Area 5150 by CRTC & Hornet [web]
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popularity : 78% |
alltime top: #172 |
added on the 2022-08-07 17:00:45 by trixter ![]() |
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Holy shit
rulez added on the 2022-08-07 17:01:40 by neon 

Xxxold86 sorcery at its finest!
this is the buff stuff!
how. the. fuck. ❤️
Massive production. Loved it even if I don't know anything about the restricitons of the platform.
Best demo 2022
Best demo 2022
awesome! and shiru's sound track extra rulez!
holy shit, this is cool!
WOWOW! This is massive, and great presentation with the commander keen and onwards. It really makes me want to go and unplug my 286 and plug back the 8088 with the CGA again (on same power supply naked on my kitchen table :).
black magic 🪄
We want a technical explanation of what we see!
We want a technical explanation of what we see!
Massive. Worthy first place! I hope you will fix the transition glitches in the final version.
Well that's just amazing. So colourful too. Marble Madness end was one of those glitches i guess (kind of stuck there)?
8088mph was already an extreme shock, and this one...... just m i n d - b l o w i n g. definitely the best oldskool prod this year!
Well this is just ridiculously good. So many mind blowing moments and really slickly put together. Great work everyone! ❤️
wish i could have been there to see it in person. dancing elephant and plasma glasses for the win.
Big effort and new tricks.
absolutely unreal
Incredible work
This is unreal, I hope some day source is available.
Truly awesome!
Amazing !
Does indeed seem like quite an achievement and very enjoyable overall.
Back in the day (1680's or thereabouts) , coding wizards of this calibre were harshly questioned with pliers and ducking stools.
Thank goodness we live in more enlightened times, eh!
Future Meteoriks winner for sure.
Thank goodness we live in more enlightened times, eh!
Future Meteoriks winner for sure.
Waow ! And ❤️music❤️ !
Impressive achievement; I have no idea what it does, but I suppose it's messing with the font tables (or possibly graphics mode?) in the middle of the frame. It's also quite enjoyable even without the trickery :-)
One detail is that I don't really think the intro works. It's fine to mention somehow that there are no composite colors being used, but there's something about “show, don't tell”… just push the effects instead of having a slow slideshow about the different modes you're using.
One detail is that I don't really think the intro works. It's fine to mention somehow that there are no composite colors being used, but there's something about “show, don't tell”… just push the effects instead of having a slow slideshow about the different modes you're using.
Wow. Just
crazy good! lot of content with surreal quality for the platform limitations
Does this only work on actual CGA cards? I tried a couple SVGA machines I have for DOS stuff, and it looked broken on both.
The oldest PC video card I have is an EGA card. Will it work there, or should I not bother setting it up?
The oldest PC video card I have is an EGA card. Will it work there, or should I not bother setting it up?
Wow, this wizardry needs a time-machine to be sent back in time! Not only amazing technically but the flow, transitions, effects, graphics and music are perfectly combined.
Trixter says when he travels abroad he brings his A-game. This is ages above that level.
Crazy good
wow!! incredible
Would be hard to dislike :)
The best thing I’ve seen in a long, long time. Hats off to everyone involved!
(Did...did someone already dare to tell them there's EGA nowadays?)
(Did...did someone already dare to tell them there's EGA nowadays?)
What is this madness
oops, they did it again .. unbelievable coder porn
mind blowing, thanks for the effort
What a ride live @ Evoke! Thanks for this masterpiece!
What Murphy said! Damn this shit is cool.
Impressive what those primitive PCs could do!
Awesome. Makes me want to learn 8088 in addition to "modern" DOS.
Besides the unreal technical achievements, great presentation and a lot of fun to watch, specially in the hall when everyone was just losing their shit.
Fucking ace in all departments
Unbelievable! :-O
Powerful! Respect to everyone involved in this!
hell yes
Need a direct video that's not a cammed. ;)
and you get a Satori demo for free if you try to run it in doxbox-x :P
Blew my monitor
absolutely stunning, loved every single bit
mind blowing
Great tech, design and entertainment valiue. The ctrix track at the end alone is worth a thumb.
Legendary, thumbs away... take cover.
Jesus Bitshifting Christ, this isn't even funny anymore.
amazing masterpiece in every aspect. so happy that you brought this to our party!
Oh come on now, that's not fair.
Not sure who to ask, but what was the Raspi Zero screwed onto a bespoke board for in terms of the chain of development?
Not sure who to ask, but what was the Raspi Zero screwed onto a bespoke board for in terms of the chain of development?
Alien technology.
I need this to stop right now (no). 
Fantastic!!! You have done the impossible!
How about some kind of writeup describing what's exactly going on here?
Or if it already exists, how about a link?
