
fr-minus-04: PlanQuadrat by Farbrausch [web]
screenshot added by ryg on 2002-02-25 20:38:58
platform :
type :
release date : february 2002
release party : Woest 2002
compo : pc demo
ranked : 4th
  • 40
  • 20
  • 10
popularity : 69%
  • 0.43
alltime top: #2767
added on the 2002-02-25 20:38:58 by ryg ryg

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ryg, you seem to have destroyed my monitor.
added on the 2002-02-25 20:40:35 by sagacity sagacity
This needs a 120 fps machine. %-)
added on the 2002-02-25 20:42:44 by mados mados
just some stuff i had lying around. would've made it better (and not a minus release) if i had had the time before the deadline.

anyway, if you're into minimal hard techno, you'll probably even enjoy it (like rp and me :)
added on the 2002-02-25 20:46:36 by ryg ryg
the music I enjoy, the rest.. well.. not so much 8)
added on the 2002-02-25 20:59:08 by bhead bhead
cool screen effects, schöne optik. is it possible that you forgot to include an esc function or is it just my pc? :)
added on the 2002-02-25 21:01:29 by robotriot robotriot
I like it... but my eyes not much @_@
rulez added on the 2002-02-25 21:12:02 by Zafio Zafio
flashy and almost boring. promise me it won't fuck my monitor and i might run it again.
added on the 2002-02-25 21:42:02 by Zzed Zzed
Don't worry, most monitors are able to handle my VSync manipulation routine (I switch refresh rates several times per frame, so the monitor loses vertical sync and you see that scrolling effect). And flashing is harmless. At least for your hardware.
rulez added on the 2002-02-25 21:52:20 by kb_ kb_
cool music, lame effects, what more would you expect from the german hippies?
rulez added on the 2002-02-25 22:09:50 by rasmus/loonies rasmus/loonies
whehehehe ;)
added on the 2002-02-25 22:14:40 by rp rp
Yeah ! :)
Really good sync ! :)
oh my monitor is dancing ! :p
rulez added on the 2002-02-25 22:18:12 by Stv Stv
VSync manipulation? My digital TFT display doesn't show anything. Am I missing some serious stuff here?

.dr / .farbrausch .quadrat .planer
rulez added on the 2002-02-25 22:18:48 by Bombe Bombe
Nice to see that people start manipulating hardware again (Orange anyone..?! :) The music is really cool but suits the dancefloor more than this demo.
added on the 2002-02-25 22:20:33 by gloom gloom
you guys are fucking crazy, this rocks :)
rulez added on the 2002-02-25 22:58:39 by steffo steffo
the muzak was great some years ago ;) the videoclip of the music maybe can be better.. any scene more? :) but i like it!
rulez added on the 2002-02-25 23:00:48 by mrdoob mrdoob
what is he talking about?
added on the 2002-02-25 23:07:18 by steffo steffo
does this never stop?
stefancrs: The music is "Planquadrat 12b", the first track to be released by rp under the Rohformat label some years ago.
added on the 2002-02-25 23:27:11 by kb_ kb_
There was no vsync... Just a picture moving up and down... And i don't remember rebooting 3 times so the virtual device driver could install to let you do that sort of thing, either ;¬)
No, I didn't like this production. Music was uninteresting and quite static, same for the visuals.
sucks added on the 2002-02-26 04:59:47 by sea_monkey sea_monkey
fr rules
rest of scene sux
macaw sux even more
rulez added on the 2002-02-26 07:50:13 by mac mac
I suck for giving it thumbs-up? You must be the lamer Mac.
expect more...
added on the 2002-02-26 10:20:27 by rp rp
sucks added on the 2002-02-26 10:55:12 by raymon raymon
Wow, Moebius exposed KB!
Duh :)

Anyway, nice music.
added on the 2002-02-26 11:46:02 by sagacity sagacity
fun synaesthesia work, maybe lacking structural modifications in the (2) scenes..
added on the 2002-02-26 12:08:35 by _-_-__ _-_-__
kb, yes (and you're a liar btw!! :)) but what did he mean by "the videoclip of the music maybe can be better.. " ?
added on the 2002-02-26 13:34:52 by steffo steffo
go and learn from mfx.
sucks added on the 2002-02-26 13:59:34 by shiva shiva
Shut up, Shiva.

