September And Snowfall by Traction [web]
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popularity : 68% |
alltime top: #1130 |
added on the 2005-09-18 09:33:57 by Preacher ![]() |
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not sure if it's a conscious move of not, i smell the scent of iconosglast. nevertheless, an enjoyable morning for a sunday morning, makes the autumn feel all not so bad at all. feels also a bit rushed and unfinished, but still way on the better side of the production lane.
couple effects/scenes still needed work/sync.
but its pretty damn nice overall.
some old effects nicely reused but not abused and all..
but its pretty damn nice overall.
some old effects nicely reused but not abused and all..
I'm satisfied with the result and don't see anything to rework. Keep it as it is because it's pretty well done.
looks in some parts unfinished.
but there's a lot of nice made stuff in it
but there's a lot of nice made stuff in it
some beautiful effects...sound is excellent also....brrr..winter is coming..
usually i don't like this particlestyledemos you know what i mean, but damn, you guys managed to do it again! you never stop to amaze me with your easy brilliant stuff. just don't stop with whatever you are doing.
great stuff
One of my fav demos this year, so far.
- the music has a few bum notes and tuning issues in a small number of places :| but was otherwise good. (and different)
- the nice effects (like the flashing particley bits) were largely already seen before in one or other of traction's asm demo entries. 2002 or 2003?
- some of the other things in it, like the line grass, didnt really look good at all.
generally with traction prods the fx content is simple, but it's held together by good design and excellent transitions and mood which make it far more than the sum of it's parts, and it's rarely bad looking. this time some parts are a bit bad looking, there arent many good transitions at all, and the colours arent as attractive as usual.
blame the evil known as "rush job"?
- the music has a few bum notes and tuning issues in a small number of places :| but was otherwise good. (and different)
- the nice effects (like the flashing particley bits) were largely already seen before in one or other of traction's asm demo entries. 2002 or 2003?
- some of the other things in it, like the line grass, didnt really look good at all.
generally with traction prods the fx content is simple, but it's held together by good design and excellent transitions and mood which make it far more than the sum of it's parts, and it's rarely bad looking. this time some parts are a bit bad looking, there arent many good transitions at all, and the colours arent as attractive as usual.
blame the evil known as "rush job"?
Very nice soundtrack, that itself deserves a thumb up.
I expected this to be something more noire, september and snowfall are usually metaphores of passing away, or somehing like that. But it has a different, but snowfallish and septemberish atmosphere. Something I'd love to watch on a demoshow in the middle of the night, when everyone is sleepy. :)
A little too much of black for me, I would've made some nice backdrops for the snowfall scene, for example, but besides from that, it's great.
Nice job, guys.
I expected this to be something more noire, september and snowfall are usually metaphores of passing away, or somehing like that. But it has a different, but snowfallish and septemberish atmosphere. Something I'd love to watch on a demoshow in the middle of the night, when everyone is sleepy. :)
A little too much of black for me, I would've made some nice backdrops for the snowfall scene, for example, but besides from that, it's great.
Nice job, guys.
a silent way to start my sunday. lovin' it.. this warms up the bad ass september day a little bit. thanks!
best demo i have seen in the last months
some nice ideas and interesting music
Good work, i luv particles :)
Demo was kind of slow in the beginning, but the effects got more interesting all the time. The snow in the end didnt give me any feeling of depth, but over all it is worth a thumb up.
Demo was kind of slow in the beginning, but the effects got more interesting all the time. The snow in the end didnt give me any feeling of depth, but over all it is worth a thumb up.
reused stuff ? who cares !
So simple, so marvelous ... very cool feeling, and the music is awesome
Keep it up, we like your stuff :)
So simple, so marvelous ... very cool feeling, and the music is awesome
Keep it up, we like your stuff :)
I want it to look like dawn, but all i get is dusk :P
Didn´t notice anything out of sync due to the music that made me sleep a little.
Didn´t notice anything out of sync due to the music that made me sleep a little.
