blkpanther information 48633 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Black
- last name: Panther
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: State of the Art by Spaceballs [web]
- cdc #2: 9 Fingers by Spaceballs [web]
- cdc #3: Hardwired by Crionics & The Silents [web]
- cdc #4: fr-08: .the .product by Farbrausch [web]
- cdc #5: Flashback by Interpol
- cdc #6: Populous II by vision factory
- invitation Windows SX-Lan3 invitro by Razor 1911 [web]
- WOW suplerplek makes some kind of comments to our stuff...not just flaming. amazing. i thought u was one of the wannabees...looks as u begin to grow up.
- isokadded on the 2002-10-10 20:29:24
- invitation Windows SX-Lan3 invitro by Razor 1911 [web]
- >seemed like a decent enough invtro to me? People just seem to dislike razor...
haha right...look at all the crap those users release (if ever they do). its like...ohhh damn lets flame rzr1911 that gives us respect....ur nothing. if u cant creticize like a normal person who DOES cares about demosscene then u better should not post here. else flame us!
- isokadded on the 2002-10-10 20:03:41
- invitation Windows SX-Lan3 invitro by Razor 1911 [web]
- ok this isnt really an invitro cuz the game-party (yeyyea i know games sux) was last weekend. anyway it have some realy nice effects for a 64k invitro...tnx alot stv. and also tnx alot blz for the nice msx which fited very well. unfortunatly we couldnt play the music on the big screen cuz the sound-system didnt worked the way it should.
- isokadded on the 2002-10-10 18:11:02
- musicdisk Windows razor 1911 chipdisc2 by Razor 1911 [web]
- >did you rip the animated window effect from SiGMan/iO UpG ??
no i didnt rip anything. who do u think we are? can u provide an url or something to this stuff? i wanna check myselfe.
tnx - isokadded on the 2002-10-03 20:02:10
- musicdisk Windows Razor 1911 Chipdisk1 by Razor 1911 [web]
- oh welll looks as most ppl who post negative stuff can only repeat eachother (gues blaming someone is more leet).
sure rebel-disk is very good and yes maybe the songs are better in one or the other way.....all i can say is TASTE!
if you dont think this is as good as rebeldisk then you dont have to say it sux either cuz it doesnt in my eyes.
sure im from razor and i did the codeing behind this i wont talk how great the code is and stuff (well maybe dubmood shouldnt talk also)....anyway decide urselfe.
But i c alot of kiddy behavior in here which is just stupid. a bit more constructive cretic is welcome.
...what has the scene bcome if we put so much time in blaming eachother...
(sorry for my bad english...yea i sux ;) - rulezadded on the 2002-04-09 21:56:23
account created on the 2002-04-08 01:28:16