immortal rat information 15 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Demeter
- last name: Lorant
contributions to prods 16 prods (288 thumbs up, 14 thumbs down)
- 2018 demo Windows Volna by The Adjective [gfx, 3d]
- 2017 demo Windows Mégse. by The Adjective [Graphics, direction, compositing]
- 2017 wild Animation/Video Nightmare Fuel by Greenroom [animation, direction, sound design]
- 2016 demo Windows Sosincs Vége by The Adjective [Graphics]
- 2015 demo Windows Elégtelen by The Adjective [Graphics]
- 2015 wild Wild End of the Line by Greenroom [visuals, sound]
- 2014 wild Wild Regeneration by Greenroom [animation]
- 2014 demo Windows Háromnegyed Tíz by The Adjective [Graphics, direction]
- 2013 wild Wild Touch Me by Greenroom [Visuals]
- 2012 wild Animation/Video nostalgia V1 by Immortal Rat [Visuals]
- 2004 demo Windows Piros (w32) by Immortal Rat [Animation, sounds]
- 2000 64k Windows single by fresh!mindworkz [web] [Graphics]
- 2000 64k MS-Dos/gus 7 minutes by Aromatherapy [Graphics]
- 1999 demo Linux Windows Alpha by Astral [web] [Textures]
- 1998 demo MS-Dos Slipshod by Profuse [artwork]
- 1997 demo MS-Dos Piros by Immortal Rat [Animation, sounds]
account created on the 2014-10-06 08:54:54