V2 Synthesizer System by Farbrausch [web]
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popularity : 80% |
alltime top: #189 |
added on the 2004-12-28 17:46:39 by kb_ ![]() |
popularity helper
o fuck!
rulez added on the 2004-12-28 17:48:27 by ninja 

teh rulez!
ehm, how does it work? 8-)
ehm, how does it work? 8-)
Oh No!
the germans finally released the V2's!
Congrats kb ;)
And no, Farbrausch is not killing the scene. The scene already died long ago as we all know.
the germans finally released the V2's!
Congrats kb ;)
And no, Farbrausch is not killing the scene. The scene already died long ago as we all know.
And I even know how to use this thing \o/
The good thing is that from now on people who uses minifmod for their intros ( lazy bastards who hasn't made their own synthesizers ) can be able too use far better music for their crreations. And honestly, I don't see anything wrong in using this, alot of people uses Bass and Fmod. This is just a far better option for intros then minifmod!! :-)
A big thumb up!
The good thing is that from now on people who uses minifmod for their intros ( lazy bastards who hasn't made their own synthesizers ) can be able too use far better music for their crreations. And honestly, I don't see anything wrong in using this, alot of people uses Bass and Fmod. This is just a far better option for intros then minifmod!! :-)
A big thumb up!
wow ho ho
holy shit
bloody communists.. ruining the system! dont spread your tools!!!!
beating this thing was the strongest motivation to raise my coder skills.
and now i can use it. you've just ruined all my plans... ;E
and now i can use it. you've just ruined all my plans... ;E
Damnit, there goes the exclusivity for at least something related to Farbrausch tools :) Thanks for the new look Kebby, now V2 doesn't just sound good but also looks like it...
jesus christ, thank you, merry christmas and a happy new year 4everzzzz!!
Red Sector Musicmaker? :)
Good work Chaos/Sanity ehm Farbrausch :)
Good work Chaos/Sanity ehm Farbrausch :)
ruilez big time. This is the end of a myth. Now I have it in my sequencer just like another synth. But eh, this is THE awesome Viruz synth. (the bass sounds are crazy...)
ze germanz! ze germanz!
magic: isnt this made by kebby/fr not chaos ?
magic: kb made it, not chaos...
Even though i know little to nothing about soft synths i have to thumb this up.. because you know.. kb rules.
oh no, this is what i always wished for since fr released werkkzeug! thank you so much kb for releasing it! this gotta be my best (late) xmas present :D
(i'm drunk right now)
(i'm drunk right now)
what a wonderful xmas
holy <insert preferred>
i miss a "make music" button :)
Instead of releasing the tools, it would have been better to write tutorials for how to make tools of one's own. This would encourage learning and competition. By releasing their tools to the masses, Farbrausch put themselves above the scene and degrade demo sceners to consumers.
adok: ha-ha.
Adok: kb has written some stuff about synth-stuff :) . In your face. btw, the point of making a tool, is because you got some work to do, and you aint got a cool enough thingy to work with. And second; very few can use the tool as good as the creators.
Quisten: I know that he has written some, but he could have written more.
actually i think it's nice people release their tools, it makes the scene more open. i don't feel degraded either. i'll be happy to experiment with it a little.
mmm.. better, adok, leave the demoscene or shut up. nobody cares what you think.
Adok: V2 will be a great tool in the hands of lots of demoscene musicians. It will also again improve competition in the softsynth sector.
It's really cool FR has released it.
In other words: Go fuck yourself, stupid attention whore without the slightest connection to the scene we love and which you aren't part of.
It's really cool FR has released it.
In other words: Go fuck yourself, stupid attention whore without the slightest connection to the scene we love and which you aren't part of.
This is just great synth, I still try to make my own and this prod give me some ideas.
kb \o/
just to post my 2 cents... kb's tuts are a good base to start writing a synth and being able to play arround with his software gives man(and woman) a very good understanding how to finish it.
kudos/respekt/bukaroo to kb for releasing it.
+what scamp said without the Go fuck yourself...
...well.. ok include it too !
+what scamp said without the Go fuck yourself...
