This is Revision by Danish Underpants Brigade
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popularity : 74% |
alltime top: #238 |
added on the 2013-01-17 21:48:50 by booster ![]() |
popularity helper
awesome invitation !
rulez added on the 2013-01-17 21:48:58 by anni 

what truck said (:
very well done invite, the jokes very actually funny and the ending killed it! (in a good way)
Love it!
Totally AWESOME!
Looked awesome on the stream! ;)
Number one!
Absolutely super awesome! Damn this is fun!!!
Great invitation ! Can't wait to be there :)
awesome & fuckin funny. linux x86_64 version would be cool too.
Terribly Loud Rave Music!!!
Cool invi
AWESOME invitation. so lucking forward to experience all the things described in this infomercial again.
heart warming and in your face at the same time :D clip-art fun \o/
Too full of advertisements <3
It triggered the partyfeeling! Awesome!
(en skikkelig flæskesvær, dette her!)
(en skikkelig flæskesvær, dette her!)
This is how you make an invitation. Almost makes me want to start on my release now :D
This was... cheesy. :) But works as an invitation.
made me feel the urge to attend my first demoparty!
nice invitro, but iam visiting girlfriend for alot of days this year instead
kinda cute, though i'm not looking forward for the jingles. :( really should've ended with the credits bit; i guess it works as a whole, even though it looks like a nehe tutorial.
The program can't start because MSVCR110D.dll is missing from your computer. :(
the thumb goes for using a gratuitous .bat file
Most honest invitation ever, even mentioned the long walk to the loo. Fucking ace! <3
And what dirtie said, however I guess that will be fixed on a Tuesday ^^
And what dirtie said, however I guess that will be fixed on a Tuesday ^^
Thumbs up for the OS X Version! ^^
dirtie: vc2012 redist (x86) is required.
Very nice invitation! I like smoke tunnel effect.
I should done my prod before arriving at the plarty place.
But I always fail to do so and I write sound synth code at the party.
I should done my prod before arriving at the plarty place.
But I always fail to do so and I write sound synth code at the party.
you need to pee / but the tunnel is too long to go / la la la
Jaaaaaa! \o/
π's out.
π's out.
Fuck yeah!
bstrr: msvcr110d.dll? :) Release build could help, also set runtime libs to "multithreaded" (instead of multithreaded dll). Apart from that: :D
Fuck yeah, this one is right in your face! Good timing, funny and a very fitting look. Well done everyone!
(Look closely, it's the Pi symbol. It all starts to make sense now, eh?)
I hope no Amigas were broken during the making of this invitation.
genuine Laughing Out Loud
How many penguins where harmed in the making?
How many penguins where harmed in the making?
Saga Musix: KTHX - I received teh message from dwarf ehhrm darth :D
this is revision.
Haha, so funny, so original!
great invite!
Solskogen invitation team: HIRED.
great invitation!
though, got my planetickets already before this was released.
though, got my planetickets already before this was released.
Revisioooonnwubwubwub \o/
it's a bit long-winded.. but god damn I'm a sucker for that takeoff :D
evil robot speaks the truth. made me laugh several times. end part music rules.
Awesome, had a great laugh!
Wish the evil robotto was speaking all the time!
good job guys, now WHO WANTS A BUS? :D
good job guys, now WHO WANTS A BUS? :D
Great stuff :)
:D Love it!
what leijaa said, but still ...
Congratulations to the creators. You've set a really great mood. Too bad i can't be there. Have fun at revision, lads 'n' ladies.
awesome invite is awesome.
Could use so more effects but still cool.
Really well done and a good laugh!
Wild Knoeki tribute spotted! :)
GlaDOS please open the PORTAL to revision !!!
nice one!
So where did you do number 2?!
it's not whoopy and more of the same quickly. but. hey. revision. yaaaay!
Quite cool, but it leaves a lot to be desired in the nerve/timing department. Those "evil, honest robot" sequences quickly becomes obvious and annoying, while still not being evil enough. Still easily worth one of them upwards thumbs, of course.
Fun, funny, polished.
Gør det du er bedst til.
I can only hear the evil voice !
That was entertaining :)
The evil is surely a coder... ^_^
tried the osx binary, lots of white squares where sprites should be.
thumbup for the second part :)
mog`> even cherrie will upvote this one :P
lug00ber> mog`: wouldn't put my money on that
mog`> lug00ber: wanna make it a bet, about a beer? :P
lug00ber> mog`: sure
lug00ber> mog`: wouldn't put my money on that
mog`> because of the wobbles?
