the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2024-09-28
- if - by any means - Melwyn does, will this affect the Demoscene...??...
- The eagle has landed, I repeat, the eagle has landed.
- MORE network, LESS social!
- and this will affect the Demoscene.
- Why isn’t the second person in the ukraine rules -topic not banned?
- see this is why i'm quitting. no "thanks for swift action", only "you missed a spot". fuck y'all.
- <3
- happy 40th birthday Amstrad o/
- can't we put future pouet moderation under control of gargAI?
- Thank you for banning the other shit troll.
- you've just showed what's to be expected for whoever takes the job.
- thanks for swift action tho
- Gargaj, this is why you've been so great as a moderator of Pouet, because you get the jobs done and you don't take any shit from anybody
- Anyone know this jazz tune? It goes like: dii dippaappa dipaappa dii, piddadii puppa daa di daa
- All should apologize dipswitch or else... talking about the level of entitlement.
- what? o_O
- I'm entitled, gimme the stuff!
- 2024-09-29
- holborn scene is most entitled!
- legend, every jazz tune is a färjan, if you are färjan enough
- Nice.
- There is a simple solution to moderation problem: AI. It could automatically prevent submission of shitpost.
- but then what would you do
- Ha
- No, cos AI itself is shit, it would block everything else and ONLY allow shitposts
- johnny-come-lately: creado-integramente-con-ia-y-las-redes-arden-n/