.dr / .farbrausch .opinion .oppression
added on the 2002-02-26 16:45:01 by Bombe Bombe
i cant believe that wasniach actually got higher rank than Farbrausch ... :D wacky world
added on the 2002-02-26 16:51:27 by bizken bizken
Why shouldn't it, you spanky little name-voter?

.dr / .farbrausch .justified .voting
added on the 2002-02-26 19:02:14 by Bombe Bombe
good music.
However, it is sorry that there is almost no scene.:)
added on the 2002-02-27 17:28:05 by got got
The scene is dead, didn't you know?

.dr / .farbrausch .future .visions
added on the 2002-02-27 19:10:24 by Bombe Bombe
wasniach is not ... and we vote for our own productions .. hell, we are the best to know, what is best to us...

(so you can call wasniach - spanky little name voters)

I vote for wasniach, and so should everyone else! (bah!)

congrats on the 4th place btw :D
added on the 2002-02-27 19:16:47 by mallorcat mallorcat
oh and thumbs up .. btw
rulez added on the 2002-02-27 19:18:08 by mallorcat mallorcat
this is utterly boring.

but it's also quite delicious so I don't mind.
rulez added on the 2002-02-28 21:54:13 by sang-soo sang-soo
Nice techno, nice effects, nice...

Could be a little shorter, though :-)
rulez added on the 2002-03-01 01:33:02 by moT moT
pretty cool synch, incredible music but...only 2 escenes? we'll it's ok enough, btw i loved the soundtrack! release of a WAV renderer?¿?¿ when?
rulez added on the 2002-03-02 17:38:25 by JaK JaK
Should've stated it in the readme... that tune is "Planquadrat 12b" by r.pries/rohformat, and was released by rohformat (ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/music/groups/bmp/rohformat, http://www.rohformat.de) quite some time ago (it's the first tune in the first release pack :)
added on the 2002-03-02 20:06:21 by ryg ryg
The tune kicks major ass and the demo is also rather interesting. for a while that is...
rulez added on the 2002-03-02 20:17:42 by uncle-x uncle-x
The synch are wicked! I love you fb guys when you go down to the raw techno style!
rulez added on the 2002-03-02 20:19:22 by dixan dixan
uncle: sorry for not getting ready in time with the track -sigh-... (-looking at the wall-)
added on the 2002-03-02 21:33:17 by rp rp
Farbrausch just gets weaker... I didn't really dig the supahkewl tune. Somehow, this prod reminds me of foobug's Who needs raytrace anyway? Probably no one else notices any similarities, though.
sucks added on the 2002-03-14 20:56:27 by DiamonDie DiamonDie
sucks added on the 2002-03-14 22:17:13 by boik boik
rulez added on the 2002-03-15 00:36:10 by jar jar
are my pupils enlarged only because of this demo ??

two effects, seven minutes, and i watched it three times in a row. you rock dudes !!

oh and the way it ends, something like, "hey the deadline is in 5 minutes" "ok let's stop the demo at this point and let's compile the release version !"

ok, i'll watch it one more time now =)
rulez added on the 2002-03-17 23:43:41 by florent florent
nah, this demo was mostly done AFTER the deadline actually :)

anyway, the thing I did last actually was including the two effects (ooold stuff from 2000 we never used... yet) in the script. everything else is more or less auto-generated :)
added on the 2002-03-18 00:22:22 by ryg ryg
Cool, watched it about 4 times in a row :)

