
Fall Equals Winter by Replay
platform :
type :
release date : december 1999
release party : The Party 1999
compo : pc non 3d acc demo
ranked : 2nd
  • 144
  • 39
  • 5
popularity : 74%
  • 0.74
  • 1
alltime top: #306
added on the 2000-09-20 05:37:26 by potos potos

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Decent effects, awesome mp3 by radix... I like it.
added on the 2000-10-03 05:02:22 by tck42 tck42
This demo has splendid audio, the mp3 was a real surprise and is very adorable. Even if you do not like the demo (though I'dn't know why) get it because of the music!
I loooove music!
added on the 2000-10-11 11:26:51 by jibe jibe
radix rules! nice style, too.
added on the 2000-11-07 23:05:13 by robotriot robotriot
"If you could gather all the stars and hold them in my hand, ..."
Nice words, I discovered the music before the demo, I will watch the demo in a few seconds...
added on the 2001-01-27 01:39:13 by Sanx Sanx
The music is really good. Even demo is ok by me, but the music is reaaally good. Worth of downloading even just for the tune.
added on the 2001-02-02 20:22:27 by kaarlo kaarlo

Seems to me to be a demo for 13 year old girls that have a crush on a guy called Adam.

Very cutsie music, and very friendly graphics ooze pre-pubescent innocence.

If your kind of music is type o negative, this demo will do little for you.

All in all though, nice clean PG rated demo ;)
added on the 2001-03-09 07:30:10 by BloodyL BloodyL
well designed with few effects
the forest scene is a desing-must see effect
i love their clouds with snow :)
amazing music and nice demo - must see!
added on the 2001-04-02 13:24:37 by lordb lordb
If I could gather all
the prods that replay
ever made in one hand
the framerate I would then posses, would not be half as grand as that, that I can see when I flip pages in a book.

The music owns me, my girlfriend and (by now) all my neighbourhood. Respect.

You gotta see this one.
added on the 2001-04-13 05:26:34 by sin sin
rulez added on the 2001-06-22 17:23:13 by robotriot robotriot
actually.. I like this one!
rulez added on the 2001-07-09 23:39:29 by oldaccount oldaccount
Great music! :) But im not impressed by the demo.
added on the 2001-08-21 15:16:09 by andromed4 andromed4
awesome tune, good ideas..
but where's the code? :)
rulez added on the 2001-10-02 15:34:45 by superplek superplek
its on the fucking screen.

rulez added on the 2001-10-02 16:56:41 by rbism rbism
Boring demo, but it's worth a look, thanks to Radix's music.
added on the 2001-10-02 18:12:00 by noid noid
All's been said... vote!
rulez added on the 2001-10-02 23:17:44 by Vip Vip
Boring. As most Replay prods.
sucks added on the 2001-10-14 22:07:51 by DiamonDie DiamonDie
boring? hello there! demos are not about what you see, nor about what you hear, they are about what you feel. actually you should THANK replay for making demos like this one. if you won't, you'll be punished by forcing you to watch tAAt demos all the time.

fuck, there is so much hidden beauty in this world, but you are too scared to feel it.
rulez added on the 2001-11-23 17:23:10 by _beast_ _beast_
I wouldn't give a "rulez" for what I feel when I watch this demo. Why? Because the tune is so great, and the visuals are absolutely nothing compared to it. Really.

Everytime I see it I wonder how good it could've been if that was different.
added on the 2001-11-23 17:28:00 by ryg ryg
A nice trip and a GREAT tune..
rulez added on the 2001-12-03 13:38:47 by Sceez Sceez
radix is go(o)d.
added on the 2002-01-07 22:44:03 by gloom gloom
If I could mirror pouet.net
the demos i would then possess
would not be half as great
as those which I can get
from Replay, I bet.
rulez added on the 2002-01-11 18:19:36 by Hoëk Hoëk
why is this a coup de coeur!?
added on the 2002-01-18 10:30:22 by superplek superplek
coup de coeur is some kind of "featured demo of the month" :)
added on the 2002-01-18 10:58:49 by ryg ryg
however, i doubt this demo features in many peoples top25 over favorite demos (atleast it doesn't rank that high in mine).

nice music though.
what i heard coup de cour should mean that its a good but not known demo.. usually on an nowadays odd platform..

