acidbeat information 19 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Javier
- last name: Arredondo
contributions to prods 12 prods (188 thumbs up, 8 thumbs down) [show all]
- 2020 demo JavaScript F*MMXX [2d, 3d]
- 2004 liveact Animation/Video Nork & 3Pixels Live at BCNParty'100 by Threepixels [web] & Network [web] [Visuals]
- 2003 demo invitation Windows BCN11 INVDEMO by ThePetsMode [web] [music]
- 2002 demo Windows Cuatro by Threepixels [web] [Graphics (design), Music]
- 2001 demo Windows Nature v2.0 by Threepixels [web] [Music]
- 2001 demo Windows Black Matters by Threepixels [web] [Graphics (3d modelling, design, graphics), Music]
- 2000 demo Windows Mankind Kolors by Fuzzion [web] [Music]
- 2000 demo Windows In my mind by Fuzzion [web] [Graphics, Music]
- 2000 64k MS-Dos da cube 1.5 by Fuzzion [web] [Music]
- 2000 64k MS-Dos Hollow by dSK! [web] [Graphics (design), Music]
groups added 1 glöps [show]
oneliners posted 1 oneliners [show]
bbs topics opened 1 topics [show]
bbs posts 3 posts [show]
account created on the 2000-08-23 10:10:42