Menthos information 163 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Magnus
- last name: Andersson
screenshots added 24 glöps
- intro Amiga OCS/ECS A Little Blue by Nukleus [web]
- 64k Amiga OCS/ECS Votebastards by Nukleus [web]
- intro Amiga OCS/ECS Polycows by Nukleus [web]
- intro Amiga OCS/ECS BBQ 4 Ever by Nukleus [web]
- intro Amiga OCS/ECS Biohazard by Nukleus [web]
- 32k Amiga OCS/ECS Meanwhile (in northern Sweden) by Nukleus [web]
- 32k Amiga OCS/ECS Mamma Mia! by Nukleus [web]
- 32k Amiga OCS/ECS Thanktro vS8 by Nukleus [web]
- 16k intro Amiga OCS/ECS Stick men, dance! by Nukleus [web]
- 32k intro Amiga OCS/ECS Cubeleus by Nukleus [web]
- diskmag Amiga OCS/ECS Versus #7 by Nukleus [web] & void
- intro Amiga OCS/ECS High Coast Hack 2016 X-Mas Greetings by Nukleus [web] & Fat Cat With A Top Hat & Grovdata [web]
- intro Raspberry Pi Julkort by Bure Boys
- demo Amiga OCS/ECS You Must Obey by Nukleus [web]
- intro Amiga OCS/ECS Boing ball by Nukleus [web]
- intro Amiga OCS/ECS Bullshit by Nukleus [web]
- intro Amiga OCS/ECS Boring ball by Nukleus [web]
- 32k Atari ST Team Vulk by Vulkteamet [web]
- 32k Amiga OCS/ECS Retro (at Hackerence Summer Party 2013) by Nukleus [web]
- invitation Amiga OCS/ECS Hackerence Summer Party 2013 by Nukleus [web] & Fat Cat With A Top Hat
- diskmag Amiga PPC/RTG Versus #6 AmigaOS 4 by Nukleus [web] & void
- demo Amiga PPC/RTG Stars of Nukleus by Nukleus [web]
- musicdisk Amiga PPC/RTG Nukleus wears Prada feat. SAFIR by Nukleus [web]
- diskmag intro Amiga PPC/RTG Cows n Bubbles feat Versus 4 by Nukleus [web]
account created on the 2006-08-17 13:30:02