...well.. ok include it too !
Experience is obvious and shows here, it would take a long time and a lot of study to create something better than this :(
cool. nice & easy to use. The coolest thing is that a proper patch lib is included :)
"Farbrausch put themselves above the scene and degrade demo sceners to consumers."
Well umm DUH.
Well umm DUH.
very good, very good used in demo
After trying it on Logic Platinum 5.5 I must say that it's even better then I could possible imagine!
The only thing that can make it even better is that kb would release a OSX version so I can play with it on my portable aswell!
The only thing that can make it even better is that kb would release a OSX version so I can play with it on my portable aswell!
Thank you ! That really a christmas present for me. It as all I wanted, even this winamp dll. OLALA !!! My heart ;)

Instead of releasing the tools, it would have been better to write tutorials for how to make tools of one's own.
Redefining the stereotype of homosexuality with leaps and bounds. Thank you!
Tools like these will be nitpicked upon and will be improved upon. You ought to know that happens in demotool country.
finally, i fucking love farb-rausch
to compensate for the negative feedback so far (and not only for this reason): thumb up!
two thumbs down for starting yet another we-hate-adok-thread and three thumbs up for releasing this finally :)
Uhmm, well, yet another nice vsti freebee. :)
Yeah great now everyone has this oh no where is our vorsprung durch technik now
adok : film makers, animators, game developers... are using many software tools today... premiere, aftereffects,... are they consumers? NO!
tools have own boundaries - and imho one way of demoscener is get over boundaries (of hardware in old times,...)
tools have own boundaries - and imho one way of demoscener is get over boundaries (of hardware in old times,...)
hej hej.... =)
the king has arrived ;)
I just wet my pants :')
adok: sorry for the bad language in my previous post, I was drunk etc.
You still suck, though.
You still suck, though.
thanks mr. KB! =)
Probably I won't use this at all, but rules that they have released this one
you rule! thanks kb :D
And now 90% of the prods will have electro/aggressive soundtracks with a futurepop twist...Wait, they already do...
Well, at least they will sound good.
If this is out, I definitely can't wait to listen what the V3 is about :)
Well, at least they will sound good.
If this is out, I definitely can't wait to listen what the V3 is about :)
hahahahhahahahahha, you're such a damn moron adok! :)
And the cycle begins again.
Please be quiet Adok.
Seeing as I have no use for this I haven't made a comment on it, but making a thread on the BBS because Adok irked The Producers is seriously pathetic, especially with the stupid thread topping 100 replies.
If FR released information on how their tools were built it would be more of a benefit to the scene because it would further the technology, as is the case with almost any open source project you come across. Now having said that, if I am degraded by this tool it is of my own doing. Adok, you need to have more faith in other people. We have not seen a Werkzueg/Paja revolution and we probably won't see one. Enough with the flamebait people.
If FR released information on how their tools were built it would be more of a benefit to the scene because it would further the technology, as is the case with almost any open source project you come across. Now having said that, if I am degraded by this tool it is of my own doing. Adok, you need to have more faith in other people. We have not seen a Werkzueg/Paja revolution and we probably won't see one. Enough with the flamebait people.
Adok's got a nerve, actually kb already wrote a serie of 4 articles about how he constructed this synthesizer. And if i remember well his group mates have done some rather good seminars explaining the inner working of their tools, the rest you should be able to figure it out by yourself.
adok hat keine freunde.
farbrausch rockt!
farbrausch rockt!
Works great with cubase sx 2 here (no dialog error). Finally I get it with the program change, though at the beginning I could change it since vst instru parameters, program list ;p
I've tryed a bit the speech, I could copy/ past in the editbox ;) but the keyboard didn't worked. (unreal work with canditron, roger troutman would use your demotool ;P) Anyway I'm happy, and get the same feeling when I discovered the soundtracker. :)
I've tryed a bit the speech, I could copy/ past in the editbox ;) but the keyboard didn't worked. (unreal work with canditron, roger troutman would use your demotool ;P) Anyway I'm happy, and get the same feeling when I discovered the soundtracker. :)
so to translate adok's "points" to normal english: "kb you fucker, why dont you write articles in my mag instead of releasing stupid things like this?" ;)
Who needs diskmags when everyone can release stuff on the net? Poor Adok needs to make himself heard somehow i suppose ;)
StanZ: cubase does not pass the keypresses on to the plug, it rather tries to interpretate them itself =/ copy'n paste with an editor works, as you already pointed out.
