
welle:erdball live@breakpoint06 by welle:erdball [web]
screenshot added by Gargaj on 2006-04-25 18:03:42
platform :
type :
release date : april 2006
release party : Breakpoint 2006
compo : none
ranked : n/a
  • 30
  • 22
  • 10
popularity : 63%
  • 0.32
alltime top: #5618
added on the 2006-04-25 14:13:55 by EviL EviL

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amazing show, really *pro* with choreography and so on
too bad it was music playback
anyways I really liked it a lot
rulez added on the 2006-04-25 14:15:54 by EviL EviL
I didn't ;) Then again, I don't like W:E at all. =) But the crowd enjoyed it so I will not thumb down. :D
added on the 2006-04-25 14:43:07 by StingRay StingRay
crappy music as playback. no thanks.
sucks added on the 2006-04-25 14:50:39 by teel teel
Too german for my taste :/
added on the 2006-04-25 15:25:24 by okkie okkie
Way too loud and way too german for me indeed. It was professionally done, and the perfomance really looked nice but it was not really my taste....
sucks added on the 2006-04-25 15:41:30 by neo neo
haha ive seen W:E live twice and "pro" is really not the word for their choreography.
First time I saw this group - indeed verz german (and kraftwerkish) but I liked it none the less.
rulez added on the 2006-04-25 16:56:14 by hornet hornet
rulez added on the 2006-04-25 17:02:01 by wie8 wie8
"Too german" might be the best word to fit - but wasnt that the whole point?
Great performance but too planned and too calculated for my taste.
added on the 2006-04-25 18:07:39 by Gargaj Gargaj
rulez added on the 2006-04-25 18:12:28 by xeNusion xeNusion
what neo said
sucks added on the 2006-04-25 18:22:04 by el mal el mal
cool show. i loved the baloons.
rulez added on the 2006-04-25 18:49:00 by v3nom v3nom
welle :D i wasnt there but this band rocks
rulez added on the 2006-04-25 18:56:30 by Duckers Duckers
The melodies didn't work for me.

added on the 2006-04-25 19:55:12 by mrdoob mrdoob
i had heard about that "semi-mithycal" german-music-styles and i liked that one indeed :) don't care that much about the playback, for realtime we aleady have ultrasound, bass and the others, don't we???
rulez added on the 2006-04-25 20:02:05 by winden winden
I hoped for more, but still liked it. I was tired as hell though, so I wasn't perhaps at my most receptive state.. :)
added on the 2006-04-25 20:05:44 by Preacher Preacher
most bestest musical event at BP06
rulez added on the 2006-04-25 20:43:16 by pasy pasy
Not my cup of tea (never been, even at MS). It would be nice to have VNV Nation next time (since "someone" has good links with them :D)
added on the 2006-04-25 21:32:19 by dixan dixan
rulez added on the 2006-04-25 21:51:22 by kb_ kb_
dixan: I've been thinking about that for years now, but there's still that small problem starting with "M" and rhyming with Welle:Erdball's singer ;)

Oh, btw, thumb.

(ps: fuckings to pouet's comment boxes)
added on the 2006-04-25 21:52:52 by kb_ kb_
the presentation was nice (apart from the 5fps visuals), but the music didn't really convince me. The concept was cool but there was too much BASS on it for me to handle.. i hardly could stand near the stage without feeling even my brain bumping against my head :-|
Heh, I liked the show
rulez added on the 2006-04-25 22:43:46 by dairos dairos
sole, i thought you live in the uk? and you can't handle bass? =)
added on the 2006-04-25 22:56:52 by dipswitch dipswitch
I think I was too much tired to enjoy anything. All I can remember is the low frequencies shaking my sleeping bag.

But the most funniest part when I was half awoken is that I thought this concert was performed by ... KB! (the voice, the style !)

It was not KB obviously. Haha, let's sleep more next time.
Though, I liked this from the sound side (except the insanely loud volume).
added on the 2006-04-25 23:09:37 by oxb oxb
I wasn't exepecting such professionalism in a Demoparty :)
And by "professionalism" I mean girls inside tetrahedrons :D
rulez added on the 2006-04-26 00:36:45 by xernobyl xernobyl
not as good as Ultrasound and BASS :P
added on the 2006-04-26 03:00:33 by slack slack
it was........ good.
added on the 2006-04-26 12:34:23 by nula nula
i second okkie
sucks added on the 2006-04-26 13:36:35 by raymon raymon
Just leeched and watched it...definately not worth a piggie.
sucks added on the 2006-04-26 13:43:39 by necronomic0 necronomic0
Of course the dutchmen don't like it! ;)
rulez added on the 2006-04-26 13:55:31 by novel novel
Well, the professionalism could be expected, since Welle is a commercial band and quite big in the industrial goth scene. Anyway, not really my bag, though I'm into that scene. It's cool that they care, though, but they should stop throwing away fine C64's to the dumb audiences.
added on the 2006-04-26 14:06:50 by Radiant Radiant
Welle erdball was fuckin cool! bestest live performance at bp for sure.
rulez added on the 2006-04-26 14:23:02 by trisch trisch
KB: go and hire Ronan and Co. for BP 2k7! :)
added on the 2006-04-26 14:27:59 by StingRay StingRay
Some very nice songs... some very dull songs... nice in general :)
rulez added on the 2006-04-26 14:37:32 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc
welle erdball roxx!
rulez added on the 2006-04-26 14:51:56 by vOUCk vOUCk
I had to go out of the party because the noise, but i won't thumb this down because the courage required to go to the scenario with such kind of concept
added on the 2006-04-26 15:08:32 by merlucin merlucin
Was a good concert which even got the scenespirit in some way. Pornophonique was better last year but that's a matter of taste. BUT THERE IS NO SENSE for getting liveacts as releases into pouet.

