blob thingie (that is, more fine grained liquid simulation). Would've looked prettier. But it looked rather nice all the same.
Could anyone explain me how to run this on Xbox 360?
90's demo with actual technology : promising but where's art direction ?
thumb up for code quality and water effect
thumb up for code quality and water effect
memorable music
beautiful 2d graphics
like the red metaball stuff
beautiful 2d graphics
like the red metaball stuff
great music, great coding, design could've been better, though (especially in the second half of the demo).
Some great scenes, some less great...
Massive soundtrack.
Great demo overall.
Massive soundtrack.
Great demo overall.
The music in this was epic, I loved the liquid metablob effects in the sphere at the end too.
Most satisfying part is the music though, it's really fabulous.
Most satisfying part is the music though, it's really fabulous.
Big balls n blobs ruleage.
Music's awesome, effects were ok.
Music's awesome, effects too.
me likes.
very nice
coom music and effects. real demo!
I have no words...
Nice presentation of the water effect and metaballs.
this rocks!
nice !
massive demo
Very nice!
vote for "the music"
Vote for the demo
beautiful water effect, great music, kicks ass
Vote for the "music", p cool demo too otherwise.
Cool! I like the liquid particles
Music rocks
very good demo! fuk this looked so good but no challenge to the stuff that is to come
Still one of my favorite
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wise screenshot choice :D
best scenes imho
music is great
I hope console will have a price drop soon so I can get one :]