this one is
1) NOT unknown
2) On windows

so yes.. please explain this thing ;))

ps. atleast we made it to coup de cour before replay :)
added on the 2002-01-18 12:11:33 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
a pouet's "coup de coeur" is a 100% Analogue's subjective choice of a demo, I think :)
added on the 2002-01-18 12:34:17 by elric elric
the music is really impressive but the effects are damn boring :\
added on the 2002-01-18 14:01:40 by PigPen PigPen
a coup de coeur is a choice based on heart's only. justifying something you cherish is rarely explainable..
added on the 2002-01-18 18:02:38 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Eh.. I still havent managed to view trogh this demo from the start to the end without falling asleep. Something more boring then this will you have to look hard for.
sucks added on the 2002-01-18 19:47:53 by gosub gosub
the flatshaded seasons scene isn't anywhere near smooth even on my 1500mhz. sucks.
sucks added on the 2002-01-18 20:36:07 by ector ector
As a technical piece, it doesn't have much to show.

Nevertheless, I think it deserves a thumbs up for the design and music alone.
rulez added on the 2002-01-18 21:09:39 by Wade^Hjb Wade^Hjb
Nice pseudominimalistic design... and very very cool music 8)_
rulez added on the 2002-01-18 21:17:16 by Zafio Zafio
i dont see whats wrong with this demo ... everytime i watch it i feel very happy... its cute and relaxing love love love :D
rulez added on the 2002-01-18 22:15:23 by stil stil
The music was great!!
And cool design.:)
I liked the demo.
rulez added on the 2002-01-19 14:42:53 by got got
sweet :)
rulez added on the 2002-01-19 15:16:53 by Kauto Kauto
rulez added on the 2002-01-19 19:49:12 by sang-soo sang-soo
I like it. I agree that it's not technically amazing, but there are some significant cool design choices (like other replay demos).
rulez added on the 2002-01-19 20:04:55 by bigcheese bigcheese
its the music that makes this demo good, im not too fond of the rest of it tho.
rulez added on the 2002-01-19 22:15:00 by a_lee_n a_lee_n
gosub: more boring? heh, look at sonnet by threestate :P
added on the 2002-01-19 22:17:24 by a_lee_n a_lee_n
I have absolutely no problem with replay and this production

Its minimalism in its cleanest form!
rulez added on the 2002-01-19 22:25:30 by bizken bizken
less is more. radix owns. :)
added on the 2002-01-19 22:33:33 by gloom gloom
decent visuals, awesome music.
added on the 2002-01-19 22:34:35 by sagacity sagacity
one of replay's highest moments.
rulez added on the 2002-01-20 00:12:22 by bhead bhead
the music is such a delight..
rulez added on the 2002-01-20 23:14:41 by seablue seablue
the music is awesome! but i didn't like the rest. although i'm not a coder, i noticed a lot of bugs and the framerate sucks (even on a 700mhz) so the code looks kinda awful.

as for the graphics, there's some interesting design concept in there, but everything is too weak in my opinion. anyway, still a nice demo.
added on the 2002-01-20 23:20:14 by zelkor zelkor
The music has been on my playlist ever since watching the demo. The effects aren't that amazing, but who cares? This is one excellent trip to dream of... and as such, it more than deserves the title "coup de coeur" (=heartstruck).
added on the 2002-01-21 00:26:27 by Vip Vip
low framerate? looks great on my P2-450...
rulez added on the 2002-01-21 01:57:15 by lai lai
Bah... I didn't even watch the entire demo. VERY boring. And what's so great about the music? It's boring too, and the words are corny to the max.
sucks added on the 2002-01-21 06:49:17 by sea_monkey sea_monkey
i get a totally whack framerate on my p2-400.. and i do understand why.. but still the visuals do not justify the cpu requirement ;)
added on the 2002-01-21 12:34:14 by superplek superplek
The visuals aren't excactly mindboggling, even for 1999, but the music is brilliant.
added on the 2002-01-22 14:40:10 by Shifter Shifter
I LOVE this demo. its superb. especially the sweet poetry! radix r0x. replay r0x etc...
rulez added on the 2002-01-23 09:29:21 by ne7 ne7
its a shame theres only one thumb to give, this tune is so well polished,a really nice garage groove, but with ambients(atmospherics) instead of the usual jazzchords and/or distorted squarebasslines. Big up radix you are what makes this demo worth a look, and now that i have the mp3, why bother loading the demo....that about say it!!!