@Evil. Seeking for Glöps??
rulez added on the 2006-04-26 19:19:36 by vscd vscd
i really couldn't wait for this to end. horrible
sucks added on the 2006-04-26 21:48:27 by parcelshit parcelshit
i was expecting more..
it wasnt bad though. :)
added on the 2006-04-26 22:39:57 by psenough psenough
It's probably most enjoyable for german speaking people. I quite like them!
added on the 2006-04-27 00:26:37 by beavis77 beavis77
vscd: it wasn't me who invented the liveacts category on pouët
just so you know :D
added on the 2006-04-27 01:25:53 by EviL EviL
The fucking balloons hit a glass half-filled with beer near my laptop which spilled all over me, nearly missing it. From that point on I stopped enjoying and was trying to guard the equipment against bloody ballon landings... These baloons was an extremely bad idea, whoever had it.
added on the 2006-04-27 08:12:39 by Nuclear Nuclear
maybe i'm one of a kind, but i really really do not like w:e's musick.
sucks added on the 2006-04-27 11:31:43 by dalezr dalezr
i feel like thumbing down today since W:E indeed just totally sucks. :D
sucks added on the 2006-04-27 12:37:26 by StingRay StingRay
w:e sucks ass, but kinda cool that they did a gig at bp anyway
added on the 2006-04-27 14:06:53 by gg|rhg gg|rhg
sound was too loud, but was the case for all the bp's shows including the compos.

also i felt like all the songs were the same
I thought it was horrible too. It would have been much more tolerable if the loudness didn't actually hurt my ears (and that's a first ;)
sucks added on the 2006-04-28 15:18:40 by BoyC BoyC
Great band, playback or not. But the huge baloons almost ruined my experience at BP. Goddamn annoying. Blame childish/drunk sceners.
rulez added on the 2006-04-29 19:18:41 by Madsy Madsy
i liked it a lot, really. never heard the music before but loved it during the live. i've a feeling you guys are trying extra-hard to thumb these folks down just because they're considered awesome by some odd german cult. i bet the very same performance would've gotten massive thumbs up if it had been done by, say, kebby and melwyn instead of decent signed artists.
rulez added on the 2006-04-30 10:28:26 by skrebbel skrebbel
Great music, and better performance. I would love to have been there!! I will have to go to BP'07 :)
added on the 2006-05-08 01:53:20 by Adler Adler
btw: thumbs up :)
rulez added on the 2006-05-08 01:55:17 by Adler Adler
It was like watching a circus. 1900 style, with freakshows and stuff, in a train rolling at high speed with no sign of stopping. The noisiest train you'll ever hear, full of unnecessary/useless contraptions. Then you realize it's not really moving at all, or rather it's the railway that is moving, and the scenery is as phony as the rest. But everybody's so crazed by the wind emitted from the huge fans outside that they refuse to notice most of the animals have no pants.
added on the 2006-05-08 08:47:56 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Not my thing.
sucks added on the 2006-05-10 04:03:16 by rc55 rc55
After another watching, I am convinced the synth player is just very funny to watch when he tries to convince himself he is a 1337 player.

Obviously, he's not and it's even more difficult with gloves.
Ok, we may be stupid enough to think he is able to produce all this shit with his cheesy-analog-back-from-the-past-but-so-buzzed synth but we can't fail to see he is eventually doing anything but music with it. He is not even able to follow the melody !! (ach so, bassline oder lead ???)

Apart that, I don't know why I felt this music was better at the party when I was actually trying to sleep.
All in all, I am not into it.
added on the 2006-05-15 22:47:36 by oxb oxb
omg awesome lol! ph33r the mad out-of-synch keyboard phak0ring!
rulez added on the 2006-07-05 20:36:15 by doomdoom doomdoom
YES, it was great, even through DTV. \o/
rulez added on the 2006-07-05 20:47:33 by kelsey kelsey
Diese Musik ist wie ein Käfer - läuft und läuft und läuft 1000 Tage im Jahr =D
rulez added on the 2006-07-18 16:54:07 by T$ T$
Great songs but i missed the 2 greatest songs from Starfighter F-104G, Ich Bin Nicht Von Dieser Welt and Verlieb Dich In Mich!
rulez added on the 2006-08-14 19:40:52 by Spiral Spiral
rulez added on the 2008-05-14 23:06:41 by gentleman gentleman
Welle <3
rulez added on the 2008-07-30 04:51:13 by Queen_Luna Queen_Luna
Thanks for that gig. Welle:Erdball rules.
rulez added on the 2008-08-21 12:00:11 by SiR SiR
rulez added on the 2008-12-26 00:19:22 by wrthlss wrthlss
Welle rules.
rulez added on the 2009-06-11 17:20:33 by lsl lsl
100% cliché, 100% chiqué...
...but funny anyway.
added on the 2009-06-12 09:37:27 by untel untel
Hallo hier spricht Welle:Erdball, Symphonie der Zeit
Aus dem Äther schwingt und schwillt sie in die Ewigkeit!
rulez added on the 2010-10-22 01:28:16 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
W:E rocks!
rulez added on the 2011-12-06 21:14:16 by Octoate Octoate
link broken?
added on the 2012-02-20 09:21:47 by nosfe nosfe
The first mirror on the BP download site still works.

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