
IGI 2 Covert Strike +5 Trainer by DEVIATED [web]
screenshot added by STN on 2006-07-15 13:57:25
platform :
type :
release date : february 2006
  • 5
  • 2
  • 15
popularity : 74%
  • -0.45
alltime top: #44266
added on the 2006-07-15 13:57:24 by STN STN

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nah don't try to catch deviance... but hey that's your first product as i see so it turns to be a thumb up!
rulez added on the 2006-07-15 17:02:45 by decipher decipher
go osdm.
sucks added on the 2006-07-15 22:39:48 by anesthetic anesthetic
osdm lol ... nice work ila! ;P
rulez added on the 2006-07-16 09:58:57 by aLpHa oNe aLpHa oNe
Good music, shitty gfx
added on the 2006-07-16 13:08:54 by cerror cerror
Nothing special at all. Bad graphics.
added on the 2006-07-16 13:12:11 by StingRay StingRay
nice one ILA ;)
rulez added on the 2006-07-16 15:09:58 by kemicza kemicza
Yep ILA. Nice work *clapping hands*

Nice code ripping... -> http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=14559

Uh hah. Stolen at good old [SHEEP]. And while we scan your site .. Nice code in your UfMOD player .. Only that it looks exactly like the MiniFMOD.

How lame - how lame...

Gamehacking.. Pah... ;D
sucks added on the 2006-07-16 19:09:46 by Midfit Midfit
sucks added on the 2006-07-16 20:11:23 by dipswitch dipswitch
The chip by Josss ain't too bad though
added on the 2006-07-16 21:27:54 by Serpent Serpent
Yep ILA. Nice work *clapping hands*

Nice code ripping... -> http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=14559

Uh hah. Stolen at good old [SHEEP]. And while we scan your site .. Nice code in your UfMOD player .. Only that it looks exactly like the MiniFMOD.

How lame - how lame...

Gamehacking.. Pah... ;D

Shut your fucking mouth you retarded bitch!!. I don't waste my time argueing with retarded people like you. sheep has already seen this trainer and he has no problem with it but you have ? Ask sheep about me, he knows i am not retarded like you.

and OMG forgive me i didnot said that i used MiniFMOD player...i didnot knew you wanted me to start crediting everybody even microsoft for allowing me to use their assembler. I havenot seen any of sheeps trainer that says he has used minfmod or anyother player so i guess he's also a ripper huh ??
Just one thing for you...stop fucking your mom and get to reality. :asshole:.
rulez added on the 2006-07-16 22:32:21 by STN STN
yaay, some warezkiddie making a monkey out of himself... who cares if sheep has "no problem" with you ripping him, it only shows his weak character or his over-generousness, but it still means you're an unable ripping retard.

also apparently you are not just "using" minifmod, but using large portions of its code for your "own" player.

and also, mr. "Age: 17", watch out being rude to people who are twice your age and have probably 10 times your scene experience behind them. i thought respecting the elders is a tradition in pakistan? apparently not, too bad.
added on the 2006-07-16 22:51:10 by dipswitch dipswitch
Is there any proof that this is actually ripped? That it looks quite similar to one of Sheep's trainers doesn't necessarily mean it's ripped code!
added on the 2006-07-16 22:59:06 by StingRay StingRay
hahaaa its getting fun...i am really enjoying it that how people think of me and my releases :D. I just had to say if [sheep] doesnot have any problem with it...i am cool. sheep has more experience than you and thats the reason he's the best in the scene so if he have no problem then shut your big hole ;).

ohh and one thing more...how you know i used minifmod ? you ripped my code bitch..i had packed it so nobody can see and rip my code but you proved your the ripper. You could've asked me and i'll have given you the source...this is what scene taught you ??

i should remember that there are thousands of people in this world and all are not same...some are retarded, some are cool while some are average so i shouldnot listen to retarded's and keep cool with cool ones ;) cause in path to greatness you'll have to face difficulties :p. I won't reply again here unless sheep has problem with it. Think whatever you wanna think bitch! :D.

ILA out
added on the 2006-07-16 23:36:29 by STN STN
The music is quite good, but the rest is not even standard quality. F11/F12 scrolling is horrible slow. :/
sucks added on the 2006-07-17 01:26:36 by René Madenmann René Madenmann
if there was better stuff on amiga 15 years ago there must be something wrong with it, right?
sucks added on the 2006-07-17 07:25:52 by xeNusion xeNusion
Actually five things have to get straight:

1.) About the [sheep] supporter story : Because anybody knows that this dude can do N-A-D-A ([N]o [a]mbitious [d]ecent [a]chievement) .. Why should even [sheep]have a problem with that?

2.) The miniFMOD rip (which mentions not a single word about it being miniFMOD), including renamed API references can be downloaded from the webpage of this genius - Everybody can build up their own opinion..

3.) It was ILA who put his work up here and is wondering that somebody is actually pointing out that only 1% of the actual work is your own (That 1% is maybe even 0,5% if I consider this dude was using MEW for packing the executable)

4.) Anybody can unpack the two executables and scan the code(?) on his own to verify the arguments.

5.) Ten years ago this clown would have been tarred and feathered..

added on the 2006-07-17 09:23:19 by Midfit Midfit
I just had to say if [sheep] doesnot have any problem with it...i am cool.