if i was to come up with any critics it would be the words. man what a P.O.S poetry, but when you hear the goove, it doesnt matter at all, so its really no critic :)

rulez added on the 2002-01-24 01:25:03 by NoahR NoahR
I like it! very cool tune! and much "loved-demo" making. I love this style (like Womans :P) Good work guys!
rulez added on the 2002-01-27 21:42:33 by pK pK
Nice demo with a decent soundtrack. One of the best Replay productions so far!
added on the 2002-01-29 01:21:04 by Crest Crest
i heard the music before somewhere and i like it. very nice effects as well, i like the coloured blob.
rulez added on the 2002-01-29 15:34:13 by distrex distrex
sweet and simple. yes up.
rulez added on the 2002-02-13 17:21:03 by Zzed Zzed
the disign leaves me speechless.
added on the 2002-02-17 19:46:17 by rac rac
This is a shining star among those great, emotional and minimalist demos ...
added on the 2002-03-24 22:29:02 by Wiss Wiss
this one makes me wanna vote thumb up and down on the the same. i like the music and i 'm a friend of minimalistic style. but the slow code and the not so nice design of some scenes aren't replay's greatest deeds.
added on the 2002-04-08 22:11:43 by cer cer
cute soundtrack. seems abit fast hacked.
sucks added on the 2002-05-08 06:55:11 by psenough psenough
damn, this demo is sweet. I usaly hate poems in demos, but this is really great. It's a shame they don't give credits to Kim Ault for the poem, though... (unless, ofcourse, he is one of them)
rulez added on the 2002-05-24 10:14:24 by kusma kusma
slow, ugly and boring demo with a truly awesome soundtrack
added on the 2002-06-30 12:10:23 by raymon raymon
thumbs for the music
rulez added on the 2002-06-30 12:17:26 by dairos dairos
clean and sweet
rulez added on the 2002-06-30 15:22:45 by diver diver
Great music. The graphics keep saying "Don't look at me. I'm boring. Full attention to the music, please."
rulez added on the 2002-08-04 11:51:13 by placer placer
WOOOOW!The music is one of the best I have ever heard. Is it really original from radix..? TOO great sound.. demo is ok.
rulez added on the 2002-08-12 22:00:12 by phred phred
WOOOOW!The music is one of the best I have ever heard. Is it really original from radix..? TOO great sound.. demo is ok.
added on the 2002-08-12 22:01:19 by phred phred
absolutely professional music for sure. rest of demo is rather ok than exciting (nice outline effect)
rulez added on the 2002-08-12 22:21:56 by jazzman jazzman
Technichally is pure crap, but it has such a nice tune :P
added on the 2002-09-01 18:21:44 by shash shash
I have seen other replay demos,
but not as good as this,
this just kicks, I realize...
(Cheap imitation of FEW poem;D)
rulez added on the 2002-09-05 12:06:21 by uns3en_ uns3en_
without the music i would thumb it down ;)
added on the 2002-09-05 12:32:54 by cp_ cp_
Its like...loved the music, looped it for days...lets see how the demo is :)
rulez added on the 2002-10-08 11:26:16 by funky_ funky_
Slow engine.
Good gfx.
Excellent music.
rulez added on the 2002-10-08 13:57:51 by kimi kardashian kimi kardashian
great music and athomsphere !
rulez added on the 2002-10-08 14:02:14 by dipswitch dipswitch
we love us... :) sweet prod indeed, another proof (imho..) that demos rise and fall with their soundtracks and this st is the most beautiful one I've ever heard in a demo! (2nd is "wekilldaenemy" by brothomstates)
replay rules, I just like their "naive" style. screw technology :)
rulez added on the 2002-12-02 20:49:03 by fli fli
very nice :)
rulez added on the 2002-12-21 22:50:25 by XteNt XteNt

If I could gather all
the prods that replay
ever made in one hand
the framerate I would then posses, would not be half as grand as that, that I can see when I flip pages in a book.

haha, you won a cracker for this one!

anyway, music is quite average catchy tune, technically ok but really doesnt stand out much.. nice listen still.

some scenes aint that bad at all. times it goes with music very well and then just drifts away again.. puzzling - was there a storyline or not?