Anyway, if there are vsync changes...
- Why does the blank black line chop, when the effect chops? :)
- Why does the noise filter apply to it too? :)
- Why can i make a screenshot of it? :)

OK, enough bullshit, minimal but cool :)
rulez added on the 2002-04-02 14:23:29 by Gargaj Gargaj
I'm sorry, I just can't stop watching it, it's hypnotic, the music is crazy.
I use it my screen saver. ryg, rp, you just rock with style !
rulez added on the 2002-04-10 14:34:53 by Sanx Sanx
the tune rocks. a couple of more effects would've been appreciated ;)
rulez added on the 2002-04-10 15:22:10 by fractalgp fractalgp
a) because monitors are quite desperate to decode the sync signal and heavy changes in the picture will fool them. The change is from the forst visible rasterlnie on -> go figure
b) the noise "filter" is in fact "analog" by modifying the CRTC registers in a quite strange way. As all modern graphics cards are designed ti be VGA compatible without any overhead, those registers work even on GF4s and such - and it's no problem to access them directly (win9x) or via undocumented IOPM management routines in the NT kernel - go search for the "portmap" driver to find a description. Anyway. With careful modification of some CRTC registers you can modify the RGB output lines a bit - and that's why the noise is visible even in the VSync blank period. period.
c) under D3D, Windows doesn't have access to the frame buffer. Thus, it uses some strange method for back-sampling the CRT signal via some mostly undocumented A/D and bus mastering circuits. At least on NVidia cards, which I assume you have. That way, it will sample x lines from a VSync on, where x is the actual nubmer of lines. D3D screen shots may look pixel perfect, but they arent - hey, LCD displays work, why not that :)
added on the 2002-04-10 23:36:52 by kb_ kb_
KB wins, flawless victory...
added on the 2002-04-16 14:18:29 by Gargaj Gargaj
kb, what a load of bullshit :P
added on the 2002-04-16 14:27:07 by shiva shiva
shiva, stop that, you're just jealous that youre stuck w/ OpenGL and don't have all those possibilities :)
added on the 2002-04-16 16:03:17 by kb_ kb_
at least i have access to the framebuffer and do not need this A/D :) to convert back, which of course makes a very subtle but noticeabl difference which once again proves opengls superiority even with simple screenshots :P

added on the 2002-04-17 10:07:51 by shiva shiva
OK, last rant: My monitor does this wobble effect (it shows a dim, vertically stretched picture for a few seconds) after every damn modecnahge, refreshchange, vsync, anything... Haven't appeared during this demo tho...

...OK, I admit, I'm lame in hardware-manipulation, now hit me :)
added on the 2002-04-26 12:26:22 by Gargaj Gargaj
The wobble-effect only occurs when the monitor settings change in such a severe way that the monitor needs to realign all the internal circuitry and so on and so forth. Handling vsync changes (like in kb's effect) would also normally result in such behaviour, but since the changes are so minimal the monitor is still able to maintain sync and keep showing you the picture (although it still 'messes up' the vertical position, but that was the intention of the effect).
added on the 2002-04-26 13:42:53 by sagacity sagacity
yeah, "it was coded at the party" and everything... but i didn't like it anyway :p
sucks added on the 2002-07-20 13:03:30 by jazzman jazzman
Well, the lost vsync effect is a nice idea and well done, but the rest of it is simply boring.
added on the 2002-07-21 12:28:40 by cyraxx cyraxx
MEIN LIEBER SCHOLLI! Krank aber geil... ~_~
rulez added on the 2002-08-11 04:43:26 by elend elend
sucks added on the 2002-08-11 08:09:28 by Igoronimo Igoronimo
sucks added on the 2002-08-11 09:31:04 by tomaes tomaes
Smokin' da plan.
Drawing squares.
added on the 2002-11-20 20:25:32 by alsly alsly
while watching this demo, my eyes began to hurt. really :/

but it's cool music :>
sucks added on the 2002-12-30 22:43:42 by red red
dope shit.
nice looking effects + music by Ronny (superstar of detroit sounds)
rulez added on the 2003-02-01 01:02:26 by kimi kardashian kimi kardashian
-quite nice music
-like the green line stuff
-bit boring after a while

