73 Million Seconds by Pulse [web]
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popularity : 73% |
alltime top: #477 |
added on the 2000-08-22 19:22:37 by robotriot ![]() |
popularity helper
Nice glow-layer effects, and a cool 3dobjects look
added on the 2000-08-23 06:20:37 by reality3D 

The whole thing made me feel like I was locked in a metal box in a factory downtown...creepy, noisy, yet very organic. Without a doubt one of the coolest ambient demos.
Combines conceptual objects and wonderfull graphics on a sweet music. great work.
One of the best DOS-Demos ever. Effects, graphics and the ambient music are great and fit perfectly together. This demo is simply a must-have.
Is this the Sunflowerish style as they call it?
I think that the first time I had seen this demo I forgot it, but then I heard about this demo very much and wanted to see it again..
The next time I started to like it a little..
Usually I don't understand that much Abstract Stylish Demotrends (Either Wireframe, or Sunflowerish, or other..)
Perhaps I have to see that again and again. Perhaps oneday I will like these very much :)
Sometimes I start to like "sucking demotrends" a little..
Who knows..
I think that the first time I had seen this demo I forgot it, but then I heard about this demo very much and wanted to see it again..
The next time I started to like it a little..
Usually I don't understand that much Abstract Stylish Demotrends (Either Wireframe, or Sunflowerish, or other..)
Perhaps I have to see that again and again. Perhaps oneday I will like these very much :)
Sometimes I start to like "sucking demotrends" a little..
Who knows..
Q. "Does a something like an ambient demo exist?"
A. "Go and download 73ms."
A. "Go and download 73ms."
A really nice demo. Good work.
Creepy ambient music, lots of good gfx and original effects. The design is very good as well, the music helps it alot.
Perhaps my favourite Pulse demo. Absolutely amazing atmosphere, sound and vision merges together so well that you might forget it's "just" a demo.
excellent atmosphere indeed, (music+gfx go very well together) and those layers of clouds are playing tricks with your eyes..
vote. =)
failed to mention this: back then I was seriously wondering where the transition between pixels was. It was so blurry that even for a 16-bit experinece it was resolution-free to me ;)
failed to mention this: back then I was seriously wondering where the transition between pixels was. It was so blurry that even for a 16-bit experinece it was resolution-free to me ;)
I love the pulse style. I think this demo showed the new style Sunflower was going to adopt. Really, really nice
Watch this demo and you'll know why demos are also an art form. Very impressing!
That's a nice download link. But here's a nicer one.
dark and mysterious
love it
Here are some video clips (SVCD and VCD quality). The demo won't be on the DemoDVD, but these were made as a favor to Unreal.
ftp://ftp.demodvd.org/pub/demodvd/examples/73million_svcd.mpg (74mb)
ftp://ftp.demodvd.org/pub/demodvd/examples/73million_vcd.mpg (43mb)
(and finally a deserved thumb)
ftp://ftp.demodvd.org/pub/demodvd/examples/73million_svcd.mpg (74mb)
ftp://ftp.demodvd.org/pub/demodvd/examples/73million_vcd.mpg (43mb)
(and finally a deserved thumb)
awesome demo with awesome gfx by visualize
phoenix: is the server located somewhere ukraine on a unstable dialup? (i.e. it's slow as hell).
It's in the U.S., not Ukraine :). But yeah, there will be a mirror (in Norway, I believe) and we'll announce it once it's official. Bug Trixter if you'd like to speed things up a bit. We'll gladly take any FTP mirror offers! (see the Jun 26 news entry on www.demodvd.org)
impressive mood indeed )-_O)
The music is not my style... But the visuals are so powerful that I enjoyed this demo anyway... Rather unique style, respect!
I watched this demo on Gravity'98 and although I voted for "Suita futura" as the first place, but now, if only I could repeat my voting, I would give it first place.
The link on the top of the page seems to be broken...
the rocks.
One of the most remarkable dos demos.
Maximum respect.
The music is absolufanoamnebable !
The music is absolufanoamnebable !
Zajebwykurwiste !!! Rozpierdalacz :)
Just awesome feeling.
A classic. Just love those layered 3d-effect things that look like water :)
I really don't like this demo at all, but the graphics and colours are really stunning and definitely deserve a vote.
_rules_! pulse are gods. definetly very high in my personal top10. this is style.
win32 port please!
a lost gem.
i'd love to see it again.
i'd love to see it again.