btw, the crashes i encountered were gone after i disabled delaycompensation. now i can even turn it on again without any problems..
btw, the crashes i encountered were gone after i disabled delaycompensation. now i can even turn it on again without any problems..
now, the unbelievable thing has happend: about 10 minutes after i got v2 to work in renoise, the power supply of my machine decided to die, causing me to trash my old machine and transfer it's guts to another pc.. bad timing, because it was actually a few hours before new years eve. how's that for a feedback? =)
anyway, nice one.
anyway, nice one.
this is adorable for the sole fact that kebby would actually release it. You are redefining scene-elitism.
now, is ronan by any chance Ronan Scaife?
now, is ronan by any chance Ronan Scaife?
Thanks Kb, very cool GUI and awesome sound!
A lot has already been mentioned, but one little thing i really like hasn´t:
the phenomes "converter".. it saves a lot of time fiddling around with t2s making it sound the right way..
A overall very good production!
A lot has already been mentioned, but one little thing i really like hasn´t:
the phenomes "converter".. it saves a lot of time fiddling around with t2s making it sound the right way..
A overall very good production!
kb: Ronan Harris then? ;)
...of 'Victory not Vengeance', right?
nice stuff
It would be nice to get some songs for this beast too - like the Candytron track for example. :) I get all this working but I simply have no talent in composing. :)
Anyway this is one nice package! Keep it up!
Anyway this is one nice package! Keep it up!
I think the main reason for not including songs was that the thing basically works with any sequencer, each of them having their own formats - I guess KB just didnt want to bother writing songs in both Logic, Reason, Cubase, Buzz, Renoise, etc. ;)
gargaj, true .. but skilled hax0rs can also work with a .v2m. i guess. =)
skilled hax0rs can easily get the v2m from the intros themselves - like many of them did ;)
Gargaj: Reason does not support plugins. :-)
i wish i could give a second thumb up to kb for releasing this. really great work.
Argh !yeaaaah ! yeah ! objective noises !
I know, Ronan is Ronan Keating / Boyzone!!1 ;)
Gargaj, I'm not so skilled. :( And of course I was talking about V2M-songs in my first comment, not Logic/Cubase/FLStudio-projects.
Having to use program change event is a bit annoying during making experiments, but other than that this thing _really_rocks. :)
(it doesn't mean I'm quiting writing my own synth - this one game me some cool ideas) ;)
(it doesn't mean I'm quiting writing my own synth - this one game me some cool ideas) ;)
Great news ! <3
Just a (ugly & crap) test v2m file, for your own player...
Just a (ugly & crap) test v2m file, for your own player...
for your and for my rating :)
kb is god!:)
time for a lil revolution among cracktros and installtros :)
kb! kb! kb!
kb! kb! kb!
btw, can't the libv2 be ported to linux ?
btw, can't the libv2 be ported to linux ?
this is so uber1337! ;))
best fr release for a long time ;)
haven't had the chance to install it, but from looking at the screenshot and the interface i feel i can say it r0xx0rz ur butt...
very cool, thanks kb
haven't had the chance to install it, but from looking at the screenshot and the interface i feel i can say it r0xx0rz ur butt...
very cool, thanks kb
ok, now i had the time to play around
really cool stuff. even for non-fr members usable ;)
and you can do *very* dirty sounds. great stuff!
really cool stuff. even for non-fr members usable ;)
and you can do *very* dirty sounds. great stuff!
Killin a corpse is not a crime.
Thanks god 4 kb ;-)
thanks kb!
logic is, if 0=1 ?!?! :P
Don't think I have to give a motivation for this thumb.
awesome sound synthesis and a nice looking gui - what else could you dream of?
