#One: Geometry by universe [web]
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popularity : 59% |
alltime top: #7983 |
added on the 2005-11-01 21:31:53 by xeron ![]() |
popularity helper
Capture please!!!
added on the 2005-11-01 22:45:31 by beavis77 

yeah, like they needed your request here to realize a video would be appreciated. cough.
Big ups for making AmigaOne demos! Keep 'em coming!
it's visually good
amiga one only or morphos aswell?
Nice one.
Video plz!!!
port it for gba, gp32, gamecube and xbox please!
loaderror: AmigaOne/OS4 only... Well, at least until OS4emu starts supporting Warp3D... :) Until that: VIDEO PLEASE!
Video please, and idealy a MorphOS version.
I seriously doubt a MorphOS version will ever appear, since Crisot is a well-known OS4 insider and fan, and AFAIK he is the creator of the infamous Pegasos-in-the-toilet video... So i think the only hope is an updated OS4emu. (BTW, one funny addition to the story, that their earlier demo called Zero, now only works under OS4emu on Pegasos/MOS, because of some internal changes in AmigaOS4 since early betas... :)
yeah we want video please...
This is a visually stunning demo, really nice for a first 3D demo on AmigaOne.
The original version of Zero (Crisot's first AmigaOne demo) only supported Little-Endian colour format (used in early versions of the AmigaOS4 Radeon driver). Later the Radeon driver was changed to use Big-Endian format. There's an updated version of Zero which supports the Big-Endian modes. The old Zero works on MorphOS via the OS4 Emulator, but colours are all wrong (making the demo unwatchable), probably because MorphOS also uses Big-Endian formats, but it makes the program think it actually opened a Little-Endina mode.
The original version of Zero (Crisot's first AmigaOne demo) only supported Little-Endian colour format (used in early versions of the AmigaOS4 Radeon driver). Later the Radeon driver was changed to use Big-Endian format. There's an updated version of Zero which supports the Big-Endian modes. The old Zero works on MorphOS via the OS4 Emulator, but colours are all wrong (making the demo unwatchable), probably because MorphOS also uses Big-Endian formats, but it makes the program think it actually opened a Little-Endina mode.
Actually, Zero runs on OS4 with CVPPC.
Actually, Zero runs on OS4 with CVPPC.
And as Cobra said, he released a fix. Anyway, this demo rules :)
"And as Cobra said, he released a fix."
Ah, nice. Good to know. Where is it available?
"The old Zero works on MorphOS via the OS4 Emulator, but colours are all wrong (making the demo unwatchable)"
Actually the "wrong colors" syndrome depends on the video card under OS4emu. F. ex. it works properly here on my Radeon9000 now. It was wrong on a Voodoo4 before (that was what you've seen on fYa#12 Cobra...:). It's probably because OS4emu doesn't care what byteorder screen an app want use, it will open a default one anyway. While i guess OS4's screen opening will fail when the requested byteorder is not available, making the app non-working. But this is off-topic here... :)
Btw, we still want #One video! :)
Ah, nice. Good to know. Where is it available?
"The old Zero works on MorphOS via the OS4 Emulator, but colours are all wrong (making the demo unwatchable)"
Actually the "wrong colors" syndrome depends on the video card under OS4emu. F. ex. it works properly here on my Radeon9000 now. It was wrong on a Voodoo4 before (that was what you've seen on fYa#12 Cobra...:). It's probably because OS4emu doesn't care what byteorder screen an app want use, it will open a default one anyway. While i guess OS4's screen opening will fail when the requested byteorder is not available, making the app non-working. But this is off-topic here... :)
Btw, we still want #One video! :)
I saw the video. The Demo is not bad but for me the soundtrack doesnt really fit.
VIDEO HERE!! [URL=http://amiga.hermanssonproduktion.se/Universe_One.avi]Teh Video![URL]
cool effects,but the soundtrack is really inappropriate
cool effects,but the soundtrack is really inappropriate
shit, teh slash -_-
Not having any music at all would've had the same effect.
The demo itself looks good enough. I would've thumbed it up if I hadnt known that too many ppl are going to do it just because this low-end pc-demo runs on AmigaOne..
The demo itself looks good enough. I would've thumbed it up if I hadnt known that too many ppl are going to do it just because this low-end pc-demo runs on AmigaOne..
ah, fuck it.. i dont have to be a grumpy bastard every day..
The music ruins it. Otherwise it's nice very work, IMO.
Yeah the music doesnt't fix that perfectly but its still nice!
Needs music.
oops, my first comment is pure stupid :) excellent demo, especially good music!
Flies my microAmigaOne me beautiful !!
Thanks to your efforts, and your beta testing work on OS4 !
Thanks to your efforts, and your beta testing work on OS4 !
Great production from the french team Universe, probably you remember our interview in JP with their coder Crisot? Also good that they gave us the video capture of this freaky production! Universe has done it again! This seems to be the best demo on the AmigaOne machines so far. Loads of fancy 3d stuff to show the crowd what`s possible on this piece of hardware.
Especially the part with the aircrafts is stunning. It`s not surprising that they`ve won that small Alchimie party in 2005, they should have shown it on a bigger party like Breakpoint instead, its visitors would have been impressed, that`s for sure.
Especially the part with the aircrafts is stunning. It`s not surprising that they`ve won that small Alchimie party in 2005, they should have shown it on a bigger party like Breakpoint instead, its visitors would have been impressed, that`s for sure.
Impressive stuff, but as mentioned above, the music ruins it abit. Contact RNO for fresh music for your next prod :) (www.po-rno.fi)
Yea, and what ghandy said, come to Breakpoint!
Yea, and what ghandy said, come to Breakpoint!
Lovely Tunnel and nice music and AMIGA!!!!111!!!!!!
Thumbs up!
It would be nice to see it run in AmigaOS 4.1 :-)
can't stand the music either
Nice demo
Strong stuff!!
It's very cool
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