the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2024-09-28
if - by any means - Melwyn does, will this affect the Demoscene...??...
The eagle has landed, I repeat, the eagle has landed.
MORE network, LESS social!
and this will affect the Demoscene.
Why isn’t the second person in the ukraine rules -topic not banned?
see this is why i'm quitting. no "thanks for swift action", only "you missed a spot". fuck y'all.
happy 40th birthday Amstrad o/
can't we put future pouet moderation under control of gargAI?
Thank you for banning the other shit troll.
you've just showed what's to be expected for whoever takes the job.
thanks for swift action tho
Gargaj, this is why you've been so great as a moderator of Pouet, because you get the jobs done and you don't take any shit from anybody
Anyone know this jazz tune? It goes like: dii dippaappa dipaappa dii, piddadii puppa daa di daa
All should apologize dipswitch or else... talking about the level of entitlement.
what? o_O
I'm entitled, gimme the stuff!
- 2024-09-29
holborn scene is most entitled!
legend, every jazz tune is a färjan, if you are färjan enough
- Nice.
There is a simple solution to moderation problem: AI. It could automatically prevent submission of shitpost.
but then what would you do
No, cos AI itself is shit, it would block everything else and ONLY allow shitposts
johnny-come-lately: creado-integramente-con-ia-y-las-redes-arden-n/