category: residue [glöplog]
see what I did there
see what I did there
lol, where ?
lolol there
why not post in the old SECRET PRO H4XX0R thread, though?
why not post in the old SECRET PRO H4XX0R thread, though?
Secret thread fail. :P
panic's Secret Thread id = 7900.
There I had to say it, now no-one tell krabob. ;P
There I had to say it, now no-one tell krabob. ;P
Well i admit it my attempt failed in having same thread as Maali's !!
Now that's 2 lots of #'s I have to remember! It's a good thing I emailed my bank details & pin to the lovely gentleman from The Nigerian Bank or I'd forget that too!
if you forget the thread id, an easy way is to just hightlight the thread below it, then shift-tab a few times until the invisi-thread has a tiny highlight, then hit return :)
Or of course ctrl+d whilst you're sitting here reading this. If you really want to of course. No pressure...
'Sup all ? :p
[color=#446688]Shh, secret squirrel.[/color]
Bugger, so much for bbcode!
*yawn* so easy if you can read.