added on the 2002-12-21 23:26:32 by raver raver
ahh.. it's so sweet... i'd buy them a beer if i saw them on the outside.. effects are primitive but the art design is good.. and the music makes me happy..
rulez added on the 2002-12-22 09:26:58 by dyscotopia dyscotopia
i'm in love with track by radix, i'm in love with demo design, i'm in love with FEW... i'm in love with REPLAY.
rulez added on the 2003-01-09 02:39:07 by kreestaj kreestaj
rulez added on the 2003-01-14 18:15:41 by Gargaj Gargaj
you may like it or not, but imho this is definitely the best love demo ever..

now up to you prefer counting the fps than falling in love :P
rulez added on the 2003-01-25 20:51:51 by florent florent
I should say that just for the music it really deserves the rulez that I didn't give to this one in the past
rulez added on the 2003-02-17 00:49:16 by shash shash
Perhaps the framerate is part of the oh-so-fine minimalism?

Radix music is so much greater than any other component of this demo.
added on the 2003-02-20 11:13:33 by hexxon hexxon
The demo it self isn't that great, although it's not bad. But the music really gives the demo some spirit. Radix really know how to make good music!
added on the 2003-04-01 19:51:48 by Dencrypt Dencrypt
I like the music
rulez added on the 2003-04-11 14:25:01 by Optimus Optimus
-> the music is amazing.
-> the overall mood of the demo is great too.

replay rooolz.
rulez added on the 2003-04-11 14:43:45 by alan alan
This is one of the best product from replay (in the mix is another favorite)... how much that means depends if you like their style at all...
added on the 2003-04-11 15:41:24 by thec thec
a lot better than that farb-rausch crap
added on the 2003-04-12 10:50:26 by donny donny
Ah fuck, Radix is just too good. It's a rulez ;)
rulez added on the 2003-04-14 10:43:47 by noid noid
What a terrible waste of a BRILLIANT soundtrack! I almost like the colours too, but where's the demo?
added on the 2003-07-25 16:07:47 by Pete Pete
I thought the demo was quite nice, but the tune rulez. Which is why I've listened to the tune recently, but not watched the demo for a good while...
rulez added on the 2003-07-25 16:34:20 by psonice psonice
At first I thought that "oh, this demo sucks but the tune rules", but the demo is great at creating the smooth and silent mood of the music, and mmm the colors.
rulez added on the 2003-08-12 16:15:32 by termos termos
Love it! Radix rules bigtime!
rulez added on the 2003-10-19 17:45:56 by prm prm
music is love!
rulez added on the 2003-11-02 13:04:23 by ruuvari ruuvari
nothing impressive codewise, but cute design and relaxing music
rulez added on the 2003-11-02 13:49:09 by Duckers Duckers
nice color combos.wonderfull track. too short:((
rulez added on the 2003-11-23 05:04:04 by relict relict
very nice design, excellent music from Radix. This cannot suck! :)
rulez added on the 2003-12-05 17:44:32 by timna timna
I like it. Really nice music and good design.
rulez added on the 2003-12-05 20:10:57 by wb wb
great one.
rulez added on the 2003-12-23 14:38:22 by cubon cubon
Man, I love this one! Thumbs up!
rulez added on the 2003-12-23 16:25:14 by raer raer
Cute. :)
As ATI-user I had to start it windowed.
rulez added on the 2004-02-10 04:54:38 by René Madenmann René Madenmann
rulez added on the 2004-08-05 01:14:30 by legalize legalize
The best definition ever for "wasted potential"... one of the best soundtracks ever joined with boring and simplistic visuals.
added on the 2004-10-23 18:48:10 by dixan dixan
rulez added on the 2004-12-03 22:40:25 by Frozzy Frozzy
i'll list the flaws:
- the replay logo made from cubes is unshaded and doesn't quite fit
- the background image in the credits is ugly
- there are two typos in it, but they might as well be intentional, who knows...

