sigflup information 321 glöps
bbs topics opened 115 topics
- Demoish wallpaper? (general)
- Stair Dismount (general)
- DOS-ember (general)
- flipcode (general)
- Neo Geo (general)
- worst demo, not BITS? (general)
- slap-bass (music)
- Teaching assembly (code)
- thanks! (general)
- Peru (general)
- midi clocks in a bar (code)
- art in the family? (general)
- blast processing (general)
- 303 + 808 + javascript? Whaaaa?!?! (general)
- girlfriendtro. (general)
- emscripten + SDL audio? (code)
- Any Peruvian demosceners out there? (general)
- some old intro i did (offtopic)
- SDCC (code)
- Moar carts! (mega drive, day trip) (offtopic)
- javascript flush (code)
- tiling algorithm (code)
- help me plz (residue)
- Atari st music wanted (music)
- permanently unfinished (general)
- ChaosTracker! (music)
- Turns out a need a megadrive (offtopic)
- Show us your workplace!!! (offtopic)
- Day Trip Cart List (general)
- vectors not facing one another. (code)
- all you sega nerdz, a word of caution. (general)
- 68000 vs halting (general)
- android emulator vs opengles 2 (code)
- tiny usable keyboard, scene query (offtopic)
- blob bounding box (code)
- wind walking pixel art (gfx)
- anyone in the 'states want my tr-727? (residue)
- short of a new recorder (residue)
- artpack exe? (gfx)
- Speech Synth Filters... (code)
- gource your favorite repos!! (code)
- mesa's gl2.h and your mother. (general)
- NVIDIA JETSON TK1 (general)
- can't get my tr707 to source midi notes (music)
- user icons (offtopic)
- orderly logo thread (gfx)
- Dearest lazy-pouet, projection matrix and w (code)
- 0's at the beginning and end of an mp3 (code)
- Can I be a member of the bits club now? (residue)
- tapes, song on one side data on the other. name? (offtopic)
account created on the 2009-05-07 21:49:46