There is 3 parts to being a high-end scener:
1. Making impressive, first-of-a-kind or "definititely the best" productions.
This gets you into all peoples mind, can even become a demoscene superstar ;).
2. Some time after, if there were any very special tools or techniques, sharing them as articles, tutorials, irc'ing, party talk or even executable stuff.
Now your stuff can get universal enough.. just think about protracker, asm-one, for example ;) People start using your tools as a base for even more advanced and extrange results.
3. And then, you end up releasing source code, design notes for the demos, 20+ steps for a picture...
Now people can then directly reference your work as a sort of textbook for scene learning.
ok, finished my first tune with it.
16 instruments, full sound, rich spectrum, and only 3kb compressed. WOOOT!!
16 instruments, full sound, rich spectrum, and only 3kb compressed. WOOOT!!
great work, great implementation, great synthesizer!
i'd love some more documentation though (as you might have guessed).
i'd love some more documentation though (as you might have guessed).
documentation? :)
teh rule.
breathtaking O_O
KB is a living god !
KB is a living god !
im in love
ofcourse this rules, after hearing most of the farbraush 64ktros.. i'm just too late with the thumb :)
Kb! thanx for your V2 system! i realy like it!
i try to make some tones with you synt - hope you like it ) http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=18678&howmanycomments=-1
i try to make some tones with you synt - hope you like it ) http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=18678&howmanycomments=-1
Kb! thanx for your V2 system! i realy like it!
i try to make some tones with you synt - hope you like it ) exe music
i try to make some tones with you synt - hope you like it ) exe music
404 ;/
Link is broken, where is source code ?
Link is broken, where is source code ?
ohhh big thanks, i searched in network, but i has not found...
I must have been out of my mind when I thumbed this down. I apologize.
once you find out how to use it in cubase, it just rules. thanks to kb for releasing it!
well i'm not a musician and i suck at composing but this tool is one of the best machines for Buzz ever created. Very nice job kb!
i love it
little older but really great.... and kb, also worx fine with cubase4 at all
very impressive!
<3 sample support <3
- V2 rewls! :D
- V3 is mindblowing!!!
- V3 is mindblowing!!!
wheres V3??? eheheheheh?
Of course this lib rules - but I experienced some trouble with it under Windows Vista lately - anybody else out there who got problems as well?
Even the example won't run anymore :|
Even the example won't run anymore :|
slippy: yes I had probs as well with v2+Vista. more info here: http://nervedemosystem.blogspot.com/2007/05/vista-doesnt-like-v2.html
Request for sample support: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=15073 (now can we please, PLEASE go on?)
This looks good, VST plug-in but didn't work on Madtracker2... -.-'
Obviously, the vertical upwards pointing appendage. I recently looked into this - did I miss something, no sync functions? Thanks for the cool print function in the sample code too.
It's take a hour to post one message here - hate stupid registration !
I extremely need help !
This cool thing don't work on Win98 SE Rus .
While loading - it output message box with
head: Farbrausch V2 VSTi
and message: Couldn't load v2edit.dle
But in Filemon.exe I see what file 'v2edit.dle' was open and then close .
On WinXP it's fully working .
I think that file can't be open because incompatibility in system library
- can anybody fix it ?!
The way to fix may be to merge 'farbrausch V2.dll' and 'v2edit.dle' , and load them as one file .
By the way you can download my V2 music here:
Did you try to run it with DOS 5 as well ? Win98 might be too recent to run V2.
Also, way to ask help to the author by giving his tool a thumb down. You need help indeed, but not the one you think...
Also, way to ask help to the author by giving his tool a thumb down. You need help indeed, but not the one you think...
sry but requesting help and putting some thumb downwards is so 90s... for compensation
Ohnoes it doesn't work on my AmigaOS either :( + What Mad said...
I need help to port this tool on the Amstrad CPC ! Anyone ? :)
Angry and useless speech .
The Bug is exist and it must be removed .
The Bug is exist and it must be removed .
lol Grimmy :))
thx Kb, great tool.