Damnit Cherrie, you had one job! Now I have to buy beer, what a bummer /o\
Kudos for using 'Brostep' though Cherri (instead of Dubstep), however it's quite obvious they've been used ironically here, don't be so dry - water that plant now and then <3
What kusma said, still worth a thumb up.
What Response said. Oh and yea, ACE Stuff!!! :)
That evil robot speaks the truth.
Can't wait for Revision. Great invitation!
cool :)
Why is this stupid robot singing?
Why is he saying all this idyllic crap?
Why is he saying all this idyllic crap?
Forgot to include the well deserved thumb.
Evil robot makes me remember how old I am, so I won't come :)
I'm perplexed, do I want to go or do I listen to evil robot!
Thumb up for this robos and chromag's comment.
Great work guyz! Funny as hell :) I felt relieved when there appeared that evil robot :)
ha ha ha, cool!
so funny! gr8 invtro!
funny for one minute, then it becomes more and more silly.
Good ideas, but could've been implemented better.. Basicially what Kusma said. Thumbs up still, I'm sure it'll be a sweet party :)
would have ruled on the TUM bigscreen :)
so small production, so many comments.
good spirit
i laught a lot about jokes
so then another time on scene sat for me, i don't want to be killed during days after ^^ especially if wodk make me drink ! regards to all and cool invitro. so thumb up for sure
good spirit
i laught a lot about jokes
so then another time on scene sat for me, i don't want to be killed during days after ^^ especially if wodk make me drink ! regards to all and cool invitro. so thumb up for sure
Coolest release in quite some time.
ehehe ... reminded me a little of this
Loved it :D
this surely is one of the most awesome invitation ever done.
Great, now I am even more agitated that I will miss this year’s event. Love the invite….
So freakin' good! :D
Revision... NAO! \o/
really great job as an invitation ("I want to come!!!")
fun concept & great execution (especially, I think the timing/pace is perfect)
fun concept & great execution (especially, I think the timing/pace is perfect)
The angel parts are a bit too slow paced, but someone is taking care of that! Funny...
What the others said.
Lovely invitation. The vocals remind me of the Amiga Tribute by Eric Schwartz.
Excellent invitro - very funny too. Slightly reminiscent of Crazy Frog and other odds and ends but that's no bad thing. I hope we can make the trip.
really annoying, but made me want to come anyway.
good fun, good spirit, nice invtro, the wubz at the end are solid.
Holy fuck this was tedious, it felt like it went on for muuuch longer than the (already quite stretched) 4.5 mins...
Red robot and naive charm saves it from thumbdown but only barely...
Red robot and naive charm saves it from thumbdown but only barely...
A bit too long but what las said..
So much laugh watching this. And nice sounds by the way.
Lags a bit more variation, but good enough for an invitation
me likes... i'll be there... :D brings everything an invit needs and made me smile...
An interesting idea for an invitation demo.
Whatever. I'm a sucker for anything danish underpants brigade. They get my vote.
Great invite :)
want to come. but won't :(
what kusma and break said, but with a piggie.
well.. I laughed at the evil parts but..
usual invitation, works for what it is but other than that i don't like it
unusual :) me likes
mog: hehe. i can't. i'm just like that evil red robot.
AWESOME, see you at Revision folks :D
Quite funny, definitely works as invitation :) I just wish that at some point in not so distant future this wob hysteria passes, even if this one uses it in good context. See you there!
Waiting for the Amiga version, or wait..... it just died...
Its an Invitation...a here and there funny One.
Nothing more to say...
Nothing more to say...
Kind of amusing but gets boring pretty quickly. I'll have to try to make it to revision this year though.
worked for me. it's pretty funny. evil robot is awesome. :)
First, great invitro with spot-on jokes!
Second, I learned something new today: applications compiled by Visual Studio 2012 do not run on Windows XP by default ("ThisIsRevision.exe is not a valid Win32 app"), unless you install update 1 and specify you want your programs to be XP-compatible.
From the horse's mouth: set the Platform Toolset property to Visual Studio 2012 – Windows XP (v110_xp).
Seems a small change to support an old platform. (I'm only running it on my secondary PC, on Win7 the demo ran fine).
Second, I learned something new today: applications compiled by Visual Studio 2012 do not run on Windows XP by default ("ThisIsRevision.exe is not a valid Win32 app"), unless you install update 1 and specify you want your programs to be XP-compatible.
From the horse's mouth: set the Platform Toolset property to Visual Studio 2012 – Windows XP (v110_xp).
Seems a small change to support an old platform. (I'm only running it on my secondary PC, on Win7 the demo ran fine).