They know how to do cool effects!
nice demo, i particular love those line effects and the grass+flower sequence!
great effects, music and atmosphere.. but yeah, some parts (like in the end) seem a bit unfinished
It was quite enjoyable. Not even close to tractions best, but ok enough. Will decide if its a piggie or rulez when i see it working properly.
Me like. Me also will test on something crap and report results (: This may be 'in 20 years' however.
mood, sleekness & fluidity.
Straight into my "what's a demo" folder.
very good effects, music really supports it
i like several effects like the sparkling things and the lights here and there, also the music doesn't start too impressive but turns interesting during the playing.
congratulations for introducing and keeping your own style :)
congratulations for introducing and keeping your own style :)
Some really cool effects here. As some people said, it's not Traction's best, but very enjoyable anyway.
Not everything fits 100% but still very nice work!
I thought it would be another cliched art video with a typical Aphex style track, but I was pleasantly surprised and really loved this demo.
nice one, the effect during the greetings was in "I Am" too right ?
I love that pulsing DNA strand, do a standalone of that :)
great math and code tricks as usual and great mood
I love that pulsing DNA strand, do a standalone of that :)
great math and code tricks as usual and great mood
Great job, design and mood.
Runs smooth on AMD 64Bit, excellent visuals.
Autumn isn't that bad now.
Runs smooth on AMD 64Bit, excellent visuals.
Autumn isn't that bad now.
I just love the music, any url of unpacked ? (or I will just rip off that mp3 by hand from this .pak :>)
About visuals: I think fiat-homo was slightly better (or there is something wrong with my old trustworthy geforce2 :)).
About visuals: I think fiat-homo was slightly better (or there is something wrong with my old trustworthy geforce2 :)).
nice music and style, some hard edges i didnt like, but the rest was rather good
music is really good but a bit hilarious at times which spoils the mood a little and i don't like the colours at some parts. or that font. but overall, a very nice demo with very original effects and atmosphere. propsit!
No bugs. Except for the usual fmod cracking. Also nice demo.
If possible, I'd appreciate if someone with win95/98 would test it and tell me if the timer bugs there. It might be a windows version related issue..
No bugs. Except for the usual fmod cracking. Also nice demo.
It's Traction alright, but definitely not their best ;)
Wow!!! Rulezzz!!!
looks good in that special traction way :) liked the colors, music and the mood of the thing. i think it needs couple of more 3d-looking parts put together in the same way.
good music, but i didnt like all of the visuals. the grass was quite beautiful though
the music was great. some of the effects looked nice, others looked like total crap (the green/brown ball-thingies? i mean.. come on..:)
some of the effects in the beginning were so butt-ugly i wanted to press esc, but the music and the visuals kinda raised to an acceptable level towards the end. a few interesting ideas codewise, otherwise completely average
a solid performance by traction. Lots of material there, and I enjoyed the music.
whoa! traction did it again... (music is not the strongest part this time, but done well :)
Very fun to watch.
All right! I'm really happy to see that particle effects are today's main area of interest. Maybe not as stunning as in mfx/kewlers demos but this is still really interesting! Keep up the good work!
some stuff I've seen before- but I love the product anyway a well put together demo :) musix was intigral part me thinks :)
calm with sweet snow
nice demo.
the music was good.
and some scene was nice.
the music was good.
and some scene was nice.
particle effects and AAlines rule!
it´s a little bit boring only with particles and the music isn´t my taste
Good music, beatiful particlez. You rule :)
good but takes to long to go anywhere
It's unpolished and recyckels some effects, some effects was realy grea, but some particle effects were really cheap. Music was good so a weak thumb up.
Not really my cup of particles. Though just a bit more and it could have been a thumbup.
visuals are ok, some have been seen before. but fantastic music!
url plz!
url plz!
I liked some things, some things were not my cup of tea. so a piggy.
Not bad. Nice music. Nothing special. I keep thinking those were stars with lines. ;)
my cup of tea!