Gargday: you hax0rz
Gargday: you hax0rz
really nice
Seizing the opportunity that brings out the new version to thumb this up and say "thank you" to all the people involved in it.
well, great synth :)
Also, way to ask help to the author by giving his tool a thumb down.
Maybe he just wanted to cancel out kb's masturbatory cdc. =)
gr8, kb released since a few weeks the next version of the synth. im so glad to found it on buzzmachines.com! here on pouet is only version 1,0, but here you can get the newest version. http://www.buzzmachines.com/machineinfo.php?id=926 cool, a converter for the files is now in the package, too. the problems of the old version should be fixed. hope there are no preset problems with vst in cubase.
kb, you're great, i can't wait to check this new version. -->dAnKe<--, greetz & beatz, anvil
kb, you're great, i can't wait to check this new version. -->dAnKe<--, greetz & beatz, anvil
Nice VSTi with great sound (although it's difficult to make punchy drums with it.)
Voice Synthesizer \o/ (completely crappy, but that's why i love it.)
Voice Synthesizer \o/ (completely crappy, but that's why i love it.)
The way to run it under Win9x :
Just copy 'GdiPlus.dll' from WinXP , and put it in Win9x system directory .
Thanks to kb for good plugin !
PS: fuck 2 always smiling idiots
The collection of *.v2m files : "v2m collector v0.1"
(740 kb)
If you have something to add to this archive - send it to me .
hey rnR T.A.D. 2oo7, i like your collection of *.v2m files! some tracks like edward's no limits make me laugh, and some tracks are great like kb's huge ouverture!
ein muss für jeden farbrausch fan :-)
ein muss für jeden farbrausch fan :-)
v2 Squeezer (inside this arhive) :
(46 kb)
Now you can normally work with v2 v1.5 using 1024x768 screen resolution .
This is the new system for do some 64k intro musics!
Btw, I think I have more fun using a program such as Noisetrekkr or Protrekkr for do 64k intro music. But this product deserves a thumb up!
Btw, I think I have more fun using a program such as Noisetrekkr or Protrekkr for do 64k intro music. But this product deserves a thumb up!
soda: welcome in 2k4!!!1
rnR T.A.D. 2oo7: Now is there still some way for you to vote this up?
Well, nevermind... I'll do it for you.
Well, nevermind... I'll do it for you.
vsti requires too big resolution. Everything should work fine with 1280x800 these days, since it has become one of the most common resolutions.
Thanks !
Great work here by KB!!
Of course this is a great work.
Very good synth with fantastic features and sexy robot voices!
Very good synth with fantastic features and sexy robot voices!
hello, this is a most excellent but quirky synth to use, i just managed to compile an exe version of my very first fumblings with the synth :D
mop the deck
Great synth, although I was using v2.1.0 for the entire time didn't realise a 2.1.5 was out until today... :S
mop the deck
Great synth, although I was using v2.1.0 for the entire time didn't realise a 2.1.5 was out until today... :S
A marvelous piece of both skill and creativity. Had countless hours of fun with it. Won some parties, too. Now it's the only thing i've been missing since moving to Mac. TH, you're my hero.
PS. If it gets ported to Intel Mac (it's easy as hell, actually), the world can become an ultimately pleasant place to live in.
PS. If it gets ported to Intel Mac (it's easy as hell, actually), the world can become an ultimately pleasant place to live in.
v2m collector v0.2 : +57 new module's (282 totally)
http://sky-killers.narod.ru/load/v2m_collector.7z (925 kb)
v2.flp : for people who will use 'Fruity Loops' (FL studio) as VSTi host to write v2m music
http://sky-killers.narod.ru/FLP/v2_flp.7z (4 kb)
how could i forget?!
Very powerful tool. Great.
I have problem with V2Lib on vista 64, VS pro 2005 and DirectX 9 SDK (april 2009). My app crashes just after ssInit() function.
