the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2024-09-29
- Gargaj: it's just procrastination on my side, nothing personal. AI is really boring from software engineering point of view :|
- bifat: LOL. Not a single frame of the damned comic in that news. Is it so good that it needs to be hidden? :]
- and this will affect the Demoscene.
- Nothing will affect the Demoscene.
- ham: idk. the point is, you still see culturally significant developments in the demoscene first. :)
- bifat: Indeed! ;]
- “As a professor at the University of Vigo and researcher in Comic Studies for 20 years, this project causes me profound sadness and much, much shame . This is unworthy of the university (and especially of Salamanca, the dean of Spanish universities)”
- Hector!
- What's the vector, Victor?
- 2024-09-30
- here you can see how sph particles are sorted into a grid irl - pretty decent material to masterbate to :
- We have clearance, Clarence.
- sp-04: Airplane!
- Clearance, die schielende Löwin.
- Good Morning everyone! Have a good day of Moon...
- October is upon us, have great birthdays you other octoberians! :)
- Yes, happy birthday to all. But NOT todaaaay, yet. Only starting from to morrow ;)!
- We have a whole rasterbar, can you not see it?
- 🌈 All will be good. We are one big family world wide. Have a great week! 🌈
- Give me a Ping, Vasili. One Ping only.
- Creedence Clearwater Clarence
- and rainbows are just bent rasterbars
- Show me the way to the next rasterbar.
- Bifat: awesome demo title (maybe remove the 'and')
- Rasterbar is around the bent