
Am I loosing it...?

category: general [glöplog]
Recently I dropped a line in the one liner (the irony) that well, my contract is not getting extended because I'm late for work (by default). You know, hour late average, and every now and then a worst case scenario. Fair enough, I got sum issues with sleep.. :D

But, this project I'm working on, exceed 360'000 lines of code.
There is not one comment, not one cvs commit message. Which makes it strenuous to figure things out.

To top that off, the quality of code is dreadful. From pieces of code that expect the method it calls to return null on error, even though the method would never return null on error, to stupid things like if statements if(object != null) object.useObject(); else object.useObject();
Heck the project is strewn with null pointer exception's waiting to happen. Calculations (insurance company) do not work properly because of really dumb ass things like working with a BigDecimal saying ... bigDecimal.add(someValue) but looses the addition because they dont keep the result!!!??

Generally code is flawed, and they have started relying on these flaws to get things working.

The 3 guys that's been working on this project (I joined 3 months ago) have pretty much created stuff that looks like legacy code coming from the dark ages. And maintaining this project will be unbareable and purgatory hell for anyone that has to do it.

Now Ive been doing this for over 9 years now. And I think this is the worst I have had to work on. But, I also like complaining. I'll always find something to complain about...

But looking at all of this, I cannot understand how me being late for work, compares to the Quality of crap that's being produced by these people. I dont create shit like this. Never have. So why am I the one sitting without a contract? Am I just loosing the point?

Am I just disgruntled? Naive?
I feel like I should make a big presentation about the project... post it on thedailywtf.com or something.

blah /rant/moan/complain
added on the 2009-02-10 13:17:45 by _TrXtR_ _TrXtR_
lose != loose

Apart from that, I hear you. You could try to look for a new job which may or may not be more enjoyable than your current one, but the job market is a bit bleak at the moment..
added on the 2009-02-10 13:22:37 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
Wait, did you mean "losing it?".
To top that off, the quality of code is dreadful. From pieces of code that expect the method it calls to return null on error, even though the method would never return null on error, to stupid things like if statements if(object != null) object.useObject(); else object.useObject();
Heck the project is strewn with null pointer exception's waiting to happen. Calculations (insurance company) do not work properly because of really dumb ass things like working with a BigDecimal saying ... bigDecimal.add(someValue) but looses the addition because they dont keep the result!!!??

Sounds like a project that will blow up sooner or later. Better pack your stuff and move on.

I'm late for work (by default). You know, hour late average, and every now and then a worst case scenario. Fair enough, I got sum issues with sleep.

Maybe your contract has not been extended because the company want's to cut expenses, and your late comming habbit was a good excuse to get someone from a project that everyone knows will fail anyway...

Go and get a job that it's worth working for...

added on the 2009-02-10 13:25:54 by torus torus
1 word: management
added on the 2009-02-10 13:28:31 by Speed Speed
### management, people succeeding ###
ja ja spelling mistakes and all.

lose != loose

I'm loosing my job and your going grammar nazi on my ass!!!?? geez thanx dude!

Blegh, maybe they are running a little tight.
Luckily over here our job market has tons of possibilities. So I think I'm safe on that.

But yeah, maybe it's for the best
added on the 2009-02-10 13:34:10 by _TrXtR_ _TrXtR_
in germany (yes that country) they call this mobbing, its about foolish people searching some excuses to exclude better ones from their team because they want to be "better" atleast somehow..
added on the 2009-02-10 13:35:48 by mad mad
But, this project I'm working on, exceed 360'000 lines of code.
There is not one comment, not one cvs commit message. Which makes it strenuous to figure things out.

Maybe (but only: maybe) it's better to lose a job like this... :\
added on the 2009-02-10 13:49:38 by bdk bdk
Definately submit code samples to thedailywtf, as well as the fact that you're the one being sacked for bad time keeping, while the idiots behind the code stay on.
added on the 2009-02-10 13:50:49 by xeron xeron
I like the faulty apostrophes in this topic.... not.
good point..
added on the 2009-02-10 14:01:09 by mad mad
I have the same issue with being late at times when I fall into interesting stuff late evening that then turns into night.

The thing is...

its easy for managers to notice who is on time or who is a work extra hours.

its hard for manager to notice quality/efficient work.

So guess what they focus on.... :)
added on the 2009-02-10 14:05:10 by neptun neptun
But if you have obliged to arrive at work at a certain time of day, and stay for a certain amount of hours, then you one should DO that.