apart from this, FEW is PERFECT. i could watch it over and over again. thank you, replay.
rulez added on the 2005-04-12 09:52:01 by tcp tcp
and it runs in fullscreen without problems on my radeon
added on the 2005-04-12 09:52:49 by tcp tcp
rulez added on the 2005-04-12 10:12:13 by Preacher Preacher
this was very nice! and yes the music owns.
rulez added on the 2005-04-12 10:44:53 by chavez chavez
Okayish demo, but the music is absolutely beautiful... even if it was just playing on a black screen it would deserve a rulez.
rulez added on the 2005-05-08 20:15:25 by lester_chaykin lester_chaykin
Wow, someone ought to create a demo for this soundtrack! ;)
I like the effects though, so I'll thumb it up, though the visuals leaves a lot to be wanted.
rulez added on the 2005-05-21 13:35:14 by hornet hornet
Clean design + Beautiful Music.
rulez added on the 2005-05-28 19:49:16 by bdk bdk
rulez added on the 2005-07-24 09:23:14 by ninja ninja
Good style.
rulez added on the 2005-10-03 18:26:37 by ALiEN^bf ALiEN^bf
rulez added on the 2005-10-03 18:40:42 by Zest Zest
rulez added on the 2005-10-03 19:02:09 by anesthetic anesthetic
the typical clean Replay visuals
rulez added on the 2005-10-24 09:17:29 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
radix soundtrack hits my sweet spot again.
Lovely concept as well - gotta agree with hornet on some of the visuals..
but mmmmmmmmmmmmmm....... Radix............
rulez added on the 2005-11-29 02:52:35 by Gaia Gaia
rulez added on the 2005-12-11 11:51:59 by Blueberry Blueberry
I like it!
rulez added on the 2005-12-11 11:53:38 by neon_prannock neon_prannock
Fall equals boredom.
added on the 2005-12-11 11:56:26 by dixan dixan
hey, this is cool. :)
rulez added on the 2005-12-11 13:15:58 by kelsey kelsey
for radix!
rulez added on the 2005-12-11 13:21:03 by iks iks
Music is nice, rest is totally boring except for a very few parts. Nice design though.
added on the 2005-12-11 13:50:25 by StingRay StingRay
everything already said
rulez added on the 2006-03-06 23:20:23 by v3nom v3nom
rulez added on the 2006-03-06 23:21:50 by p01 p01
A bit slow, but nice design, and awesome moody music... equals... rulez.
rulez added on the 2006-09-03 17:28:23 by remageFrs remageFrs
rulez added on the 2006-09-18 15:47:57 by _xiod_ _xiod_
hmmm not my cup of tea
added on the 2007-02-03 00:10:28 by src src
oh so good
rulez added on the 2007-02-20 23:04:31 by thec thec
stingray's comment covers my thoughts exactly
added on the 2007-02-20 23:13:07 by el mal el mal
rulez added on the 2007-02-22 15:58:25 by rmeht rmeht
I heart replay :)
rulez added on the 2007-05-16 19:52:00 by ferris ferris
as most people already has confirmed, Radix is a damn nice musician!
rulez added on the 2007-07-24 07:31:56 by ekoli ekoli
runs damn smooth on my overclox0red Core2Duo, why is everyone claiming it's slow? ;)

Nah, seriously, gfx are not that great, but Radix' tune deserves the following gesture:
rulez added on the 2007-07-28 04:06:59 by kb_ kb_
great visuals but utterly boring music.
..or was it vice versa?
radix at his best.
rulez added on the 2007-08-16 18:33:45 by keith303 keith303
rulez added on the 2007-08-16 18:35:23 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc
music: Goose bumps, also called goose pimples, goose flesh, chill bumps, chicken skin, or the medical term cutis anserina, are the bumps on a person's skin at the base of body hairs which involuntarily develop when a person is cold or experiences strong emotions such as fear or awe.
rulez added on the 2007-08-16 18:48:53 by chromag chromag
rulez added on the 2008-01-18 19:18:24 by gentleman gentleman
If I could gather all the demos, and hold them in my hand... ;)
rulez added on the 2008-02-14 12:56:04 by Steltek Steltek
whisker please come back
rulez added on the 2008-02-14 13:15:54 by sq sq
whisker is busy with other stuff
added on the 2008-02-14 17:05:27 by hollowman hollowman
nice demotune. demo itself is okay, except that the X offset is somewhere at 75% of the width here :D looks strange...
rulez added on the 2008-05-09 23:15:27 by Saga Musix Saga Musix
rulez added on the 2008-05-29 23:18:32 by Maissi Maissi
Really love this demo.
Best track ever.....allways get my emotions going.
rulez added on the 2008-06-22 23:59:13 by tFt tFt
this is great, especially the music
added on the 2008-07-22 22:15:29 by thec thec
if my mind doesn't trick me, I think the lyrics were borrowed from some girl and no name/credit was given.
(I'm quite sure I once visited her web site)

