B00MER information 5 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Jared
- last name: B
- bbstro MS-Dos Theater of Pain BBS
- Apologizes for this hot mess of a so called BBStro release!!! I barely even remember it...
Early 92-19 for me at ~11 years old was a terrible discovery age for me. Obsessing over UltraForce, FC, Triton, ACiD, etc. mix with no clue how to code much less compose a listenable .mod track that I had actually tried learning + wrapped with no sense of design... other than theDraw, and DP2e. One random BBS sleuthing day, stumble on THG FX-Demo maker. This the should be deleted release spectacle of lameness. - sucksadded on the 2022-11-18 19:23:51
account created on the 2015-04-22 08:59:27