ifparty04 invtro by The Lords Of The Bits [web]
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popularity : 63% |
alltime top: #7787 |
added on the 2004-02-25 03:22:34 by mrdoob ![]() |
popularity helper
invdmo instead of invtro. we still pay for traffic !!!
added on the 2004-02-25 08:57:04 by apricot 

original... TLOTBDizzyCameras(TM) forever :-)
It'is original for an invit, fluid, fast and with sympathetic tempo.
nice little game :)
very original
buggy for me. The character falls through the floor pretty often. And sometimes randomly changes location too. (dual xeon 3.0, 2gb ram, qudro fx1000 w. latest nvidia drivers)
Otherwise, its a nice and original invitro, good stuff.
Otherwise, its a nice and original invitro, good stuff.
link is dead?!
TLOTB forever!
horibble inv/game...
astharoth sure, send it to the address on my account details.
I haven't watched it yet but I'd like to comment on the nfo file :)
"Our heroin is Sole"
Hahaha!!! Heroin? What kind of drug is that Sole?! Can I taste my dose? (Kidding! ;)
"Our heroin is Sole"
Hahaha!!! Heroin? What kind of drug is that Sole?! Can I taste my dose? (Kidding! ;)
Except if you really ment heroin and not hero :)
Optimus, it means they can be fukwits without drugs.
Doh, greeks and english.. ;p
Doh, greeks and english.. ;p
perhaps they meant heroine, but somebody took an e.
Ah, ja. I learn something, wondering if there was a female word for hero. I put the greek word at a translator and I got just hero back. But now heroine at the same translator gives me back the greek word meaning "female hero". Duh :P
Wondering which of the two words came first. Heroin or heroine?
arneweisse: Whatch teh mutter with my engklish?
Sorry,. I stop :(
You better do not pronounce my name .... HAHAHAHA!
Optimus just offended a girl on pouet ! ;) classic !
Not offended... it's just a suggestion ... this can be very very dangerous...
por supuesto!! supersole al ataque! XD
Seems that these days, playability in games seems to be a luxury... (considering both commercial and "fun" games)
Oh well, let's just pray to Gabe Newell so he can banish the evil spirit of John Carmack over all the new PC games... :) *goes back to PekkaKana2*
Oh well, let's just pray to Gabe Newell so he can banish the evil spirit of John Carmack over all the new PC games... :) *goes back to PekkaKana2*
in french, Sole is this fish :

in english it's called a "plaice" i think
No, in english its also called a Sole. Plaice is a different fish. And if you're lucky, you can find Dover Sole, which is better than Sole.
in spanish it´s called "puto pescado sarnoso, asqueroso, gelatinoso".
Very original Invitation.
Very original Invitation.
Of course, there are 2 types of sole. One is a fish. The other is the bottom of a foot or shoe.
kinda cool
It's funny in what these kinds of discussion turn into. But wasn't I the first to start it?
>Optimus just offended a girl on pouet ! ;) classic !
It's classic indeed. Enough female sceners must be angry with me :/
But no offense with Sole yet as far as I know ;). Many other female sceners "hate" me, most because I have put photos of them in my fcepage, but now the site is dead and so Sole must be lucky enough to not include her there too :)
It's classic indeed. Enough female sceners must be angry with me :/
But no offense with Sole yet as far as I know ;). Many other female sceners "hate" me, most because I have put photos of them in my fcepage, but now the site is dead and so Sole must be lucky enough to not include her there too :)
psionice: So,. the fish must be what we call "solomos" in greek and "sola" is the other one. But no Sole :)
just stirring up some shit ! I know there was no offence given or taken :)
astharoth: it is indeed multiprocessor bug - if i set the affinity to 1 cpu, it runs fine. Send any fixes through and i'll test them.
Same thing happens with Hyperthreading CPU's.. Soo.. hmmmm
the multiprocessor problem is usually a precision problem... typically everything is done with 32bits, but on multiprocessor modes, the frequency needs more than that, so anything done with it must be calculated using 64bits (__int64 in Visual C++)... my timer code was pretty much fucked up on Hyperthreading/Multiprocessor machines till I changed all int32's to int64's... no problems since then
everything before the "game" was great.
This prod just rules!!
How many times have you seen a prod featuring "two in one"??
.: Invitro & Game :. for the same price!!
Grrrrreat idea!
These guys rock.... maybe it's inherent to the spanish scene......
Ah! almost forgot!
s0le rules too! 0_^
This prod just rules!!
How many times have you seen a prod featuring "two in one"??
.: Invitro & Game :. for the same price!!
Grrrrreat idea!
These guys rock.... maybe it's inherent to the spanish scene......
Ah! almost forgot!
s0le rules too! 0_^
that's the coolest gun i've ever seen in a game :D
(quite a pity the gameplay is a bit harsh ;)
(quite a pity the gameplay is a bit harsh ;)
yeah, the fix worked perfectly. Good job :)
Is it just arrows and fire? No strafe? It was a bit weird to control but I think I managed it..
I mean weird to play and not been hit without strafe,. control was simple of couse :)
ooooh look, someone h4x0r3d teh scorelist >>:)))
Wow, this must've been some work. Congrats guys =)
I really really hope to be able to be there.
I really really hope to be able to be there.
haha great fun. Original idea and done with cool gfx/sound.
It's nice to see interactivity in demos -- something I miss from the A500 days. However, this is nothing more than a game, and I'm not really too sure what was shooting at me or what I was supposed to be looking for.
As an invitation, this was pretty average. The info was there, but that's about it.
As an invitation, this was pretty average. The info was there, but that's about it.
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