
generating quickndirty music videoclips

category: gfx [glöplog]

I'm looking for hints concerning making clips for my tracks, but quickndirty.
For example an easy way would be to play your track in winamp, and record the visuals displayed by a plugin like 'milkdrop' etc.
Anyways, I'm wondering if I can do it a bit more sophistic.
For example, I have found a way to generate a midi-track from an mp3, which just triggers notes on the beat and sends the amplitude as an CC.

My initial idea was to map this data to a visualisation pack like 'vvvv', 'maxmsp' etc, however I underestimated the learningcurve.
So..any suggestions for creating quickndirty audiovisuals with midinotes & CC's as input?
Are there any (free) software packages which can do this without too much effort?

For example, just having the scale of a cube being affected by an midi CC would be nice, or a midi note.
So: I'm not looking for a bigass modular package, and also not a c++ from scratch demo-app with midi input.

Is there something inbetween?

Thnx guys, this site rocks.
added on the 2011-02-26 17:57:53 by squezel squezel
Maybe this???

If you have a "source" MIDI file it can do a variety of visualizations. Something like this:
put cd in cars cd player.
attach video camera to front window.
press record on video camera.
press play on cd player.
drive around your city.
when music stops, press stop on video camera.
copy video to pc.
upload to youtube.
pay royalties to me.
rasmus, somehow i get the feeling you didn't read the actual question. or you are just being off-topic on purpose :)
added on the 2011-02-26 23:33:47 by booster booster
ok ok, he could take the midi-input print it and use as driving guide.