Hello Music Friends & Sceners,
while the Oldie but Goldie "Scene" Synth Farbrausch V2 celebrates the 5.th Aniversary, I've decided to make a complete Soundset. There are various Sounds for all kinds of Electronica Music. But it's dedicated to Trance Music, it's a strenght of this synth toy from KB. Some possibilities & Sound examples are on the File "The Ultimate Farbrausch V2 - Anvil Sounddemo.v2m". Extract the low-weight 15,6 kb, and Enyoy 31:03 Min. of Single Sounds (until 26:30) & Music Arrangements (until 31:03) in the Mix. You have only to Play them in "Winampv2.91.incl.skins.&.v2m.import.7z". Or try the huge Sound Collection "Winamp.v2m_collector.7z".
And of course, listen to my Song "DJ Anvil - Braindead (V2M Version).v2m", if you want. The most impressive thing is the small filesize (close to midi-files), but it's really synthetic music. Not a cheap "Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth".
You can use all Sounds in your Productions (MP3 Songs/Demos/Intros etc.) for Free. I would glad to hear them anywhere.
Just want to thank God for his love & help, on creating this Patches :-) Was hard, but Fun work. And if you doesn't like the Skin, than try my Apperience.
To extract .7z you need 7-Zip or Win Rar.
Greetz & Beatz
DJ Anvil (=Tranceporter/DJ Looper)
Keep the Scene Spirit alive ;-) I'm just a FR Fan & Consumer, not a programmer. So i can't make a musicdisc, sorry. But hope you like all stuff.
Have a nice X-Mas.
while the Oldie but Goldie "Scene" Synth Farbrausch V2 celebrates the 5.th Aniversary, I've decided to make a complete Soundset. There are various Sounds for all kinds of Electronica Music. But it's dedicated to Trance Music, it's a strenght of this synth toy from KB. Some possibilities & Sound examples are on the File "The Ultimate Farbrausch V2 - Anvil Sounddemo.v2m". Extract the low-weight 15,6 kb, and Enyoy 31:03 Min. of Single Sounds (until 26:30) & Music Arrangements (until 31:03) in the Mix. You have only to Play them in "Winampv2.91.incl.skins.&.v2m.import.7z". Or try the huge Sound Collection "Winamp.v2m_collector.7z".
And of course, listen to my Song "DJ Anvil - Braindead (V2M Version).v2m", if you want. The most impressive thing is the small filesize (close to midi-files), but it's really synthetic music. Not a cheap "Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth".
You can use all Sounds in your Productions (MP3 Songs/Demos/Intros etc.) for Free. I would glad to hear them anywhere.
Just want to thank God for his love & help, on creating this Patches :-) Was hard, but Fun work. And if you doesn't like the Skin, than try my Apperience.
To extract .7z you need 7-Zip or Win Rar.
Greetz & Beatz
DJ Anvil (=Tranceporter/DJ Looper)
Keep the Scene Spirit alive ;-) I'm just a FR Fan & Consumer, not a programmer. So i can't make a musicdisc, sorry. But hope you like all stuff.
Have a nice X-Mas.
so, here is the short link, or delete all spaces on above url!
oh, yeah kb ;-) We're all getting older. But you put the szene in my oppinion really to a higher level. really great tunes. And i think the newcommers can put into the right direction of some leading & legendary Groups like Farbrausch/ASD/Razor1911/Fairlight etc.
Keep up that Level :-) Love to consume this kind of art.
Keep up that Level :-) Love to consume this kind of art.
forgotten thumb...)
Great. Yeah. Whole group is bought by EA. :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Speaking about M$ Synth, v2 could be an awesome alternative for software MIDI synthesis. Of only someone would create GM or XG-compatible instument table set and write it as WDM virtual device driver...
tried with orion, got one (1) sound of it. I suck
Thank you so much! Several years later, it still sounds good, many intros still use it. And it compacts very well!
Also, this is a perfect tool, because its limitations make me want get my own synth. :)
Also, this is a perfect tool, because its limitations make me want get my own synth. :)
Mandatory thumb
umm hth do i use this plz email me diegercvb@yahoo.com
Mandatory thumb.
Speaking about M$ Synth, v2 could be an awesome alternative for software MIDI synthesis. Of only someone would create GM or XG-compatible instument table set and write it as WDM virtual device driver...
Someone did: http://www.mudlord.info/crap/audio/vstmididrv.exe
That said, mandatory thumb!
