goto80 information 2 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
bbs topics opened 7 topics
- Enterprise 64/128: Any music suggestions? (general)
- Ԍοτо8Օ - Ϝіlеѕ іn Ѕρаcȩ̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̡̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̢̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̧̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̝̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̝̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̝̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̟̫̫̫̫ (music)
- goto80 & a band plays a musical. and PETSCIIIII!!ii!"!II!I!! (music)
- A new future for chip music? (music)
- new CHIP DUB / SKWEEE release (music)
- TEXT-MODE (gfx)
- DATA JAMMING! C64-tracker, PETSCII, ANSI, etc. (offtopic)
account created on the 2010-03-10 17:50:14