___ information 674 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: +H2K by Plush [web]
- cdc #2: Metropolice by Ghostown & Rave Network Overscan [web]
- cdc #3: Talk Talk 2 - The Church of Excellence in Art by Excellence In Art [web]
bbs posts 1391 posts
- NVScene 2015 (parties)
- NVScene 2015 (parties)
- Outline 2015 - May 14th - 17th - Willemsoord, The Netherlands (parties)
- DOSBox fork for retrocoding and emulation accuracy (general)
- DOSBox fork for retrocoding and emulation accuracy (general)
- Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany (parties)
- cga graphics (gfx)
- Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany (parties)
- Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany (parties)
- Outline 2015 - May 14th - 17th - Willemsoord, The Netherlands (parties)
- Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany (parties)
- Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany (parties)
- cga graphics (gfx)
- Outline 2015 - May 14th - 17th - Willemsoord, The Netherlands (parties)
- Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany (parties)
- Nordlicht 2015 Demoparty: 19.06 - 21.06.2015 | Bremen, Germany (general)
- Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany (parties)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Random line of code thread (code)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Red Sector Demo Maker is now FREE! (general)
- Not really a fun subject : ideas welcome (general)
- Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany (parties)
- My e-mail addresses and websites are down for a while! (general)
- new C64c cases manufactured with the _original_ mold - kickstarter (general)
- new C64c cases manufactured with the _original_ mold - kickstarter (general)
- Unreal 4 engine now free (code)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Famous 3 voice chips (general)
- Famous 3 voice chips (general)
- The Lasered Store Arbitrary February Giveaway (offtopic)
- What InTeRnEt laws have changed to your online habits? (residue)
- Who will change the scene forever by coding using this? (code)
- Outline 2015 - May 14th - 17th - Willemsoord, The Netherlands (parties)
- Live Coding Compo Framework (code)
- Pouet screenshot size (general)
- Announcing The Meteoriks - A new demoscene award (general)
- Announcing The Meteoriks - A new demoscene award (general)
- Announcing The Meteoriks - A new demoscene award (general)
- Does the demoscene lack of coders? graphic artists? or musicians? (general)
- Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany (parties)
- Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany (parties)
- Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany (parties)
- c64clicker.com (general)
- Happy 30th Anniversary Red Sector Inc. ! (general)
- c64clicker.com (general)
- Wanted! - A human resource hub for demomaking. (general)
- What would make the best demo? (residue)
- What would make the best demo? (residue)
- pouet 2.0 bugs me beautifull (general)
account created on the 2007-01-26 19:07:55