I can't be the managers jobs to take into account that you're doing "interesting stuff" during the night.
added on the 2009-02-10 14:08:20 by Puryx Puryx
As puryx said, if you're paid to work certain hours and you don't care enough to make sure you get up at the right time, you can't really expect the managers to take you too seriously. The impression you're going to give them is either that you don't give a shit about the job, or you're just lazy. Either way, you'll be high on the list of people to get rid of, regardless of your skills.

That said, it does sound like the kind of job where you have to either a. fight to get the project up to a high standard (near impossible if you have a few bad people doing most of the work) or b. leave well before the shit hits the fan. Hit the fan it surely will, and you don't want any of it sticking to you :)

Good luck finding a new job, and try to keep time a bit better :)
added on the 2009-02-10 14:14:04 by psonice psonice
I feel your pain _TrXtR_, because codewise it is similar where I work. We have SVN-commit comments and a ticket system though ;)
It annoys the hell out of me, and I want to change jobs sooner or later. Cleaning up crap that other people produce(d) is really not very satisfying.

On being late:
My boss has problems with me coming even 15 min. late (every now and then), even when I usually work 30 minutes (minimum) more every day... No logic to it imo, but well...
If there's a certain time I need to be in office (meetings, whatevers), I'm there on time. Always.
But, well. I just stopped being late... It's easy as this...

I can't imagine a single company that wouldn't kick you out if you always arrive at 10 when your contract says 9. So this is probably partly your fault.
added on the 2009-02-10 14:16:57 by raer raer
But if you have obliged to arrive at work at a certain time of day, and stay for a certain amount of hours, then you one should DO that.

I can't be the managers jobs to take into account that you're doing "interesting stuff" during the night.

Sadly :) I do have to agree with you.
If the reason for me leaving is true, which I'm sure it is, it's definitely my fault. That I am fine with, and well, going to be doing things to get that fixed up so I don't have to run into it anymore.

But I do have to sit here till the end of the month, and have a deadline for the 16th... and the issues I'm running into to get this stuff to work is crazy.
It'll be all over soon... but I wont be getting my insurance from here :-P

Maybe I am trying to rub my problem onto them though. Fair enough.
But I think it's petty compared to the problems they have. They focus on me though so ja :/

I can't be the managers jobs to take into account that you're doing "interesting stuff" during the night.

Yeah, that was all fair enough when I was younger. But nowadays... try lying in bed for 4 hours and your brain just doesn't switch off.

I am meant to be in front of a computer, not sleeping.

added on the 2009-02-10 14:21:07 by _TrXtR_ _TrXtR_
Sports or alcohol might help you switch off. One of those is healthier.
added on the 2009-02-10 14:24:10 by raer raer
There is not one comment, not one cvs commit message.

you make it sound like it's a bad thing :)
added on the 2009-02-10 14:35:41 by Gargaj Gargaj
Sports, ftw.
I think it's fundamental to discharge stress, since usually stress = no_sleep, and no_sleep = global life collapse.
Sometimes coding/work can be stressful... not to mention your very particular case! I mean: 360'000 lines o' code without comments: WHAT THE HECK :S
Again: sports / healty life style: ftw...
added on the 2009-02-10 14:45:20 by bdk bdk
you make it sound like it's a bad thing :)

It would be a good thing if it was "good code, it comments by itself ^^".
But I suppose it's not the case... :)
added on the 2009-02-10 14:46:45 by bdk bdk
trxtr: i don't sleep much too. But I stay up very late working on my own stuff, and still get up at 7am.. it's hard to wake up, but a coffee and some food and you feel ok again. You just need a job that will motivate you enough to get out of bed when the alarm goes :D
added on the 2009-02-10 14:49:37 by psonice psonice
1) try to be there on time
2) get a better job, this one probably is a case for thedailywtf...

always treat work as #1 so you can afford to do #2-#10 :)
added on the 2009-02-10 17:30:17 by thec thec
you're over an hour late every day and wondering why you're getting fired? rethink that, then try again.

maybe you don't like to hear it, but the way you present yourself is crucial, often the most crucial of all. maybe, if you work on how others (i.e. potential bosses) perceive you, you can get a more decent job than a being crapcode maintenance programmer while you're at it..it looks like skill isn't the problem; unfortunately maybe, skill isn't the only virtue either.

buy a suit, get a haircut, get one of those alarm clocks that roll under the bed and hide when you snooze, etcetera. eat healthy if you're not doing so. go to bed on time. etc. really, it helps :)
added on the 2009-02-10 17:51:07 by skrebbel skrebbel
hour late average

since how long? more than a week? yes? then your manager is a moron for not firing you earlier...
added on the 2009-02-10 17:53:38 by havoc havoc