Or if it already exists, how about a link?
a short music writeup by Shiru (in russian, though i guess he will do an english version soon)
Take my upvote
very impressive!
mind == blown
They did the impossible again!
Absolute jawdropper, definitely a strong Demo of the Year contender.
Can't wait for the final version + technical writeup!
Absolute jawdropper, definitely a strong Demo of the Year contender.
Can't wait for the final version + technical writeup!
Absolutely amazing!
My sensors detect some extreme MC6845 hackery going on here. What a fantastic production!
Amazing!!! I would like to see a video of the demo running on a real pc showing the monitor, pc, booting, etc.
Again, what a show!!! WOW!!!
Again, what a show!!! WOW!!!
Just WOW!
More than 4 colors with cga? How's that?? unbelievable...
mind = blown
Jaw-dropper as expected :) Congratz!
Seriously impressive stuff!
Stunning! That tune at the end would have been something in 1981! Also love that isometric scroller!
The flow is really good with lots of content coming at the viewer all the time, and no obvious loading or precalc filler parts AFAICS. I suppose if it is using a HD it could load things fairly rapidly and not sure how much memory is on this platform to store tables or whatnot. Probably not much!
I have so many questions..
The flow is really good with lots of content coming at the viewer all the time, and no obvious loading or precalc filler parts AFAICS. I suppose if it is using a HD it could load things fairly rapidly and not sure how much memory is on this platform to store tables or whatnot. Probably not much!
I have so many questions..
Where is my thumb here is my thumb
Like I've said before.. you're so far ahead that nobody else bothers to try.
Looking forward to write-ups! =)
Looking forward to write-ups! =)
Oh my gosh! That's so cool!
The only thing that struck me as a bit odd was showing the i8088 / MC6845 scene for an almost painfully long time (precalc in the background?), only to be followed by the same image that was already seen earlier in the demo. It almost looked like you are running out of ideas in that part, although luckily that was disproven just a few seconds later.
But that's just minor complaints. This is the demo of the year.
But that's just minor complaints. This is the demo of the year.
Really impressive !
I hope this will be somewhere documented. This is *outstanding* I can't hold tears of joy (literately) I can't stop grinning :) You guys have made me pickup my 386 again with your composite demo.. I have no words for this one
Pure killer - an utter feast of effects. Holy smokes...
Hell yeah!
can run this on a 5150 with dual 360K floppies, copy as many demo files to A: as will fit, copy the rest to B:, then boot with DOS 3.30 (or higher) and use APPEND B: before running AREA5150
needs full 640KB of RAM but otherwise runs on 100% stock IBM PC 5150 with CGA, incredible achievement
can run this on a 5150 with dual 360K floppies, copy as many demo files to A: as will fit, copy the rest to B:, then boot with DOS 3.30 (or higher) and use APPEND B: before running AREA5150
needs full 640KB of RAM but otherwise runs on 100% stock IBM PC 5150 with CGA, incredible achievement
Is the music heard during the end screen also from the demo?
If yes seems more elaborated than the parts before.
Is the music heard during the end screen also from the demo?
If yes seems more elaborated than the parts before.
yes the lake scene music uses PWM to coax the PC speaker into producing more than just bleeps and bloops.
it's very quiet on a real system thought, can hardly hear the music.
very similar to their previous demo 8088 MPH which also has PWM music during the end credits
it's very quiet on a real system thought, can hardly hear the music.
very similar to their previous demo 8088 MPH which also has PWM music during the end credits
Phoenix, Trixter: Thanks for the clarification :) Looking forward to the final!
This is totally to the point! What an AWESOME SHOW. I really appreciate the small anecdotes and references to the past, together with a great Sonudtrack (WAY better than last time!). You guys are ace and it seems that the C64 now finally has found a capable comrades-in-arms.
Whats a bit missing for me was the exact specs to the GFX card used. Ist this really CGA? If yes... WTF! ;)
Whats a bit missing for me was the exact specs to the GFX card used. Ist this really CGA? If yes... WTF! ;)
Wonderful show, absolutely mental technically and super entertaining to boot!
Thanks VileR and Kdr for answering some of my questions :)
1 - It actually runs nicely off floppies
2 - Some music engine details
3 - the RAM requirement
1 - It actually runs nicely off floppies
2 - Some music engine details
3 - the RAM requirement
Oh, oh... this is pure magic! What an incredible achievement! Enjoyed every second of it!
Best CGA demo ever.
Who programmed on 286/386/486 will immediately understand that this is the best demo of the last 30 years!
Wow. A truly incredible demo for terrible hardware. Impressive!
Nice :D
Impressive demo, congratulations. I've been able to test it on the PCXT core I'm running for the MiSTer platform and except for some glitches it works pretty well!
At some point during the demo, I forgot the platform it was running on, and that's saying something!
More colours = Better demo!