i love the music but piggy because of the credits.
added on the 2009-02-03 23:32:14 by xyz xyz
What sagacity said + thumb.
rulez added on the 2009-02-03 23:34:24 by [self-ban] [self-ban]
and btw: it fails to run ("Unable to set video mode ; 640x400x32bpp") on my box.
added on the 2009-02-03 23:35:15 by xyz xyz
(which happens to be vista/32bit, GF8500GT, in case you wonder)
added on the 2009-02-03 23:45:14 by xyz xyz
What a tune!!!!!!
rulez added on the 2009-02-04 00:10:07 by Bobic Bobic
well, never nvidia cards drivers do not support resolutions below 640x480 under 2k and xp either, which plain sucks
anyway, you´ve just missed a mediocre replay demo
added on the 2009-02-08 02:26:20 by T$ T$
lyrics are great. =) demo is a pretty visual background, not to astonishing, which is good for the song. =)

If I could gather all the stars
and hold them in my hand,
the colors I would then possess
would not be half as grand
as those which I have seen when I
look deep into your eyes,
or come across when I have kissed
your lips I realize.

If I could ponder all the truths
men sought since time began,
they would not teach me more than if
I were to touch your hand.
For, truth, to one whom you have touched
appears as simple lies;
and nothing could be truer than
your touch, I realize.

If I were given lasting life,
As only God could do,
I shun it all and turn away,
if I could live with you.
For, even God has never known
the immeasurable size
of the love that is within
your heart, I realize.
(lobstregated from http://demoscene.stg7.net/lyrics/)
rulez added on the 2009-02-09 20:00:19 by MyOwn31 MyOwn31
I used to like it
but now it doesnt look appealing
nice music tho
rulez added on the 2009-02-09 20:07:57 by Speed Speed
rulez added on the 2009-02-09 20:27:05 by Serpent the Wise Serpent the Wise
For the music
rulez added on the 2009-02-09 20:36:38 by Joghurt Joghurt
what gargaj said
rulez added on the 2009-03-05 00:02:22 by xernobyl xernobyl
ok, so here's my thumb. Melissa Tan was her name ;)
rulez added on the 2009-07-24 01:34:26 by xyz xyz
sweet music, nice demo
rulez added on the 2009-09-05 21:51:23 by Ger Ger
rulez added on the 2010-01-08 13:11:38 by stijn stijn
couldn't run it on low res =\
but music is sure cool.
rulez added on the 2010-01-08 13:59:56 by panic panic
rulez added on the 2010-02-04 17:46:09 by Shriggar Shriggar
Lovely tune. The visuals are stylish but a bit meh.
Visuals rock, maybe a tad slow reveal, but the tune is average
rulez added on the 2010-07-04 22:46:18 by leGend leGend
god. beautiful. the poem turns a tad cheesy in the end. but whatever. this is one sweet demo.
rulez added on the 2010-07-05 01:41:30 by vibrator vibrator
whose voice is it anyway? mesmerizing.
added on the 2010-07-05 19:55:41 by vibrator vibrator
rulez added on the 2010-07-09 20:38:11 by Queen_Luna Queen_Luna
Replay at his best!
rulez added on the 2010-08-19 11:44:09 by rez rez
For the music! <3
rulez added on the 2010-08-19 12:39:29 by untel untel
dull demo, but a classic tune from radix <3
added on the 2010-11-20 02:00:04 by Alpha C Alpha C
knospend. i really like this stuff! again.
added on the 2010-11-20 04:16:07 by gentleman gentleman
rulez added on the 2010-12-16 23:25:02 by seρρjο seρρjο
how could i not vote this
rulez added on the 2011-09-23 08:00:57 by provod provod
Just love the music
rulez added on the 2011-09-23 08:33:35 by britelite britelite
rulez added on the 2011-09-23 09:36:57 by las las
lovely radix tune !
rulez added on the 2011-09-27 10:36:36 by anni anni
Visuals in this demo do absolutely nothing for me, but the music alone deserves a thumb. It would still be a thumb up even if the demo consisted of a black screen to Radix's tune, just so negligible everything else feels (most of the lyrics are in the track anyways). Then again, maybe it's how it's supposed to be for demos like this? I dunno.
rulez added on the 2011-10-14 22:52:33 by moozooh moozooh
Awesome tune by Radix, of course.
rulez added on the 2012-08-29 09:12:44 by Mystra Mystra
how on earth did i forget to thumb this?
rulez added on the 2013-04-04 22:44:05 by abductee abductee
rulez added on the 2013-04-04 22:57:48 by cupe cupe
I really like this one - the 'scene poetry' at the beginning is up to the usual standard of such things though... Kind of wish they'd left that part out (or at least not voiced it.)
Besides that, great flat-shaded aesthetic, nice design... And the chill tune by Radix is brilliant.
rulez added on the 2014-09-28 15:57:11 by jmph jmph
It deserves a thumb up, I realize.
rulez added on the 2014-09-28 16:56:42 by ham ham
Absolutely lovely in every way. Not a bit of a self-congratulatory coder proudly shifting tons of pixels in this demo. Just pure design.
rulez added on the 2014-10-11 13:04:00 by introspec introspec
I've never really been a fan of radix's music, but that damn thing works here like nothing else. Not the tippytop in replay's repertoire but solid as cement.
rulez added on the 2014-11-27 01:36:12 by noby noby
great tune, visualz were... improvable at times =)
rulez added on the 2014-11-27 03:36:54 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
Good ambience and super awesome music!
rulez added on the 2014-11-27 08:24:14 by Corial Corial
just discovered this one, really lovely
Forgotten thumb, mostly for the mega-music, but also some mellow designs.
rulez added on the 2015-03-01 11:23:16 by noname noname
rulez added on the 2015-08-29 00:03:14 by RufUsul RufUsul
Just remembered this one and the music is fucking sweet. Very moody demo.
rulez added on the 2016-09-03 18:01:41 by noah/3a noah/3a
superb style with nice nuskool stuff as usual. but what it makes just great is DAT BEAUTIFUL MUSIC! (radix - monster! :)