Yep, it's there (after installing VS2012 update 1). I've only recently jumped to 2012 Express (from VS6 /o\ ) and I was just looking up exactly that error after I gave one of my own tools to someone else. Trying to run your demo on my old PC (as that one is still connected to the speakers) helped me a lot finding the problem, as it was the first time I saw that error message. So thanks for that!
Laudrup Approved :)
My first football was signed by Mikke Laudrup.
And, Tritons Crystal Dream work on 286 with SB. Ja Marq mees sitä ziloggias duunaa.
My first football was signed by Mikke Laudrup.
And, Tritons Crystal Dream work on 286 with SB. Ja Marq mees sitä ziloggias duunaa.
What's there to say that hasn't already been said. The concept in general is downright brilliant, and really refreshing compared to usual we've-got-this-and-that-invitations. Revision really IS this way. Think about what happens when "the villagers (tm)" are allowed in for an hour or two. Organizers have to warn everyone hours in advance. I think this is EXACTLY what Revision is like, and EXACTLY why I love going there. Great work on capturing the essence of the party and serving it across to me this way.
you danes are out of your mind, and i totally love it. :)
That was really rather swee - FUCKING SHITE - sweet.
.... why was the first (happy) part even there? :D
cool and funny
fun :)
this was very bad, sorry. should have been fun, but it isn't. concept is a bit too much like this video... also way too long, gets boring after 2 minutes. sorry again guys. perhaps just not for me
great invitation for great party, even budstep is tolerable in this one, because it's made fun of.
Together with the another world intro remake and we accidentally borrowed your votedisk, this has to be among the coolest invitros.
Now if only it were compiled to be runnable on XP.
Now if only it were compiled to be runnable on XP.
rulez! i LOL´D XD
"...\ThisIsRevision.exe is not a valid Win32 application." for me too on my old, Windows XP Pro. SP3 box. :(
So, I watched it on YouTube. It was decent. :)
So, I watched it on YouTube. It was decent. :)
Looking forward to this event.
Why am i walking along today singing the tune in my head!! haha love it.. .its inspired me now to attend Revision all the way from Australia... Thank you guys!!!
As h0ffman said - looking forward for getting "annoyed"!
And totally obsolete computers, of course!
And totally obsolete computers, of course!
ahah, was really fun to watch!
One of the few prods where I hit repeat over and over again.
exactly what uncle-x said.
do i really need to install vs2012 now? there should be some installer anywhere for the debug-libs alone i guess. gotta google for that ;/
do i really need to install vs2012 now? there should be some installer anywhere for the debug-libs alone i guess. gotta google for that ;/
fun! :D
@bstrr: runs ootb here. no installs needed
the "brostep interruptions" were actually quite fun. Still, can't help but find this invitation a tad long.
made me laugh!
Fun and seriously kick ass.
fucking nice!
I like brostep just as much as the next guy but this was just awful.
come on this sucks
incredibly boring.
No matter what the sucks'ers say, it rulez!
Awesome! At first i thought "Oh no, not one of those photo slideshow invitations again" - Then i spilled my coffee all over the keyboard and documents on the desk when the evil robot appeared the first time. Was worth it. This rocks!
Ignore the lamers, this shit rocked
great !
Excellent :D
ThisIsRevision.exe is not a valid Win32 application (antivirus turned off).
So much win
Worth the wait for DUB robot!
lol cracked me up! great invite!
Nothing impressive, but damn fun to watch. I like the mood, the music, and it feels polished, despite the visual simplicity.
Great work!
Great work!
still all about using totally obsolete computers!
Awwww yisssss
innovative !
cool :)
Cool :)
hahah, good
Haha fuck me. I hate demoscene but now I want to go to revision. xD
hell yea. hilarious!
It's okee but... well... I'll give it a piggy.
The most animating invitation ever!
Love it!
This makes me soooooo want to go... oh wait I just went. Awesome
can't get this out of my head!
funny as hell!
A bit long, but awesome :)
Almost a year too late in thumbing it up. Great invite. :) Quite hilarious.
Super funny, very polished, probably the best invite ever IMO.
plays perfect on my iMac and it's a funny intro too... dunno if i'll watch again but i enjoyed it!
Huh, I never thumbed this up? Loved it as an invitation!
Does anyone have the zip? The download link doesn't work anymore...
Great party concept. Great invitation.
Happybot vs. Evilbot
best invit ever
"you need to pee, but the tunnel is too long to go" :D
lol, I don't want to escape anymore never ever :)
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