Amazeballs all over again like with 8088 mph
I died, oh my fucking god
Incredible... a massive and solid production. A neat demo in all aspects
you don't often see demos with new hack tricks these days
Impressive and beautiful!
I really thought CGA was only this:

I really thought CGA was only this:

I forgot to say, the music is totally awesome. I've made some 1-channel tweeter demo tunes, and the stuff here is state of the art level.
This is just insanely awesome piece of art!
Starting the fun with you literally pushing the boundaries, spiced up with beautiful chromatic palettes, some plasma glasses and breakdance elephant. The amount of coolness is just crazy! And just when thinking that this was all impossible, you bring up the landscape and the end part with amazing twist on the audio side as well.
You are legendary already! And I am still puzzled how you can bring up all these colours and higher resolutions with CGA!?!
Starting the fun with you literally pushing the boundaries, spiced up with beautiful chromatic palettes, some plasma glasses and breakdance elephant. The amount of coolness is just crazy! And just when thinking that this was all impossible, you bring up the landscape and the end part with amazing twist on the audio side as well.
You are legendary already! And I am still puzzled how you can bring up all these colours and higher resolutions with CGA!?!
awesome !
Sorry to point out the elephant in the room...
It can break-dance.
It can break-dance.
Love it
obvious thümb for making cga actually look good!
Finally some colorful CGA-stuff for us PAL/RGBI-folks :D
Good work everyone involved!
Good work everyone involved!
Achievement, with such a great prod.
Supergreat! Code, artwork, music, pacing, everything. A FWIW I thought the intro with keen was an excellent touch.
When even HellMood is stunned :) Awesome prod!
Awesome demo!
Any chance to get a wav-export of the audio track?
And/or for the credits track: a module if has been composed with a tracker? :)
Any chance to get a wav-export of the audio track?
And/or for the credits track: a module if has been composed with a tracker? :)
God mode!
Such a machine was the first computer in our home, so that demo blew me away in so many ways. Respects for this!
absolute madlads
A nice demo that shows the limits of what is possible. In this video UtterChaos gives a few insights. He seems to be a super likeable guy.
bruh what
Very very impressive!!
Nice idea to bring cTrix in for the 8088 mph follow up..
Amazing work from my American friends..
Trixter, Phoenix I bow before you :)
Amazing demo... Keep finding new oldskool demo project challenges coz you guys are good at it!
Amazing work from my American friends..
Trixter, Phoenix I bow before you :)
Amazing demo... Keep finding new oldskool demo project challenges coz you guys are good at it!
Amazing work, and it is great to know that you do not necessarily need using the composite output to produce colorful visuals on IBM PC with a CGA adapter. I am really looking forward for your write-ups.
Oh wow wow! Please write a long technical description of how this works.
This oozes awesome.
Nice. :)
my 12Mhz 286 with EGA has proven to be fake news
Yes Yes Yes... also what iq said.
Holy crap! When you thought you saw everything and all boundaries were broken already, THIS comes along :D
What a great demo!
incredible demo! at this point, this is sorcery!
Masterpiece! I love it! :)
mindblowing demo with great effects and massive musax (especially in the credits part, can we get a better quality version?)
Super awesome!!
because I have no suitable hardware, I tested what I have...
EuroPC/T1000 were thing was that...
EuroPC/T1000 were thing was that...
Impressive! Need to figure out what kind of sorcery is used to make this stuff!
CGA is the big child of the CRTC ;)
You guys should do something with EGA or Amstrad PC1512/1640... just so we can be sure about the untapped potential of those.
Great stuff anyway.
Great stuff anyway.
Technically competent but the complete lack of design leaves an incoherent mess.
the marble madness part was a highlight for me, awesome work!
This is one of those milestone demos where you can feel the sense of achievement while watching it.
Nice hackery.
Ground has been broken once again
Extraordinary and stunning!
Great demo, some parts are excellent!
Now I know why coolest effect will never work on my EuroPC...
Now I know why coolest effect will never work on my EuroPC...
PC roxx!
Fantastic, great job!!!
Tonight I watched Area 5150 play through completely with no glitches in my emulator MartyPC for the first time since removing the timer hack I had in place previously.
If you're keeping score, that means this demo took 2 years, 6 months and 9 days to properly emulate without any hacks. My utmost respect to its creators - you made it quite a challenge!
If you're keeping score, that means this demo took 2 years, 6 months and 9 days to properly emulate without any hacks. My utmost respect to its creators - you made it quite a challenge!
Simply amazing! I didn’t think so much could be squeezed out of a CRTC and 8088! Huge respect for all the hard work! This is truly impressive!
cs127 just showed this to me, and it's extremely kewl, no idea how the Hornet crew did this one! Now the real challenge is to create an emulator than can run this thing! :)
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