Also for the people: REAPER bankfile for MIDI program automation.
Yeees, Farbrausch V2 VSTi- Anvil Sounddemo II got now 20218 Views in 10 Month ;) Have a look: http://soundcloud.com/trance/farbrausch-v2-vsti-anvil
and s.t.i.l.l. products are coded with this awesome scene synth. if i could i would give a cdc, too ;)
and s.t.i.l.l. products are coded with this awesome scene synth. if i could i would give a cdc, too ;)
Hard to use at first sight, but i'm finally proud of what i've produced with that plugin !
Amazing synth. Perfect for both those analogue and digital sounds. Pretty much amazing if you know how to use it. Still, I don't think anyone used it to its fullest potential.
Great platform\format for music.
This is one of the most amazing piece of software ever.
For the music it makes.
Now ported to foobar2000.
Now ported to foobar2000.
Works great Mudlord! :)
winamp plugin or its a lie!
Ten years after I first used it I came back to say: Awesome job!
V2M is still impressive after all these years.
here are some tracks you can play on the web.
here are some tracks you can play on the web.
Yooooo I only realized this was used in R1911's demos
speaking of, does anyone know of an "easy" way (not including hacking the player routine yourself) to mute voices during playback? (for let's say recording each voice separately)
speaking of, does anyone know of an "easy" way (not including hacking the player routine yourself) to mute voices during playback? (for let's say recording each voice separately)
Nice synthesizer, just got to it. I have already recorded a *.V2M file, but why is it all cracking and most of the instruments have disappeared somewhere?.. Until I fix this, I will use it exclusively as a regular synth for WAVE files...
Something incomprehensible is happening. I seem to have figured it out with a bang, but individual channels are screaming TERRIBLY (overdrive), and the drum patches on channels 10 and 11 do not sound. I'll poke him further... I'll try to raise the volume of the drums... and lower the volume of the other instruments...
The pad is screaming TERRIBLY on the 12-13 MIDI channel, my ears are already warming from this screaming. But after another improvement, the drums began to sound and the remaining channels became silent, TRUE, the volume count on MIDI automation in the sequencer already goes to single values (from 1 to 4)
Well, after three days of torment with this German unit, I have identified the main principles of correct work with it:
- In Cubase 12 Pro it is most convenient and easiest to work with
- It is TERRIBLY tied to MIDI, it took a day to just automate and correct it!!
- Velocity and volume of all melodic channels, except for channels with drums/percussion and vocals/speech, should have minimum values, otherwise overdrive with “mess” in the finished V2M file is highly likely.
- Channels with drums/percussion must have maximum velocity/volume levels (127 units in Cubase)
- It was not possible to adjust the speech rate of the formant module to the tempo of the project; it remained “in my mind”
- The synthesizer itself has NO limitation on the duration of recording V2M files, so strictly follow the end time of recording the project, otherwise it will just write to you, write and write...
- Cycle\repeat project before recording V2M file DISABLE!!!
- In Cubase 12 Pro it is most convenient and easiest to work with
- It is TERRIBLY tied to MIDI, it took a day to just automate and correct it!!
- Velocity and volume of all melodic channels, except for channels with drums/percussion and vocals/speech, should have minimum values, otherwise overdrive with “mess” in the finished V2M file is highly likely.
- Channels with drums/percussion must have maximum velocity/volume levels (127 units in Cubase)
- It was not possible to adjust the speech rate of the formant module to the tempo of the project; it remained “in my mind”
- The synthesizer itself has NO limitation on the duration of recording V2M files, so strictly follow the end time of recording the project, otherwise it will just write to you, write and write...
- Cycle\repeat project before recording V2M file DISABLE!!!
Nice synthesizer, just got to it
you got some serious necro-synthesizing going on here - but I respect it! going for a 64k intro by any chance? :)
Very good tool. I added this plugin to Jeskola Buzz Tracker, but I click any key on keyboard and quiet. Are you looking this?
Revolutionized the audio in intros. Not much more to say.
What Sesse said! This synth (and the corresponding writeup) were super influential and inspiring. Thanks for this!
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