Simply one of the best demos ever
verhaeltnismaessig geil
I demand a video or a win32 port. Now.
never once got this demo to run on one of my computers. I saw it running on someone elses machine once, and it was nice, but dated by the time i saw it. it's ok.
let's have a trip :)
br w 60 by coma is another masterpiece!
br w 60 by coma is another masterpiece!
(or at least a video. Please?)
(or at least a video. Please?)
yeah.. haujobbie ;)
Video or win32 port, please :)
my thumb ? where's my thumb damnit!!
win32 port badly needed :)
Still stunning ...
ah.. a demo from the time when i still hated PC demos. i hated this one a lot ! =)
Worthy CDC indeed. And where IS MY PORT, DAMMIT?!
Indeed. I need a win32 port!
my favourite pulse demo.
and that is saying a lot.
and that is saying a lot.
Really nice demo here! Gotta thumb it up! Especially the combination of graphics and musics at the greenish radial blur really hits the spot.
Ah. I remember this one. Great graphics.
Very good ambient demo... haven't seen it in a while, but I remeber I loved it.
mmmm.. i don't remember how many times i saw this in the past but it was quite a few.
good pc demo for this time
simply great!
thats 844 days..
Really good demo!
Where's my thumb? oh, there it is. This is fucking excellent!
I want an SDL port of that, the effects were great!
Also the athmosphere was quite particular.
Also the athmosphere was quite particular.
Demos like this make you realize that one thumb simply isn't enough!
This is my favorite demo ever... everything about it is absolutely superb. Chilling music and an unsettling, surreal atmosphere.
Very big thanks to all who helped get the new video uploaded.
Very big thanks to all who helped get the new video uploaded.
Cool demo! remember its a dos demo from august 1998 !!!! Spox!
Thx for the video =D
watching it, I can't help but feel that some of the bits would be ruined by a win32 port... also the green section rules.
nice effects but feels like unfinished or combined in as hurry from perfectly coded parts
I finally can watch this! Terrific mood, I miss the demos from that period, thanks for the video !
One of my all-time favourites also. Time ceases to exist.
"Me gsuta beber cerveza y las chicas tambein" Antony : toma tio, y a mi tambien, no te jode?
working on UnivBE on dosbox to review it again.
Visualice roxxs ever! lol
working on UnivBE on dosbox to review it again.
Visualice roxxs ever! lol
Damn Fantastic.
Hmm, I forgot somehow to thumb up this one?
One of the best demos I've ever seen!...
One of the best demos I've ever seen!...
great at it's time!
charming darkwave 98ish
Really great. Solid pulse stuff
fukkin' ace!!!!
A beauty
I watched it again and it has very good effects for my Pentium. You know, it's the things you see when you got used to simple screens, where you can't see the effects but they are still there. I mean,. about my comment back then in the times. Ok,. maybe it's ambient, it's slow, it's not catchy, but the code and looks are great!
visuals are cool but the music is in my very subjective opinion the best ambient tune i've ever heard.
Great visuals.
awesome visuals
I approve of this demo.
Holy damn
this one has a unique mood and style!
very atmospheric.
One of the best DOS-Demos ever. Effects, graphics and the ambient music are great and fit perfectly together. This demo is simply a must-have.
AWESOME effects!
Fabulous demo!
Great. Reminds me a lot of visualize's later work, I wonder how much he had his hands in designing this. Codewise impressive as well, and the ambient soundtrack works. I would have preferred more "flow" though .. whatever that means. :D
Fucking love it, one of the earlier examples of ambient demos. Great effects and sense of aesthetics like usual from pulse.
nice and calm demo
Nice effects and DAT GRAFIX by Visualice but ambient is not a my cup of tea, but who cares? =)
Very interesting effects with a harrowing but still serene soundtrack.
true classic!
First I thought, "eh, this has 'Visualice' written all over it, surely can't be that different from the other thirty I have seen"... and then it went and did something completely unexpected, and that was fucking cool.
2.3 years?
ambient visuals, very nice!
rad as hell
Still very much worth watching
Extremely addictive, the sound, the colours, sharp and smooth transitions. Could be looped
pretty awesome
For some reason I never voted for this, but this is clearly absolutely fantastic.
Polish demoscene rocks!
Really nice ambient MS-DOS demo
Nice example of a late 90's demo
very nice
Excellent demo. I am, like Loaderror, intrigued by the meaning of the title.
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