No you are NOT.
sucks added on the 2006-07-17 11:32:51 by StingRay StingRay
well i said i won't reply again unless sheep says anything but since this minifmod thing isnot about sheep so...i didnot even wrote that tutorial, open your eyes and close your hole man..its getting bigger and bigger everyday. And always do some research before saying anything, just because you don't know about a player named as "UfMod" doesnot mean it doesnot exist and that we made it for ourselves by ripping code from another player.Search for ufmod on google and the first link will be to this damn player. I don't know who made this player but you should better tell him your dumb ideas cause he's the author of this player not me. Ohh if you can't search on google or if they've banned you cause you're dumb then here's the link to ufmod player.
Now we can see how much truth is in your sayings cause this 17 year old with no experience proved a dumb asshole experienced mofo wrong so why don't you shut up and release anything yourself instead of mocking and belittling other people's work ?. If you can't release, ask for help man, i am sure there are many people who would help even retarded people like you ;).
added on the 2006-07-17 18:02:57 by STN STN
I only see one retarded 17 years old kid here...
added on the 2006-07-17 18:13:24 by StingRay StingRay
Nothing was ripped. I wrote that tutorial just to show people how they can play xm files using MASM.
added on the 2006-07-17 19:52:11 by kemicza kemicza
What's the odds! The situation speaks for itself. Your webpage and the individual contents are the best house advertising someone can get. It begins with the ripped trainer for some 3 years old game and to sum it up some members entertain the Pouet audience with their late perceptions about 'where and when' they found certain parts of their source codes. Amusing little details.

Someone could add the matter of fact that you are just a vague reflection of what trainermakers have been lightyears ago. Unfortunatly this discussion is not fitting for this place, as this is a place for the demos.
added on the 2006-07-18 12:17:03 by Midfit Midfit
i wouldnt even consider arguing with someone who uses this kind of language ... or shows such an "'i'm the best - you're all retarted' - attitude.
sucks added on the 2006-07-21 18:48:35 by dabb dabb
crap , years ago that trainer would be a thumb up but i only see a gui that is so old and used so much times that for me it would be not even necessarily to post that trainer here
sucks added on the 2006-07-21 20:19:57 by Int3r Int3r
sucks added on the 2006-08-02 14:34:30 by scamp scamp
The comments were a lot more fun than the prod :P
sucks added on the 2006-08-02 20:10:27 by Preacher Preacher
sucks added on the 2006-08-04 09:36:09 by toxie toxie
sucks added on the 2006-10-07 14:58:28 by wie8 wie8
sucks added on the 2006-10-07 15:01:38 by Buckethead Buckethead
Wait a sec. aint this a dupe of This ?
As a demo collector I have no intention of doing something like this.

The comments were a lot more fun than the prod :P

good one Preacher : )

sucks added on the 2006-10-07 15:55:04 by Mike 3D Mike 3D
i know its more than a year passed since i added this but just stumbled across this place.

I am quite sad the way people reacted. I don't know why it was called a copy cat or rip of sheep's trainer.I admit i made the horizontal bar looking at micral's engine but other than this, all was original. I used all GDI api's to do the starfield and logo while those knowing sheep will know that he is using DIB cause he has released couple of tuts explaining how to set up dib and stuff. I am sure if somebody disassembled his and mine trainer, you would clearly see i've not used any api related with dib.

And those accusing me of ripping xm player, well i used a player call Ufmod on net, i don't know who made that but you should call him a ripper if he is using minfmod code. I always thought they were same!. This is also the difference between mine and sheep's trainer, i don't know which player he is using but he is using pebundle to include the dll in his executable while ufmod doesn't need any dlls so mine doesn't have any dlls!.

Yes they look quite similar, i noticed that but that doesn't make me a ripper. I don't know for how many years this star field effect is used and nobody is called a ripper.

It was my first trainer using star field and those effects so yea i didn't did anything creative. If i really had such great debugging and disassembling skills, i would have used the logo effect sheep has used in his trainer because if i can rip the star field, i could have ripped that too.

Anyway i really care less how you guys think seeing how starters and newbies are flamed and mocked. I can still see sheep was accused of ripping in that page the above person is referring lol.

Like a guy said most of the people are more experienced and aged so i wonder if aging makes people mock and belittle others work ?.

Thanks to all the 6 people who didn't thought like others, i am sure the thumbsdown was given because they thought it was ripped. If it was because the gfx wasn't great then i'd been happy.

Ohh and yea i am still a teenager, maybe less in knowledge from you guys but i am proud still, at least i don't mock others people hard work!.

PS: sorry for the swearing in my first posts, i was not expecting people calling me ripper.

added on the 2008-01-22 12:39:05 by STN STN
You weren't flamed and laughed at because you were a newbie, you were flamed and laughed at because you started your first post with this

Shut your fucking mouth you retarded bitch!!. I don't waste my time argueing with retarded people like you.

and then kept on the same tone. We've seen it before with people who come here to present their (by demoscene standards, pretty lousy) cracktros and nobody them it seriously.

I don't know much about the crack scene, but from what I've seen (the ones that come on pouet), it's pretty hostile and filled with people too full of themselves. The demoscene culture is thankfully very much different, and acting like a an arrogant "cool dude" while you produce a starfield just isn't going to cut it.
added on the 2008-01-22 12:47:43 by Preacher Preacher
That sentence no verb. It should be "nobody takes them seriously".
added on the 2008-01-22 12:49:12 by Preacher Preacher
ILA: don't take pouet comments too seriously, that's just pouet.

gamehacking ftw :)
rulez added on the 2008-01-22 12:53:29 by Zest Zest
i said sorry for it, it did angered me obviously seeing my hard work being called a rip.

When you are in adrenaline rush then you could really could think less. When looking at those posts, i feel ashamed really about the swearing that i did. But i was getting flamed from like everybody so yea i was angered.

Anyway you have to admit, all that flaming was pretty rude for a 17 year old who was just starting out :P.

PS: if i was a ripper, i would not have dared coming back here. I am still calm in my mind because i know i have done nothing wrong :P.
added on the 2008-01-22 12:57:16 by STN STN

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