Love the use of VSync modifications to make the scrolly effect, even tho its the kinda thing used on those Japanese cartoons tht have now been banned ;) Nice anyway, hope it doesnt damage my monitor (I assume it hasnt been tested for monitor damage)
"at least i have access to the framebuffer and do not need this A/D :) to convert back, which of course makes a very subtle but noticeabl difference which once again proves opengls superiority even with simple screenshots :P"


oh: ilovetechno (tm)
rulez added on the 2003-02-28 16:19:09 by superplek superplek
rulez added on the 2003-04-24 11:27:57 by jb jb
Farb-Rausch has the coding touch
rulez added on the 2003-11-09 01:48:37 by Mike 3D Mike 3D
hehe, kb fools gargaj... get the latest version and run it in windowed mode :)
rulez added on the 2003-11-26 20:26:11 by ie ie
probably the coolest fr-minus prod (so far).
rulez added on the 2003-11-26 20:35:36 by melw melw
ie: HEY! that was _my_ point! (damn pouet-crash)
added on the 2003-11-26 20:46:04 by Gargaj Gargaj
My eyes hurt.
Btw, I had a bug at my Radeon 9600: After starting the demo there was no video. Taskswitch and backswitch solved this.
Yeeh this one rocks, and I've watched it many many times considering it has so little content.
Call me blind, but where is the music from this demo in the dir that ryg quoted?
rulez added on the 2003-12-09 17:15:41 by Pete Pete
in this one. it's the first xm.
added on the 2003-12-09 18:13:20 by Gargaj Gargaj
Thank you, Gargaj :)
added on the 2003-12-09 19:02:11 by Pete Pete
major respect for making those vsync hacks so compatible! i've yet to see the system that doesn't display them properly. for once, a really oustanding use undocumented api's and blabla :)
music rockz
(i'd rather leave the visuals undocumented)
added on the 2003-12-09 20:19:28 by deemage deemage
rulez added on the 2004-01-19 12:06:03 by vagus vagus
the music rules
rulez added on the 2004-07-01 19:37:06 by wb wb
vsync hack muhaha :)))
(gargaj, majd mutatok neked egyszer igazi rasztereffektet, amikor odebbmegy az elektronsugar 2 centit :))
rulez added on the 2005-01-20 22:24:49 by blala blala
clap your hands !
I like that array of wireframe cubes and the tune is massive
rulez added on the 2005-01-30 20:36:30 by EviL EviL
rulez added on the 2005-02-18 19:21:35 by apricot apricot
blala te ezt nem ertheted, itt belso poenrol van szo :P
added on the 2005-11-11 16:34:05 by Gargaj Gargaj
let's give it a pig
added on the 2006-10-25 11:53:01 by las las
rulez added on the 2007-04-28 10:08:21 by puNky puNky
After watching this demo you can expect:
Monitor explosion
Motion sickness
rulez added on the 2007-09-03 19:38:28 by TOMPCpl TOMPCpl
great concept.
rulez added on the 2008-03-04 11:21:14 by v3nom v3nom
rulez added on the 2023-03-07 08:59:20 by RKGekk RKGekk
ballert geil
rulez added on the 2023-03-07 09:22:13 by SiR SiR
Still works, as long as you click the mouse when the music starts. :) Captured.
rulez added on the 2023-08-22 20:21:36 by phoenix phoenix
soundtrack thumb. the most proper techno
rulez added on the 2024-03-07 22:06:48 by 100bit 100bit
sucks added on the 2024-03-08 00:56:46 by bitl bitl
rulez added on the 2024-03-08 14:50:59 by ham ham

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