A few not-so-pretty scenes/effects, and a couple that seemed a bit too slow for what was shown.. But all in all this was an extremely pleasant experience. That tune is the best I've heard from Pinza too. Preacher & co, keep it up and you will be the supreme demoscene rulezors in no time.
The music is mindnumbingly excellent, and I think that there are no tuning problems in it. It's part of the song. Congrats pinza!.. I'll cast my thumb once I see the demo on my home pc, as this one at work has serious issues...
Looks good but is very boring. Music is not my cup of coffee either.
a tad slow, but wtf it's beautiful!
I didn't like it in the beginning but the demo just got better and better, it's definately worth a thumb up
That font is butt-ugly. Other than that, I like it.
synching is fun isnt it? ;)
sorry, wrong prod.
this is a nice one, music is brill, some scenes are too flat, "too 2d" for my taste but well done nonetheless.
this is a nice one, music is brill, some scenes are too flat, "too 2d" for my taste but well done nonetheless.
Essential visuals and very moody and relaxing music.
I would say... Particles!
I would say... Particles!
very nice, moody, great visions, but maybe the fonts....are difficult? ;]
took me a while to get into, but once I was with it, I really enjoyed it. I agree with the font comments - hard to read.
This is, by far, my most favorite demo. The use a particle effects is phenomenal. With its bitchin’ sound track, it transcends the medium, easily being a performance that would play well at a film festival or on MTV. Excellent work.
Hm ,all is already what to add here...oh a thump ,off course! =o)
Ps: Only the dusk-mode works on my PC (geforce 6600gt)
Ps: Only the dusk-mode works on my PC (geforce 6600gt)
dont like the tune at all but hey!... damn gorgeous effects :)
i liked the tune as well.
must be rewarded
holy shit, what a gorgeous trip that was! Absolutely blows me away... the music stunningly fits (and for once grooves and isn't some stupid techno/drumnbass crap... with these light-effects it must be possible to do the most beautiful fireworks in a demo ever. Preacher? please? :)
Music And Atmosphere
some parts are ok, but not such a good prod when compared to other traction stuff i've seen. you guys can do a lot better.
Calm and Relaxing - Love it :) Musiclink? ;)
Thanks :)
Great stuff! Really creative usage of graphics here and there, the soundtrack is very different in IMO at bit too over the edge.
Great stuff! Really creative usage of graphics here and there, the soundtrack is very different IMO at bit too over the edge.
Great stuff! Really creative usage of graphics here and there, the soundtrack is very different IMO and a bit too over the edge.
beatifull demo with excellent music.
not my favourite traction prod, but still good!
Weird, no comment from me yet. Nice particle effects and EXCELLENT song by pinza.
Interesting music, but I didn't like the visuals much at all. I hate that font, too.
The font sucks - the music is a tad dull, but the effects are prima-bella, mucho-mucho!
nice scenes
very nice visuals, and good music
rules of course
The music made this great :)
...well apart from everything else ;)
...well apart from everything else ;)
some nice visauls, but it was all on the edge of getting me bored.
Looovely, so soothing.
Jazz + leaves can't be bad.
nice and laidback
Well, the beginning felt boring despite the nice music - but somehow the demo gained more and more interest for me, to the point where I thought: "this is a nice ASD demo, amusic outdid himself" - then I remembered it's Traction.
Might not be your best demo, but it isn't that shabby either - the electric circuit sparkling, and fiber optics hedgehog scene saved it for me, together with the very outstanding soundtrack. <3
Might not be your best demo, but it isn't that shabby either - the electric circuit sparkling, and fiber optics hedgehog scene saved it for me, together with the very outstanding soundtrack. <3
excellent soundtrack!
we definately need more demos with music like this ...
we definately need more demos with music like this ...
yes very nice, very traction, lovely soundtrack, and i enjoy reading the extra info on prods like preacher previously posted :)
future jats
That friggin good demotune! So good. The effects were kind of okay, but I hope not to ever witness to green hairy balls again.
smooth! music is sooooo lovely.
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