p.s. even works fine on my win8 laptop and screws up aspect in fullscreen for some reason on cel300a+gf2+win98 :\
rulez added on the 2017-04-03 13:01:21 by wbcbz7 wbcbz7
We were young and reckless, and we made some f*cking incredible music that echoes through the ages.
rulez added on the 2017-06-03 03:39:07 by bsp bsp
just discovered this one, really lovely
rulez added on the 2018-05-11 17:08:45 by Patu Patu
rulez added on the 2018-08-09 00:05:58 by name1856 name1856
That music, still...
added on the 2019-05-13 20:35:01 by noby noby
shocked I never thumbed this. one of my favourites of all time.
rulez added on the 2019-05-21 19:23:18 by mantratronic mantratronic
Simplistic visuals did the trick with the music.
rulez added on the 2019-08-03 18:35:23 by vdr vdr
It's odd to watch a demo when you've listened to the soundtrack so many times before in a completely different context. I still love that song. In addition some of the effects remind me of my own early coding endeavors - nostalgia all around.

Finally, I never thought I'd say this, but the last scrolltext was adorable.
rulez added on the 2020-03-24 21:48:37 by cce cce
rulez added on the 2020-06-07 09:44:34 by wrighter wrighter
nice one
rulez added on the 2021-07-02 21:29:31 by Blast! Blast!
this music is so adorable! btw interesting demo
rulez added on the 2022-10-16 05:12:33 by flair flair
Your modern graphics card probably gave up on 640x480 years ago so run this in windowed mode with the /w parameter.
rulez added on the 2022-12-30 03:24:07 by MagikGimp MagikGimp
That music, still...
rulez added on the 2023-04-12 15:34:22 by jeenio jeenio
Missing thumb should not have been missing.
Really lovely! Does anybody know a way to run it in fullscreen? That resolution (640x400) is a challenge on modern os. I tried the win-tool 'custom resolution utillity' but it didn't work out here.
rulez added on the 2023-04-15 03:28:51 by nightshft_ nightshft_
Love the style!
rulez added on the 2024-01-31 07:33:13 by Olympian Olympian
here comes the missing thumb!
rulez added on the 2024-09-19 22:02:37 by supah supah

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