megademo 8 by Kefrens | ||||||||||||||
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popularity : 69% |
alltime top: #1452 |
added on the 2002-02-06 22:50:56 by z5 ![]() |
popularity helper
RAHHHHHH, lovely !!!
i looooove the music of the loader !!!
you can see other screenshots here, and dl the music too ! (ADF are on this page too)
perhaps one of the first demo i saw on Amiga, and lots of hours to read the scroll texts and dream in front of my tv big screen!!!!!!!
i looooove the music of the loader !!!
you can see other screenshots here, and dl the music too ! (ADF are on this page too)
perhaps one of the first demo i saw on Amiga, and lots of hours to read the scroll texts and dream in front of my tv big screen!!!!!!!
On February the 18th, 2002, Zone surpassed PigPen as top glöpper.
On February the 18th, 2002, Zone surpassed PigPen as top glöpper.
massive prod !!! :) Probably THE demo that made me hooked to the demoscene back in the early nineties!
haven't seen this since ages .. tho i remember the nice usage of st-xx samples =)
What, I haven't commented this yet? Extremely great demo, especially the parts by Metallion, Promax and Icronite/Milkshake. And by the way, contrary to popular belief there ARE 8 Kefrens Megademos. The first two were made under their old name "The Starlight Project" though..
I ran this one a lot of time!
Thanks break I didn't know for I&II
Thanks break I didn't know for I&II
damn good stuff!!!
I watched it so many times in the early 90's.
Maybe I should watch it once more!
Maybe I should watch it once more!
actually i never understood why this demo was always ranked so high
the routines in this demo where quite unoptimized and already better seen in other demos before that one
the routines in this demo where quite unoptimized and already better seen in other demos before that one

One of the first Amiga demos I saw. Yes!
I loved the tune by Nightlight in the Kill Victor demo on Disk 2... What no disk 2? OK Have posted a url to fix me, beautiful.
Love, love,love for Megademo 8!
A Legend.
A Legend.
dirt Nightlight's mod
(btw I just discovered he made the "don't go" module too :))
(btw I just discovered he made the "don't go" module too :))
A classic!
absolutely kickass!
Top notch stuff from the holy Kefren!
actually i never understood why this demo was always ranked so high
the routines in this demo where quite unoptimized and already better seen in other demos before that one
tmb: Promax's 3D kicked ass back then, I remember we liked it so much that it even decided Starlion to start working seriously on our 3D routs for months on Atari.
Moreover the demo was just ubercool imo (along with some of its mods) ;)
A legendary megademo. Promax's 3D was just totally amazing back then.
One of my favorite on this platform
SAUCE: Interactvity(!), the music to the Roller demo (mod.fletch), ultrawhack scrollers and best use of sprite snakes evah!!
SHITZ: ugly art, but at least better than ****
(music kicks ass and topples dominoes)
SHITZ: ugly art, but at least better than ****
(music kicks ass and topples dominoes)
my fav kefrens megademo
Some very nice parts accompanied by some ugly/average parts. And the 3d routines were pretty fast for that time. I wonder how TMB found out that the code is unoptimized... Anyway, thumb goes up. :)
not perfect but still a good classic one
Another classic.
ruuuuulez :D
to die for and i remember back in the day when i loaded the beast part, blew me off my chair lol kefrens was (and still is) one of my alltime favorite groups, both the old and new kefrens
Sorry, but I can't see anything special here, and to me, the demos are quite boring.
They made a gazillion mega demos, and everyone of them is good!
got kefrensbars and all
Top quality soundtrack, still totally enjoyable.
Gotta thumb this one - classic stuff.
Kefrens !
Hey where's my vote. Absolutely one of the best ever.
Megademo 7 was really good, Megademo 8 is a total masterpiece ! A lot of good demo inside it (And Kill victor from Promax wow... It was the first time I see overscan fullscreen full framerate flat 3D)
If you need to see only one demo from 1990 you can watch this one because it contains mostly all classics fx from that time !
If you need to see only one demo from 1990 you can watch this one because it contains mostly all classics fx from that time !
Yeaaah !
Promax' code was fantastic. i remember copying his linedraw to fix the line length issue, and I think I kept using it for years. Also, at the party this was released, (and my first party ever) I officially became a member of Kefrens, but after 30 minutes they changed their mind and didn't let me in after all (I think because I wanted to finish my other demo for Static Bytes, I'm not sure). Ah, fun times.
Metallion !!!
That is an amazing tune
First glenz, Seven Sins-beating convex spaceships, and Harold Faltermeyer music... what more could you want?? Kefrens had made some nice demos before, and if their previous megademos weren't top notch, this megademo now placed them firmly in the top league :)
yep, some good stuff in this one.
That converted me to a Kefrens fanboy back in the day...
Contains lots of classic stuff, particularly Nightlight's Dirt song
video is just perfect to burn on a cd
Trying to let the fact sink in that this is called "Megademo 8"...
Just as a sidenote, this demo has a few second long cameo in the documentary Shirkers. :)
pic or it didnt happen
Just watch it yourself, it's on Netflix.
Had this demo on a disk back in the time and i was always fascinated from two songs in the demo. The intro-tune and the tune in the "Walkmann" part from "Metallion". Great memories, great demo !!!
I wish I could thumb this up twice. Haters gonna lame <3
One of the best megademo, few comments, the most underrated classic on pouet to my eyes =]
Nice long one hour very 90s megademo coded at a Copyparty in Denmark
"Kill Victor" by the legendary Promax is my favorite part of the
Megademo. The blue cube and the green space ship - awesome! And
indeed, the objects were really big and impressive for that time. It
really motivated and pushed me into writing my first own filled 3D routine.
The music by Nightlight is great, too. The drums and the bass are very
well arranged and are groovin' like hell! Moreover, the simple and
catchy melody conveys a kind of easiness and is leaving enough room
for the main actor - namely the BIG vectors. Lovely!
By the way, what was so special (see comment of Hannibal) about the
line drawing routine?
Megademo. The blue cube and the green space ship - awesome! And
indeed, the objects were really big and impressive for that time. It
really motivated and pushed me into writing my first own filled 3D routine.
The music by Nightlight is great, too. The drums and the bass are very
well arranged and are groovin' like hell! Moreover, the simple and
catchy melody conveys a kind of easiness and is leaving enough room
for the main actor - namely the BIG vectors. Lovely!
By the way, what was so special (see comment of Hannibal) about the
line drawing routine?
By the way, what was so special (see comment of Hannibal) about the
line drawing routine?
It worked :D I think nearly everyone was using Promax's liendraw routine at some stage in the early 90's. It might even have been spread/published (wither officially or unofficially)
Some great tunes here, and amazing routines as for 1990!!!
Ain't this the first glenz routine (Transformer part by Promax) written and published on the Amiga, ever?
Ain't this the first glenz routine (Transformer part by Promax) written and published on the Amiga, ever?
Who composed the music from "Rotate" part? One of my favorite tune since I heard in in 1991 in .STM format.
motivational thumb
Thank you, Buckethead!
Well the music is composed by Harold Faltermeyer, but remake is by Nightlight :)
I forgot something.

I think I prefer their Megademo 7 more ;) But this is one is also superb.
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A classic demo. Fantastic parts amongst some more average parts.